1984 use JOHN D. LYON, INC. 143 ALEWIFE BROOK PARKWAY, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 617-876-3705 VARIETY PRICE VARIETY PRICE Allium coeruleum $ .25 Crocus biflorus argenteus $ 1.25 Small compact heads of deep cornflower blue, July, Silvery, suffused with purple inside, exterior boldly striped 12-29" purple Mier' flavum $ .55 Crocus chrysanthus Cream Beauty 10/$ 1.75 Central Europe, lemon yellow flowers, July-August, Soft creamy yellow, free flowering, F.C.C. Haarlem, 1953, 10-12", moist soil F.C.C. Wisley 1015 1.75 Allium oreophilum Zwanenburg Crocus chrysanthus fusco tinctus 10/$ 1.75 Deep carmine red, June flowering, fine for rock garden, Golden yellow, exterior tinged brown, very free flowering, 4-6" dwarf Allium pulchellum Tubergen $ .65 $ .75 Violet pink, July-August, 12-18" Crocus chrysanthus Jeannine Mimosa yellow, exterior feathered plum purple, free flowering Anemones are tolerant of most soil conditions but do best in dappled shade in peaty soil Crocus chrysanthus Princess Beatrix 10/$ 1.75 Clear lobelia blue, darker feathers toward yellow base, A.M. Haarlem 1949, H.C. Wisley 1965 Anemone apennina $ .50 Mid blue, occasionally white or pink, naturalizes well, Crocus corsicus $ .30 March-April, 6" Pale cream, feathered purple, A.M. London 1977, Anemone blanda atrocoerulea 10/5 1.75 Feb.-March Varying shades of blue, 6-8" *Crocus flavus (C, aureus) $ 1.00 Anemone blanda rosea 10/$ 1.75 Golden yellow, seeds freely, very good for naturalizing, Clear pink, 6-8" March Anemone blanda White Splendour 10/$ 1.75 Crocus fleisheri $ .30 Large snow white flowers, A.M. Haarlem 1961, 8-10" White, anthers orange red, very early and free flowering, 3" Anemone nemorosa Royal Blue $ 1.30 Strong blue, naturalizes well in moist lightly shaded areas, *Crocus gargaricus $ 4.50 March-April, 4" Egg yolk yellow, rare, dwarf stoloniferous species, Chionodoxa sardensis 10/$ 1.75 naturally tiny corms, keep damp in summer, peaty soil Similar to C. lucifiae but with darker flowers, small white eye, 4-5" Crocus korolkowli $ .25 Golden yellow, dark bronze center, exterior shaded Chionodoxa tmoli $ .25 bronze, Feb.-March, 3" Dwarfer and later than C. lucilliae, blue with a white center, April-May, 4" Crocus minimus $ .25 Light violet, exterior white feathered purple, late March, $ 9.50 t *Corydalis ambigua 2-3 - Light blue purple to electric blue, Hokkaido Japan, best in peaty, shaded area Crocus sieberi 10/$ 1.75 Delicate lilac blue, golden yellow throat, free flowering, $ 4.50 t*Corydalis decipiens Feb.-March Bright pink, ferny foliage, March-April, 4-8" Crocus sieberi Hubert Edelsten $ .30 Corydalis solida $ .35 Scandinavia to Asia Minor, pinkish purple-purple flowers C. sieberi (Crete) X C. sieberi atticus, deep purple, blotched white at tip, Feb.-March, 3-4" in dense raceme, good for naturalizing, April, 4-6" *Crocus alatavicus $ 6.50 Crocus susianus 10/5 1.75 Primrose to white, striped gray black on exterior, Deep golden yellow, exterior tinged bronze, Feb.-March, Feb. -March 2-3", Cloth of Gold crocus Crocus ancyrensis 10/$ 1.75 Crocus susianus minor $ .85 Small deep orange flowers, free flowering, March, 2" Miniature of C. susianus, deeper yellow, free flowering, A.M. London 1977, Feb.-March, V/2-2" Crocus balansae Zwanenburg 10/$ 1.75 Deepest orange of all crocus, exterior shaded bronze to Crocus vernus graecus $ .85 mahogany, Feb.-March, 3" Small soft blue flowers with dark tips, April, rare *Supply very limited. (Will be shipped when ready. See order form for additional shipping charges. VARIETY PRICE VARIETY PRICE AUTUMN FLOWERING CROCUS Iris reticulata Cantab 10/5 1.75 Pale blue, orange spots on falls, fine for rock garden or t *Crocus banaticus $ 5.25 pots Mauve to lilac, the iris flowered Crocus, prefers a damp spot, sets abundant seed, October Iris reticulate J .S. Mit 104 1.75 Reddish purple flowers, sweetly scented, good for pots, tCrocus goulimyi $ .30 A.M. Haarlem 1938 Soft lavender, flowers borne on very long perianth tube, easy, increases by offsets, October Iris reticulate Violet Beauty 10/$ 1.75 Standard violet, falls deep violet with orange crest, tCrocus medius $ .30 A.M. Haarlem 1953 Light lilac purple, orange-red pistils, October-November, 3-4" IRIS - JUNO SECTION tCrocus nudiflorus $ 2.65 Bright purple violet, stoloniferous, September-October, $ .75 6-7" Iris aucheri (I. sindjarensis) Pale blue with yellow ridge on falls, fragrant, easy, tCrocus ochroleucus 10/$ 1.75 March-April, 12" Small white flowers, ochre yellow base, Iris bucharica $ .75 October-December, 2" Standards and falls creamy white, yellow blotch on falls, tCrocus sativus $ .30 fragrant, best in a sunny, well-drained spot, late April, to White to lilac, red pistils, the Saffron Crocus 18" $ 1.65 tCrocus speciosus Artabir 10/$ 1.75 Iris graeberiana White shaded methylblue with deep methylblue veins, Methyl blue, strongly veined area around white crest, orange pistils, yellow stamens, October, 5-5" April, to 12" Iris willmottiana alba $ 2.50 tCrocus speciosus Cassiope 10/$ 1.75 Aster violet blue, yellowish base, large flowers, October, Pure white with orange blotch on falls, late April, 12" 6-7" Leucojum aestivum $ .25 t Fritillaria assyriaca $ .30 White flowers in an umbel, late spring, best in heavier Maroon to brownish purple, bronze yellow interior, soils, the Summer Snowflake, to 12" April-May, 12-16" tLeucojum autumnale $ 1.25 t *Fritillaria carduchorum $ 6.00 Small white flowers, pinkish at base, Sept.