TM RULEBOOK 3300_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd00_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd 1 110/12/100/12/10 22:01:01 PPMM GAME COMPONENTS 1 “Start” Dungeon Tile 40 interlocking Dungeon Tiles 5 Hero Figures (Blue) 7 Villain Figures 30 Monster Figures 5 Hero Cards TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Villain Cards 1 die INTRODUCTION 3200 Cards: GAME OVERVIEW 3· 5 Sequence of Play Cards · 33 Treasure Cards WINNING THE GAME 3 · 50 Power Cards · 5 Adventure Cards Game Setup 3 · 53 Encounter Cards · 14 Chamber Cards To Start Playing 4 Taking Turns 5· 4 Adventure Encounter Cards · 6 Boon Cards The Dungeon Tile Stack 5· 30 Monster Cards PLAYER SETUP 610 Condition Tokens 7 Monster Tokens THE HERO CARD 633 Treasure Tokens 1 Wizard Eye Token PLAYER TURN 63 Mirror Image Tokens 3 Flaming Sphere Tokens Hero Phase 6 1 Cleric’s Shield Token 5 Blade Barrier Tokens Exploration Phase 7 3 Caltrop Tokens 5 Villager Tokens Villain Phase 7 1 Gear Token 5 Healing Surge Tokens MOVEMENT 7 CONDITIONS 85 Time Tokens 9 Encounter Markers ATTACKS 88 Closed Door Tokens 10 Shield Markers Daily Powers 81 Adventure Marker 1 Item Marker At-Will Powers 81 Vast Gate Marker 1 Rulebook Utility Powers 8 1 Adventure Book COMBAT 9 Targeting 9 AC and HP 9 Attack Bonus 9CREDITS Making an Attack 9Design Peter Lee Damage 9Development, Additional Design Bill Slavicsek Defeating Monsters 10 Editing Jennifer Clarke Wilkes Defeating Heroes 10 Adventure System Design Bill Slavicsek, Mike Mearls, Peter Lee Healing Surges 10 D&D Senior Creative Art Director Jon Schindehette Other Actions 10 Art Director Mari Kolkowsky THE MONSTER DECK 11 Cover Illustration Jesper Ejsing THE ENCOUNTER DECK 12 THE TREASURE DECK 13 Graphic Designer Keven Smith EXPERIENCE POINTS 14 Additional Graphic Design Emi Tanji Canceling Encounter Cards 14 Dungeon Tiles Jason A. Engle Leveling Up 14 Prepress Manager Jeff erson Dunlap RULES FOR LATER ADVENTURES 14 Imaging Technician Sven Bolen Choosing Power Cards 14 Production Manager Raini Applin Rosta Making Adventures More or Less Challenging 14 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, Wrath of Ashardalon, all OPTIONAL RULES 14 other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Boon Cards 14 Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This mate- Chambers 14 rial is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any repro- Doors 15 duction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited Monster and Treasure Tokens 15 without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 16 herein is purely coincidental. PRINTED IN CHINA ©2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC. 300-21442000-001 EN ISBN: 978-0-7869-5570-1 Visit our website at www.DungeonsandDragons.com 2 3300_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd00_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd 2 110/12/100/12/10 22:01:01 PPMM INTRODUCTION In another world where magic is real, the forces of evil gather to destroy the few remaining WINNING THE GAME settlements of humans, dwarves, and elves. To You win by completing the Objective in the Adventure you are fi ght back the raiders, brave Heroes arm them- playing. For example, you might have to destroy an evil dragon in selves with swords and spells and attack the evil one Adventure, while in another you must free the prisoners and hiding in the dark corners of the world. In the escape from the dungeon. lands around Firestorm Peak, the Heroes fi ght Unless stated otherwise in an Adventure, you lose if any Hero on despite incurring the wrath of the red dragon is at 0 Hit Points at the start of that Hero’s turn and there are Ashardalon. no Healing Surge tokens left to play. You also lose if you are defeated by the Adventure you are playing. Each Adventure lists Wrath of Ashardalon its specifi c victory and defeat requirements. The lands around Firestorm Peak have grown restless. The few Game Setup villages near the volcano have been besieged by marauding bands of orcs and kobolds, and more dangerous horrors lurk There’s a lot of stuff in this box. You don’t use it all at once. The in the shadows. Worst of all, a new villain calls the mountain following components are usually used in every Adventure. home—the terrifying red dragon Ashardalon has turned the Hero Cards volcano into its lair. Hero Power Cards Hope appears in the form of a band of Adventurers that arrive 22 standard Dungeon Tiles in the village of Longbridge, hidden away in the foothills of 1 Start Dungeon Tile Firestorm Peak. They are welcomed, but the village elders have Encounter Cards little hope that their plight will change. Brave heroes regularly Monster Cards attempt to destroy