PtlbtieatLon BW Cbr' " ib Oilow and RiUIZhPd. p*- ~t is ent11~1 appropriate a dtdkate tbm cd~tmn a Oftht~U~+ktqlbr~H~: or- Pmhtof B na~B nth. For -&initistion of tbc Fouditb mwememt ms Irr ly the product of hra visiin, ind the mark- , abfpppnamn of the HllleI progrmm fmm nn cx- trl rrrrir It LUImb m the most *Itant youth mnt++the crime dur- tbirtct. war pdrmnrrtrwon as hi&of Hlliel &an at the University of Illinois in 1923 Isa~y~rsd~undertbe~ of the late llrbbi Benjamin Frank& Tbc pwng nbbi awk ,& pmyy to @c Brocutiw Commitk of B mi 3 rith as ng foe itp waorsbip. Alfred M. Cohen rars'+m one of-the% mqtvyspt thc SvtCammrttce ad* wm At hw lm4ska tb* the smmrahi~of tk Hilkl ~dn~m * of courage to aETSLt and mature prudence p prwit imp 1 itself in Bpby-n~ghl ~.rimenlahon, gwdcd~~EIiUI1 movcmmt through the crucial period of trial and emr. : President Cohen Idabrick with 'ustihllc pridt upon tbe growth+of Hill~lduring bk adminlava- tlon. He ap written ''That I hvc been idmtihcd with thc H~lldmcrvement, and I hopf in some measure have be1 ~tfrom ~nfanqon,]& omtd march. is one 0% sweet rwnpensahoaa of my lo life." Tmidmt Cohc. is wda~&ectionaMy alutsd in this dedication in the usme of 30.00 Jewish sb- dents who arc w-n,g truined for Jmish lcadtrship because of hls vision. mddmt'a mmws Thchh~d&~H-W&Wm- p+xccIdgmw& and pwgm~in the 8'd ; B'dzHiW- ftIi#~bwtkd ~~t$prLBd~lpI~bidl~~ dliskd2a~~dtbC~.R ; &+ui'bcrrmw~mitrtkwkIp~,ipb wcringcfiottintht~~d~ ' York B'd Iritb's dcgc pmgmm htr b&d bccwm aatbd in smpe and i# pmmh- fopmod, ad J- krdusbip-nill nndmhdly krvea- Jd&h I@- Ythelik.mhtnil m. cohmM mpe~tmkaden. Tbqsdmdaka~~8n- cemLtbe&sthrtwntmmtout~. Thep hl#pa whohrespect lpr the bst in : Jwlsh hadih Thrp grwide the bdc kk- groundd~erish~i~c~th.t*~Ed- & -0 my~PR M lm Inda~~im~thcchrl- Icngcl, of thcJe criticJ days It IS that tht WiH-bk thil yeat h n dedid c OW di-w Wyhident. #'I Alfd Id. Cobm, rho was fs. q maw yam - I Cbahm of thc B'mi B'rith Hicl Cmnmiin . ' md~somtKhtotbe~~... which the presmt --of Hilkt is king hit. - >.-. - I irom m HawWeer- The second edition of the Xi-Book qpm at A mcmcnt when pung I* me hm lh kica hnd #hpmdws f+cemheh~r&q m M wrr twn. Tbe ideala th ham chcrlrhad d the bw nurhuey are thrtatencd by tbc -Id cvmta. The future is forthding It is ]u~tat such a Hmt, homer, .that an like the Bemu B'rlth HUM Foundattons -% mtr jdesihP Instead of bemosd the lnck of mord &c firhi&.anh nsaonsibilih . ... - ...* .