M U ALUMNI SHOW TALENT AND GUTS AS THEY MAKE IT IN SHOW BIZ. Chris Cooper was no stranger to the stage the actresses turned her back to the audio »itl, Journ '86. in MU's constellation of when he made his first live performance enee to feed hini his lines. movie stars. in a Kansas City community theater pro, Cooper, 48, has come a long way since duction of A Streetcar Named Desire. delivering the II lines of the paperboy in KCTONYC He was, however, a stranger to acting. Streetcar. Best known for his portrayals Cooper grew up in the Kansas City sub, Cooper, then a set builder, stepped into of broo<ly lawmen-Sheriff July Johnson urbs, but the sel f·described introvert felt the spotlight only after Tom Be renger for· in theTV miniseries LOIlesome D ove and more at home on the family's 1,280.acre got about a matinee. Sheriff Sam Deeds in L Olle S tar--the Kansas canle ranch. where he spent his " By curtain time, it ....1LS clear that Tom man whom director Joel Schumacher summers. As he grew older, he and his probably wasn 'tgoing to show up," says hails "a consummate artist" receive(1 the buddies ventured on the wrong side of the Cooper. BGS '76, "so I quickly memo· "show Me" Award las t October at the law- let's just say petty theft , he says­ rized his lines and stood in for him. It fifth annual FilmFest in Kansas City. He but Cooper didn't like keeping time with went off without a hitch." \\-c ll , more or joins the likes of Berenger, AD '71 , Kate trouble. To break away. he started build, less: At one point, Cooper admits. one of Capshaw, BES '75. M Ed '77, and Brad ing sets for local community theaters. His 28 ,MillOI' SlnotMUR 1999 S tooges ," he told The New )o rh Times. " \Ve ,"vere stacked in bunk beds t hree high ." He helped renovate apartments to make the rent and pay for more acting classes. In one of those classes. he met his wife. actor and sl'recnwriter Marianne Leone. On the couple's first date. Cooper recalls. she helped him carry Sheetrock up eight flights of stairs. Years later. she still foll ow s Cooper's ascent, a slow, steady, rise to stardom almost awash in the glincr of the silver LONE STAR RISING Cooper madc his film debut as a union agi_ tator in John Sayles' A falewau and has sillce portrayed, among other heroes and vil1aim, Ii depressive law man (Lollesome Dove), a blacklisted screenw riter (gUilty By Susp icioll ). a Vietnam veteran (City ' ~~ R """" OH<lTQ/U ~""''''''' ''''"''-''''I '''''''' !. of Hope), a subway flame-shooter C HRIS C OOPER 11''"' "MATEWAN" AND (Alolley Tmin), and an implant surgeon R O L E R E VERSA L : CHRIS C OOP£R GOT (Bmu! Men). His portrayal of Sam Deeds. a small-town Texas sheriff in H I S B I G B REA K IN " M AT £ W A N .·· THE Sayles' seething Lout Sta r ( 1996) lassoed 1987 J O HN S AYL ES F ILM IN WHI(: H HE h.im a Film Ac tor of the Year Award by the P LAY S A U NIO N O R GANI 2;ER I N A WES T Dallas/ Fort Worth Pilm C riti c'~ Association and a nomillatiOIl for an HIS MOST RE(: E NT FI L M . " O (:TDBER SKY," Independent Spirit Award for Best Actor. C OOPER PLAYS A N ANTI -U NIO N (:OMPA NY Most recently, the versatile Cooper played '-ORI: MA N IN A WES T V I R GINI A C OA L - Ch ri3 Uloptr 'S fu ifonnance a s Sheriff Sam supporting roles in The Horse \Vhisperer, Deed3 il! Lone Slar e(mwd a badge of hOlwr great Expectations and October Sky. fromftllow actors ulld film critics Coming off the suc cess of ume S tar, Leone and their ll _yea r_old son. Jesse. in Cooper came back to MU to receive a a small coastal town near Cape Cod . accidental role in S t reetcar got him think_ 1997 Distinguished Alumni Award from " There's a naturalness and normality to ing about a career in act ing as a means of the College of Arts and Science. w here h.e li ving in Massachusetts w ith just regular expressing himself. studied some 20 years ago under the direc­ blue-collar folks. " he says. Jesse has scvcre After serving in t he U.S. Coast Guard tion of\Ve ldon Durham. " \Vhcn you cerebral palsy, and Cooper ami Leone pro_ Reserve and working briefly as a carpen_ asked him to do something, he was like vide most of his care by t hemselves. ter 's assistant, Cooper began his dramatic litmus paper," recalls Durham, chair of Ikcau.se of his family's need s, Cooper studies at