© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2020 [Price : Rs.17.60 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No.3] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 Thai 1, Vikari, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2051 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 63-105 Notices .. 105 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 892. I, V. Alamelu, wife of Thiru M. Saravanan, born on 895. I, R. Vellaisamy alias Vigneshwaran, son of Thiru 9th June 1980 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 67, V Ravindran, born on 14th March 1989 (native district: Rajnagar 3rd Cross Street, Sammattipuram, Madurai-625 016, Madurai), residing at Old No. 11, New No. 165, Meenakshi Mill, shall henceforth be known as S. MURUGESWARI Old Colony, Andalpuram, Palanganatham Madurai-625 003, shall henceforth be known as R VIGNESHWARAN V. ALAMELU Madurai, 6th January 2020. R. VELLAISAMY alias VIGNESHWARAN Madurai, 6th January 2020. 893. I, M. Lilly, wife of (late) Thiru I. Murugan, born on 18th April 1940 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at 896. My son, H. Anishwar, son of (late) Thiru K. Hari Sudhan, born on 8th February 2006 (native No. 293/216, Thillai Nagar, Sammattipuram, Madurai-625 016, district: Madurai), residing at No. 100B, Keela Perumal shall henceforth be known as M. LEELADEVI Meshthiri Veethi, Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be M. LILLY known as H ANISH KARTHIK Madurai, 6th January 2020. G. RATHI NIRANJANA 894. I, N. Janakiraman, son of Thiru R. Nadimuthu, Madurai, 6th January 2020. (Mother) born on 12th July 1994 (native district: Thiruvananthapuram- 897. I, R. Rafi k, son of Thiru Rajak, born on 8th February Kerala), residing at Old No. 25, New No. 201, Viralikalavilai, 1982 (native district: Coimbatore), residing at No. 2A/15, Edaicode, Idaikkode, Kanyakumari-629 152, shall henceforth Santhai West Street, Anaimalai, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore- be known as N SRIRAM 642 104, shall henceforth be known as R. MOHAMED RAFIK N. JANAKIRAMAN R. RAFIK Kanyakumari, 6th January 2020. Coimbatore, 6th January 2020. D.T.P.—VI-4 (3)—1 [ 63 ] 64 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec. 4 898. I, J. Anandharaja, son of Thiru S. Jeyaraman, 907. I, R. Rajaboopathy, son of Thiru V. Ramanathan, born on 1st January 1980 (native district: Virudhunagar), born on 11th February 1978 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 3/279, T. Sedapatti, Thammanayakkanpatti, residing at No. 3/2749-54, Mahathma Gandhi Nagar, Virudhunagar-626 204, shall henceforth be known 8th Street, Pattinamkattan, Ramanathapuram-623 503, as J. ANANTHARAJ shall henceforth be known as R. BOOPATHY J. ANANDHARAJA R. RAJABOOPATHY Virudhunagar, 6th January 2020. Ramanathapuram, 6th January 2020. 899. My son, J Jerlin, born on 27th November 2005 908. My daughter, J Anaafi ya Iqra, daughter of Thiru (native district: Dindigul), residing at No. 59, Meenachi S Jafar Ali Ibrahim, born on 17th October 2018 (native Nagar, Ayyappankovil East, Mettupatti South Extension, district: Madurai), residing at No. 15, Forest Main Pallapatti, Begampur, Dindigul-624 002, shall henceforth be Road, Theni-625 531, shall henceforth be known known as J JERLIN RAJA as J. UMAIRAH WASEELA N JERARD RAJA RAIHANA PARVEEN R Dindigul, 6th January 2020. (Father) Theni, 6th January 2020. (Mother) 900. I, M. Veeramani, son of Thiru S. Mathiyalagan, 909. I, M. Murugesan, son of (late) Thiru S. Muthu Thevar, born on 7th March 1985 (native district: Tirunelveli), born on 14th January 1965 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 267, C.S.I. Church Street, Melailandaikulam, residing at No. 69/177, Agrakaram North Street, Sankarankoil, Tirunelveli-627 951, shall henceforth be Watrap, Virudhunagar-626 132, shall henceforth be known as M. MANIPANDIAN known as M. MURUGAN M. VEERAMANI M. MURUGESAN Tirunelveli, 6th January 2020. Virudhunagar, 6th January 2020. 901. My daughter, G. Vihashini, born on 25th February 910. I, K. Sennammareddy, son of Thiru K. Kathiresan, 2010 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 532D, Thootai, born on 30th May 1996 (native district: Madurai), residing at Old No. 17, New No. 20, East Street, Appakkarai, Peraiyur Indra Nagar, Thiruppuvanam Taluk, Sivagangai-630 611, Taluk, Madurai-625 704, shall henceforth be known shall henceforth be known as G. RAYANIKA as K. SELVAM M. GANESAN K. SENNAMMAREDDY Sivagangai, 6th January 2020. (Father) Madurai, 6th January 2020. 