-in m%.. -... ad at- hiMb and social p'J- men& to m-HIM mi the B'W~ throSiti2EfiXh%: hw been trairii%and molding th-mandm of you@ ~dcfor heal v md ndul Ilm Ba n mordr- baaid program of 'cba{aaCr&iild+. -i!ci$n+& that ymth is the rrparltom of beman CIV mtlon and that they,ate aIso most srrsaptible ta idnmma that would imperil or dmtq that rich endow- ment, B'nai B dth bdt fpr the htu~when ir undertook to sponsor the HtlM Pmditrom. Tht futruc i? upn us. Ahdp,$radatm of the Hilicl Fmdahons have taken theup? in their own communities as resmnsibk ~n trP~nedkad- us wh~sinternu were' directed into mnstiuctme rdpoaitlw channels $NiIkI. Others dlCUpw in ever increasing num rs as the H~llelhtewurn program broadem its mpc and moves into addi- tiod colleges and univtrsities. Today B'mi B'rith's investment in yonth is be- 'nnin to pay divideqds. That is our great mm- Err. % these mug tunes when values that om appc~rcdm, important have +me ~aniless, it I? cncouragmg to find that tn the Hfl+l Yonnda- ttons our txpcctat~onshave been real~zed. From them we can look for continu4 moral dividends. bat pr, when the &st HilM IJandbwk wut to press. a new of &h mimwaa anmmnctd-and was that this nm hcbmquc tpoald caable the Hilicl program to idnmm many more tbowads of Jew~cwrsh atu- dm. The bope h9s justified itself bepwd B most optimistic limits. To the nineteen units which wem installed in thc I& .cPdcmic mom tbm twenty llnitr have am: Thc HiIlel -mw r+m into morr than fifty mllW~nnims&es and ntbcmptp to 30,000. J+zwish w. -Yet the or~@~nalobjectives rrmnin ihct. When the hst Foundation was cstabl~cd gears ago * the Unircrsity of uinois it was in- tended to stmulate amq*dm& on + colkgc r wholesome in the mml values F%?Jew~sh.heritqge.: . It ms phoned to klop HilleI ~vrhawr that th mid teach thc Jewiab student @ & hisxeritagt as pious ap worth p,mentng, and ap,ao importmt prtberd 1U the fnbnc of mnci~111kdon. Thcse objec- nvcs have been dl7adhered to through d1 th* hnYe becow %% c mYcmcnt" """T M mdedfrom a -small unit at llliois to the maq-uuhmitg & in e=JT paa of the -. It has iut ban sugpd htthe Hill+ tqch- niphas rn~ntly ngd. Eat ogpmc~plc ~PSremaid constant namely, the pnnc~gleof self-gmvemment. d pl;*ag the agpwsibilrtg for thc student p am la tbe hands of tbc strrh -I-. AIL smmttm therr is rn im- p,&~ mrd of leadmhip In Jewish institu- t~oaaliik, leadership*w+ is dpwn fmm +Hi!Id blued s&ndeuk Thts IS tht alumate vind~cat~on DR. A. L. SACHAR of the original principle wbicb has kept the ad. National Director ministrat@ of the Hillel Pwndations basically dcmc~ratfc. ~zlpmE$t--*mr+ -. Dr. Muduaasd Fnmti&m= with Dri War. the lod mkha born curied on b, a m-+ of &&a: la the fall a 1939 +th m3Er%ldl. yas ld0 -u?rts?.pd!rtni,- kind in a st& n+w&y. mingtoo is the HillJ ROKUIKI wblch brqa to tbs csmptit md O the romrmp& at large MnguEahed aptiorul per- sd,k Mythe Foundation hqutm@ a &~ma€ My Town Medngs, at wM p, :.;5, 9 I&+ -bus. s.