RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER : LARGEST IN ' GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCUL.JT.IQN "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. V.—No. 17 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS Family Outing On Sunday Mayor Is Having His Say Oh Republican Club Slate Spirited Bidding Profitable For Raritan Taxpayers; LIONS CLUB In Selection Of CandidateLICENSES ARE PtSCATAWAYTOWN — The WOODBRIDGE—Mayor Aug- West Raritan Republican Club and $4,550 More Than Asked Realized On Gross'Property ust F. Greiner is having his say the Young: Republican Unit will in the "inner circles" at the Na- GIVEN TO 31 Huyler E. Romond, of Metuchen, on behalf PRESIDENT RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Spirited bidding hold a family touting at Butler by two interested parties for the former Wil- of Fraser Bros, of Perth Amboy, agents for an tional Republican Convention Park, Hampton, Sunday. liam Gross property on Amboy and Woodbridge undisclosed firm, submitted the minimum sale being held in Philadelphia. Cars will leave the town hall at Avenues, Clara Barton, swelled the coffers of price bid of $12,000. INSTALLED As alternate delegate from IN RARITAN 10 A. M. Those planning to at- the Township $4,550 more than had been antici- , Nathan Gross, of Perth Amboy, represent- New Jersey, Mayor Greiner, has tend are urged. to contact Mrs. pated Tuesday night. ing the Gross Oil Company, raised the original been in the convention city since Henry Troger, Jr., chairman, qr ; The former Gross property, "with a* 100-foot Deputy District Governor Two Retail, Two Club Per- Seventy Retail, One Club, bid to $12,100. From that point an' the bids last Sunday and will remain any member of her committee. frontage on Amboy Avenue and a 340-foot jumped rapidly until Romond offered $16,500. Officiates At Induction there until the Convention is ad- mits Included; One And Four Distribution frontage on Woodbridge Avenue, and including Gross rp.ised the bid to $16,550. Romond did not journed. a service station, house, garage, barn, factory ' Of Predmore . During Mayor Greiner's ab- Protest Received Permits Allowed and warehouse, was foreclosed sometime ago by bid higher and the property was sold to the the Township for tax arrearage. Gross Oil Company. sence, Committeeman Fred STANDING COMMITTEES Spencer, of the First Ward, is •HEARING TO BE HELD NO. ACTION IS TAKEN WPA ROBBED serving as Acting Mayor. Mrs; Parsler Announces Se- HOPELAWN — Thomas Whal- $5,000 ALLOTTED FOR YEAR ANNOUNCED BY OFFICIALS JULY 9 ON NEW APPLICATIONS en, foreman of a WPA project on lection Of Fire Co. New Brunswick Avenue, Hope- FORDS CLUB SETS : OF H0USERQBBERY lawn, reported to Officer Joseph FOR RELIEF NEEDS Alexander, President For Beverage Dealers Seeking Special Meeting Is.,Held Auxiliary Helpers Grady Tuesday that a tool box KEASBEY—Mrs. Bertha Par- $40 In Cast Thefted From was broken into some time during Emergency Appropriation 2 Terms, Expresses PICNIC ONJUNDAY Extra Hours For Sell- Wednesday To Consider sler, recently elected president of the night and a pair of boots, a the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Keas- Hadgeolf Home On New wrecking bar, a buck saw and a In That Amount Is Thanks For Honor American-Hungarian Union ing On Sunday Annual Bids '. bey Protection Fire Company No. ' Dover Road claw hammer were stolen.. 1, named standing committees for Voted In Raritan FORDS — Arthur Smith, of To Have Outing In RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Appli- . FORDS. — Seventy plenary the 'current year. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Town- Jamesburg, Deputy District Gov- \ RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Com- ernor of the Lions International, Park; Starts At 1 cations for 27 plenary retail, con- retail consumption liquor licens- The committees are: good time, ship police are continuing their sumption liquor licenses, two' re- es, one club license1 and four Miss /Helen Nemeth, assisted by probe of the theft, of $40 in cash AUXILIARY ELECTS missioner Henry Troger, Jr., direc- installed E. L. Predmore new pres- FORDS — The American-Hun- retail distribution licenses were Julia Fazekas, Rose Charonko, from the home of .Alexander G. tor of public affair's and chairman ident of the Fords Lions Club, at garian Union of Fords, Keasbey tail distribution licenses and two . Mrs. Frances Parsler, Hazel Bel- Kadgeoff, of "New Dover Road, Oak the annual induction of officers club licenses were granted by the approved at a special meeting of GLORIA JUNSHINE of the Township, relief setup, held Monday night at Thomsen's and Hopelawn will hold its annual the Township Committee held lany and Mrs. Mary Faczak; Tree. The theft is believed to Tuesday night introduced a reso- Township Commission Tuesday" kitchen,. 