Das Book Store, 2000

Das Book Store, 2000

2000 MAIN ENTRIES 000-999 Generalities Gangadhar Meher: 4786 Mohanty, Bhagaban 4777 shrusti samiksha o smrutiraksha= Mwû]e ùcùje: Padha o manerakha= _X I cù^eL / bMaû^ cjû«ò I iéÁò icúlû I iáZòelû / cYú¦â Kêcûe ùcùjeu \ßûeû iõKkòZ.- Kckû ù\B.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Das Book Barpalli: Maa Prakashani, 2000.- 43p., pbk; Store, 2000.- 2v. (64p.; 66p.), pbk.; 16cm.- 21cm.- 1. Bibliography 2. Meher, Gangadhar- 1.Children’s literature: General knowledge.- Bibliography.- 016.8OR1 Rs.15.00 001 Rs.15.00 each A Treaties on public library movement 4787 Sahu, Sukadeb 4778 and the role of library association in Orissa/ Prutibi parichaya= _é[ôaú _eòPd / gêKù\a iûjê.- 1st edited by Arjun Jena.- Cuttack: B. Shukla, ed.- Cuttack: Guruji Book Depot, 2000.- 104p., 2000.- 265p., bound; 22cm.- 1. Library science pbk.; 21cm.- 1. General knowledge.- 001 2. Shukla, Banabihari-Biography.- ISBN 81- Rs.15.00 86086-01-3.- 020 Rs.98.00 Behura, Sarat 4779 Shukla, Banabihari 4788 Bharatara Nobel bijeta= bûeZe ù^ûùafþ aòùRZû / Professor P.N. Kaula: his works, contributions geZ ùajêeû I aûA]e ^ûdK.- Cuttack: Biluanana and impact on international library and infor- Prakashan, 2000.- 64p., pbk; 21cm.- 1. Biog- mation field/ B.B. Shukla.- Cuttack: Bharati raphy-India 2. Nobel prizes and India.- 001.4 Pub., 2000.- 328p., bound; 22cm.- (Prof. Kaula Rs.12.00 series in library science; 13).- 1. Kaula, P.N - Padhihari, Bijay Kumar 4780 Biography 2. Library science.- ISBN 81- Nobel bijeta: Bharatiya= ù^ûùafþ aòùRZû: bûeZúd 86086-00-5.- 020.9 Rs.99.00 / aòRd Kêcûe _Xòjûeú.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sputnik, Panda, Deepak Kumar 4789 2000.- 48p., pbk; 21cm.- 1. Biography-India Bichitra biswa= aòPòZâ aògß / \ú_K Kêcûe _Šû.- 1st 2. Nobel prizes and India.- 001.4 Rs.20.00 ed.- Sambalpur: D.K. Panda, 2000.- 41p., pbk; Padhihari, Bijay Kumar 4781 19cm.- 1. Curiousities and wonders.- 030 Nobel bijeta: Bharatiya baigyanika= ù^ûùafþ Rs.12.00 aòùRZû: bûeZúd ùa÷mû^òK / aòRd Kêcûe _Xòjûeú.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sputnik, 2000.- 32p., pbk; 21cm.- 100 Philosophy and psychology 1. Biography-India 2. Nobel prizes and India Krishnamurty, J. 4790 3. Scientists-India.- 001.4 Rs.15.00 Mrutyu sange basa= céZýê iùw aûi / ^¦ò^ú \ûiu Behera, Jagabandhu 4782 \ßûeû @^êaû\òZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Self Education Computer problem solved/ Jagabandhu Trust, 2000.- 19p., pbk; 22cm.- 1. Death.- 128 Behera.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: B. Behera, 2000.- Rs.8.00 178p., pbk; 22cm.- 1. Computer science-Mis- Brahma, Niranjan 4791 cellanea.