J , fRLBOTRKE± GLASGOW GALLERY II HERALD Old College MODERN PRIMITIVES AWARD 26 Oct-23 Nov Ap exhibition of paintings and WINNER sCulpture of a highly personal STUDENT nature by self-tat4ght artists. Mon-Sat IO am-5 pm 1985 14.11.85 Edinburgh University Student Newspaper 20p police called to Labour eeting EU Labour Club took a controv­ 'al decision in inviting a member ~ Sinn Fein to speak at its open ,weeting on Friday. The event brought in a large audience, but quickly disintegrated into a mass of shouted interruptions from a small ,umber of the audience, and was finally broken up by Mike Devlin as four policemen arrived in case of further violence breaking out. An ashtray had been thrown at the speaker. The Labour Club stressed thattbe speaker Jim McAllistair bad been invited because they felt it The Merry Macs the Edinburgh was important for students to "hear University based cabaret trio lhe views of a significant section of whose successful run o n the Fringe this year led to their nomination for \he nationalist movement which the coveted Perrier Award and as been consistently censored by appearances in Covent Garden. ccessive British governments". talk to Naomi Marks about their Meanwhile, protesters handed out act. eaflets condemning both "Sinn fein Murders" and theLabour -page14 Club. Exhibition Conor Foley, from the Labour £1500 FOR Committee on Ireland, who were orga nising the speaking tour, Centre talked first , describing the objec­ tives of the Committee and of the our. He said that there had been no trouble at the meetings they had attended so far and he hoped this one too, would proceed in an orderly way. By the end of his LEUKAEMIA speech, however there had been veral outbursts and it was clear Following the leukaemia cheque personally and to partici­ cause involving both leukaemia and that that was not going to be the appeal launched in support of pate in the continuing 870 mile walk Ian Botham." case. the Leukaemia Road Runners to Lands End . In reply to those who have criti­ The total was raised in just five cised Botham for using the walk as Celebrity Walk by David Yar­ An ardent fan gets carried away at days as the need to reach the widest publicity stunt to counter recent The disruptions grew louder row in Student on 31st the UB40 concert at the opening of once Jim McAllistair began speak­ public possible in the shortest time bad press, Yarrow adds, "The the Scottish Exhibition and Con­ ing and continued throughout bis October, a cheque for almost was realised. The appeal was ')Ot Walk is of course mutually benefi­ ference Centre in October. Alas­ speech, which he delivered calmly £1,50.0 was handed over to a aimed merely at students but rather cial but is by no means a marriage of tair Dalton examines the implica­ and without reference to the pro­ delighted Ian Botham on at the entire community culminat­ .convenience. tions that the centre has for Central. Scotland. testations , even as an ashtray flew behalf of Edinburgh Univer­ ing in a collection in Edinburgh · Special thanks go to Phil Cope­ at him from the audience and shat­ sity, while still more donations . pubs. land and AIESEC for their dona­ -page 12 tered off the .wall behind his head. On the great success of the tions. Four policemen arrived towards are expected. appeal, its organiser David Yarrow the end, fearing further violence, Student representatives travelled commented, "I can't think of an Presidents' Ball question time was curtailed, and to Biggar ·1ast week to present the easier task than to collect for a Christine Clough the meeting prematurely broken up. • Conservatives boycott SRC Council Meetings Meanwhile, at their first public ;:et:~!Organisati tti~t~e:tin~~~t~att~on made clear their::~; dis- 01· srupt1· ve act1· on lppolri intment of the coming Anglo- sh talks. th Addressing an audience of 50, Se gu_est speaker, Rev. Martin The system of student rep­ A spokesman said their main sity Conservative Association , S111de111 brings you the lurid derails myth (MP , South Belfast), spoke resentation already under concern was the system of the denied that they had a specific pol­ of what reallv went on -at the brain­ out. against the proposed talks attack from the Conservative closed shop, presently operating in icy toward the SRC, other than stunningly dodgy Pose of lhe Year. Which will be "seeking to provide a government, now faces inter­ Universities, which means students ignoring its proceedings. If a Con­ See Alexis for gossip on page 3 and role for the Irish Republic in North­ automatically become members of servative student stood for election the Music Pages (pages 6 and 7) for nal disruption,' with the allega­ the reviews. ern Ireland." a student union. onto a committee, they did