Xjenza Online - Journal of Malta Chamber of Scientists http://www.mcs.org.mt/ Doi: http://dx.medra.org/10.7423/XJENZA.2013.1.08 Note Articles THE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA (SEISMIC MONITORING AND RESEARCH UNIT), UNIVERSITY OF BASILICATA AND IMAA- CNR (ITALY) OPERATIONS DURING THE 2012 EMILIA SEISMIC SEQUENCE Sebastiano D'Amico1, Maria Rosaria Gallipoli2, Marco Mucciarelli3;4 and Luigi Vignola5 1Department of Physics, University of Malta, Msida, Malta 2Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Tito Scalo (PZ), Italy 3Dipartimento di Strutture, Geotecnica, Geologia Applicata all'Ingegneria, Universita' della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy 4Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy 5Mallet SRL, Marsicovetere (PZ) Abstract. On 20th May 2012 (02:03 UTC), and on throughout northern Italy, 27 people were killed (7 on 29th May 2012 (07.00 UTC) two major earthquakes 20th May and 20 on 29th May), at least 400 injured, and occurred in Northern Italy. The two earthquakes up to 45; 000 homeless in total, with initial estimates caused 27 people to be killed (7 on 20th May and 20 placing the total economic loss at several billion Euros. on 29th May), at least 400 injured, and up to 45; 000 The two earthquakes struck in the Emilia-Romagna re- homeless in total, with initial estimates placing the gion, about 40 kilometres north of the city of Bologna. total economic loss at several billion Euros. The main The epicentre (depth of 9 km) of the first one was goal of this communication is to describe the operations located between Finale Emilia and San Felice sul Pa- and efforts of several researchers and Institutions during naro; while the second one was in Medolla at a depth the seismic crises of the Emilia sequence. The acquired of about 10 kilometres. Both earthquakes were followed data can provide tools to reduce the impact of future by thousands of aftershocks, which were detected and lo- earthquakes on the local communities. cated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanolo- gia (INGV) using a portable network of seismometers installed a few hours after the earthquake, which de- Keywords Seismic crises, HVSR, Data Acquisition tected even the smallest events. The Po Plain is part during emergency of the active front of the Northern Apennines fold and thrust belt. The area is characterized by a series of ac- tive thrust faults and related folds. These faults are roughly WNW-ESE trending, parallel to the mountain 1 Introduction front, and dip shallowly towards the south-southwest On 20th May 2012 (02 : 03 UTC) May 2012, and on 29th (Toscani et al. 2008). Several damaging historical earth- May 2012 (07:00 UTC) two major earthquakes occurred quakes, such as the 1570 Ferrara earthquake (Boschi et in Northern Italy (Anzidei et al. 2012). They were felt al. 2000), have occurred in the area of the 2012 seismic sequence. Both the 20th May and 29th May events caused ex- Correspondence to: S. D'Amico ([email protected]) tensive damage. After the two large events of the seis- c 2013 Xjenza Online mic sequence, inspections were underway to determine SMRU, UniBas, and IMAA-CNR operations during 2012 Emilia Seismic Sequence 71 which buildings were safe to re-enter. Total and par- makers to assess the current situation, and can provide tial collapses were observed in the old and monumental invaluable data for scientific studies related to hazard, buildings in the historical centres (Fig. 1). At least 100 tectonics and earthquake physics (Moretti et al. 2012). structures of historical significance were damaged or de- The day after the mainshock, the Istituto Nazionale di stroyed. Many churches and towers in towns around the Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) rapid response network epicentre suffered damage. Half of a clock tower in one for site effects, called EMERSITO, deployed three lin- of the small villages in the epicentral area dating from ear arrays with a total of 22 sites instrumented, 16 of the 13th century (known as the torre dei modenesi) fell them equipped with both velocimeters and accelerome- down in the mainshock and the remaining part collapsed ters (Bordoni et al. 2012) completely during an aftershock later that day. The Our team of scientists installed 3 accelerometers 15th-century cathedral of Mirandola, already damaged (ETNA-Kinemetrics) in the hospital of Mirandola and on 20th May, collapsed after the 29th May shock. Heavy in the urban area of the same village (Fig. 1g: Fig. 2). damage to industrial bases and farmhouses, and also the They were placed in order to evaluate the variability of collapse of numerous barns, was observed through the the seismic site response and they have been continu- whole epicentral area. There was also significant damage ously functioning from May 23rd to June 7th record- to factories and agricultural land in the region. Some of ing about 700 earthquakes including