(BUSSLINE is the term for the complex multi- functional circuitry on a computer mother- Your technology helper for over 30 years. board, a PC’s heart.) Vol. 110 No. 8 Newsletter of the Central Florida Computer Society, Inc. [Non-Profit, 501(c)3] September, 2010 At- UPCOMING COMPUTER RELATED TALKS: ALL FREE September 19 bootable utilities, and learn how they can save your bacon when the chips are down. Walt Sellers presents iPad and Tablets - The New Sensation . What's it all about? Walt Sellers, an December 19 iPad/iPhone Apps Developer and Past President of The Florida Macintosh Users Group http:// Sean Kane. New things from Apple . Sean is a flmug.org will be demonstrating the iPad and much Mac Administrator and leads the CFCS/FLMUG iOS of its "WOW" stuff. In the next several months we SIG. He will be presenting information about the will be seeing a lot of tablets come to market. Come many products from Apple. He will show some of and see what the fuss is all about. There will be other the many features of Mac computers, as well as the iPad users attending so that all can get some hands iPod, Apple TV, iPhone, & the iPad. Many of our on experience as well. members are multiple computer owners and may be thinking about adding a Mac to their home or busi- October 17 ness. This will be a good meeting to find out what the advantages will be. You will also see that the Justin Goldman presents Cell phones . Justin is (Continued on page 2) from Cellufixx, a local phone store and repair center. He will compare the various operating systems, such as Windows Mobile, Android, iOS, Blackberry, etc. Support our Advertisers. Tell them you There are so many choices. Justin will sort out many saw their ad in the CFCS Newsletter! of the differences in the phone systems, talk about some of the more popular models available from the various phone companies, and be able to answer your Inside this issue: phone questions . Page 8 …………………. ...Special Interest Groups November 21 9 …………………………….. The Deals Guy 11 ……….………….Hewie’s Views & Reviews Mark Shulman will present BUILDING A 13 ......………….….……. ……...Space Corner SOFTWARE SWISS ARMY KNIFE . Every com- 19 ……….………...…………..Musings by Stan puter geek should have the software equivalent of a 21 …………………….……………....Helpline Swiss Army Knife. Learn how to turn an ordinary 23 ……………...…………..Calendar of Events flash drive and a couple of CDs into the software 24 ……...…. Map to General Monthly Meeting equivalent of Batman's utility belt. You'll find out about portable apps, boot CDs, and self-contained Unless otherwise noted, all article continuations are to the page immediately following where you are reading. PAGE 2 CFCS BUSSLINE NEWSLETTER September, 2010 senter. Don't miss this important presentation. Mac is capable of running both Mac and Windows operating systems. All presentations through December are held at 2 pm in the Jackson Hewitt office on Lee Rd. and January 16 Turner Rd. See map on pg. 24. Jan. Feb. and Mar. presentations will be at a location to be announced Gene Barlow presents The Best Backup (probably at the University Club of Winter Park) but Plan to protect your System from Failure & keep checking this newsletter for details, or consult Organizing Your Hard Drive our website at cfcs.org . Gene and Linda Barlow represent Acronis Also, earlier on the same day of each talk, Software to the user group community. Acronis the Windows SIG* meeting is held. (*Special Inter- True Image Home is their backup and recovery est Group) The WinSIG always meets at 12:30 pm, product. This product provides the maximum just before the CFCS General Meeting. If you use or flexibility to ensure that your computer’s hard plan to use Windows, these discussions, demonstra- drive is adequately protected and can recover from tions, and Q&A sessions will be of immense value to any unforeseen events, such as hard drive failures, you. Geared to intermediate level Windows users. viruses or unstable software downloads. By hav Tips, tricks, and information on all versions of Win- ing & implementing a well thought-out Backup dows are discussed. An e-newsletter is sent periodi- and Recovery Plan, you can put your system to cally with meeting information and links discussed at gether again fairly quickly, instead of days or the meeting. You need not attend both meetings, but weeks. This is an important topic that every PC many members do. Non members always welcome. User should implement on their computer. Gene Sign up for the free e-newsletter at cfcs.org . will demonstrate Acronis True Image Home, one of the most popular computer backup and recovery programs on the market today. Computer Conference at The last part of his presentation will focus on Sea in 2011 the best way to Organize Your Hard Drive. Ac- ronis just released a new version of their partition- Join us on next year's Florida Association of ing