MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ACTS AND RESOLVES AS PASSED BY THE Eighty - Third Legislature OF THE STATE OF MAINE Published by the Secretary of State, in accordance with the Resolves of the Legislature approved June z8, 18zo, March 18, 1840, and Mar~h 16, 184z. KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT SHOP AUGUSTA, MAINE 192 7 CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF MAINE For the Political Years 0 1927 and 1928 GOVERNOR: .RALPH O. BREWSTER, Portland Private Secretor)': CARL F. }\/IORRISON, Bangor FRANCES E. DUSTIN, Assistmlt, Dexter C ou/lcilors: First District-Hor.IER T. \i\TATERHOUSE ..................... Kennebunk Second District-vVILLIAM S. 'LINNELL (Chairman) ........... Portland Third District-HARRY A. FURBISH .......................... Rangeley Fourth District-BLAINE S. VILES ............................ Augusta Fifth District-Guy E. TORREy ........................... Bar Harbor Sixth District-LEWIS O. BARROWS ........................... Newport Seventh District-ALLEN C. 0 T. \VILSON ................... Presque Isle ill[ essenger: GEORGE \V. LEADBETTER, Augusta EDGAR ·C. SMITH, Dover-Foxcroft, Secretary of State. OLA \V. PLUMMER, Augusta, Deputy Secretary of State. MARY AGNES MURPHY, Augusta, Deput;/ Secretar)1 of State. JOSEPHINE B. MARSHALL, Farmingdale, Deputy Secretor)' of State. JANE \iV. FAULKNER, Augusta, Depuoty Secretary of State. VhLLIAlII S. OWEN, Milo, Treasurer of State. LOUIS H. \iVINSHIP, Augusta, Deputy Treasltrer of State. ELBERT D. HAYFORD, Farmingdale, State Auditor. JAMES \iV. HANSON, Belgrade, Adjutant General. .RAYMOND FELLOWS, Bangor, Attorne)1 Ge1leral. SANFORD L. FOGG, Augusta, Deputy Attorney General. CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF MAINE. PHILIP D. STUBBS, Strong, Assistant Attorne:y General. AUGUSTUS O. THmIAs, Augusta,Commissioner of Education. \VILBUB D. SPENCER, Berwick, Insurance Commissioner. JOHN G. S1IITH, Saco, Bank Commissioner. SANGER N. ANNIS, Augusta, Deput'J' Bank Commissioner. HENRY E. DUNNACK, Augusta, State Librarian. MARION BRAINERD, Augusta, Assistant Librarian. NEIL L. VIOLETTE, Augusta, Forest Commissioner. CHARLES O. BEALS, Auburn, Commissioner of Labor and Industry and State Factor'J' Inspector. FRANK P. \iVAS~BURN, Perry, Commissioner of Agriculture. \iVILLIS E. PARSONS, Dover-Foxcroft, Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Gan£e. CHARLES E. DUSTIN, Dexter, Supt. of Public Buildings. JOSEPH P. GRENIER, Augusta, Supt. of Public Printing. OSCAR R. EMERSON, Newport HENRY A. KELLY, Portland (Dental Member) CLARENCE F. KENDALL, Biddeford Public Health Council. ANNIE IVI. PEABODY, Houlton HIRAM \iV. RICKER, Poland JOHN G. TOWNE, 'Waterville CLARENCE F. KENDALL, Biddeford, Commissioner of Health CHARLES H. INNES, Chainnan, Saco 1 ED-WIN T. CLIFFORD, vVinthrop -,State H-ighwa'J' Commission. CHARLES MURRAY, Bangor J PAUL D. SARGENT, Chief Engineer, State Highwa'J' Commission. ARTHUR H. FIELD, Chief of State HighwG0' Police. CHARLES E. GURNEY, Portland, Chairman } ALBERT GREENLAW, Eastport Pnblic Utilities Commission. HERBERT \V. TRAFTON. Fort Fairfield GEORGE F. GIDDING, Augusta, Clerk Public Utilities Commission. "1 DONALD D. GARCELON, Auburn, Clwirman VVILLIS B. HALL, Cape Elizabeth iIndustrial Accident \VILBUR D. SPENCER, Berwick I COlll1izission. CHARLES O. BEALS, Auburn J CARRIE BREWSTER, Dexter FLORENCE I. PENDLETON, Lewiston EDWARD C. REYNOLDS, So. Portland Department of -Public TVelfare. MELVIN E. SAWTELLE, Augusta- ALBERT J. STEARNS, Norway GRUBE B. CORNISH, York, Secretm"'J', Department of Public rVelfare. CIVIL GOVERN:.