- 004 Rs.50.00 Banibhushana Ramabara malika o kalara gati= Behera, Jagabandhu 4783 aûYúbìhY eûcûae cûkòKû I Kûke MZò / ^òe¬^ aâjàû.- Computer tricks/ Jagabandhu Behera.- 1st ed.- Puri: B. Brahma, 2000.- 28p., pbk; 21cm.- Cuttack: B. Behera, 2000.- 119p., pbk; 22cm.- 1. Forcasting.- 133.3 [Rs.5.00] 1. Computer science-Miscellanea.- 004 Naik, Shyamasundar 4792 Rs.40.00 Adbhuta mantra siksha= @nêZ cª gòlû / gýûciê¦e Patnaik, Gopal Chandra 4784 ^ûdK.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: R. Singh, 2000.- 192p., Suchana o prajukti bidya= iìP^û I _â~êqò aò\ýû / pbk; 18cm.- 1. Occultism.- 133.4 Rs.23.00 ùMû_ûk P¦â _…^ûdK.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Basant Mohanty, Krushnachandra 4793 Pub., 2000.- 112p., bound; 21cm.- 1. Informa- Janmamasa darpana= R^àcûi \_ðY / Ké¾P¦â cjû«ò.- tion networks.- 004.6 Rs.70.00 1st ed.- Cuttack: Orissa Book Store, 2000.- Behera, Jagabandhu 4785 136p., pbk; 20cm.- 1. Astrology 2. Biography- Indian websites/ Jagabandhu Behera.- 1st ed.- Astrological aspects.- ISBN 81-7400-303-7.- Cuttack: B. Behera, 2000.- 2v. (88p.; 73p.), 133.5 Rs.30.00 pbk; 22cm.- 1. Websites-India.- 005.75 Rs.30.00 each 2000 MAIN ENTRIES Pathy, Debaraj 4794 112p., bound; 21cm.- 1. Vedanta 2. Religious Janma kundali= R^à KêŠkú / ù\aeûR _ûVú.- 1st ed.- life.- ISBN 81 86550-41-0.- 181.48 Rs.50.00 Bhubaneswar: S.N. Pathy, 2000.- 404p., bound; Ray, Ramesh Chandra 4802 21cm.- 1. Astrology.- 133.5 Rs.125.00 Bhagaban Ramanujacharya= bMaû^ eûcû^êRûPû~ðý Sahu, Fakirmohan 4795 / eùcg P¦â eûd.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: R.C. Adhunika jibanare manasika chapa= @û]ê^òK Ray, 2000.- 211p., bound; 22cm.- Rúa^ùe cû^iòK Pû_ / `Kúeùcûj^ iûjê.- 1st ed.- 1. Ramanujacharya-Biography 2. Religious Cuttack: Gyanabigyanika, 2000.- 96p., bound; biography 3. Visistadvaita vedanta.- 181.483 21cm.- 1. Stress (Psychology).- 155.9 Rs.50.00 Rs.90.00 Mohanty, Girishbal 4796 Kemiti samana kariba: sakhyatkara o chayana= 200-299 Religion ùKcòZò iûc^û Keòaû: iûlû}ûe I Pd^ / Mòeúgaûkû cjû«ò .- Dharmara urddhware= 4803 1st ed.- Cuttack: Grantha Mandir, 2000.- 96p., ]cðe C¡ßðùe / ]ù^gße iûjêu \ßûeû @^êaû\òZ.- 1st ed.- pbk; 20cm.- 1. Interviewing 2. Self-improve- Cuttack: Institute of Oriental and Orissan Stud- ment.- 158 Rs.40.00 ; Rs.50.00 (bound) ies, 2000.- 92+47p., bound; 22cm.- 1. Religion- Kar, Chintamani 4797 Personal narratives.- 210 Rs.35.00 Byaktitwa akarshaniya kariba kipari= aýqòZß Rafique, Mahammad 4804 @ûKhðYúd Keòaû Kò_eò / Pò«ûcYò Ke.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sadhu sabadhana= iû]ê iûa]û^ / cj¹\ e`òKþ .- 1st Friends Publishers, 2000.