1 * . ^ - THF WEATHER. !NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION! OP THE EVENING HERALD Fair and warmer tonight, Sun- day unsettled. for the month of October, 1926. 4,898 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS CUisslfled AdTertlsIng on Pat* S STOL. XLV., NO. 32; __ _ SMITH GHILS GUT OUT TAKE 25 HIGH SCHOOL I FAGS AS FIRE-RISKY I BOYS IN A KBNO RAID Greatest Fiction Sleuti " ' G.O.P. GIBSON ILLNESS JOHNSON(Kn BOARD VOTES ■ Nortbamptoq, Mass., tlov. 6. New York, Nov. 6.— Twenty- ! —rln order tq reduce the fire six pupils of Erasmus Hall High Analyzes the Hall Case hazard, students of Smith Col­ school, Brooklyn, many of them SURVUHALF lege have agreed voluntarily to VUALBLOWTO FORSPEAKER sons of prominent men in that ^ TO PURCHASE refrain fyom smoking In college borough, were arrested when ■ dhrmitorles until after the policemen raided a poolroom I M •, «i ir » Ai-i. ' those after-touches of Christmas holidays, the Student T H E H M TRIAL two doors away from the high: B I G J M C r O R Philo Vance, Van Dme s Ont- W E T , ^ DRY Cophcil announced. IN T M HOUSE school building. The arresting At the same time the council patrolmen said the youths had 1 j standing Hero, Adapts His once- tspoke ” gouging soft wordsof a tongue from that a made public that a plan was he- been gambling at “keno,” an' r ihg worked out for the future old time game of great rapidity, i mouth that once sang alluringly? So Declares Nicholas M. 'T ig Woman” Unable to Selectmen See Demonstra­ ! “-which would deal with the May Be First Manchester revived. 1 Was it not, then, at the "woman ------------------- ----------------------------- «. Singular Talents to Study In the case” that .all fury and hat­ I matter ^ a maqncr to lessen red were directed? Botler, Warning of Fate i the flreJrisk and at the same Testify for Weeks; Mills Representative to Get Job; tion of Snow Plowing in Remember, too. It was a dark time provide a suitable place of the New Jersey Crime night, - penetrated only now and Like That of W l^ s on for smoking.” Unmoved by Grilling of COOUDGE ADVISES Movies; Will Bay New then by a tickle moon! Through­ Prospects Are UnusuaDy out the long history of crime you by Psychoanalysis. * will find that there aye crimes of SlaYery. Defense Lawyers. Tnicl^ Special Meetmg. the dark and crim es'of the light! Good. BIG TAX REFUND And those who would tremble at GARIBALDI ADMITS Here is the first of two analyti­ their deeds, faced in the clear light Somerville, N. J., Nov. 6. — cal articles on the spectacular of day, have been known to do New York, Nov, 6— Dr, Nichols t Prosecutor Alexande." . Simpson, Judge Raymond A. Johnson, The Board of Selectmen in a Hall-Mills case— now on trial at amazing and terrible things behind Murray Butler president of Colum­ D O U B ira O S S JOB elected on Tuesday as one of Man­ Quarter of a Billion Likely special meeting at the Municipal Somerville N. J.— from the vlew- the drape of darkness. I believe bia University, in a statement last dominant figure in the Hall-Wills chester’s representatives in the building last night* voted to pur- ' point of Philo Vance, the "psychol- Shakespeare and others have had night warns Republicans that the murder trial, today faced a dilemma General Assembly, may have the chase a Best 10-ton tractor, The ' ogical detective” of fiction. They something to say on this subject. French Press Says He Con> — the fact that the state’s star wit­ to Be Returned to People ninwine' prepared by S. S. Vance Dine, Certainly, In looking at the psy­ party faces disaster unless it “ takes honor of being the first local man tractor will be used in ^ ® creator of this newest crime-story chological phases of this remark­ the righteous side of the moral and ness, Mrs. Jane Gibson, the “ pig to become Speaker of the House. town roads out of the snow. The figure. The first herewith pre­ able case, the nature of the night political issue of prohibition.” fessed Stirring Up Antis, woman,” is so seriously ill that she So favorably has Judge Johnson s to Avoid Surplus. price to be paid by the town Is sented, deals particularly with the cannot be overlooked. Citing the decision of the United may not he able to testify in court importance of individual psycholo­ name been spoken of in this con­ $8,000. The appropriation with In the little courthouse here the for weeks. nection that he has authorized The which to buy a snow tractor and gy in crime detection and a gener­ question still goes begging: Who States Supreme Court, Dr. Butler Then Informing. alization on its application to this killed Mrs. Mills and Dr. Hall? denounces the *Anti-Saloon League "Whether this tough “ break” Herald to announce his candidacy. Washington, Nov. 6.