Legislative Reports raised several concerns regard- • Bill 204, Traffic Safety (Hand- ing the efficiency and reasoning Held Communication Devices) behind what they termed the new Amendment Act, 2008, to the Standing Committee on “superboard.” Economy. The Private Members’ Public Bills 18, 23, and 24 were re- Bill passed by the Assembly was ferred to the appropriate Policy Bill 206, Alberta Personal Income Field Committee following First Tax (Physical Activity Credit) Reading and Bills 10 and 204 were Alberta Amendment Act, 2008, sponsored referred during Second Reading by Dave Rodney (PC, Calgary- consideration. Lougheed). The Bill provides he Fall sitting of the First Ses- non-refundable tax credits for fees The committees reviewed the Tsion of the 27th Legislature ad- paid to eligible organizations and proposed legislation throughout journed on December 3, 2008, after programs which promote physical the Summer and Fall. Three com- 26 sitting days. At the conclusion activity. It received Royal Assent mittees also held public hearings of the sitting, 41 Government Bills on December 2, 2008. on their Bills. The Chairs of the and one Private Members’ Public committees presented reports Bill had been passed by the As- Policy Field Committees to the Assembly on October 22, 2008, recommending that all Bills sembly. In 2007 four Policy Field proceed with the exception of Bill During the Fall sitting the Committees were established by 204. The reports received the con- Assembly also approved supple- temporary Standing Orders. An currence of the Assembly, includ- mentary estimates for 14 depart- additional Policy Field Committee ing the report from the Standing ments totalling $1,016,186,000 and was created following the pas- Committee on Economy regarding $20,441,000 in transfers. sage of another set of temporary Bill 204, a Private Members’ Bill A notable Government Bill Standing Orders in 2008, which proposing to ban the use of hand- passed during the Fall sitting was were made permanent during the held communication devices while Bill 42, Health Governance Transition Fall sitting. driving. In its report, the commit- Act. The Bill provides for the disso- In the Spring five Bills were re- tee recommended that the issue be lution of the Alberta Cancer Board ferred to each of the Assembly’s reviewed by the Departments of and the Alberta Alcohol and Drug five Policy Field Committees: Transportation, Solicitor General Abuse Commission (AADAC), • Bill 10, Security Services and and Public Security, and Justice both of which were established Investigators Act, was referred and that an offence of distracted by legislation. The Bill enables the to the Standing Committee on driving be created either by leg- transfer of the capital assets and Public Safety and Services; islation or regulation. The com- liabilities of these boards and the • Bill 18, Film and Video mittee further recommended that Cancer Foundation to the new au- Classification Act, to the Standing the draft legislation or prospective thority. The Bill was introduced Committee on Community regulation be referred back to it to meet legislative requirements Services; prior to the Spring 2009 sitting of following a ministerial order that • Bill 23, Weed Control Act, to the Assembly. consolidated nine regional health the Standing Committee on Resources and Environment; authorities and three boards, the In November the Standing Alberta Cancer Board, the Mental • Bill 24, Adult Guardianship and Committee on Health held three Trusteeship Act, to the Standing meetings with stakeholder groups Health Board, and AADAC into Committee on Health; one authority. The opposition and representatives from the 40 CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW/SPRING 2009 Ministry of Health and Wellness. regarding children in care. sittings; Under temporary Standing Order On October 27, 2008, Speaker • Revised sitting hours where- provisions that were in place at Ken Kowalski heard additional by the Assembly now sits Monday through Wednesday the time, Policy Field Committees comments from Mr. Mason con- were given additional powers, one from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. cerning the purported question of and Thursday from 1:30 to 4:30 of which was the ability to hold privilege. The Speaker also heard p.m. (The Assembly previously public meetings on any matter from Mr. Stevens who apologized sat Monday through Thursday within a committee’s mandate. to the Assembly. from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The meeting with the Department and Monday, Tuesday and was the result of a motion request- The Speaker indicated the Wednesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. until adjournment). There ing the attendance of the Minister matter was concluded. He then stated that for an allegation of de- is a provision in the Standing of Health and Wellness and the Orders to allow the Assembly Acting Chief Medical Officer of liberately misleading the House to meet in the evenings to con- Health to respond to questions to