Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served Aanestad, Sam R Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Sierra, 1999–2002 Yuba Abbott, Carlisle S R Monterey 21st (1875), 22nd (1877) Ables, Thomas J Union Marin 17th (1867), 20th (1873) Achadjian, Katcho R San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara 2011–2016 1 Ackerman, Dick R Orange 1995–2000 Adams, Amos Douglas D Sacramento 12th (1861) Union Sacramento 14th (1863) Adams, Anthony R Los Angeles, San Bernardino 2007–2010 Adams, E. G. D Madera, Merced 46th (1925) D, R Madera, Merced 47th (1927), 48th (1929) Adams, James R Sonoma 23rd (1880) Adams, L. B. D Yolo 27th (1887), 28th (1889) Adams, P. R. D Santa Cruz 30th (1893) Adams, W.S. D Kern, Tulare 22nd (1877) Adkison, D.O. Whig Yuba 6th (1855) Union Yuba 14th (1863) Aghazarian, Greg R San Joaquin, Stanislaus 2003–2008 2 Agnos, Art D San Francisco 1977–1988 Aguiar, Fred R Los Angeles, San Bernardino 1993–1998 3 Alarcón, Richard D Los Angeles 2007 4 Alatorre, Richard J. D Los Angeles 1973–1985 5 Alby, Barbara R Sacramento 1993–1998 Aldrich, W. A R San Francisco 19th (1871) Ind San Francisco 20th (1873) Aldridge, Frank D, Peo. P. Santa Cruz 32nd (1897) Alejo, Luis D Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz 2011–2016 Alexander, Charles O. R Alameda 27th (1887), 28th (1889) Alexander, J. S. R Stanislaus 29th (1891) Alexander, John K. D Monterey, San Benito 40th (1913) Alford, William H. D Tulare 30th (1893) Allen, Bruce F. R Santa Clara 1953–1962 Allen, Charles D. R Marin 22nd (1877) Allen, Crombie R, Proh. San Bernardino 42nd (1917) R San Bernardino 43rd (1919) 6 Allen, Don A., Sr. D Los Angeles 53rd (1939)–55th (1943) D, R Los Angeles 56th (1945), 57th (1947) D Los Angeles 1957–1966 Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served 7 Allen, Doris R Orange 1983–1995 Allen, E. H. Union San Joaquin 15th (1863–64) Allen, John Fusion San Francisco 32nd (1897) Allen, Michael D Napa, Solano, Sonoma 2011–2012 Allen, R. G. Breck D. San Bernardino 14th (1863) Allen, Samuel I. R Sonoma 26th (1885) Allen, Travis R Orange 2013–2016 Allen, W. W. Jr. R San Francisco 35th (1903) Alley, S. H. Union Sierra 15th (1863–64) Almy, Joseph R Marin 26th (1885) Alpert, Deirdre D San Diego 1991–1996 Alquist, Alfred E. D Santa Clara 1963–1966 Alquist, Elaine D Santa Clara 1997–2002 Alter, Hobart R. R San Bernardino 50th (1933) Alviso, Valentine R Alameda 24th (1881) Ambrose, Thomas L. R, Prog., Proh. Los Angeles 40th (1913), 42nd (1917) R Los Angeles 43rd (1919) Amerige, Edward R. R Orange 35th (1903), 36th (1905) Amerige, George R San Francisco 13th (1862) Amerman, Isaac A. R Alameda 20th (1873) Ames, Almon R Alameda 29th (1891) Ames, Josiah P. R San Mateo 22nd (1877) Ames, T. M. Union D. Mendocino 13th (1862), 14th (1863) Ammiano, Tom D San Francisco 2009–2014 Amyx, Fleming D Tuolumne 6th (1855) Breck D. Tuolumne 12th (1861) 8 Andal, Dean R San Joaquin, Stanislaus 1991–1994 Anderson, Alden R Solano 32nd (1897)–34th (1901) Anderson, David P. R, D Sonoma 46th (1925), 47th (1927) 