'Mrs. Mary Wargo, Julia community hall in New Brunswick picnic Sunday in the Fords Park. Wednesday night at the-Memorial have taken place between 9 P. M. lution providing an emergency- re- Avenue. night. Municipal building. No action was Stilson, Mary Fazekas and MrsSaturda. y and 2 A. M. Sunday. Legion Unit In Fords Has The affair will begin at 1 o'clock. lief appropriation of $5,000 which The Commission received a petf- - taken on new licenses although Mae Dunham; floral committee, According to Hadgeoff, he ar- Other officers installed were: Jo-: Mrs. Frank Kalman is chairman of Irene, Toth, Mrs. Pauline Dunham Annual Balloting On tion from the Raritan Township there are several new applications: rived home early Sunday morning was unanimously approved by theseph A. Dambach, Jr., vice presi- a* large committee arranging the and Mrs. Irene Vamos; trustees, to find the house ransacked and . Monday Night Township Commission. dent; Robert P. Mulvaney,. secre- Beverage Dealers' Association re- Licenses granted were as fol-Mrs. Anne Heenan, Mrs. Ann Sit- event. the cash missing. The $5,000 emergency resolu- tary; Hans P. Jensen, treasurer; questing the Board to,amend the lows: Retail distribution, Peter soscy and Mrs. Mary Hodan. Officer William Doll investigat- FORDS—-Miss Gloria Sunshine, William Thomsen, lion tamer and Games, field meets, • entertain- Vogel, 82 .Mahv Street; Joseph of 50 Maxwell Avenue, was elect- tion brings the total emergency Leon Ferbel, tail twister. ment and dancing will be featured Township liquor ordinance. to al_-,. The group voted to donate can- ed ard discovered that entrance appropriation to $29,400, an low taverns to open Sundays at 11 Weiner, 79 Main Street; Joseph ned fruit to the Kiddie Keep Well was gained through a second story ed president of the Junior-Auxili- Smith .congratulated the newly on the day's program. Refresh- Andrascak, 574 Amboy Avenue, amount within the three percent ments will be available throughout A. M. instead of 1 P. M. and to' _- Camp. window. ary to Harry HSnsen Post, No. of the .total 1940 budget legal elected officers. (Predmore, in .be- and Mrs. Mary Polischak, 520 New the afternoon and evening. maintain a 3 A. M. daily closingr _. Brunswick Avenue, Fords. Club 163, American Legion, at the an-limit. half of the new slate, expressed The resolution provides that the appreciation for the honor confer- Many township and county 'hour instead of 2 A. M. as at pres-- ' license, Fraternity Club, 130-Main nual election of officers held Mon- red upon himself and his aides. notables' are expected to partici- Street. • . day night at the Sunshine resi- appropriation, be included in full ent. The matter was referred to.- Third Annual Boy Scout Camporee in the 1941 'budget. ( Continued on Page 2) pate in the program. the Township Excise Board. Consumption licenses: Hans dence. Knudsen, Green Street and Rail- Other officers elected were:Miss Another petition, signed by 31 road Avenue, Iselin; Paul A. T# Open. In Fords Park On Monday residents in the vicinity of a tav- _ Kinn, Superhighway and Ziegler Elaine Gloff, vice president; Miss AUXILIARY MEETS, Confirmation Class To Be Guests ern operated by Joseph Jensen and Avenue, Avenel; Joseph-Galaida, Several Hundred Troop Members Are Expected To Edwina Chovan, secretary; Miss Edward Turner on Inman Ave- 1 Main and Amboy Avenues, town; Take Part In Spectacle; R. A. MacFarlan Is In ChargeLillian Misak, treasurer; Miss Mar- nue, protesting the granting oi "»_ Louis Varady, Ford Avenue, garet Dambach, sergeant-at-arms; ELECTS _DELEGATES At Supper -And Receptionm Sunday plenary retail consumption, license, Fords; Franc Racz, 303 Fulton FORDS—The third annual Camporee of Raritan Miss Doris 'Perry, historian, and Was also received. It,'too, was fe- Street, town; Peter Sondergaard, Miss Florence Hoff, chaplain. Legion Unit In' Fords Se- Young Peoples' Society Of Oar Redeemer Lutheran ferred to the Excise Bdard. Both 524 New Brunswick Avenue, Council, Boy Scouts of America, will open July 1 in the A. large delegation of members lects Mrs. DiMatteo To ChMfc^5imi$OTtS'i Special Program Is Prepared petitions will be- given, hearings -cat. ^_ Fords; Claire O'Neill,. St. George Fords Park and will continue through July 3. Several July 9. Avenue, Avenel; William Kath, attended the rally of junior units Attend Camden Session Superhighway, town; John Csik, hundred scouts are expected to participate in the annual at Linwood Grove, Raritan Town- FORDS—A. supper and reception will be,held Sun- Licenses were' issued to the fol- Jr., 363 Florida Grove Road, eveiit.: E. A. MacFarlan is chairman of the camping ship, yesterday. day evening at .6 o'eloei by the-Young People's Society of lowing: The next meeting will be held FORDS—A meeting of the La- Hopelawn; Anthony J. Andersch, troops; dies' Auxiliary to Harry Hansen Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in the parish hall in honor For retail consumption, M. H". 351 West Avenue, Sewaren; John at the home of Miss Gloff in Horris- ; and R. Realty Company, trading as Some of the troops of the cdun- by Street, July 8.
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