David J. McComas - Refereed Publications 1982 1. McComas, D.J. and S.J. Bame, Radially Uniform Electron Source, Rev. of Sci. Instrum., 53, 1490-1491, 1982. 2. Feldman, W.C., S.J. Bame, S.P. Gary, J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, M.F. Thomsen, G. Paschmann, N. Sckopke, M.M. Hoppe, C.T. Russell, Electron Heating Within the Earth's Bowshock, Phys. Rev. Lett., 49, 199-201,1982. 1983 3. Feldman, W.C., R.C. Anderson, S.J. Bame, S.P. Gary, J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, M.F. Thomsen, G. Paschmann, M.M. Hoppe, Electron Velocity Distributions Near the Earth's Bowshock, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 96-110, 1983. 4. Bame, S.J., R.C. Anderson, J.R. Asbridge, D.N. Baker, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, E.W. Hones, Jr., D.J. McComas, R.D. Zwickl, Plasma Regimes in the Deep Geomagnetic Tail: ISEE-3, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10, 912-915, 1983. 1984 5. McComas, D.J. and S.J. Bame, Channel Multiplier Compatible MaterialsLifetime Tests, Rev. Sci. Inst., 55, 463-467, 1984. 6. Hones, Jr., E.W., D.N. Baker, S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, R.D. Zwickl, J.A. Slavin., E.J. Smith, B.T. Tsurutani, Structure of the Magnetotail at 220RE its Response to Geomagnetic Activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 5-7, 1984. 7. Baker, D.N., S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, P.R. Higbie, E.W. Hones, Jr., D.J. McComas, R.D. Zwickl, Correlated Dynamical Changes in the Near Earth and Distant Magnetotail Regions: ISEE-3, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 3855-3864, 1984. 8. Zwickl, R.D., D.N. Baker, S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, E.W. Hones, Jr., D.J. McComas, B.T. Tsurutani, J.A. Slavin, Evolution of the Earth's Distant Magnetotail: ISEE-3 Electron Plasma Results, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 11007-11012, 1984. 9. Feldman, W.C., S.J. Schwartz, S.J. Bame, D.N. Baker, J. Birn, J.T. Gosling, E.W. Hones, Jr., D.J. McComas, J.A. Slavin, E.J. Smith, R.D. Zwickl, Evidence for Slow-Mode Shocks in the Deep Geomagnetic Tail, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 599-602, 1984. 10. Gosling, J.T., D.N. Baker, S.J. Bame, E.W. Hones, Jr., D.J. McComas, R.D. Zwickl, J.A. Slavin, E.J. Smith, B.T. Tsurutani, Plasma Entry into the Distant Tail Lobes: ISEE-3, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 1078-1081, 1984. 11. Hones, Jr., E.W., J. Birn, D.N. Baker, S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, D.J. McComas, R.D. Zwickl, J.A. Slavin, E.J. Smith, B.T. Tsurutani, Detailed Examination of a Plasmoid in the Distant Magnetotail with ISEE-3, Geophys. Res. Lett., 11, 1046-1049, 1984. 1985 12. McComas, D.J., H.E. Spence, R.R. Karl, Jr., H.G. Horak, T.D. Wilkerson, Bistatic LIDAR Experiment Proposed for the Shuttle/Tethered Satellite System Missions, Rev. Sci. Inst., 56, 670- David J. McComas 673, 1985. 1986 13. McComas, D.J., C.T. Russell, R.C. Elphic, S.J. Bame, The Near-Earth Cross-Tail Current Sheet: Detailed ISEE 1 and 2 Case Studies, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 4287-4301, 1986. 14. McComas, D.J., H.E. Spence, C.T. Russell, M.A. Saunders, The Average Magnetic Field Draping Consistent Plasma Properties of the Venus Magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 7939-7953, 1986. 15. Bame, S.J., R.C. Anderson, J.R. Asbridge, D.N. Baker, W.C. Feldman, S.A. Fuselier, J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, M.F. Thomsen, D.T. Young, R.D. Zwickl, Comet Giacobini-Zinner: A Plasma Description, Science, 232, 356-361, 1986. 16. Gosling, J.T., D.J. McComas, M.F. Thomsen, S.J. Bame, C.T. Russell, The Warped Neutral Sheet and Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Geomagnetic Tail, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 7093-7099, 1986. 17. Baker, D.N., W.C. Feldman, S.P. Gary, D.J. McComas, J. Middleditch, Plasma Fluctuations and Large Scale Mixing Near Comet Giacobini-Zinner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, 271-274, 1986. 18. Zwickl, R.D., D.N. Baker, S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, S.A. Fuselier, W.F. Huebner, D.J. McComas, D.T. Young, Three Component Plasma Electron Distributions in the Intermediate Ionized Coma of Comet Giacobini-Zinner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, 401-404, 1986. 19. Thomsen, M.F., S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, D.T. Young, The Comet/Solar Wind Transition Region at Giacobini-Zinner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, 393-396, 1986. 20. Bame, S.J., D.J. McComas, D.T. Young, R.D. Bellian, Diagnostics of Space Plasmas, Rev. Sci. Inst., 57, 1711-1716, 1986. 21. Slavin, J.A., B.A. Goldberg, E.J. Smith, D.J. McComas, S.J. Bame, M.A. Strauss, H. Spinrad, The Structure of a Cometary Type I Tail: Ground-Based and ICE Observations of P/Giacobini- Zinner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, 1085-1088, 1986. 