- 246p., pbk; 22cm.- ed.- Dhenkanal: Deepra Prakashani, 2000.- 1. Personality 2. Self-improvement.- 74p., pbk; 21cm.- 1. Religious life.- 291.4 ISBN 7401371-7.- 158.1 Rs.75.00 Rs.15.00 Sahu, Munibar 4805 181.4 Indian philosophy Bhakti rasamruta= bqò eiûcéZ / cê^òae iûjê.- Ray, Dilip Kumar 4798 Cuttack: Anand Prakashan, 2000.- 94p., bound; Tirthankar Sri Aurobindo= Zú[ðue gâú @eaò¦ / 21cm.- 1. Religious life.- 291.4 Rs.50.00 bMaû^ ^ûdK acðûu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- 1st ed.- Bhadrak: A.K. Sahoo, 2000.- 90p., pbk; 21cm.- 294.3 Buddhism 1. Aurobindo, Sri-Biography 2. Religious Anangabajra, Acharya 4806 biography.- 181.4092 Rs.40.00 Prajnopayavinischayasiddhih= Isvarakrsna 4799 _âùmû_ûdaò^ò½diò¡òü / bMaû^ _Šûu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- Sankhya karika= iõûLýKûeòKû / aûcù\a ùi^û_Zòu \ßûeû 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Kedarnath Gabeshana @^êaû\òZ I iõKkòZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Pratisthan, 2000.- 34p., pbk; 22cm.- Prajnaprakash, 2000.- 217p., pbk; 22cm.- 1. Buddhism.- 294.3 Rs.30.00 1. Indian philosophy.- 181.41 Rs.50.00 Odissara Bouddha dharma o 4807 Gaibanandaji Maharaj, Swami 4799A sanskruti= IWÿògûe ùaø¡]cð I iõÄéZò / bMaû^ _Šûu \ßûeû Sri Paltu gita darshan= gâú _fþUê MúZû \gð^ / \ú^a§ê iõ_û\òZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sanskruta Sahitya ^ûdKu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sabdalipi, Prakashan, 2000.- 178p., bound; 21cm.- 2000.- 336p., bound; 22cm.- 1. Devotional 1. Buddhism.- 294.3 Rs.100.00 ; Rs.85.00 literature 2. Paltu Gita-Criticism 3. Religious (pbk.) life 4. Yoga philosophy.- 181.45 Rs.150.00 Kar, Siddhartha Kumar 4808 Mohanty, Santosh 4800 Rajaputra Siddhartha= eûR_êZâ iò¡û[ð / iò¡û[ð Kêcûe Bhaktijoga= bqòù~ûM / iù«ûh cjû«ò.- Ke.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Rajeshwari Bhubaneswar: S. Mohanty, 2000.- 151p., Publication., 2000.- 48p., pbk; 21cm.- bound; 21cm.- 1. Yoga philosophy 2. Religious 1. Children’s literature: Religious biography.- life.- 181.45 Rs.55.00 294.363 Rs.15.00 Mohapatra, Jugal Kishore 4801 Yogabasistha darshan= ù~ûMaûgò \gð^ / ~êMkKòùgûe cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Bharat Bharati, 2000.- 2000 MAIN ENTRIES 294.5 Hinduism Misra, Niranjan 4816 Harshananda, Swami 4809 Lilavitana= fúkûaòZû^ / ^òe¬^ cògâ.- 1st ed.- Hindu dharma prasnottari= jò¦ê]cð _âùgÜû eú / Êûcú Cuttack: Sambhu Prakashani, 2000.- jhðû^¦.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Sri Ramakrishna v.2 (112p.), bound; 22cm.- 1. Anukulachandra, Math, 2000.- 59p., pbk; 18cm.- 1. Hinduism.- Sri-Biography 2. Religious biography.