the evil within Firestorm Peak, but none Treasure Cards have ever returned from the dungeon beneath the volcano. Per- Condition markers (Dazed, Poisoned) haps these new Heroes will be the ones to stop the red dragon Healing Surge tokens Ashardalon and save the village of Longbridge . Hit Point tokens Encounter markers Item marker (Flying Carpet) GAME OVERVIEW Blade Barrier, Caltrops, and Mirror Image markers Die The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®: Wrath of Ashardalon™ Board Game is a cooperative Adventure game. You and your fellow Heroes Item Marker Caltrop must work as a team to succeed in the Adventures that unfold within the dungeon beneath the volcano. You either win to- gether or lose together. Each player selects a Hero, who has come to Firestorm Peak to seek fame and fortune or to fi ght the evil hiding below the mountain. Choose from the Dragonborn Wizard, Human Cleric, Elf Paladin, Half-Orc Rogue, and Dwarf Fighter in this box, or a Hero from another D&D® Adventure System board game. The Blade Barrier Heroes explore the dungeons below the mountain, fi nd trea- sure, fi ght Monsters, and uncover mysterious chambers. With a little help from you, the game chooses the monsters you battle, the encounters you meet, and the halls you explore. Number of Players The game can be played with any number of players, from 1 to 5. Each player controls one Hero—and the game does the rest! Mirror Image D&D Adventure System You can combine this game with other D&D Adventure System board games to create new and unique experiences. Check out Encounter Marker www.DungeonsandDragons.com for more information. 3 3300_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd00_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd 3 110/12/100/12/10 22:01:01 PPMM To start playing: ✦ Shuffl e the Monster Cards into their own deck. Do the same for the Encounter Cards and Treasure Cards. Place Set aside the following game pieces. You use these pieces only these three decks in easy reach of all the players. if the Adventure you are playing requires them (see the ✦ Give each player a Sequence of Play card as a reminder Adventure Book for details). We recommend that you store of how play proceeds. these pieces in a plastic bag to keep them separate until you ✦ Place the die and the various fi gures in easy reach. need them. ✦ Pick an Adventure from the Adventure Book. If you’re 18 Adventure-specifi c tiles: playing your fi rst game alone, play through the fi rst ✦ Dire Chamber Entrance tile and 5 Dire Chamber Dungeon Adventure, “A Day in the Life of a Hero.” Tiles (4 standard and 1 Large Dire Chamber tile) If you’re playing your fi rst game with friends, play the second Adventure, “Monster Hunt.” ✦ Horrid Chamber Entrance tile and 5 Horrid Chamber Dungeon Tiles (4 standard and 1 Large Horrid Chamber ✦ Check the “Adventure Setup” section of the Adventure tile) Book to see if your chosen Adventure calls for any of the game pieces you set aside. ✦ Ancient Battlefi eld Start Tile, Horrid Chamber Start Tile, Dire Chamber Start Tile, Tunnel Exit tile, Secure Exit tile, ✦ Unless the Adventure says otherwise, place the Start Tile in and Vault tile the center of the table and place two Healing Surge tokens beside it. These are the group’s surges for this Adventure. 4 Adventure cards from the Encounter Deck: ✦ Each player chooses one of the fi ve 1st-level Heroes. ✦ Ashardalon Arrives! When you choose a Hero, take that Hero’s Hero Card, Power Cards, and the blue fi gure that matches the Hero. ✦ Ashardalon Breathes! Adventures and cards refer to the players as “Heroes.” ✦ Ceremony Progresses! Vast Gate marker ✦ The Vast Gate Flares! Shield marker 14 Chamber cards Gear token 6 Boon cards 5 Adventure cards Villager token 33 Treasure tokens 5 Time tokens 8 Closed Door tokens 7 Monster tokens 5 Villager tokens 1 Gear token 10 Shield markers 1 Vast Gate marker 1 Adventure marker (Altar) Monster token Villain fi gures and Villain cards: Adventure ✦ Ashardalon, Red Dragon marker ✦ Bellax, Gauth Closed Door token ✦ Kraash, Orc Storm Shaman ✦ Margrath, Duergar Captain ✦ Meerak, Kobold Dragonlord ✦ Otyugh ✦ Rage Drake Time token Treasure token 4 3300_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd00_21442000_001_WrathRules_REV.indd 4 110/12/100/12/10 22:01:01 PPMM ✦ Unless the Adventure says otherwise, place each Hero fi gure on the Start Tile, in a square adjacent to the stairs. The name of each Hero is printed on the base of the fi gure. ✦ Each Hero Card tells you how many and which Power Cards you can choose for that Hero. In your early games, use the Power Cards suggested at the front of the Adventure Book.
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