9 Anderson, Don R Los Angeles 1958 Anderson, Francis D Sierra 5th (1854) Anderson, Frank W. Prog., R Alameda 41st (1915) R Alameda 42nd (1917), 43rd (1919) R, D Alameda 44th (1921), 45th (1923) Anderson, George H. R Santa Clara 34th (1901) Anderson, Glenn M. D Los Angeles 55th (1943) D, R Los Angeles 56th (1945), 1949, 1950 D, R, Prog. Los Angeles 57th (1947), 1948 Anderson, H. Dewey R Santa Clara 51st (1935) Anderson, Joel R San Diego 2007–2010 Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served Anderson, Roscoe J. R Shasta, Trinity 46th (1925), 47th (1927) R, D Shasta, Trinity 48th (1929) Anderson, Thomas H. D Napa 8th (1857), 9th (1858) Anderson, William A. R Sacramento 30th (1893) Anderson, William F. D San Francisco 22nd (1877) Andreas, Godfrey A. D San Bernardino 51st (1935)–54th (1941) Andrews, A. B. Union D. Amador 14th (1863) Andrews, Alexander R. Amer Shasta 7th (1856) D Shasta 18th (1869), 19th (1871) Andrews, Moses Whig Placer 6th (1855) Androus, S. N. R Los Angeles 30th (1893) Anglim, Clifford C. D, R Contra Costa 50th (1933) Angney, W. Z. D Santa Clara 17th (1867) Anthony, Elihu Work. Santa Cruz 23rd (1880) Anthony, Marc R San Francisco 36th (1905) Anthony, William Union Santa Cruz 16th (1865) Antonovich, Michael R Los Angeles 1973–1978 Appling, Peter C. D Fresno 18th (1869) Aram, Joseph ................................. San Jose District 1st (1849) 10 Arambula, Joaquin D Fresno 2016 11 Arambula, Juan D Fresno, Tulare 2005–2009 Ind. Fresno, Tulare 2009–2010 Archer, Lawrence D Santa Clara 21st (1875) Archie-Hudson, Marguerite D Los Angeles 1991–1996 Areias, Rusty D Merced, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara 1983–1994 Argabrite, Joseph M. D Ventura 42nd (1917), 43rd (1919) Arick, Rufus E. D Kern, Tulare 24th (1881) Arklin, Henry R Los Angeles 1969–1970 Arms, Charles S. D San Francisco 29th (1891) Armstrong, Douglas P. R San Bernardino 55th (1943) R, D San Bernardino 56th (1945) Armstrong, William B. D Nevada 10th (1859) Arnerich, M. E. R Santa Clara 32nd (1897), 33rd (1899) Arnerich, Paul J. R Santa Clara 36th (1905) R Alameda 41st (1915), 42nd (1917) Arnett, Dixon R San Mateo 1971–1978 Arnold, Emory J. R Los Angeles 48th (1929), 49th (1931) Aroner, Dion D Alameda, Contra Costa 1997–2002 Arrington, J. J. Whig Klamath 6th (1855) Ash, William R Colusa, Glenn, Lake 31st (1895) Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served Ashburn, Roy R Kern,Tulare 1997–2002 Ashcraft, Hale R San Diego 1963–1966 Ashe, R. I. D Kern, Ventura 26th (1885) Ashley, Delos R. D Monterey 5th (1854), 6th (1855) Ashley, George W. R San Joaquin 41st (1915), 42nd (1917) Asmussen, W. D San Francisco 22nd (1877) Atherton, J.W. R Marin 27th (1887), 28th (1889), 33rd (1899), 34th (1901) Atkins, Toni G. D San Diego 2011–2016 Atkinson, Maurice E. D Los Angeles 53rd (1939) Atkinson, Thomas E. R San Francisco 36th (1905) 12 Atwell, A. J. .................... Kern, Tulare 25th (1883) Aud, Francis L. D Yuba 9th (1858), 10th (1859) Aull, Thomas M. D San Joaquin 8th (1857) Austin, Charles W. R San