VOL. XXXVI. NO. 24 PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914 PRICE 4 CENTS many more Happy New Years. Those DANIEL FRANKLIN HODGES NARROW ESCAPE present were: Elizabeth Oakes, Nadine Hoar, Everdene Robbins, Elinor and DR. COLBY’S FINE NEW Musician—Poet—Philosopher FROM DROWNING Olive Moore, Pauline Rector, Kathleen Stewart, Bessie Huntoon, Laverna HOME IN RANGELEY Murphy, Leora Tomlinson, Alice Bar­ For nearly . half a century, in the quiet and secluded western part of rett, Cassie Nile, Isabell Russell, Ethel the town of Phillips, Daniel Frank­ Jelly New Year's Party at Parson­ Thibodeau, Marion Blanchard and lin Hodges has made his home. A Marian Bean. Residence Purchased Late in Spring of G. A. man of keen intellect, of extraordi­ age—Social Life Starting in. nary talents, reaching almost the high Mrs. Lero Toothaker has returned plane of genius, he has lived among from Lewiston where she has been Proctor— Many Improvements Made— Dr. us. Hig Quiet life and retiring dispo­ (SiMcial to Maine Woods.) spending the past month with her par­ sition have not reflected the mental ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. capacity of the man. It has been only Rangeley, Jan. 6.—Miss Alitha Colby Has Many Years’ Experience. occasionally, from intimate conversa­ Childs entertained a jolly party of her Capt. F. C. Barker has gone to Flor­ tion with him or from his writings, little friends at the parsonage New ida for a short stay. that we have caught glimpses of the wrorking of his marvelous mind. Even Year’s day in honor of her 12th birth­ Leon Robbins and E. I. Herrick have Dec. 31. Hebron in 1891. Next followed a two then we have failed to appreciate his day. The time was pleasantly passed been in Boston this week. It is rumor­ real worth. Now that he has gone in playing games. At a given signal ed they are much interested in automo­ The accompanying cut is a picture of years’ special scientific course at Bow- from us wre look back over his career; all joined in line and while Mrs. Childs biles. the fine residence of Dr. F. B. Colby, doin, also a two years’ medical course we read again with keener discern­ purchased by him late in the spring of ment his gems of verse; we glance played a march the little guests passed Mrs. F. B. Burns accompanied by at Bowdoin. The last year of his med­ G. A.'Proctor. The new place being ical course was taken at Dartmouth, own failure in reaching the coveted to the dining room where refreshments Miss Nadene Hoar drove to Haines his composition; we recall his lucid of birthday cake and ice cream were Landing the latter part of the week. more centrally located, is on Lake receiving his M. D., from the latter talks about authors and their works, street just beyond the public library, institution in 1895. served. The birthday cake was very Miss Susie and Kathleen Stewart his logical reasoning on evolution and is much more convenient both for attractive with its decorations of pink were guests the past week of their The following year was spent in hos­ the doctor and his patients. amt the proper number of candles and aunt, Mrs. Leeman Wilcox. pital work at the state farm at Bridge- water, Mass. was made by Mrs. Phineas Tracy, who Ira Hoar and Charles Huntoon met Since changing hands the building j assisted Mrs. Childs in entertaining with a narrow escape last Friday which has been remodelled and altered to suit For ten years he was identified with the party. Miss Alitha received many they do not care to repeat immediately. the doctor’s needs .The office and wait­ : the Boston Insane hospital. Next nice gifts and all departed wishing her Their destination was the lumber ing room are very attractively fur­ i came two years' work at Highland nished, access to the same being | Falls, N Y., which is the Post Town of gained by a side entrance from the West Point, this being the last resi- The Remington Cabt find tfn Autoloader always ready vine-covered poich. This arrangement 1 dence before coming to Rang eey. is very convenient, allowing patients to Although not specializing in any par- come and go without disturbance to the | titular branch he has had splendid suc- family. l cess treating pneumonia not having The waiting room is well lighted I lost a patient from the above disease and supplied with comfortable chairs. j for eight years. Magazines and other reading matter ! Dr. Colby is very public spirited being are plentifully provided. Opening di­ ] interested in whatever is best for the rectly out of this room is the main o f­ ! town’s welfare. He is also deeply in- fice, a large