- 294.5 Rs.12.50 294.5092 Rs.36.00 Samal, Baishnab Charan 4810 Prabhudutta Brahmachari 4817 Bhakta katha bhakta charita= bq K[û bq PeòZ / Sri Chaitanya charitabali= gâú ùP÷Z^ý PeòZûakú / ùa÷¾a PeY iûcf.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sahitya ^éiòõj _âiû\ cògâu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Sangraha Prakashan, 2000.- 96p., bound; Cuttack Students Store, 2000.- v.2-3 (248p.), 22cm.- 1. Religious biography.- 294.509 bound; 21cm.- 1. Chaitanya, Sri-Biography Rs.40.00 2. Religious biography.- 294.5092 Rs.100.00 Rath, Bhagaban 4818 294.5092 Religious biography Thakura Sri Nigamananda= VûKêe gâú ^òMcû^¦ / Dasgoswami, Tanaya 4811 bMaû^ e[.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Srima Pub., 2000.- Mahapurusha Sisu Anant= cjû_êeêh gògê @^« / 67p., pbk; 18cm.- 1. Nigamananda, Swami-Bi- Z^dû \ûiùMûÊûcú.- 1st ed.- Balipatna: T. ography 2. Religious biography.- 294.5092 Dasgoswami, 2000.- 40p., pbk; 25cm.- Rs.18.00 1. Children’s literature: Sisu Anant Das- Sahu, Krushnacharan 4819 Biography 2. Panchasakha literature.- 294.5092 Balaram Das= akeûc \ûi / Ké¾PeY iûjê.- 1st ed.- Rs.30.00 Bhubaneswar: Subarnarekha, 2000.- 173p., Dasmahapatra, Tamasarani 4812 bound; 22cm.- (Professor Krushnacharan Sahu Sisu Anant Das= gògê @^« \ûi / ZciûeûYú rachana sambhar; 3).- 1. Balaram Das- \ûicjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Criticism 2. Panchasakha literature-Criticism Subarnarekha, 2000.- 194p., bound; 22cm.- 3. Religious poetry-Criticism.- ISBN 81- 1. Sisu Anant Das-Biography 2. Panchasakha 87467-02-9.- 294.5092 Rs.120.00 literature 3. Religious biography.- 294.5092 Samantaray, Gopal Chandra 4820 Rs.110.00 Yogi jibani= ù~ûMú Rúa^ú / ùMû_ûk P¦â iûc«eûd.- 1st Gurupada 4813 ed.- Cuttack: Gyanabigyanika, 2000.- 188p., Siddha smruti= iò¡ iáZò / Mêeê_û\.- New enl. ed.- bound; 21cm.- 1. Trigunananda Saraswati Dev, Keonjhar: Saraswata Kshetra, 2000.- 328p., Swami-Biography 2. Religious biography.- pbk; 21cm.- 1. Nigamananda, Swami-Biogra- 294.5092 Rs.100.00 phy 2. Religious biography 3. Religious life.- Swami Chidananda jibani o bani= 4821 294.5092 Rs.65.00 Êûcú Pò\û^¦ Rúa^ú I aûYú / Êûcú eûcù_âcu \ßûeû iõ_û\òZ.- Kakade, Ramachandra Tukaram 4814 1st ed.- Cuttack: Nalanda, 2000.- 155p., bound; Siridiru Putapartti: ananya anubhuti= gòeòWÿòeê 21cm.- 1. Chidananda, Swami-Biography _ê…_ òð: @^^ý @^êbìZò / `Kúeùcûj^ iûjêu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- 2. Religious biography.- 294.5092 Rs.55.00 1st ed.- Cuttack: Kahani Prakashani, 2000.- 263p., bound; 22cm.- 1. Siridi Sai Baba and 294.513 Mythology Satya Sai Baba 2.

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