MU. Dance classes offered at the theater departmcnt. " He absor bed it avoid.s acting assignmell ts t hat require nearby Stcphens College helped him man_ and changed as a resul t." long separations from his w ife and son. age stage fr ight. " I made a fool out of At the award cercmony. the litmus That. ami the remoteness of small-town myself every day in front of 50 women, turned a charming shade of red as Cooper Massachusetts. is partly w hy Cooper, an doing ballet . jazz, East Indian- all kind s nervously deliwred his acceptance indisputable star in the independent film of dance." After he got his moves down speech . " Public speaking comcs from a world . continues t o play support ing roles pat, Cooper left the Midwest for the Hig different place than act ing," hc in Hollyv.ood productions. "C hris is capa­ Apple, w here he shared Ii onc-room rail _ explailled. ble of w inning an Academy Award if he road flat with four other aspiring actors \Vhen he's not work ing. Cooper shies gets the right role ." d irector Schumacher and d ancers. " It was like The 'Three away from thc$potlight. He lives w ith hassaid. "A lot of people don't know SUMMER 1999 ~IIIOI 29 biOi, or tbey think of him as {hat interest· ing actor from the John Sayles movies." In the realm of movie stars, Cooper is not a supernova. His life lemls a sense of '" calm an{1 continuity that makes for a J'~" ~~ . ~> steadfast, thoug h understated, sort of stanlom . But Cooper has always main. laincc:1 he wants to be an actor, not a star : " You can li ve a normal life, and that's what Inee(I." Luc • ...,u.o l.ro·fP .... ~<AAn"I~ KATIE C APSNAW IN ~ INDIANA JONES RUNS THItOUGH IT" A ND THIE TIE"'PLIE OF 000 ..... Raised in Springfield, Mo. , William CAPSHAW ONCE TURN lED OOWN A T£LIE- Despite the name of Ilradley Pitt came tu MU's journalism VISION ROLlE AS A "SMART BARMAID," A school to !'ecolIlC an advertiSing art direc. his famous film, tor. But just two credits shy of a degree-­ THIE NIT SITCOM, "CHIEERS," BUT OON'T his final projeCl. a "Men of Mizzou" City IN YOU It BIElER FOIt CAPSHAW, Chris Cooper is by pinup l'alendar, le ft undone--Pi[t, Journ AI'"TIEIt PORTRAYING A SMAItT-MOUTHED '86, headed for Hollywood to become an no means a Lone actor. After his career-launching 14 min· utes of screen time in <fIle/ilia e, Louise, JONES AND THIE Pitt has starred in several movies, includ· Star. Many a star of Tt:MPLIE 01' DOOM," ingA Ril'er RUfis <fhrough It, Interview Tinseltown started With the VWllpire, Lege/Ids of the Full, 12 Al ollkeys, Swell lC(lfs ill TIbet and DIRItCTOR STEYIEN ,\leel Joe Black. Once crowned the out at Town and "&xiest ManAlive" by People magazine, Kate Capshaw'S " Midwestern face," as Pitl has proven to be more than just a she once called it, fi rst gained national Gown. Here's a pretty face: His portrayal of inmate attention opposite H arrison Ford's in Jeffrey Goines ill J 2 A10llkcys earned an ludiww Joues Wid the 'felll/)le of Doom. look at several Academy Award nomination and a Golden in which she played the insufferable GlobeAward. cabaret singer, \ViIlie Scott. Ilut the real alumni who have Kale Capshaw, nES '75, M Ed '77, is not at all like the (laft blonde she portrayed. achievedlurnrrlllary Reared in a St. Louis suburb as Kathy Sue Nail. Capshaw earmxl bachelor's and status. master's degrees in special c<lucation from MU and fur two years taught children with learning disabilities. She married Robert Capshaw, All '69, M Ed '72, and PITT'S SIGMA CHI HOU SIE AT MU the two Oloved with daughter Jessica to BUT IN HIS SPARIE TIMIE. HIE LlKIES TO New York before divorCi ng. She startcc:l Olodeling fo r Claiml boxes and CerLS com· mercials before landiug on theTV soap ABOUT AItCHIT[CTURIE AND OIESIGN. <Th e Edge of Night. She met her hus· " THIE HOMIE 15 VIERY, VIEItY IMPOItTANT," band, Steven Spielberg, IJII the set of IlIdiww JOll es. They have fivechildrcn, "PItOPOItTION, MATlEltiALS, LIGHT, and each has a child from a previous Ola r· riage. Capshaw appcare<1 in Just CWlSe. HOll) to A1ake all Americall Q!lilt and Th e Alarmist. 30 MlllOI SUMMER 1999 Tom Berenger, AB '71, born Thomas Michael Moore, started out as a journal­ ism majur with hupes of becoming a sportswriter.
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