Wright State University CORE Scholar The Evening Item Wright Brothers Newspapers 5-3-1890 The Evening Item May 3, 1890 Orville Wright Wilbur Wright Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright , O., & Wright , W. (1890). The Evening Item May 3, 1890. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Wright Brothers Newspapers at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Evening Item by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THEE G TEM. Vol. I. DAY'rON, OHIO, 8ATl'HJ), Y, .lUA Y :1, 1890. No. 4. gntuted c1""'-:1t. llo:tr.'i t,;us Ill ~·;l.LU.r, :.t.1..1U. tii~Lr <.'lii.ll'""Cu on the "\£00 ''"ith Bayonets. \Vuge..; re1uniu BRnH~ H"'I hetorl', believed that tl!e l.Jalanc~ ot the emp1oyes, l'AJtl', )Lay ~.-A row lJCl'lllT~<l ill tlie over ·Z.5UJ wi l gu out toJay. At the IIL•er- pl 1l'c D • Ln l' Jnco1\.l .. la~t evi::11iug l>nt it OV'J 1 H.a.in ~lH.)iJr·d the i•aradc. I ing- rca11er , .. ork:, the iuolder... a.re ou a is.· th I .e. wu.s quil'1~1,:. snpp!·e .... ~' .. Ll. ~\ 1n·o(·C.ssion at~ Nrw Yo111;, . uy ·J.-Jlain "!•OilL•<l the la- strike. At llornr>:i &. RiC'hanlson's and ~ee the (> legan t line 01' lt'llllJ~c<l tu p:l 'dJ\\"ll tll 0 llue Do LaCirque bur punL.le "' 1! "Jll'll :1ir ma , meotin;{ h1st (;rif!\;1 ·iron fouwirics all tile molder,; are O t"wai-d tlrn Elyse~. 'i'l:e police harrecl the night, and :wt more th:w :J,l'o.JJ nwn were MI on a strike thb n on.:in~. ::;trikors demand 8Aev ARR,ACES, OR'~ way aud co1111uancled tlrn ptl!"ad<• to stop, ­ LAB (.\rnuing com the Union ~quaru meeting-.. Tllern was eight hours. The FairLunks but tl.H.: p.. l'c1<lcrs clef] et! tllern. Tile munici­ plenty of music, some rod tla';s, more la pany rcfoseJ ei ht !lours a _day and 500 will p pnl '!;ll:1r.'s tla•?1 1·1;,,;·g-eJ "Jl"n the moh with l.Jor-moltoos, uuJ 1t rum:.u-kal.Jly iargu c·ol- go out :\funJL!y. E1glitj firm:; of coopers May Day's ':fia.l e. Ovrr the L"" t•ll·' s. w1n111<1i11g many in tho front lec:tion of policemell. Among tile speakers straok thi · IL.>rni ~- . r :.~'"· Tht "'" '"° i then brol:c. A large llt the plaza were !--'01·g-i11s ~Hiovitch , P. J. A uu1ul.Jer uf ot!w: pl!l.cesof 1.Ju,1uess h~1':-e • llUlllhl: of nnv ·~s \\" 11'0 nuide, Th~~ parad­ .... 'Vide "\Vor1tl. ::\IcUuiro, Theodore JJ. I\ akcn11111, l'aul clo,e<l, the c:m k)yes lmvrng struck to JO!ll 1 All prices, latest stj,Jes, from er" an.,,tC'<l \\ t•l"t1 rel<c':isud at midnight, Grottau and !'rofc>S>"r Dll J.eo11. At Urn the -hum· rlay erowd. tlicv lrnvit:;.; I c en clrn:·gcd shnply witl1 re- cottage othor well known spo:1ker" were At the Ajax iro:i work.~, the rueu to the $1.65 to $30.00. fu~i!l-: to 11:<1Yl c1n. henrd. ltt:soluliu1rn were u.loplod 11ailing numbt•r of~. ·hu were refusetl the eight 4 & 6 EAST FIFTH STREET. 0 I •J>. POST-01!'J>'1C1'.:. Parades and Strikes the :-, o u·so1·ucr. the eight hour <by '"the l>l·~in'.ling of the hour <lay marched out of _the ~llops. 'l'he ultimuto abolition of \V:L~e luYery. uumhcr uf men no\\· out c~t1mated at 10,009. l'.uu.;, ~fr) 2. ..1. Floquet, prc>iclent of JR. Grand Opening Xo trouble r..s yd reported. tho cl111ml·ol' l r 1tl•puti<J,;, nceived a <lepn­ Hlotcrs Jtopu ls:-d by tJ1c Troops. tation or ~Jl'~~llist'l, ~rho pra ..~ou tad fl., wem­ ---- \ -1EXXA, Muy ~.-Tllo Prater is occupied orictl pruy ing for 1m cigl1 houi· law. Ho­ by troors, lmt ti.Joy m·•· 110t likely to Le BROTHER r. BRffrHER pcrl~ fru1:1 varic>u~ citi~s uuJ towns in the summoned tu dnt.}. 'l'he strnets urn llllecl Of the Great Struggle for provinces >.huw that "'hilto tile ~lroets are with people, I.Jut tlrn l'rOwds aro ordorly. A " crowded thuro is 110tbiug like disorder. UNPLEASANT CHARGES AGAINST Eight Hour Rule. riot occurrocl at l'rosuitz, in thtJ tLfler11 oon A CAN ADIA.N M. P. Soclnllst Flnsco. growing out of on attempt on the part of j BEl!LtX, :lfoy 2.-As u Socblis~ tlemon workingmen to liberate s.