TNA IONAL TNA IONAL ANALYSIS TNA IONAL Vice President addresses Maungtaw women Bright rays of Performances in one-year MTP ceremony on the alleging rape interviewed peace shining period of MOFA and development of trade sector by journalists on Myanmar Rakhine State Government PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 8 PAGES 5+6,11+12 Vol. III, No. 349, 4th Waxing of Tagu 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 31 March 2017 TOGETHER WITH THE PEOPLE State Counsellor State Counsellor: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers a speech to commemorate the thanks to people first year in office of her National League STATE Counsellor Daw Aung San same time, the government changed for Democracy Suu Kyi expressed thanks to the or removed some laws that used to (NLD). PHOTO: MNA people for their understanding of the suppress the people. incumbent government, pledging The State Counsellor said that the one-year-old administration spending on healthcare was in- would continue to march on the road creased, and guaranteed that the The full text of the to establishing a federal union with effort was not fruitless. In a one-year speech of State eternal peace and introducing a new period, the development of public Counsellor Daw motto: “Together with the people”. health care is improving rapidly, to In a speech aired on state tel- the extent that the world acknowl- Aung San Suu Kyi evision last night to commemorate edged Myanmar’s progress. Signif- will be published in the first year of her National League icant gains has been made in erad- tomorrow’s issue for Democracy (NLD) in office, she icating tuberculosis, malaria, and of the Global New also asked for support from the peo- HIV/AIDS. The accomplishment in Light of Myanmar. ple. She also expressed her thanks healthcare earned the praise of the to the people for their patience and international organization Global understanding of her government in Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis its first year amid criticisms of the and Malaria, which helps in the fight NLD government. to eradicate the three major diseases. Regarding the achievements Starting now, she said the by the NLD-led government in the government will mainly concentrate past year, she said her government on the tasks of job creation, better promulgated laws that could give transportation and increased access protection to the people. At the to electric power.—GNLM dialogues, one year has already passed with high points and low points. Republic of the Union of Myanmar 2. The main point of the dialogues for peace is trust. Here mutual trust is of Ministry of the Office of the State Counsellor great importance, as is self-confidence. As a result of the strenuous efforts and negotiations for one year, 5 member groups of United Nationalities Federal Council Press Release (UNFC)— Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), New Mon State Party (NMSP), Arakan National Council (ANC), Lahu Democratic Union (LDU) and (3rd Waxing of Tagu 1378 ME) Wa National Organization (WNO) disclosed this evening that they would sign the (30th March 2017) Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). 3. National Reconciliation and Peace which the national ethnic races and union citizens 1. The Union Government has been implementing the national reconciliation and have been yearning for successive eras is now seeing red rays of hope spraying forth peace process with special focus. And, it has been making concerted efforts for with brilliant colours. At such a time of great importance, undesirable destructive national ethnic armed groups which have not yet signed the Nationwide Ceasefire elements and instigations intended to harm peace might emerge. Therefore, this Agreement—NCA to take part in Union Peace Conference—21st Century Panlong, press release is being issued to urge our brothers who are leaders of the ethnic after building up mutual trust and understanding. According to the nature of peace national races and Union citizens to be extremely careful. 2 NATIONAL 31 March 2017 Maungtaw women alleging rape interviewed by journalists FOREIGN and local journalists of being raped. It is necessary who are being allowed to inde- that the victims themselves file pendently report the news from a lawsuit in order for the Bor- Maungtaw have interviewed der Police Force to move in for three women who claim they inspection. Anonymity will be were raped three months ago by given for safety reasons for wit- security forces. nesses if they were to give a tes- The media group visit- timony but the victims need to ed No. 1 Border Guard Police take responsibility for their own Headquarters that had been at- testimonies. If found to be guilty tacked in October and nearby then the perpetrators will be giv- villages in Maungtaw Town- en a fitting sentence in accord ship — Kyikanpyin, Wapeik, with the law,” said the chairman Aungmingalar, Pharwattchaung, of the committee. Pyintphyuchaung, Kyarkaung- “If the victim personally taung, Kyatyoepyin, Ngarsakyu, testifies