'ANY PORT ., . — Discarded bread carton becomes im- provised crib for infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bar- on, Jr., 6 Brainard Ave., Port Monmouth, who found refuge with their four children in Port Monmouth School. Mri. Baron said crib mattress with baby on it was afloat 'NO GAMES TODAY — Wracked by gales and storm-tide waves, beachfront struc- TIM'S IN — Stalled truck ii only vehicle showing on Carr Ave., Keamburg, a» tidei in bedroom of their home whan flood waters awakened tures such as these Keamburg boardwalk games stands ware wrecked. Group '.inundated all but higher ifraeti in Bayihore municipalities. family early yesterday. above ii at foot of Carr Ave. Weather Distribution 7 un. temperature, 54. Partly BED BANK Today. cloudy today; high In Ms. Clear- Ing tonight; low In 20s. Fair 11,500' •fcawtrow; high in to* -Ui. St* ) Independent Daily f weather, page 2. DiaUtiJ-4010 XA Mr* 117 luutd duly. Mondw tbraum ITU*r. Mean* Cltu Posun O», Xi\J. Ill Pald tt Rta sank and U AadltlonU Milllni OHIew. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, -MARCH 7, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE County Declared Storm Disaster Area 2 Die, 6 Missing Coast Girds for Second Day At Beach Haven Of Flood Tides and Winds Chief Leonetti Meetings Monmouth County, blitzed in its coastal areas by flood tides and gales, ' Victim; 4 Swept and inland by heavy, drifted snowfall, was declared a disaster area today by Civil Canceled Defense officials. KEANSBURG - Last night's Away by Wave scheduled meeting of Borough ' Gale winds that reached Council was canceled because Keyport GOP Slate peaks of 73 miles per hour NEWARK (AP) — A vi-of weather conditions. The and tides seven feet above cious late winter storm meeting will be held tomorrow normal lashed both ocean- night. ftood off the coast and rdnt and Bayshore areas. pounded the already inun- Kruser Is Candidate HOLMDEL — The Planning Hundreds of families were dated New Jersey shore KEYPORT -v The Republicans commander of the county Amer- Board did not meet last night last night rounded out their slate ican Legion, and past commander evacuated to higher ground for the second day today. because of the itorm. No new fOf the April primary election, of the local American Legion and property damage re- meeting date was set. The toll in lives taken by with the acceptance by Frederick . He Is also a member of the mained unestimated. the battering sea stood at two, L. Kruser of a spot on the ticket 'rans of Foreign Wars, and with six more known missing- HIGHLANDS - Snow and Mr, Kruser, a former council- is a . former• scoutmaster and Further havoc was an- all in the Beach Haven area on flood conditions kept Borough man, advised GOP leader John Boy Seoul cwnmitteemin, ticipated today as slowly dimin- Long Beaoh Island. Council from holding its reg- I. Haley latt,y£stflht that he Married, Mr.' Kruser has two ishing winds drove tides far ular meeting last night. No On hard-hit Lang Beach Island, above flood stages. High tide* new meeting date was set. Coast Guard and volunteer res; two full council, terms at are scheduled at about 8:20 a.m. cue workers at daylight resumed Howard Pulls and. 8:45 p.m, rescue operations for stranded UNION BEACH-Thc Board ' Seabfobk Schanck, Sr., 87 In inland »rea,s of the county, Inhabitants and continue the of Education will meet at 8 . |>T« PI., had decided earlier Out of Race heavy snow, with drifts over ••JpMjh fqt iix missing persons. o'clock tonight in Cottage Park ft; the day that he would prefer three'/eat deep "in places, blocked 1 WALL TOWNSHIP - James r^'^lie - storm':[ took its heaviest School. The meeting was post- not to run for office. The COP Rt. 79 and many secondary : Howard, 34-year-old school known toll oii the quarter-mile- poned last night. parly organization had offered roads.- Repair crews striving to teacher who bad sought organ- wide Island in Ocean County. the post to both men. restore power service cut by ization support for the Demo- Long "Beach Township Police STORY HOUR -— To keep storm-displaced youngitert occupied and happy. Girl downed lines were hampered by Mayor Charles E. Applcgate cratic nomination for Congress Chief Angelo, Leonetti and Rob- the snow. Scouts of Port Monmouth Troop 57 organized garnet and othar entertainment. Here will seek another term as mayor, In the Third District and had ert Osbofn of the Beach Haven 'Worse Than Donna' 3 Hurt Mary Jo Toynbee, left, and Sue Swanson read itorioi to « few of the icorei of and Councllwoman Mrs. Rather- warned he would be a candidate Police Chief C. Carroll Green Rescue Squad were killed and a Ine E, Boggs will seek her first even without organliatlon back- of Long Branch said "we've third man was lost while driving children among itorm refugees housed in Port Monmouth l full term on the governing body. ing, announced today he will never seen anything like this be- on a rescue mission. Mr. Applegate has served as In Crash not run. fore ..at'stny time. This storm Their truck was found near a mayor for a total of nine years. hurt," washed-out section of road. Os- RED BANK-^Three persons re- He i.