1987 22. McComas, D.J., J.T. Gosling, S.J. Bame, J.A. Slavin, E.J. Smith, J.L. Steinberg, The Giacobini-Zinner Magnetotail: Tail Configuration and Current Sheet, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 1139- 1152, 1987. 23. Gosling, J.T. and D.J. McComas, Field Line Draping About Fast Coronal Mass Ejecta: A Source of Strong out-of-the-Ecliptic Interplanetary Magnetic Fields, Geophys. Res. Lett., 14, 355- 358, 1987. 24. McComas, D.J., J.T. Gosling, C.T. Russell, J.A. Slavin, Magnetotails at Unmagnetized Bodies: Comparison of Comet Giacobini-Zinner and Venus, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 10111-10117, 1987. 25. McComas, D.J., J.R. Baldonado, S.J. Bame, B.L. Barraclough, Channel Electron Multiplier Compatibility with Viton Apiezon-L Vacuum Grease, Rev. Sci. Inst., 58, 2331-2332, 1987. David J. McComas 1988 26. Borovsky, Joseph E., David J. McComas, Bruce L. Barraclough, The Secondary-Electron Yield Measured for 5-24 MeV Protons on Aluminum-Oxide and Gold Targets, Nuc. Inst. Meth. in Phys. Res. B30, 191-195, 1988. 27. McComas, D.J., J.T. Gosling, D. Winterhalter, J. Smith, Interplanetary Magnetic Field Draping About Fast Coronal Mass Ejecta in the Outer Heliosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 2519- 2526, 1988. 28. McComas, D.J. and J.T. Gosling, Magnetic Field Draping About Coronal Mass Ejecta, Solar Wind 6, ed., V.J. Pizzo, T.E. Holzer, and D.G. Sime, NCAR/TN-306, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, 291-295, 1988. 29. Zhu, Xiaoming, M.G. Kivelson, R.J. Walker, C.T. Russell, M.F. Thomsen, D.J. McComas, ISEE-1/2 Spacecraft Study of an Unusual Flux Transfer Event, Adv. Space Res., 8, 259-262, 1988. 1989 30. Bame, S.J., R.H. Martin, D.J. McComas, J.L. Burch, J.A. Marshall, D.T. Young, 3- Dimensional Plasma Measurements from 3-Axis Stabilized Spacecraft, Solar Sytem Plasma Physics, Geophys. Mono. 54, ed., J.H. Waite, J.L. Burch, and R.L. Moore, AGU, Washington D.C., 441-452, 1989. 31. McComas, D.J., J.T. Gosling, S.J. Bame, E.J. Smith, H.V. Cane, A Test of Magnetic Field Draping Induced Bz Perturbations Ahead of Fast Coronal Mass Ejecta, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 1465- 1471, 1989. 32. Moore, K.R., D.J. McComas, C.T. Russell, J.D. Mihalov, Suprathermal Ions Observed Upstream from the Venus Bow Shock, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 3743-3748, 1989. 33. Spence, H.E., M.G. Kivelson, R.J. Walker, D.J. McComas, Magnetospheric Plasma Pressures in the Midnight Meridian: Observations from 2.5 to 35 RE, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 5264- 5272, 1989. 34. Phillips, J.L., J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, S.J. Bame, S.P. Gary, E.J. Smith, Anisotropic Thermal Electron Distributions in the Solar Wind, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 6563-6579, 1989. 35. McComas, D.J., J.T. Gosling, J.L. Phillips, S.J. Bame, J.G. Luhmann, E.J. Smith, Electron Heat Flux Dropouts in the Solar Wind: Evidence for Interplanetary Magnetic Field Reconnection?, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 6907-6916, 1989. 36. Phillips, J.L., J.T. Gosling, D.J. McComas, S.J. Bame, E.J. Smith, ISEE-3 Observations of Solar Wind Thermal Electron Distributions with T Perpendicular Greater than T Parallel, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 13377-13386, 1989. 1990 37. Moore, K.R., D.J. McComas, C.T. Russell, and J.D. Mihalo, A Statistical Study of Ions and Magnetic Fields in the Venus Magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 12005-12018, 1990. 38. Gosling, J.T., S.J. Bame, D.J. McComas, J.L. Phillips, Coronal Mass Ejections Large Geomagnetic Storms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 901-904, 1990. David J. McComas 39. McComas, David J., Jane E. Nordholt, Samuel J. Bame, Bruce L. Barraclough, John T. Gosling, Linear Electric Field Mass Analysis: A Technique for Three-Dimensional High Mass Resolution Space Plasma Composition Measurements, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 87, 5925-5929, 1990. 40. McComas, David J. and Jane E. Nordholt, A New Approach to 3-D, High Sensitivity, High Mass Resolution Space Plasma Composition Measurements, Rev. Sci. Inst., 61, 3095-3097, 1990. 1991 41. Detman, T.R., M. Dryer, S.M. Han, S.T. Wu, D.J. McComas, A Time Dependent, 3-D MHD Numerical Study of Interplanetary Magnetic Draping Around Plasmoids in the Solar Wind, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 9531-9540, 1991. 42. Phillips, J.L. and D.J. McComas, The Magnetosheath and Magnetotail of Venus, Space Sci. Rev., 55, 1-80, 1991. 43. Moore, K.R., D.J. McComas, C.T. Russell, S.S. Stahara, J.R. Spreiter, Gasdynamic Modeling of the Venus Magnetotail, J.
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