their sexual assault then Pyaungpype, -- and collected immediate action will be taken, information about socio-eco- however responsibility needs to nomic improvement, local devel- be taken for their own accusa- opment, rule of law, stability, ac- tions,” he added. “Just verbally cidental fires and residents who is not enough, the victims need had returned after fleeing be- to show firm evidences for their cause of the violent attacks that grievances. We need cooperation occurred on October 9, 2016. to take action against the perpe- During the trip that the three trator. We can’t put pressure on women from Kyatkaungtaung th the victims,” said U Ye Htut. Members of media interview local women in Maungtaw, Rakhine State on 30 March 2017. PHOTO: MNA village allegedly told journalists “If they can say about when that they were raped by security TV, Central News Bureau, Fron- Chairman of the Maungtaw Dis- on that very day. However the and where the event was hap- forces three months ago. It was tier Myanmar, Myanmar News trict Management Committee. victimized female was found pened, we can check out the list learnt that responsible persons Agency, Myanmar Alin and Ky- “Daw Than Than of Kyaty- to have left the village after re- of the officials in that region and will investigate the matter to un- aemon. A total of 18 journalists oepyin Village reported a simi- ceiving compensation and after try to expose the perpetrators,” cover the truth. made the trip, led by General lar case when both media groups listening to voices of the village he said. “Concerning the cur- The media group conducted Manager U Ye Naing from the and the investigation Commis- chief and elders the case was rent case, local women escorted by the Ministry of Information News and Periodicals Enter- sion visited Rakhine. We report- discontinued,” he added. the female victims to Ngakhuya will independently cover news prise. ed to the Border Police Force “We will properly handle police station to file a law suit. from 28 March to 1 April. The Similar events have tran- so that legal action can be taken the case in a legal manner. The Now, they have returned to their media are TV Asahi, the BBC, spired in Pyaungpite and Kyaty- for the victim and they went on three victims confessed to the respective villages,” he said. the VOA, EPA, Nippon, Fuji oepyin villages, said U Ye Htut, a field inspection to the village media regarding the allegations —Myanmar News Agency Tarred road commissioned into Man missing in Maungtaw Township service in Thongwa Township A resident of Ywatnyo Taung Village, Maungtaw Township A ceremony to open a new Thilawa SEZ and the newly in- has been reported missing after tarred road was held in Thong- augurated road will be first of he did not return from a trip to a wa Township, Yangon Region its kind in Yangon Region in nearby village. yesterday morning. the time of new government, he Yar Yar, 23, left his home to At the ceremony, Union said. visit Yethwin village on Wednes- Minister for Construction U Win The union minister high- day at about 7am and did not re- Khaing said that the ministry is lighted that the local products turn home. Security forces have implementing construction of from Thilawa SEZ in Yangon been interrogating residents of roads and bridges in the regions Region and Bago Region can be Yethwin to learn what has hap- and states in its first 5-year short easily exported to other regions pened to Yar Yar. term plan from April 2016 to in a short period of time without According to the interro- March 2021. Six roads and three passing Yangon City. The new gations of the villagers, it was bridges will be built in Yangon road will help improve socioec- learnt that Yar Yar was seen on Region through international onomic status of the local people Wednesday afternoon but was not aids, parliament's pledges and and reduce poverty rate in rural seen by anyone in the evening. BOT system. The ministry had area. In an attempt to ease traffic Yar Yar's uncle has filed already constructed 637 mile congestion and to reduce trans- a case at the local police sta- and 6 furlongs long roads and 49 portation charges, steps have tion and further investigation bridges above 180-ft in Yangon been taken to allow the public Region. to use nine bridges in Yangon is ongoing by the police force. Bago-Thanatpin-Kayan- Region free of charge starting —Myanmar News Agency Thongwa-Thanlyan Road and from 1 April. He called for pub- Yangon-Pathein Road Section lic participation for durability of are scheduled to be upgrade to the bridge. Over 100 died in Malaysian detention camps, half from Myanmar tarred ones with the assistance Daw Nilar Kyaw, Yangon of Asian Development Bank Regional Minister for Electric- KUALA LUMPUR — More ment data provided to the com- as the United States, which in (ADB) commencing the fis- ity, Industry and Road Trans- than one hundred foreigners mission, which is known by its the last financial year recorded cal year 2018-2019, he added.
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