Joaquin 32nd (1897) Avery, John M. R Nevada 12th (1861), 13th (1862) Avey, William A. Prog., D Riverside 41st (1915) Ayer, Isaac Union Calaveras 16th (1865), 17th (1867) 13 Aylett, W. D. D Siskiyou 5th (1854) Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served Babbage, John D. R, D Riverside 1949–1952 Babcock, Jasper D San Francisco 11th (1860) Baca, Joe D San Bernardino 1993–1998 Baca, Joe Jr. D San Bernardino 2005–2006 Bachman, N. L. F. D Fresno 31st (1895) Backstrand, L. M. R Riverside 1953, 1954 R, D Riverside 1955, 1956 R Riverside 1957–1960 Backus, Samuel W. R San Francisco 22nd (1877) Bacon, P. B. R Inyo, Mono, Tuolumne 19th (1871) Badaracco, John B. D San Francisco 43rd (1919) D, R San Francisco 44th (1921), 45th (1923) Bader, Charles W. R Los Angeles, San Bernardino 1983–1990 Badham, Robert E. R Orange 1963–1974 R Orange, San Diego 1975–1976 Badham, W. E. R Los Angeles 44th (1921)–50th (1933) Badlam, Alexander, Jr. Union Sacramento 15th (1863–64) Baechotel, Martin Breck D. Mendocino 12th (1861) Bagby, Henry C. D Santa Barbara 40th (1913) Bagely, John W. D San Francisco 5th (1854) Bagge, Theodore F. D Alameda 21st (1875) Bagley, William T. R Marin, Sonoma 1961–1974 Bailey, D. B. D Santa Clara 11th (1860) Bailey, George W. D Tuolumne 11th (1860) Bailey, Hiram R Alameda 27th (1887) Baird, Curtis R San Mateo 19th (1871) Baker, C.C. R Monterey, San Benito 45th (1923) Baker, Catharine B. R Alameda, Contra Costa 2015–2016 Baker, Edwin R Los Angeles 42nd (1917)–45th (1923) Baker, Frank E. D Yolo 24th (1881) Baker, John E. R Sacramento 24th (1881) Baker, Thomas D Tulare 6th (1855) Baker, William P. R Contra Costa 1981–1982 R Alameda, Contra Costa 1983–1992 Baldwin, Drury P. ................................... San Joaquin District 1st (1849) Whig Tuolumne 2nd (1851) Baldwin, Hugh J. R San Diego 42nd (1917) Baldwin, Steve R San Diego 1995–2000 Ball, C. D. R Orange 45th (1923), 46th (1925) R, D Orange 47th (1927) Record of Members of the Assembly 1849–2016 Name Politics Counties Representing Sessions Served Ballou, S. A. D El Dorado 5th (1854) D Plumas 9th (1858) Banbury, J. R Los Angeles 26th (1885) Bane, Tom D Los Angeles 1959–1964 D Los Angeles 1975–1992 Bangs, Vital E. D Stanislaus 28th (1889) D Stanislaus, Merced, Madera 35th (1903) Banks, James A. R San Francisco 9th (1858), 10th (1859), 12th (1861) Union San Francisco 14th (1863) 14 Bannai, Paul T. R Los Angeles 1973–1980 Barber, Phineas S. R San Francisco 35th (1903) Barber, Thomas H. D San Francisco 21st (1875) Barclay, James Union Calaveras 14th (1863) Barclay, William P. D Placer 10th (1859) Barker, C. O. R San Bernardino 30th (1893) Barker, James L. Peo. P. Santa Barbara 31st (1895) Barker, S. R Nevada 19th (1871) Barklage, William R El Dorado 19th (1871) Barlow, Charles A. Peo. P. San Luis Obispo 30th (1893) Barnard, T. H. R Butte 29th (1891) Barndollar, Harry R Los Angeles 38th (1909) Barnes, B. W. R Lassen, Plumas 19th (1871) 15 Barnes, Douglas G. D Solano 25th (1883), 26th (1885) Barnes, E.
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