*ad rprkea diu RABBI JUDAH GOLDKN r!.jd&- cuss vaJ -. - Td*, thm-wntmkma&- ~~13Wpnpgma1md~~th~govtm- mg-of ttrurown andsnch propurr. Wisconrtn The Wismnin ' n wm,w mid L 1924 rs the -.dR$%' the ~~~crptog-. Ita 6rst Mrcctar Rabbi SoIwnw hdmaa who KIT~anti1 19h devcloH the tachaiqd +at hns $1~btm fo~ld Raw Max Kadrrshri author $-a number of &oh worka in the &rd d +ma, r 2 tbe cr* k. bed Smun*m d Amuia. bas Dimtor since hm. - at wkomiq ind* *aU S&-Iida akbrahoas; elr~~#In H* brew Bible, and %almudn I*re mums in ~ewrsh,history, liter~tyc.dd mcrolo s m- iDlr In ~ewthphllom suaP; mcni snppcr-forums; PPoLLo&?L; debam ?3 matoq spcF~lIrnnrestkmuprtnlre~ music. md Jm~bmkrpm&= wz- lzngd: ltso rrr the Avukab and a Gmdpate Uu? Idu&d in tbe dmdu of socd furdins .rr matinee dances, once each month an rnnnal boll, a winter danct a stunt nr t. a 'cnmivd and aa *and ~psingbaa &+lpFial mitk w+utah Y&riral v1rnn.g and em-- mmk m8a A GPm*n re prole hrr dm ken em&, m&. weA am dm plrr in the All-Vdvcxsitr M' cl'nci!. A -tion, p~anccwarn. s* a need for a t md mmdhog has brrn planned for this fw h the he. Like all the otha Fanndatnms the Wimnsin unit is dcmcrcratkaU governed &th the Student C~IIcabinet anbmmmi- Eommhtiog an m&y qing at the -siw studcd Dronmm. A1 of the Foundation rctivitia art ecntmd in a suite of moms located in the Uniwrsh hi- nnr district. pu?rbers consist of ?n auditmiurn. ~~~Ii.w&~ayo$l~p=m a d- 16 $-; ::,!-. -1 , ,. -,-, . ?' . .a- r- . :'. , '- RABBI HARRY KAm Dmr. Ohio State Uniwsiiy mpls MU. *ad is dly-iMc to a11 wc- tioms of the Univrmi~. .. Wh,Hilkl'a hh-W+rbi~itg. in- %%Pthe Ianl+g of I f~~par-.pldt 1- of Hmm Relam and the dmckmmt of PI- Ithm hiu bccn dml@. Becaw the emphis at ComeIl lpa -iiy been on cul~rdand religious achv as well as on personod -ice drssa condudin Hebrew, ewsh humq and curmt problems s Lbrew malab club. o$dd mcrmiaed bv 'tht university; a fobof promin+ J9b& d'regular student pawl rllscuar~wa, h?vc id kcn WU re~ciwdbp Cornell's 810 Jm~shstu- dents. In roo tion with Avukab Hillel has spw. sod racd &A r ad our Dag program, I White Pap? protest meeting. PaLpfim night at -1 the ComaClub and a ewtsh N&MI DAVID POLISH Ptrnd rmmipn. A of milic.tiotm which Diredm, cod1 UhdQ and P syllahs In JewM sociology, have kn ?Ahbed b7 * -. Goodman v. Tbe hnsItr~n-the~ from tht-b tunpus. It oqpies m entire Boor of A Mlding md ita rwm dude 1- + whkh k ;omb~wlth the htw, t !~-*.~lotur&A r** 1 6oe mmmz &'"A - -r* -- L*rt pu tbt ew*h body WLrnbeECd 4m. RCrg shrdeat is cxr~~* Hilld dortt pa- of a fee. Hm. cwtribtlha wue-dved fm tht fmtcmh And onal on the Tm MBI ABBAM V. GOODMAN Dirraor, Uoivcrsie of T-s joint ehm of thr * and mcri% -I*. Tbe n is hid in m attnctite build- in my- hvmw far from ttw hcut otthe E.mmL+. & r, lounge Mmtorialti. - - The T JcaiB wmmu+ lu& & i kcen iaMTthe Foundation and ~bwdf& d ia tam bas dd the mitts of the as rW.
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