PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN LITHUANIA PRESENTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Since regaining its independence in 1990, At a national level, the legal basis of sport the social and economic changes is regulated by the Constitution of the Lithuania has been undergoing have had Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Physi- a direct influence on the development of cal Education and Sport of the Republic physical education and sport. New sports of Lithuania, the Law on Education and organizations have been set up and more the Law on Social Integration of the attention is now being paid to the physi- Disabled. While planning and imple- cal education of youth and school menting activities in the field of sport children as well as to the social integra- Lithuania, as a member of the Council of tion of the disabled. Sport for all events, Europe, follows the provisions of the which are intended for all age groups, are European Sports Charter, the European being promoted, too. Special attention to Sport for All Charter: disabled persons, these matters was given at the Lithuanian the European Anti-doping Convention The Lithuanian authorities are concerned Sports Congress 2000, which adopted the and the European Convention on Specta- about the position of physical education Strategy for Physical Education and tor Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports in schools. Optional extra-curricular Sports of the Republic of Lithuania for Events and in Particular at Football physical education activities are the years 2002-2012 as well as the Physi- Matches. encouraged in particular. In 1995, cal Education and Sports Development Children are the future active citizens of Lithuania adopted the Law on Physical Programme for 2000-2004. There are 124 the society who wish to know what their Education and Sport of the Republic of national sports bodies, 1299 sports clubs opportunities and rights are! Therefore Lithuania, which sets out a programme and 103 sports educational institutions they are given warm receptions by for the establishment of three weekly along with other sports organizations in various state sport institutions and be- physical education lessons at school. If Lithuania at present. come acquainted with their activities. schools cannot have more than 2 physi- cal education lessons in their curriculum, schoolchildren must therefore be given the opportunity of having physical edu- cation and sports sessions (at least 1 hour) at school as well as in other educational institutions. Another possibility is to have one optional educational hour for com- pulsory physical education practices. More and more public organizations tie up their physical education and sport ini- tiatives to prevent young people from being drawn into street culture. The Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania works in close co- operation with the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of National De- fence, Ministry of Health, the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee etc. www.kksd.lt 1 Individual and organized physical education and sports activities are popular among schoolchildren only 3,06 per cent of the citizens, social who: research carried out in 2001 indicates Do not do sports that 32 per cent of Lithuanian citizens do sports independently and 16 per cent par- 16,4 Do sports on their own Take part in organised sports activities ticipate in organized sport. We can there- 56,3 fore conclude that Lithuanian citizens In recent years society has had a higher aged 7-80 have a positive attitude towards 27,3 perception of the social function of sport. physical education and sports for their Although the number of people taking health benefits, the development of physi- part in organised sports is rather small, cal capacity and improved working ability. CONTESTS Since 2002 a new project - a TV programme named “Winner’s League” - has been running. During the competi- tion schoolchildren compete on inflated amusement attractions and are cheered on by their schools’ fans and supporters. The game is shown on TV every Sunday morning. The competition abounds in emotions and non-traditional sport con- tests – and if one wants to win, he has to be not only physically strong but quick- witted as well! The filming takes place in a new indoor soccer arena in Vilnius. A number of promising young athletes An army with physically and psychologi- still study at school, where they also learn cally strong recruits guarantees a to represent their country and raise its country’s security. Unfortunately, not all profile at the international level. As it is recruits entering the army are in the best sometimes difficult to combine studies physical condition to protect the coun- with sport, the top ten school-aged ath- try. To find out the schools which have letes and their coaches are awarded an- trained the best, strongest, fittest, and the nually in the “Best School-Aged Athletes most disposed for physical self-training and Their Coaches of the Republic of recruits, the “Physical Preparedness Con- Lithuania” contest. test for Recruits” has been organized for the second time. The strongest recruits are motivated by an order issued by the For younger schoolchildren another con- head of the training regiment, and their test named “The Healthiest of All” is former schools are awarded with sports being organized. Even the name itself says equipment by the Department of Physi- that the competition is intended for those cal Education and Sports under the who wish to grow up healthy and viva- Government of the Republic of Lithuania. cious. An interesting element is that not only children but also their teachers are He who learns to respect the environment assessed on their sporting, acting, and ar- in which he lives, will be repaid with tistic accomplishments. In order to win healthy air and clean water. So that chil- children have to be friendly and work in a dren could get to know better the sur- “The Most Sporty School” contest finds team together with their teacher! rounding environment and learn to re- out which schools have achieved the best spect as well as preserve it, the “Sport and results throughout the school year in the Environment” contest is being orga- Lithuania. The results achieved are nized for them. evaluated on the basis of specific criteria – the implementation of three weekly physical education lessons; the sports ac- tivity of the school; the school’s sport fa- cilities, their supervision and use; the schoolchildren’s health care; and their participation in national and interna- tional projects, etc. www.kksd.lt 2 NATIONAL Awards are badges, certificates and elite Kids also have the opportunity of joining diplomas, signed by the Minister of Edu- “Children’s Summer Camps”. Of a PROGRAMMES cation and Science and the Director sporting nature, the camps are intended General of the Department of Physical to make children’s leisure time purpose- Education and Sports under the Govern- ful, and every year the camps enroll more One of the most popular programmes of ment of the Republic of Lithuania. and more children. physical education and sport in schools – “Lithuanian Physical Education Badge” – revived a tradition dating back to the year 1936. A schoolchild reaching sports Rigorous training and qualifying standards of the programme practice are provided in has the opportunity to improve his level the publication “Grow- of fitness. The programme includes not ing up and Getting only physical tests, but also tests on Stronger”, aimed at healthy way of living, personal hygiene, younger schoolchil- sports history, and olympism. dren (aged 8-11). All participants are Schoolchildren can also prepare for a awarded. The most theory test using the book “Always Im- physically fit and wise Top priority is given to ensuring children proving Oneself”, written by S.Stonkus. schoolchildren receive are taught to swim and behave safely in badges and diplomas. the water. SPORT GAMES Reinforcing a nice German initiative Lithuania organised the 3rd Baltic Sea Youth Games in 2003. More than 1 500 young athletes representing 8 states gathered together in the city of Šiauliai for competitions in 17 sport disciplines. Young athletes had a great opportunity to measure their strength, a chance for the evaluation of their athletic abilities and a time when they were able to get better understanding of the Elite sport. For the whole week-end the city of Šiauliai lived in the rhythm of sports. Every year specialists at the Lithuanian covered, during the second stage –towns Centre for School Sport organize sport- and districts games or competitions of ing events for schoolchildren. Lithuanian separate disciplines are organized, the schoolchildren’s games called “Orbit” third stage encompasses zone competi- are held in 2004 and are dedicated to the tions, the fourth –inter-zone competitions, 28th Olympic Games in Athens. The and the final stage – final competitions. general sponsor of the Games is the com- Schoolchildren from all educational pany “Orbit”; other sponsors include the backgrounds take part in the games. A Lithuanian National Olympic choice of 17 sport disciplines enables Committee, the Department of Physical schoolchildren of various abilities to par- Education and Sport under the Govern- ticipate in the games. They can compete ment of the Republic of Lithuania, and in team games: soccer (five-a-side), hand- the newspaper “Sportas”. The aim of the ball, basketball, volleyball, quadrat. There games is to involve more schoolchildren are also disciplines such as aerobics, gym- in extra-curricular sports education, to nastics, athletics, and swimming. School- create conditions for perfection for the children can participate either in outdoor talented, and determine the strongest sports: cycling through uneven terrain, school teams.
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