Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO.100 FRIDAY, 09 DECEMBER 2016 NR.100 VRYDAG, 09 DESEMBER 2016 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 28 Extension of Boundaries of Approved Township: 28 Uitbreiding van Grense van Goedgekeurde Dorp: Kroonstad................................................................... 2 Kroonstad......................................................................... 2 29 Amendment of the Town-Planning Scheme of 29 Wysiging van die Dorpsaanlegskema van Bainsvlei....... 2 Bainsvlei...................................................................... 2 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 291 Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No.84 of 291 Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 1967): Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei): emoval of van 1967): Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei): Opheffing van Restrictions and Rezoning Pertaining to Plot 6, Beperkings en Hersonering ten opsigte van Hoewe 6, Stirling Small Holdings................................................ 3 Stirling Kleinhoewes......................................................... 3 292 Notice in terms of the NEMA EIA Regulations........... 3 - - 293 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality: Application for 293 Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit: Aansoek vir Township Establishment on Plot 147, Bloemspruit..... 4 Dorpstigting op Plot 147, Bloemspruit……………………. 4 294 Public Notice calling for inspection of supplementary - - Valuation Roll 2015/2019 and lodging of Objections in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act No.6 of 2004 as amended……… 4 295 Dihlabeng Local Municipality Land Use Planning 295 Dihlabeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Beplannings By-Wet By-Law (2015)………………………………………….. 5 (2015)……………………………………………………….. 5 296 Notice: Invitation to Nominate Members to serve on - - a Hospital Board......................................................... 5 MISCELLANEOUS ALGEMEEN Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 220........... 7 NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS Please Take Note: Neem Asseblief Kennis: The last publication of the Free State Provincial Gazette for the Die finale publikase van die Vrystaat Provinsiale Koerante vir die year 2016 will be on 09 December 2016. jaar 2016 sal op 09 Desember 2016 plaasvind. The next publication will be on 13 January 2017..................... 61 Die volgende publikasie sal op 13 Januarie 2017 plaasvind….…... 61 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 09 DECEMBER 2016 / 09 DESEMBER 2016 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [PROCLAMATION NO. 28 OF 2016 ] [PROKLAMASIE NR. 28 VAN 2016] EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES OF APPROVED TOWNSHIP: UITBREIDING VAN GRENSE VAN GOEDGEKEURDE DORP: KROONSTAD KROONSTAD By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 14(3) of the Townships Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 14(3) van die Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance No. 9 of 1969), I, S M Mlamleli, Member of Ordonnansie op Dorpe, 1969 (Ordonnansie No. 9 van 1969), verklaar the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative ek, S M Mlamleli, Lid van die Provinsie verantwoordelik vir Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements, hereby Samewerkende Regering, Tradisionele Sake en Menslike declare that the boundaries of the town of Kroonstad, are extended to Nedersettings, hierby dat die grense van die dorp Kroonstad, uitgebrei include as erven the following properties: word om die volgende eiendomme as erwe in te sluit: Remainder of the Farm named Sunnyside No. 1370, Administrative Restant van die Plaas genoem Sunnyside No. 1370, Administratiewe District Kroonstad, in extent 1,5289 ha, as indicated on plan SG. No. Distrik Kroonstad, 1,5289 ha groot, soos aangetoon op kaart L.G. No. 526/C/1906. 526/C/1906; Portion 2 of the farm Sunnyside 1370, Administrative District Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Sunnyside 1370, Administratiewe Distrik Kroonstad, in extent 8553m², as indicated on plan SG. No. 973/2016. Kroonstad, 8553 m² groot, soos aangetoon op kaart L.G. No. 973/2016; Portion 234 of the farm Dorp Gronden of Kroonstadt 460, Gedeelte 234 van die plaas Dorp Gronden van Kroonstadt 460, Administrative District Kroonstad, in extent 1, 2409 ha, as indicated on Administratiewe Distrik Kroonstad, 1,2409 ha groot, soos aangetoon op plan SG. No. 972/2016. kaart L.G. No. 972/2016; Given under my hand at Bloemfontein at this 26th day of June 2016. