'• .••••.£-.•. • Read the Herald Read fhe Herald For Local Ntws Serving Summit A*r 68 Fir Loca I News Servimp Summit fm $$ I mm 68rh Y««r—No. 51 J.. THURSDAY. MAY II, 1*87 mmwmwww mm vwa^maw *mmmm wmmm^wm 'mm *mm trvw* wow $6 A M uaak, X. i. VwUr tte act •» Hwck a, UT» U CENTS Youths and Adults Overtook Fund Join Hi Boosting Drive Passes State Holds Commonwealtfi Camp Fund to $480 $700,000 Mart Rate Hike to $15 per Customer Another $175 was added to The Herald- Family Service Camp A total In contributions of $741,- Coounonweiltfi Water Co. last week wa* granted per- Fund last week, bringing the to- •41 for Overlook Hospital Building by the Public Utilities Commission to increase iu tad to date to $480, Among the Fund has been reported up to last to bring in additional revenue of $654,500 per year. contributions was one for $50 from Tuesday, it was announced last Bight by Hugo B, Meyer, general new»t«i would mean an average boost of about $15 the Rotary dub, an annual gift, a, year for each of th«Tcompany's customers. ••*• and one for $25 from Cub Pack chairman. The amount has come *' 164 of Lincoln School. from 32 per cent of an estimated Commonwealth ierv«f iU «f 18,000 prospects in the institution's Summit, Nevr Providence aad The Lincoln School "Cub Pack service area. Kenneth Baldwin Berkeley Heights as weU a* Mitt- was able to contribute again this Included in the total are contri- burn, Short HiHi, diatoam tmn- season tor the fourth consecutive ship and other neighboring com- time because of its recent suc- butions from Overlook's Board of Trustees, with $180,000 from 40 of Beefed Hew munities, It has a total of 43,000 cessful sale of pansies, the Pack's rtisomers in 12 mvrucipalities in sole source of income for the en- its 42 members. Hospital trustees cone from every service commu- SAGE President Union, Morris and Essex Counti**, tire year. This year toe Pack sold The new rate increase will be- nity of the hospital. Kenneth A. Baldwin of 1 Glen 1,562 boxes of pansies. come effective for service given Charles T. Hamtttos Oaks avenue wiU be installed as As a reward for making tlie Also included are gifts of the after June 1. doctors committee, totalling $68,- president at an open me*ttng of .;annual pansy, sale successful, However, the increase granted 000 from 22 staff,physicians.. The SAGE (Summit council on aging) /» members of the Pack last Sat- by the PUC falls short of the in- doctors committee has set itself a next Sunday at 3p.m. at the urday were taken to the Dodger- Deal Resident crease requested by the company. goal of 1300,000 to insure the belt VWCA. Giant game at the Polo Grounds Commonwealtli had asked that" it hospital facilities with sufficient by Pack leaders and parents. The publk U invited to attend be allowed to raise its rates so Named Principal bed space to serve the needs of this meeting which will be ad- that it could bring in art additioaal Also in last week's gifts was one Overlook's family in the future. dressed by Hiss Phyllis Page tor $25 from students at the Jun- |735,<W0 per year. Hie company Of Lincoln School Walter Belnecke, Jr., presi- Bradahaw, extension specialist in laid it needed that revenue to it ior High School, The Junior High dent of Overlook, and main speak- human relations at Rutgers Uni- juxecent years has, been * con- The Board of Education an- could refinance part of iu $3 md- er at the general report meeting versity. Hiss Brldsfirw will speak lion improvement program for coo- sistent donor to the Camp Fund, nounced thi* week the appoint- on "A Positive Policy Toward ment of Charlei T. Hamilton of last night at the Baltusrol Golf itruction of new ,-ese-rveirt ind a i have several other student Club, praised the spirit of volun- H0NO1ED AT •ALL - farmer t«r^f-cerentonies and'ttw*airman of the program, Aging." Her subject is based on .-' groups of the various schools. Deal, as principal of Lincoln Councilman Vincent A, Burgh«r (left) is the pleased filtration facilities. For UM last teers who had joined the crusade and (right) Patrolman Lawrence Finnigau, presi- the title and contents of the re- few years the cornpaoy ha* ea> V Mrs. Ann S. Brokaw, Family School for the academic year 1957- recipient of an engraved desk m/t presented at him dent ol the Summit PBA. Mr. Burgher, who was port of the New Jersey Old Age 58. Mr. Hamilton will succeed for the hospital, as well as the gaged in several major conttruc- "' Service executive secretary, re- many whose contributions had by members of the Pottcemai'ft Benevolent Associa- principal speaker at the affair, thought the proposed Study Commission to the Gover- \ ported this week that the Summit Miss Emily Quig