product, Disk Director 11 Home with support Computer User Groups (FACUG) Technical Confer- for the Windows7 OS. With large terabyte hard ence @ Sea. For more information see FACUG.org drives today, they need to be set up & organized to take advantage of the additional space. This can be 2011 FACUG Technology Conference Mex- done very easily. A special "partitioning utility" is ico Cruise January 27th through January 31st - needed to make this organization process easy and 2011 simple to do. Gene will demonstrate the most re- cent release of Acronis Disk Director Home at the There is no better bargain vacation than a cruise, presentation. The combination of one or both of add to it a fully fledged Computer and Technology these excellent hard drive utilities would give you Conference and it becomes an outstanding event. Be the power to Protect Your Hard Drive from system part of the FACUG's second Conference@Sea. Be failure and Organize Your Hard Drive for better with us for this will be another outstanding Sail - safety of your data files. Abration . Gene has been a presenter in the user group community for over 28 years. For many years he managed IBM's user group support organization Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and has been called the Father of PC User Groups. Now retired, Gene started his own com- The iSIG meets every third Monday at 7:00 pm pany called User Group Relations ( www.ugr.com ), at Denny's on Lee Rd & I-4. The iSIG meetings cover providing support to the user group community for the products that use the iPhoneOS, which includes the software companies he represents. He is an the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. This is a combined effort informative and easy to understand pre- September, 2010 CFCS BUSSLINE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 of the Central Florida Computer Society http:// The iSIG meets on the third Monday of each www.cfcs.org and the Florida Macintosh Users month at 7:00 PM at Denny's on Lee Rd & I-4. The Group http://www.flmug.com . Other groups are in iSIG meetings cover the products that use the iPho- vited to participate. Attendees are consumers, devel- neOS, which includes the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. opers, consultants, and publishers. The SIG leader is This is a combined effort of the Central Florida Sean Kane, Certified Apple Technical Coordinator, Computer Society http://www.cfcs.org and longtime Mac and iPhone user, and a technologist the Florida Macintosh Users Group http:// and consultant to Walt Disney Feature Animation www.flmug.com . Other groups are invited to partici- Florida. pate. Attendees are consumers, developers, consult- Please note that the iSIG meets at the ants, and publishers, who find common interests and Denny's on Lee Rd. The Tech-SIG and the Board discuss how to handle topics from both the consumer of Directors meetings continue to meet at Denny's & the developer perspectives. The SIG leader is Sean on 436 & Oxford Rd in Casselberry. Kane, Certified Apple Technical Coordinator, long The ACCESS, MS OFFICE, and SECURITY time Mac and iPhone user, and a technologist and SIGs meet conjointly on the second Wednesday of consultant to Walt Disney Feature Animation Flor- each month from 7 to 9 pm at the New Horizons ida. Learning Center at 1221 Lee Rd. Arvin Meyer, a Mi- Please note that the iSIG meets at the crosoft MVP, (and current CFCS president), leads Denny's on Lee Rd. The Tech-SIG and the Board the SIG. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cfcs-access of Directors meetings continue to meet at Denny's This is a combination of three separate SIGs which on 436 & Oxford Rd in Casselberry. now meet alternately for the duration of Arvin’s presidency. They will resume separate meetings when he leaves office and/or publishes his upcoming The Tip Corner: book. The GRAPHICS/PHOTO SIG meets on the What is the difference between third Wednesday of each month from 7 to 9pm at the Downloading, Uploading & Installing? New Horizons Learning Center at 1221 Lee Rd. Robert Black, CFCS newsletter editor, is a former By Jim Sheff, Co-chair, Novice SIG, Lehigh archaeological photographer and teacher. E-mail: Valley Computer Group, Pennsylvania [email protected] www.lvcg.org This SIG concentrates on digital photogra- jsheef (at) aol.com phy and any software or peripherals related to it. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, bring your stuff Downloading - This is moving a file that's on the (gear & photos) to show off or ask questions so we Internet (or over a network) onto our computer. For can learn from each other! most of us, downloading is just a matter of clicking a The TECH DISCUSSION SIG meets on the download link on a web site and saving the file to fourth Tuesday of each month from 7 to 9 pm at the disk.
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