>wo of their com- . ra.des who had Leon imprisoned, A mol.J ol His Brother F.1=3 Affidavits Charging obl'le BayOJletted stration, yesterday's movement wus a com- T]le R(rn IJ - plete fiasco. Those who turned out were I4,000 made a rush on tho prison with •ha Hi:n with Jobt~l'Y in the Awardinir intention of settin;:: t:i • iamalos free, but of Contracts for Public Work. 'I'ools. CutJpn·. Ra:wrs. ClarclPu 'l'nols. 1Em·opea11 C1' t1' es. I chiel~y young men who \\'C_rc bent on noth- ll ing i:nore serious than huv1ug a holtilay aud thev were met l.Jy u strong 1.J,;dy o! t1·oops Scalt•s. Pl;rnpB, R op<'s, Dour autl und repulsed. A few of the rioters were '\Yinclow S\creens. \\'ire there was no meeting or otller 111i.mifosta­ Qnmi::c, • ay 2.-A sensation has been I t.ion of au couseq ucuce. The military were hurt. At Trieste, Polu und Cracow there Cloth, Etc. was ouly u s:ight ul.Jscrva1we oCthe clay by created ill political and commercial circles THE MAMMOTH DEMONSTRATION I ortictcd m.t uorninu.lly !or fiol•I exercise bere b:.- the publicatiou o! cl.Ju.rges of job­ St'e <iur i'.\lolunvk La,\vn ..Uo\vers bC'fore l workingmon and over_} th in g wus <]llict. buy1n~. • IN CHIC.AGO. nu<..l the police Yccro instructed to ignore Lery against Hon. Thomas McGreevy, P ost-oft1ct•. the workingmen as far as possible and only l'ca('o in Bc1·Jtu. member of tbe Dominion pal'liameo t for Xo. 10 E. Fifth St.. Opp. to inlerferc in case tbe men at work were Bimux, M:Lr '!.-Two thou·ancl working. this citY. The c:mrp;c.; are prcforrecl by his The Varied Scenes in Po.ri!:-How it tbrentene I or molested. mtJn assemhle.l in the a[ternoou lilld own hr~•tac:·. Roi>ort H. :Uc< h·eevy. Tbo THE Passed Off in Berlin-Doings at Vi­ marched in proc'!' ·sion tb:ou~ll )Iuerz­ pnhlic:1tion ccin:is: ·of affiJnvit.; specifying enna- A Glance at tue Wage Woi·k- 10,000 in l'roc ·~siou . sG.::asse to Alexancll'r 1>1al:..L 'l'iie ineu \Yere t:'.ie nm')un ., paid to tho honorable geutle­ Bmu.1~. • fa,· :!.-Ten U1011sund men WEST SIDE era in London-Celebration by tLie perfeC'tly ort!erly a!lll tile 1·o!icP 'li<l not mau of ot>tuiuin:~ t'ontrnets with the dt1prrrL­ rnnrclte l in pr~ ~·c~ do~1. Thuro Wll!S not tb' ment of tllc puLlic wu:·ks of 'ann<la. The Worl:ingmen of Two lrei~ispheres . Iha! it 1"'Ce;,.;ar) to i11tcrf1.•rn wi.h tl.Jem. sl ~li:£'1tcst ~n o! disorJer. Another lll' .Jt"lJb~ioa of;;~) p~oceed<' l tu tliu stuu l,ai l to him. :LCcor ling to atlitlavitri 1 Ploetzen 8eo. 'l'hl'y won· o ·ort~<l by po- reaches -:~;;O,l vO Buildin~ Association X o 'f'ronb;,, at !Iome 01· Abroad. lice to the nortll~ru shore. Thuro \\"ere nu- -'-------~- TE ~· - 1wrxu GLOYE-1''1GIIT OXUOX, }fay 2.- N1:1v Youi;, llay 2.-A h·ieos re<.!oived mci·ous xcu,-.,;011 ,.; 1lul'iug tho nftornoo.1 of 1033 WEST THIRD STREET. The ter .. ihle Moy- from nil J..Lrt; d tlte UuicoJ 8tntes and workingmcii un<l thci!' fomil;es, at which Of l'clc '.\1cCoy und .Johnny Hcagnn, llay Bogie Ila come Euru11e in<lie·ttc :i;:i ·erio~~ trouble nuy- the t:t.no;t goo·l unlcr , l 1,0(,! n:tture pre- the '.\lidclk "\Yei!!l1ts. Open .l\londay eYening, and ,£~J ( m:d gune, and a wLi l'l. vuilL•tl. Tel!!gro1m~ f.·0111 ..• ott:cu, Eilau, I o.·c I-w. '>D Ch 1 . • ·. ·Y., ,)fay 2.-'l'he ~aturcln.r afternoon and ~v-enin~ . ·,--:1.i,,"t.~'n ~- =...-/...:.:=-::"'_._, Yory h signitic·t:1t "'Cr1uk 1or ::\inc 1Ionrs. 1\-illlehushuPttt•, ~\f"ll l w.t/., f "-10,· I L u....,'· u1\:' , te11 rou:1 ......,:!l .YL'·fid.1., .. be 1-.·een Pete .)IcCuy ~.i k~- au<l harmlc>S ft•l- n, (JlbTEI!, )fnr ·z.-Two llunt!rc l mcm- Bnme11, C·1Iog-11e a11d N»Ttll:ans~n. stato uud Johnny lle.u;·an mi<lt1h>-weight~. took I . Kow issuing paid up stock \Yhich kw ho has shown her' of tile s ,!J_ <lour and biiu<l mnkorn that the laLorin,, "las"'' wnr :ed Ps usual plac.i h ra tst uigilt. Bidlly KL>llY,~"!t11s.re- lYlYS ..., semi-annual diYiclencl of ...
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