United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,871,991 B2 Boojamra Et Al

United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,871,991 B2 Boojamra Et Al

US00787 1991 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,871,991 B2 Boojamra et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 18, 2011 (54) PHOSPHONATE ANALOGS OF HIV EP O 632 048 3, 2001 INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS RU 21.06353 3, 1998 RU 21882O3 8, 2002 (75) Inventors: Constantine G. Boojamra, San WO WO91, 19721 12/1991 Francisco, CA (US); Kuei-Ying Lin, WO WO-92fOO988 1, 1992 Fremont, CA (US); Richard Mackman, WO WO92, 13869 8, 1992 Millbrae, CA (US); David Y. WO WO-93/24510 12/1993 Markevitch, Los Angeles, CA (US); WO WO94,21604 9, 1994 Oleg V. Petrakovsky, San Mateo, CA WO WO 3.O792O 1995 (US); Adrian S. Ray, San Mateo, CA W WOCS: A * g.. 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