the magnitude 5:8 the deaths were caused by the collapse of recently con- which occurred on May 29th. Some examples of earth- structed factory buildings. Old traditional brick houses quake recordings are shown in Figure 2. suffered widespread cracks in the walls, detachment of During the campaign we also recorded ambient noise tiles, and chimney falls. In general, it has been ob- at 57 sites (Fig. 1e-g; Fig. 2) using a 3- compo- served that reinforced-concrete buildings suffered minor nent portable seismometer (Tromino, www.tromino.eu). damage. However, a few reinforced-concrete buildings Time series of ambient noise, having a length of 10 − collapsed or suffered a partial collapse (for instance in 20 min, were recorded following the guidelines suggested the village of Cavezzo and Rovereto sulla Secchia). In by the SESAME project (2004) in order to compute the some cases, the damage was increased due to the huge Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) which will liquefaction phenomenon that affected the deposits be- contribute to investigate the shallow geological struc- low the buildings (Galli et al. 2012; Tertulliani et al. tures in the study area. A direct estimate of the po- 2012). larization angle (Fig. 2) at all the recording sites was Right after the first shock the Italian Civil Protec- also achieved by using the Time- Frequency (TF) po- tion Department arranged 35 reception camps set up in larization method based on the combination of com- Emilia-Romagna and 10 in Lombardia. Other structures plex polarization analysis (Vidale 1986) and the contin- able to host people affected by the quake were also made uous wavelet transform (CWT) (Burj´aneket al. 2010; available (tensioned structures, train carriages, covered Burj´aneket al. 2012). structures and hotels). One of the reception camps in The passive array data was collected using a 24 verti- Mirandola (Fig. 1f) was able to host the group of scien- cal 4:5 Hz Geospace geophones, arranged in an L-shaped tists conducting the field work briefly presented in this array with an inter-distance ranging from 1 to 60 meters note. and the longest arm 250 meters long. The data were col- lected using a 24 bit A/D digitiser (Geode Geometrics) 2 Instrumentation Installed, with a 125 µs sampling rate. In order to process and interpret the seismic array results we used the ESAC Data Acquired, Processing, (Extended Spatial Autocorrelation) procedure (Okada, and Preliminary Results 2003; Ohori et al. 2002; Parolai et al. 2006). HVSR analyses, at the investigated sites, show a res- The main goal of this communication is to describe onance peak frequency at about 0:9 Hz, while results the operations and efforts of several researchers and using earthquake recordings show a much more com- Institutions during the seismic crises of the Emilia se- plex behaviour that that one observed by ambient noise. quence. The acquired data can provide tools to reduce The array measurements show a quite uniform Vs pro- the impact of future earthquakes on the local commu- file (Fig. 2). At a first instance, the differences observed nities as well as to contribute to the installation of seis- between the HVSR obtained by using noise and earth- mic networks In fact, rapid-response seismic networks quake data may be due to source effects or to complex are an important element in the response to seismic propagation at depths larger than the one presently in- crises. They temporarily improve the detection perfor- vestigated (see e.g. Malagnini et al. 2012 for the pos- mance of permanent monitoring systems during seismic sible role of crustal propagation). However, on-going sequences. The improvement in earthquake detection studies will try to shade light on this. and location capabilities can be important for decision http://dx.medra.org/10.7423/XJENZA.2013.1.08 http://www.mcs.org.mt/ SMRU, UniBas, and IMAA-CNR operations during 2012 Emilia Seismic Sequence 72 Figure 1: Panels a to e show some examples of damage caused by the strongest earthquakes of the seismic sequence. Panel f shows one of the Mirandola camps set by the Italian Civil Protection Department, Panel g reports an example of the installation of the temporary seismic instruments. Panel e shows also the installation of the Tromino R during the measurements in the vicinity of one building severely damaged during the maninshock. The children drawing presented in panel h has the aim to illustrate the effects of earthquakes on society (the word "PRIMA" stands for before while the word "DOPO" stands for after). The drawing has been realized by one the children hosted in the Mirandola camp in which also the research team has stayed. http://dx.medra.org/10.7423/XJENZA.2013.1.08 http://www.mcs.org.mt/ SMRU, UniBas, and IMAA-CNR operations during 2012 Emilia Seismic Sequence 73 Figure 2: The location of the site measurements are reported in panel a.
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