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op hede die 26ste dag van Junie 2016. S M MLAMLELI S M MLAMLELI MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE, SAMEWERKENDE REGERING, TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS AND HUMAN TRADISIONELE SAKE EN MENSLIKE SETTLEMENTS NEDERSETTINGS [PROCLAMATION NO. 29 OF 2016] [PROKLAMASIE NR. 29 VAN 2016] AMENDMENT OF THE TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME OF BAINSVLEI WYSIGING VAN DIE DORPSAANLEGSKEMA VAN BAINSVLEI By virtue of section 29(3), read with section 30 of the Townships Kragtens artikel 29(3), saamgelees met artikel 30 van die Ordonnansie Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance No. 9 of 1969), I, S.H. Ntombela, Member op Dorpe, 1969 (Ordonnansie No. 9 van 1969), gee ek, S.H. Ntombela, of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provinsie verantwoordelik vir Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements, hereby give Samewerkende Regering, Tradisionele Sake en Menslike notice that I have amended the Town-Planning Scheme of Bainsvlei as Nedersettings, hiermee kennis dat ek die Dorpsaanlegskema van set out in the Schedule, and that a copy of such amendment will be Bainsvlei gewysig het soos in die Bylae aangedui, en dat ‘n afskrif van open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the Townships gemelde wysiging gedurende kantoorure by die kantore van die Board and Mangaung Metro Municipality. Dorperaad en die Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit ter insae beskikbaar is. Given under my hand at Bloemfontein this 01st day of December 2016. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op hede die 1ste dag van Desember 2016. S.H. NTOMBELA S.H. NTOMBELA MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE, TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS AND SAMEWERKENDE REGERING, TRADISIONELE SAKE EN HUMAN SETTLEMENTS MENSLIKE NEDERSETTINGS SCHEDULE BYLAE (a) Amend Clause 9(b), Table C, of the Town-Planning Scheme of (a) Wysig Klousule 9(b), Tabel C, van die Dorpsaanlegskema van Bainsvlei by the insertion of the new zoning “Special Use 82” to Bainsvlei deur die invoeging van die nuwe sonering “Spesiale the Town Planning Scheme, to read as follows: Gebruik 82”, tot die Dorpsaanlegskema om as volg te lees: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 09 DECEMBER 2016 / 09 DESEMBER 2016 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Doeleindes Purposes for waarvoor grond which land in in ‘n a use zone How Hoe op Doeleindes gebruiksone Purposes for which land may be used Use zone indicated Gebruiksone kaart waarvoor grond met goed- may be used with the on map aangewys gebruik mag word keuring van die approval of Munisipale the gebruik mag Municipality word “Special Use Orange Business restricted to None “Spesiale Oranje Besigheid beperk Geen 82” marked 5000m² Gross Gebruik 82” gemerk tot 5000m² Bruto “S” Leasable Area Height: “S” verhuurbare Vloere Two Storeys Hoewe 6, Plot 6, Stirling Parkering soos Stirling Small Parking as described Kleinhoewes, veeorgeskrf in Holdings, by Section 25 of the Bloemfontein Artikel 25 van die Bloemfontein Bainsvlei Town- (Bainsvlei) Bainsvlei (Bainsvlei) Planning Scheme Dorpsaanlegskema [PROVINCIAL NOTICE NO. 291 OF 2016] [PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING NR. 291. VAN 2016] REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT NO. 84 OF 1967): WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET NO. 84 VAN BLOEMFONTEIN (BAINSVLEI): REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS AND 1967): BLOEMFONTEIN (BAINSVLEI): OPHEFFING VAN REZONING PERTAINING TO PLOT 6, STIRLING SMALL HOLDINGS BEPERKINGS EN HERSONERING TEN OPSIGTE VAN HOEWE 6, STIRLING KLEINHOEWES Under the powers vested in me by section 2 of the Removal of Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 2 van die Wet op Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. 84 of 1967), I, S.H. Ntombela, Member Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967), wysig ek, S.H. of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative Ntombela Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provinsie Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements, hereby alter- verantwoordelik vir Samewerkende Regering, Tradisionele Sake en Menslike Nedersettings, hierby- (a) the conditions of title in Deed of Transfer T23614/2001 pertaining (a) die titelvoorwaardes in Transportakte T23614/2001 ten opsigte to Plot 6, Stirling Small Holdings, Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei) by the van Hoewe 6, Stirling Kleinhoewes, Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei) deur removal of conditions (a), (b), (c) and (d) on page 3 in the said die opheffing van voorwaardes (a), (b), (c) en (d) op bladsy 3 van Deed of Transfer; and die genoemde Transportakte; en (b) the Town-Planning Scheme of Bainsvlei by the rezoning of Plot 6, (b) die Dorpsaanlegskema van Bainsvlei deur die hersonering van Stirling Small Holdings, Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei) from “Holdings” Hoewe 6, Stirling Kleinhoewes, Bloemfontein (Bainsvlei) vanaf to “Special Use 82”, subject
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