who will t%Uxt tion during its animal dioner-dABCe held last Wednes- lion program! affeoting Summit brought the total to the impressive Police Department survey called for by Mayor C. nor, the State Legislature and to Area customers, wen as larger \ Optimist Club had again volun- next month after serving the Sum- day'..at the Hotel Suburban. Making the presentation amount of $741,642. Philip Dean may result in a general salary increase. the cltisens of New Jersey, It was pipe lines, new itorjge and pump- teered its services in transporting mit schools for 32 years, inchld- are (center) Patntapti Wittftt J. GaffneyL tnas- (Wolin Photo) in this report of the comprehen- ing 18 as principal of Lincoln 1,M» Volunteer Workers ing ; facilities and cootthtetiow e{ hampers to and from their as- sive study made by the commis- new well field*. signed" camps. This has been an School. "We have 1,269 volunteers cov- sion, under the chairmanship of The PUC found that tome el annual project of the Optimist The Board also announced that ering the entire service area," Mr. Senator Walter H, Jones, on *U, David C. Davidson, Jr., a sixth Beineckt said. "They have been 32 Revolutionary Graves in the 'company's calcidatiom on in- „ Wubjfor several years. Police Survey phases of aging that SAGE and come and outlay were more than grade teacher at Lincoln School, doing an outstanding job for their SAGE Visiting Honendaker Serv- Mrs Brokaw also disclosed that community hospital and I feel sure allowed, and the rate of return she is experiencing difficulty >in< has been appointed acting princi- ice were eon mended for the pos- pal of the new elementary school that they will not rest until the Boro Gef New Headstones May Bring Pay it asked on its investment was too making registrations at the near- 1 itive action being taken in Sum- scheduled for completion hi Sep- future of Overlook is assured. Ex headstones for the graves ican Revolution and Daughters of high—«.42 per cent. •> by camps for the Camp Fund mit to face the myriad, problems "It is apparent," the PUCaaklv 1 tember, 1958, on the R. C. Wilson ceUent Work has been done in the of 32lyejerans oftbe Amerkan the American Revolution. "" campers-. Camp Morris, the Mor'- of our senior population. "that the company is entitled to estate, "• .'•• •.- '.-• * • outlying districts and, naturally, Revolution and War of 1812. lo- . A totalof 32 Revolutionary War Nike, PBA Told ris County" YMCA camp a't Budd communities nearby have respond- cated in cemeteries at New Provi- graves are receiving new head A recommendation for Tg Miss Bradstuw will also pre- tome rate relief although not to _ Lake, she stid^ UiWra^kljLfiUei Mr. Hamilton Is presently prin- salaries may be the outgrowth of sent Visiting Homemaker certif- the extent proposed. „. Thr exist- cipal of the Deal Elementary ed with wonderful generosity." dence, will be dedicated at • atones but the greatest number of .^ for the entire season and unable patriotic ceremony to be held graves are located at the New the proposed police department icates from Rutgers University to ing rates are unjust and unreason- School at Deal, where he has Mr. Beinecke mentioned three survey called for by Mayor C. the eleven women who completed, able in that they do not afford the ^to reserve any plaees for Gamp served in an administrative capac- outstanding examples of civic Sunday, May 26, at l;45 p.m. Providence Presbyterian Church Fund children. Philip Dean, declared former the 16-hour orientation course last company an opportunity to earn a ity since 1953. Previous to hi* mlndedness, two in the field of The graves are the resting cemetery and New Providence In past years most of the boy Methodist Church cemetery. The Councilman .Vincent A. Burgher, month. • • . fair return. present position he taught in the giving, the third in volunteer work. places for many of the original CIBA vice-president, at the annual "The rates proponed by the com- campers were sent to Camp Mor- Haddonfield schools for, 12 yean. "Without mentioning the name, settlers of th%6ummit Area. The remaining graves are at the Mr. Baldwin U assistant s*Jper- ris by Family Service, Most of Springfield Presbyterian Church dinner dance of the Police Benev- intendent of tnerdhandising at the pany are unjust and unreasonable Mr. Hamilton graduated from I have been deeply touched by new stones were provided by the olent Association Local 135 last in that they would yield an exces- the'eamps used in the Camp Fund one contribution in the memorial federal government through a cemetery and Springfield Battle Kearny plant of Western Electric.
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