m*^ "mnMp«Mnvp«mmn^i I III.HPIPIPI *»WlMiPE*ai».j«hM»ir»*W——jHi .- •pnwwitn»um vmmmmmtHtmmimm WIKMt—H MIMat«<timNMMI«Wk if* *»nn*fc»WM iiii^MiBwjtt-iifcaW Socks with pockets Rockets Greek cooking and fancy shoes, 6D rally, 1C from Olga, 1B * V6lumo"26 N' Monday, April 29, 1991' Westland Michigan 'v 44 Pages Fifty Cents .S&uLi:!.... ffrva •••'•-. .mm-Mmimmmmmmmmmmm 1091 Suburban Communications Corporation ers show suppQrt for places By Darrell Clom agreement arranged by their attorney, Mark Krlger, staff writer and child abuse prosecutor Maria, Oxholm. loving' -couple. and faces A Westland minister and his wife, who continue to Tennen plans to sentence the Enersens on May 31. draw strong support from their congregation, admitted The couple did not respond directly to questions posed by a reporter outside the courtroom Thursday morning. By Darrell Clem Berry, who heads a youth care x WILLOW CREEK Thursday that they abused their 16-year-old daughter by staff writer group at the 700-member Westland : Apartmects, on Newburgh biting her hand and beating her buttocks. "They feel the whole thing is regrettable, and I can Full Gospel Church where Michael 'between Ford acd Marquette, Michael K. Enersen, 36-year-old minister of Westland assure you that nothing similar will ever happen in the Mere hours after they pleaded Enersen remains head minister, 'recently held a fiag-raising and Full Gospel Church, and his 33-year-old wife, Carol, future," their attorney said. guilty to abusing their children, a defended the Enersens' right as ,tree-planting ceremony to nark pleaded guilty to child abuse charges Thursday in De­ Westland minister and his wife parents to discipline their six chil­ 'the city of Westland s 2Mb troit Recorder's Court. UNDER THE plea agreement, Michael Enersen won praise from congregation dren. •-; anniversary of incorporation "I bit my daughter one time on the hand and left a pleaded guilty to one count of-second-degree child members who iald the "loving", "The fact that they spanked their i• - ;VFW Post 3323 presided over mark," Carol Enersen told Judge Harvey F. Tennen." abuse, but three counts of fourth-degree child abuse couple will not be asked tq.I^rte children, hey, that's God's word," '^ the flag ceremony, followed by Michael Enersen admitted In court that he caused were dropped. Carol Enersen pleaded guilty to one the church. Berry said. "Rebellion is in the .the planting of two maple trees. bruises on the girl's buttocks when he beat her with a count of third-degree child abuse, and one count of Calling the charges against Mi-. heart of the child, and the rod •'-':• One tree was designed to honor wooden paddle. Westland police have said the girl's but­ fourth-degree child abuse was dismissed. chael and Carol Enersen "a pack of drives it far from the child. The the city's anniversary while the tocks had been so severely beaten that they were seep- lies," church member Diane Berry Bible says if you spare the rod, you -^Otiieri to be called the Teace ing blood. - ., . ' The minister could be sentenced up to four years in "prison. His wifTcouTd receive a two-year term. • ^described the Enersens_£ LcbiUir jiYee," was to mark the end" of people who love their children very Operation Desert Storm THE ENERSENS, who have six children, showed no much." Please turn to Page 2 emotion as they pleaded guilty Thursday under a plea Pleaso turn to Page 2 THREE WESTLAND 'studentsat Lawrence 'Technological University in Sbuthi ield were named to the oori 'dean's honor roll for having a : grade point average of 3 5 or higher for the past term The •': three are Michael Czubaj. John • Jfarvis and Marcell Mareohna. al! •of Whom are pursing a bachelor 'of science degree in busin -ss By Darrell Clom president, who said she "would be Administration staff writer very resentful" of schools handing out information on.gctling abortions. A Michigan law forcing school dis­ :LAWRE!NCE SKORA of tricts to inform all students in "I DON? think it should be the Westland was recently honored . grades six through 12 about abortion school district's responsibility. I by United Parcel Service for has drawn both praise and criticism think it should be the parents' re­ completing 25 years with the from parents and school officials. sponsibility," Scott said. company. A clerk in the delivery' The mandate requires that minors "Being a parent, if my daughter inforroation department, he was be told how to get a probate court were going to have an abortion, I recognized for his contributions waiver to bypass a requirement of would definitely want to know," she to the firm. the state's parental consent law, said. "But I know a lot of kids can't Skora is married to Carol which""saysva parent oi guaidiau go to their parents—and talk to Skora and they are the parents of must give written consent for a mi­ them." Lisa, 21, and Leslie. 