< a process server in the Mr. Howard said In a radio broadcast (hat he was prepared Ocean Ave,, between Morris born died of drowning and Leo ceived treatment in Rivervlew sheriff's office. to battle incumbent Republican and Pavilion Aves., caved in netti succumbed lo shock and Hospital yesterday after a two- Boro Council to duce Mrs. Boggs, now completing a exposure. The missing man was James C. Auchlncloss on theand the broadwalk was washed car accident at Maple Ave. and one-year unexpircd term, is a Long Beach Township Commis- former member of the Board of litter's congressional voting away between Seaview and West Bergen Pi- sioner Kenneth Chipman.' Education and the Recreation record, which he attacked at Cooper Aves. Before 9 p. m. Two couoles from Beach Haven Treated were Robert Moss, 50, Commission. She is the first coun- length. he entire length of Ocean Ave. Inlet on the southern tip of the of 307 Parkview Ter., Lincroft, School Budget 5,300 cilwoman in the history of the The aspirant added, how- at Long Branch, north to the Island were missing last night for a deep cut under his upper borough. ever, that In view of action by Monmouth Beach line, was when an amphibious rescue ve- lip; his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth UNION BEACH — Borough [mission approved another reduc- post of assistant principal be Mr. Kruser, 276 Main St. the Monmoulh County Demo- blocked off. Thirty reserve police nlde in which they were being Moss, for a cut knee, and a pas-Council will vote tomorrow night [tion of J13.3OO. eliminated, $7,500; that the board served on council for one term cratic Screening Committee were called to duty and all off- evacuated was upset. senger in the other car, Hattie to cut an additional $35,300 from $53,200 Total not hire one new teacher, as during the 1950's, and for twoendorsing Peter J. Gannon, duty men were put to work. planned, (5,000, and that no new The vehicle,, carrying seven Wells, Heck Ave.. Neptune, for a the current - expense section of Therefore, the total reduction years served as council presi- chief of the slate Navigation Evacuation operations were con- evacuees and two Coast Guards- the: 1962-63 school budget. Mayor amoun(s (() J53 200 which wi|, salary guide (teacher pay raises dent. He Is a retired engineer Bureau, for Congress, he would inulng at Long Branch, along [cut right wrist. All were re- men, hit a-washed out section of W.lliam F. Rodger, announced ,MVe imm .„ ,he curren( cx. over the normal increment) be of New York Bell Telephone Co. support Mr. Gannon and other the riverfront areas, well after I leased after treatment. la5tn ht adopted, saving $S,150, plus minor candidates backed by the com- pavement between Beach Haven '8 - pcn.se account. He is a past vice commander ol midnight. Inlet and Beach Haven. supply item cuts. mittee. Police reported Mr, Moss was This cut, along with a 117,900 j Tne original proposed amount, the state American Legion, past (See STORM, Page 2) The nine persons clasped hands preparing to make a right turn reduction effected by the Board defeated at the first election, Board Function and headed for the lifeboat sta- from the southbound lane on of Education after the first budg- was J623.2I0. Under state law, the school tion, but 8-to-lO foot waves Maple Ave. onto West Bergen et defeat, will reduce the school Tne 535,300 which Borough board must operate within the . washed over the human chain, PI. when his car wheels caught tax rate by 40 cents per {100.Council will cut from the spend- $570,010 current expense budget- Regionalization Hearing carrying away the two couples. in a rut and he crossed into the accessed valuation. ,, mg schedute is based on council but it may decide how to allocate northbound lane, striking a car The missing were identified as Asa result, Mr. Rodgers said,lrccommendations as fo||nws the funds. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lindell and driven by Herbert Waddell, 53, of the over-all tax rate for 1962, That all bus transportation for Although council fixes the tola 2 Reporters Attend; Vote Tomorrow Atkins Ave.. Neptune. Mr. and Mrs.
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