902. My daughter, S. Esakkiammal alias Rohini, 911. I, P. Selvam, son of Thiru A. Pattani, born on daughter of Thiru G. Subramanian, born on 17th May 2007 13th February 1973 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at No. 94/A, Upstairs, No. 3/265, Middle Street, Annamalaiputhur, Kavalpirai Street, Tirunelveli-627 006, shall henceforth be Melamarudappapuram, Tirunelveli-627 860, shall henceforth known as S. ESAKKIAMMALROHINI be known as P. VELLADURAI S. VELAMMAL P. SELVAM Tirunelveli, 6th January 2020. (Mother) Tirunelveli, 6th January 2020. 903. I, K Suriyaprakasam, son of Thiru K Kumar, born on 912. My daughter, S.Ila, born on 28th June 2006 (native 11th May 1997 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 1D, district: Madurai), residing at No. 1/181A, Kuttimeikkipatti, IV Subbaiyar Street, Mani Nagaram 2nd Street, Madurai- Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai-625 501, shall henceforth be 625 001, shall henceforth be known as K SURIYAPRAKASH known as S. AKILA K SURIYAPRAKASAM G. SANKILIPANDI Madurai, 6th January 2020. Madurai, 6th January 2020. (Father) 904. I, A. Kartheeswari, wife of Thiru S. Appanasami, 913. I, S. Kali, son of (late) Thiru M. Sankaralingam, born on 16th April 1977 (native district: Virudhunagar), born on 15th January 1981 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 3/442, Ramanayakkan Patti, Chettikurichi residing at No. 28/18, Melapalayam North Street, Post, Aruppukottai Taluk, Virudhunagar-626 134, shall Watrap, Virudhunagar-626 132, shall henceforth be henceforth be known as A. LATHA known as S. KALEESWARAN A. KARTHEESWARI S. KALI Virudhunagar, 6th January 2020. Virudhunagar, 6th January 2020. 905. My son, M. Prasanth, born on 28th September 914. I, S. Ganesh, son of Thiru R. Sountrapandiyan, 2019 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 3/86, born on 22nd January 1986 (native district: Sivagangai), RC Street, Inamreddipatti, Kasireddiapatti, Virudhunagar- residing at No. 1/49, Puthuvalavu, Panangudi, Sivagangai- 626 003, shall henceforth be known as M. VIGNESHVARAR 630 555, shall henceforth be known as S. NAMASIVAYAN C. MARIMUTHU S. GANESH Virudhunagar, 6th January 2020. (Father) Sivagangai, 6th January 2020. 906. I, P. Ramasamy, son of Thiru M. Periyasamy, born on 915. My daughter, M. Veditha Sri, born on 20th July 2017, 20th May 1976 (native district: Madurai), residing at Suthanthira (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 143/3, 3rd Street, Y. Othakadai, Madurai-625 107, shall henceforth be Pulikkara Street, Ramanathapuram-623 504, shall henceforth known as P. RAMAR be known as M. VELUNACHIYAR P. RAMASAMY M.MARIMUTHU Madurai, 6th January 2020. Ramanathapuram, 6th January 2020. (Father) Jan.15, 2020] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 65 916. I, Kumutha. N daughter of Thiru M. Siva Pitchai, 925. I, C. Kumar, son of Thiru K. Chinnasamy, born on born on 30th May 1977 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), 9th June 1987 (native district: Pudukkottai), residing at Kousi residing at Old No. 6/37B, New No.6/45, Bharathi Nagar, Bakery, Puthur Pirivu, Dharapuram Road, Tiruppur-641 604, Kottathur, Tiruchirappalli-621 004, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as C. VIJAYAKUMAR known as S KUMUTHA C. KUMAR KUMUTHA. N Tiruchirappalli, 6th January 2020. Tiruppur, 6th January 2020. 917. My daughter, J. Mohamatha Asha, daughter of Thiru 926. My daughter, M. Arshini, born on 17th May 2007 Jabar Ali, born on 18th February 2006 (native district: Erode), (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at Old No. 5/974, New residing at No. E-95, Perumpallam Odai, Jeevanantham No.6/89, Periyar Nagar, Valavanthankottai, Thiruverumbur Road Kudisaigal, Erode-638 001, shall henceforth be Taluk, Tiruchirappalli-620 015, shall henceforth be known as J. KARISHMA KOWSAR known as R.M. VIRIDHISREE SAPURNISHA R. MAHENDRABABU Erode, 6th January 2020. (Mother) Tiruchirappalli, 6th January 2020. (Father) 918. I, N Abdul Rahman, son of Thiru K. Nallu born on 25th March 1964 (native district: Perambalur), residing at 927. My son, R.M. Aakash, born on 19th October No. 255, DA O-14B, Suganesh Nagar, Vadakkumathavi 2011 (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at Road, Perambalur-621 212, shall henceforth be Old No. 5/974, New No. 6/89, Periyar Nagar, known as N ABDUR RAHMAN Valavanthankottai, Thiruverumbur Taluk, Tiruchirappalli- N ABDUL RAHMAN 620 015, shall henceforth be known as R.M. HARIBALAJI Perambalur, 6th January 2020. R. MAHENDRABABU 919. My son, R.S. Seshama Raja, born on 7th April 2005 Tiruchirappalli, 6th January 2020. (Father) (native district: Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 13/4, Baba 928. I, Shaik Ahmeed Mohamed Shariff alias Shaik Nivash Station Road, Korattur, Venkatram Nagar, Chennai- 600 080, shall henceforth be known as R.S.
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