17 nor's abortion. However, Scott conceded the The move' drew support from school district "can't sweep this un­ James Pratt, president of the der the rug," and she said officials Wayne-Westland Area of PTAs, will probably "have to come up with : LINCOLM though he stressed his views do not something" to comply with the state ELEMENTARY school law.' students in Westland took a represent a formal PTA stance. i,''McWhopper" of a walk recently "Young girls, like all women, "I've got pros' and cons with this t te enjoy a McDonald's Drive-in should have the choice over what one," she said. "It's a tough one." • lunch and the receive free tree happens to their bodies," Pratt said. Local school district officials are 'Seedlings,The youngsters were The mandate brought a sharply deciding how to comply with the new different opinion from Sharon Scott, : accompanied by teachers and Please turn to Page 2 iphaperones. Wayne-Westland school board vice !;: The seedlings were later ; planted at the school on Grand • Traverse In the Norwayne [community. - - The McDonald's is on Wayne Teens found hiding Road north of Palmer about a '• half mile from the school in judge's house HEALTH STOP Medical ;. Center will open its doors in its By DarrollClem 16-year-old male from Milan after •new Westland location Monday staff writer the teenagers were found in a closet v morning, May 8. at McKnlght's residence. Each was 'I:\ An Open bouse will be Friday District Judge Gail McKnight, charged with breaking and entering. afternoon in its new location at who credits alert neighbors and —Taulbee's case has been waived to 1 Wayne Road and College, quick police action for a foiled Detroit Recorder's Court, and he has ;: between Marquette and Cherry break-in at her northwest Westland been released after posting $5,000 of ) HUL house, said Friday she plans to take a 150,000 personal bond. If convict­ ; The company that owns the extra security precautions. ed, he faces up to 15 years in prison. 'center was organized in 1981 and McKnight, 18th District Court now has clinics to Dearborn JIM JAQOFELO/slflft photographer judge, plans to have motion detec­ PENDING A June 19 hearing on • Heights, Lincoln Park and tors installed at the residence where whether the 16-year-old should be Wyandotte. A visit from Clifford Westland, police arrested two tecn- tried as an adult.he Is being held by ; •; The clinic will be open from 8 agers'during a brcakrin March 28. .Wayne County juvenile authorities. • a,ra. to 10 p.m Monday through One of bookdorn's more^familiar characters, about the famous dog to tho youngators. In ;'lt reminds you of how emotional­ If trjed as a juvenile, he likely would ; Saturday JUXI to am to 10 p.m Clifford the Dog, came to Jackson Center In this classroom, Sarah Zawackl, 3, watcher ly difficult and how personally com­ be placed \ approbation or turned, .; Sunday* and holidays tho Livonia school district last week to help Clifford as LempKe reads. Tho Livonia- dis­ plicated your life can become, even over to'juvenile'authorities. celebrate "Read \<f Me" week. Clifford visit­ trict serves tho northern section ot West- ori a crime-where no one gets hurts," The juvenile's bond also was set at ed many classrooms, sitting beside story­ land.. > s-'.-. • • McKnight said. ' -. '• .«• $50,000 — an'amount his stepfather,. ';'• A NEARBY businesswill teller Tracy Lempke as she read stories - Westland police arrested'Christo­ reopeo under new ownership Just pher Tauibee, 18, of Westland, and a '. Pldaso turn to Pago 2 i* "few blocks away today for thow Who want a quick auto lube and Oil change. tkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim****m. -J Kevfo Metast a fornier service roaoafer at a Westland station, is ^the IseW owner of Victory Lane what's inside Trucker faces trial in crat§h : Express Oil Caanfe. on Wayne ( 5A. You supply the Road at Marquette. Classifieds... H.F.- chest of drawers. Auto ..... E,F Employment. ...-. f that killed Westland woman THE WAYNE- Indox. .2E By Darrell Clem Link has remained free on a $2,500 personal bond that '.WESTLAND Chapter of Real ostato . E staff writor was continued on Thursday In district court, where she appeared before Judge Gall McKnight. Parents Without Partners has Creative living . , . 1E •iWsoU social event* planned for A truck driver charged wllh negligent homicide in a Link drove a semitrailer truck that "ran a red light : : . ,3E fatal crash March 11 In Wcstland's southwest corner has March 11 at Ihe Newburgh-Palmcr Intersection, collid­ the next few weeks.
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