-Oct. 4-5", Pale coral orange, netted yellow interior, must have cool warm, well drained soil damp conditions, recently discovered, Lake Van, Turkey t *Leucojum roseum $ 2.95 t *Fritillaria caucasica $ 6.75 Pale pink, fragile miniature best suited for the alpine Deep plum purple, with grayish bloom, autumn red inside, house, September-October, 4-6" 6" Leucojum vernum $ .35 t *Fritillaria davisii $ 8.25 White flowers marked green on tips of perianth, demands Waxy deep chocolate bells in April, Greece, 6", well a cool, moist, peaty soil, March-April, the Spring drained soil in full sun Snowflake, 4-6" Muscari ambrosiacum (Muscarimia ambrosiacum) $ .50 tFritillaria meleagris alba $ .30 Upper flowers bluish, lower flowers pearly white, dryish Pure white flowers, good for naturalizing, to 12" summer rest f*Fritillaria pallidiflora $ 8.25 Muscari armeniacum 10/$ 1.75 Pale yellow, spotted red inside, very hardy, 10-12", cool Bright azure blue flowers with a white rim at the mouth, growing, needs summer moisture 6-8" t *Fritillaria sibthorpiana $ 8.25 Muscari botryoides album 10/$ 1.75 Pure light yellow, dwarf plant, 6", well-drained compost Albino form of the Grape Hyacinth in bulb frame or pot Muscari tubergenianum 10/$ 1.75 tGalanthus nivalis plenus $ .25 Upper flowers clear blue, lower flowers deep blue, April, Double Snowdrop, white, good for naturalizing in shaded 6" locations, early *I rcissus alpestris $ 6.00 tGalanthus nivalis Sam Arnott $ 1.10 Snowy-white hanging flowers, almost extinct trumpet Very good cultivar of G. nivalis, robust, increases well daffodil from the Pyrenees, moist peaty soil with light shade, 6" Iris dantordiae 10/$ 1.75 Canary yellow, styles tinged green, falls spotted green, Narcissus asturiensis (N. minimus) $ .50 Feb.-March, 3" Solitary yellow flowers, March, 3" Iris histrio aintabensis $ .35 *Narcissus bulbocodium mestalanticus $ 2.00 Pale china blue, falls with dark spotting and veining, Soft sulphur yellow version of N. bulbocodium romieuxii, early, 2-3" February-March, from N. Africa, may need protection Iris histriodes major $ .25 Narcissus bulbocodium obesus $ .25 Large dark blue flowers, pale spotted areas around orange Large yellow flowers on short stems, leaves prostrate, crest, excellent for pots, 3" 4-5" *Supply very limited. -Mill be shipped when ready. See order form for additional shipping charges. VARIETY PRICE VARIETY PRICE Narcissus bulbocodium romieuxii $ 2.00 Narcissus triandrus Tresamble $ .35 Soft primrose, very early, from N. Africa, may need Pure white, 3 flowers per stem, cup waved at margin, protection, 6-8" F.C.C. Haarlem 1950, A.M. Wisley 1958, to 24" Narcussus bulbocodium tenuifolius $ .50 Narcissus W.P. Milner $ .40 Yellow, free flowering miniature, probably best in pots, Creamy white, miniature trumpet daffodil, fine for rock 4-5" gardens or pots, 8" Narcissus canaliculatus 10/$ 1.75 Pushkinia libanotica alba 10/$ 1.75 White perianth, bright golden cup, April, 6-8" Pure white, excellent for wild gardening, increases freely by seed, 4-6", well drained soil, full sun *Narcissus cantabricus foliosus $ 4.75 Scilla bitolia 10/$ 1.75 Milky-cream, hardy but best in pots in alpine house, Deep gentian blue, March, 3" begins flowering in October *Scilla verna ramburei $ .40 Narcissus cyclamineus $ .35 Starry bright blue, early May, 4", Portuguese form Small, clear yellow flowers, perianth much reflexed, March-April, 4-6", prefer a wet location tSternbergia lutea $ .30 Bright yellow, Lily of the Field, Sept.-Oct., 4-5", well Narcissus cyclamineus Beryl $ .35 drained soil, dryish summer rest Primrose yellow with small globular orange cup, reflexed perianth, April, 8" *Tecophilia cyanocrocus $10.50 Intense deep blue, white eye, Chile, for pots in alpine Narcissus cyclamineus Garden Princess $ .35 house, April, 4" Uniform deep yellow, free flowering, long lasting, April, 12" Narcissus cyclamineus Jenny $ .40 Almost all of the Tulipa do best in a well drained soil with a dryish summer. Pure white reflexed perianth, slender,
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