so as tion thatConservative mem­ The FCS considered this unre­ individuals. \l>rWhile .he fe lt there was nothing bers of the Student Representa. ong Wtth the idea of "a Council presentative as it denied the funda­ But Mr Shepherd said his own Contents tive Council are boycotting mental right of choice, which they personal view of the student rep­ News 2,3,4 IVtthnhi eig· hbo urs" (that is to say, the have constantly stressed to tfie resentative system was that it failed Comment s ,/h Re~ublic), he firmly rejected meetings. Government. in its objective, because of the Letters 4,5 0q COunc1l between nations where The criticism was brought by Law .Faculty rep and Labour stu­ As a matter of policy they would limited number of students either Music 6, 7 II\> e claims territorial possession dent Joanna Cherry and seconded "encourage all Conservative stu­ involved or interested. He pointed What's On 8,9 er another. " 10 by Paul Greatrix, chairman of dents to disengage from the corrupt out that SRC rarely has a full atten­ Film II, 12 tioAsked about any short term solu­ theLabour Club, at a recent council processes of student unions." dance. Arts II meeting. Mr Greatrix claimed that When Student questioned the Mr Shepherd's lack of interest in Classical Music lol~ to Northern Ireland, the MP Exhibitions II end Student tltat the only way to certain members of the Federation FCS on the me !!l loyed by the SRC was not shared by Joanna II its members, would Cherry. Ms. Cherry maintained Theatre I~ t~e conflict is to countet the of Conservative Students elected Features 12, 13, 14 support any that Council members were obliged be de rst - and the latter cannot last May had no intention of turning Small Ads 12 ltep fbel~ted by closer links with the up to Council Meetings. vidingit WO to represent the students who had Opinion 13 u 1cans bothered to elect them. Student contacted the FCS office student fram Writings IS ~ McN~ught in Lon:don to find out their opinion Sport 16 ShuMeag on student representation. Lorraine Telford 2 STUDENT Thursday 14th November 1985 '.\cws Rifkind damns Drugs alcohol links apartheid Alcohol, Drugs and School The report also revealed disturb­ should not expect miracles. Leavers is the book resulting ing facts about pupils when they "People have to ha~e a ~~re reaHs­ Speaking to Edinburgh Univer- said that measures designed 1, were first questioned in 1979. tic set of expectations, he said, sity Conservative Association on destroy the South African econorn from a new survey by Edin­ 1 burgh Universty researchers Nearly half the boys and a third of "there is no magic solution." Monday, Foreign Office Minister either would not work, as ha)} the girls, aged 15 and 16, had had a "Health education in schools Martin Plant, David Peck and Malcolm Rifkind emphasised the pened in Rhodesia after 1966, Ot drink the previous week - the boys does not yet been made into _an Conservative Party's abhorrence or else "an economic wilderness" OI Elaine Soamuel. The book is had drunk the equivalent of nine effective method of deterrmg South African apartheid. no good to either black or white unique in Britain in that the pints and the girls half as much. people from taking drugs; it serves Mr Rifkind, an Edinburgh would be created. 1000 Lothian Children from More disturbing still, some were only to whet their appetites," he graduate and MP for Edinburgh The Minister's talk looked at Bn. both private and state schools drinking in the morning to steady commented. And indeed research Pentlands, said that differences of tain's reputation in foreign attain who were interviewed in 1979 their nerves, arriving at school with· revealed that the pupils who had opinion about South African sane- ·around the world. "Quite ofteo about multiple drug addiction hangovers or missing school been given alcohol education at tions are not about the system people assume that when Britair altogether as a result of-drinking. at the ages of 15 and 16 were school went onto become heavier When the same teenagers were drinkers than those who had not. interviewed again four years interviewed four years later the Television warnings would seem --- later to discover how drinking researchers found that there were to be equally ineffective - "they and drug-taking patterns had still heavy drinkers but they were are water off a duck's back", said changed. not necessarily the same people. Dr Plant. "Young people try drugs . "The most forbidding result of However those who were now out of curiosity and encouragement the survey" said Dr. Plant, senior using illegal drugs had been heavy by friends. It is sometimes a gesture research fellow in the Department drinkers at 15 and 16.
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