room lighted by three win­ I terested in educational matters, serv- MII afljm dows. The finish and decoration of the I ing for the past two years as superin- . i UMCV I t IU - j DANIEL FRANKLIN HODGES on the immortality of the soul, and AUTOLOADING we are /impressed with the fact that here indeed was a rare and remark- SHOTGUNS » °ble man. * Were he living today his extreme NY way you look at it, the Autoloader is th’e modesty would not sanction such highest development in modem shotgun eulogy as appears to the writer to be A design. It puts five loads at your disposal by his just due. He was a modest and merely pressing the trigger. It puts the recoil to useful unassuming man, yet he was intense­ Work—to eject the empty and slip in the fresh shell. ly human. Though he seldom refer­ It saves the gunner’s shoulder—rids his sport of red to his own achievements, and was annoyances—increases his shooting average. far from begging appreciation of his Your danger is that in your enthusiasm over the efforts, yet no man ever enjoyed more autoloading principle, you may forget to insist on than he an encouraging word of appre­ getting the finest embodiment of that principle—the ciation from his friends. His friend­ Remington-UMC Autoloading Shotgun. ships were not of the hasty ready­ made variety, but when once formed The peculiar advantages of the Remington-UMC are too loyalty was his watchword. He was many to detail here. What you want to do is to get one at all times and in all places a gen­ of the Remington-UMC dealers in this section to demon­ DR. F. B. COLBY’ S RESIDENCE. strate them to you on the gun itself. tleman, courteous, kindly, sympa­ Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. thetic and solicitous for the comfort 299 Broadway II New York tendent of schools and he is always on of those about him. room is at once pleasing and restful. His boyhood and school days were The woodwork is stained a warm brown the lookout for the best things. in the spent along the Kennebec River, prin­ and the paper and fixtures are in ex­ way of text books and apparatus for cipally in and about Hallowell, Maine. cellent taste and keeping. At one side school work. He often visited in after life these % early haunts. He talked about them is a large closet where extra supplies He is a member of Oquossoc Lodge and wrote about them, gome of the and all materials needed by the doctor K. of P., Entwistle Lodge I. O.O. F., tenderest thoughts ever expressed by Mountain View House f may be found. and was instrumental in starting him in writing were suggested by Several changes and improvements J Kemankeag Lodge A. F. and A. M., of these early scenes. Mountain View* Maine Daniel F. Hodges, first of all, was a have also been made up stairs. Two 1 which he is also a member. musician. Early in life he became For farther particulars write or address large windows have been added, one of ! Mrs. Colby, who was MissJ Marie conscious of his own natural, musical which helps to light an extra room I Judge of Somerville, was formerly a talent. He decided upon music as a L. E. BOWLEY, which has just been finished off. A , trained nurse and frequently assists vocation. He took up its systematic study with all his energy. It was to Mountain View, » * * Maine. generous closet also a small toilet room the doctor on his long trips in the auto. be his life-work and for that reason have been recently completed. T h e! Often the little folks, of which there alone a superficial knowledge would doctor now has conveniences for the i are three, Fred, Beatrice and Kenneth not satisfy him. He must know it care of patients at his home should the j accompany him on his trips about thoroughly. Under that celebrated master, B. F. Baker, he worked him­ GRANT’S CAMPS. KEN NEB AGO, MAINE necessity arrise. town. self into the very front rank of the The doctor with his Ford machine is We do not approve of th e hunters’ license this fall, but we do not Many ingenious conveniences may be ; great composers of the day. He col­ among the last of the automobilists laborated with men whose names have believe that it will keep everyone out of Maine. Our camps will be open seen which are the doctors own handi­ work for he is rather skillful with tools seen in the fall, and he is generally one long been familiar in every musical all the season. Trains every day. circle. Some of the works thus i ’ and delights in a bit of manual training of the first to be out in the spring, for brought out were: “Jubilant Voices” when opportunity offers.
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