— A refund truck was voted at the last town Speaker of the House is a covet­ meeting. The sum of $12,000 was specific case. The second will deal True, four defendants face a as “ barbarous • a n t, un-American” against the spunky little prosecutor on Individual and corporation tax­ ed position. In the chair at all ses­ allowed. with the Individual figures. It Is charge of murder; but that does in Its contention'that it makes-lit­ Paris, Nov. 6.— Franco-Itallan will jeopardize his chances of con­ sions the speaker naturally com­ es paid this year on last year’s In­ The new tractor will amply take to be understood thrt any theory not solve the mystery in many tle difference how many times; a relations are strained as the result victing the wealthy Mrs. Frances mands considerable influence. He come will be recommended by care of the town’s needs during presented Is purely conjectural, minds. One asks: Are they guilty man is put in jeopardly for violat­ Stevens Hall and her two brotners, has several appointments to make President Coolidge to the short snow storms and will cut down the or the victims of circumstnee? ing the prohibition law. Dr. Butler of the disclosures made by Colonel Willie and Henry Stevens, of the cost of snow removal considerably. By PHILO VANCE Does any or all seem to fit this warns the Republicans that the Ricciottl Garibaldi, who Is detain­ murder of Rev. Edward Wheeler session of- Congress which co'n- ('The . “ Psychological ..Detective” particular crime? Last winter a similar tractor own- party cannot exist half wet and ed here after having made state­ Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mills, was Hero of S. S. Van Dine’s Mystery] A brief courtroom study and a oMh\ re°baTlS;i ed by the town Wlndeot half dry. His statement folio vs: ments concerning his activities ,as the uppermost topic for debate in Tales.) 1glimpse into background can per­ “ Now that the smoke of Tuesr not been definitely decided upon,] plowed out a, stre^h «f Somerville, N J., Nov. 6,— ^Why j haps, breed this conclusion: the an agent provacateur for the Fas­ Somerville today. Simpson’s friends hut it Is reported the President has hour and a half that required sev day’s political battle is lifted, it is were willing to gamble that ithe en hours for a Manchester truck were there three bullets in the | Stevens clan have a great tena- cist regime In Itply, while posing in mind a return of from 10 to 12 quite plain to see that the Repub­ as an anti-Fascist. harrassed but indomitable prosecu­ and plow attached to plow out. body of the slain choir singer and 1 lican party stands at the parting per cent. but one in the corps of Dr. Hall? (Contlnnea on Page 2.) The French newspaners declare tor will find a way out of this situa­ Since action by Congress would For Snow Only. of the ways. There Is the usual that Colonel Garibaldi has -etmfess- tion. come too late for relief on the last It is the plan of the hoard to talk of reorganization, but what ed that he worked for former Refuse Warrant keep this tractor for snow plowing quarter paymefits in 1926, it was the party needs‘is , not so much re­ Minister of the Interior Federzoni He wanted to get the "pig wo­ intimated that the refund should only. It is equipped to do all kinds organization as ideas and construc­ of hauling. It has 72 horse-power of Italy. They declare that he has man’s” testimony into the records apply on the payments in 1927. MARIE COMMANDS’ CONNECTICUT UCKS tive leadership. admitted spending large sums of ever so badly, “ before the hand of As to the proposal for a perma-^ capacity. But, the board feels that Cites, Three Pressing Issues money in France, securing infor­ a tractor for snow removal only “ Public opinipn demands of it as death might aid in the miscarriage nent reduction, the President was mation concerning the activities of will last longer and will be more the price of siyiport vigorous and of justice.” Her story is vital to his said to believe that the short ses­ PEACE; OBTAINS IT P ^ T OF MOSQUITO antl-Fascists and fostering antl- case- But the two presiding judges sion gave inadequate time for a re­ economical In the end. courageous intellectual and mgral The Best tractor is the famous leadership in dealing with the three Fasclst Plots, which were disclosed wouldn’t sign a warrant forcing the vision of the tax measure.
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