be ruled as a prima facie case of sider Government Business related to the delivery of public privilege, two criteria were neces- upon passage of a Government Motion; health to Albertans. The other two sary: the statement must have been meetings were held as a response misleading; and it must have been • The continuation of five Policy Field Committees (Standing to stakeholders who had asked to established that the Member in- tended to mislead the Assembly. Committees) in the subject present on certain issues within areas of Community Services, the Committee’s mandate. Standing Orders Economy, Health, Public Safety and Services, and Resources Prior to the adjournment of The Standing Orders of the and Environment; the Fall Sitting, Bill 52, Health Legislative Assembly of Alberta • Modification to the supply Information Amendment Act, 2008 , have undergone significant process whereby department was referred to the Standing review and changes since 2007, estimates would be referred to Committee on Health following Policy Field Committees and the when Premier Ed Stelmach took time for consideration would Second Reading. It is anticipated office. Key changes that were that the Bill will be reinstated increase from 60 to 72 hours. brought forward in 2007 included The Policy Field Committees during the Spring sitting. This an expanded committee system, are expected to meet in the eve- would mark the first time the additional hours for consideration nings for consideration of the Assembly has reinstated a Bill main estimates during the 2008 of estimates, and a significant re- Spring Sitting (from 6:30 p.m. from a previous session since a duction in the number of evening provision to allow this procedure to 9:30 p.m.); sittings. Following the general • A provision whereby com- was added to the Standing Orders election held on March 3, 2008, in 2001. mittees of the Assembly are the Assembly extended most of appointed for the life of a Privilege the 2007 temporary Standing Legislature. Orders until the conclusion of the Prior to the conclusion of the On October 23, 2008, Brian 2008 Fall Sitting and referred the Fall Sitting, the Assembly adopted Mason (ND, Edmonton- Standing Orders to the Standing a resolution outlining permanent Highlands-Norwood) raised Committee on Privileges and changes to the Standing Orders a purported question of privi- Elections, Standing Orders and which reflected the Committee’s lege regarding a confidential- Printing. During the 2008 Fall recommendations. The amend- ity agreement referred to by Sitting, the committee presented ments took effect on December 4, Ron Stevens, Deputy Premier, its report, which included the fol- 2008. in response to a question asked lowing key recommendations: by Mr. Mason during Oral • The adoption of a sessional cal- Other matters Question Period on October 23, endar with a Spring Sitting to David Swann (Lib, Calgary- 2008. Mr. Mason alleged that the commence the second Tuesday Mountain View) was chosen as the Deputy Premier had misled the in February and concluding no Assembly when he claimed that later than the first Thursday new Leader of the Alberta Liberal the New Democrat caucus was in June, and a Fall Sitting to Party and Leader of the Official commence the last Monday in provided with an oath of confi- Opposition at the Liberal leader- October and conclude the first ship convention on December 15, dentiality to sign had they wished Thursday in December; to view confidential documents 2008. He replaced Kevin Taft (Lib, • The elimination of evening Edmonton-Riverview) who had CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW/SPRING 2009 41 served as Leader since March 27, defer payment of their 2009 prop- 2004. erty taxes. Dr. Swann was elected to his During second reading debate second term as a Member of the on Bill 45, Opposition finance Legislative Assembly for the con- critic Bruce Ralston claimed that stituency of Calgary-Mountain both the economic plan and the View on March 3, 2008. He is the enabling legislation lacked sub- critic for health and wellness and stance, stating that additional pro- executive council. Prior to being vincial investments in housing, elected to the Legislature, he prac- public transit, and forestry were tised as a family physician from British Columbia also needed. Opposition mem- 1975 to 1984 and then worked as bers were also concerned about a public health consultant from n September 10, 2008, Gov- the proposed changes to the prop- 1988 to 2004. Oernment House Leader erty assessment system, including On October 23, 2008, the Mike de Jong publicly announced their effect on local governments. Assembly approved a motion to that there would be no fall sitting, However, they ultimately voted in concur in the report of the Select as the government had no urgent favour of the bill, which received Special Ethics Commissioner new legislation to present. How- royal assent on November 27, Search Committee to appointNeil ever, in response to the global eco- 2008.
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