\IENT OF MAINE. CLE'-'IENT S. STETSON, Greene, Chairman ALBERT G. MERRITT, Houlton Assessors. LEON O. TEBBETTS, 'Waterville CHARLES H. CAHILL, Bath commiSSiOllerS of Sea FRED B. SPEAR, Eastport } and Shore Fisheries. \iVILLIAM H. THURSTON, Tremont HORATIO D. CRIE, Rockland, Director, Sea and Shore Fisheries. HENRY H. HASTINGS, Chairman, Bethel "1 PHINEAS H. GAY, Newcastle ~Board of Prison Commissioners. ALVRA 'vV. GREGORY, Rockland J JUSTIN E. GOVE, Perry l Agents for the Passa.maquodd'}' Tribe ANDREW C. S'WAN, Princeton J of Indians. CHARLES E. LUNT; Old Town, Agent for the Penobscot Tribe of Indians. SENATE FRANK H. HOLLEY, PRESIDENT I -YORK .............. Harvey D. Granville ............ Parsonsfield George C. Lord ................ \iV ells Arthur L. Roberts .............. Lyman 2-CU:UBERLAND ........ Raymond S. Oakes ............. Portland Paul Frederick Slooum .......... Standish Arthur G. Spear ............... Portland Alexander Speirs ............... \iV estbrook 3-0XFORD ............ E. Chandler Buzzell ............ Fryeburg 4-ANDROSCOGGIN ...... Charles B. Carterl ......... , .... .&uburn Herb.ert E. Holmes ............. Lewiston 5 FRANKLIN .......... J. Blaine Morrison ............. Phillips 6.,-SAGADAHOC ......... J. Edward Drake .......... , ., .. Batll 7-KENNEBEC .......... Edwin M. Foster. .............. \iVaterville Merle J. Harriman ............. Readfield Benedict F. Maher ........ , .... Augusta 8-S0nIERSET ........... Frank H. Holley .......... , .... Anson Clyde H. Smith ............ : ... Skowhegan 9--PISCATAQUIS ........ Arthur A. Crafts ............... Greenville Io-PENOBSCOT ., ........ Katharine C. Allen ........ , .... Hampden Ralph L. Perkins ............... Orono Jarvis B. V/oods ............... Bangor II-LINCOLN ........... Forrest H. Bond ............... Jefferson I2-KNOX .............. Zelma M. Dwinal ............... Camden I3-\iVALDO ............. Albert T. Nickerson ............ Swanville I4-HANCOCK ........... J. Sherman Douglas ............ Lamoine Homer H. Dunbar ............. Orland I5-VlASHINGTON ....... Irving \iV. Case ................ Lubec . \iV alter N. Miner. .............. Calais I6---ARoosTOOK ....... ;. \iVilliam H. Bragdon ............ Perham Frederick \iV. Mitchell .......... Houlton Dora B. Pinldlam ............... Fort Kent 1 Senator Carter died April 6, 1927. CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF MAINE. OFFICERS FRANK H. H~LLEY, President ROYDEN V. BROWN, Secretary CHESTER T. WINSLO\V, Assistant Secretary JAMES F. ASHFORD, Messenger MELLEN TRYON, Assistant Messenger MICHAEL SENERGIE, Folder PHILIP T. CARROLL, Assistant Folder EDWARD C. MOODY, Postmaster CHARLES F.- TIBBETTS, Doorkeeper PAUL N. DEVINE, Page ROYAL F. OVERLOCK, Page JAMES E. HARVEY, Dooument Clerk ELWIN H. SIMMONS, Assistant Document Clerk CHARLES P. LYFORD, Reporter MARGARET B. COFFIN, Assistant Reporter HORTENSE RA_ND, Stenographer to Reporter ETHEL HODGKINS, Stenographer to the President MRS. ETHEL IN. LEE, Stenographer to the Secretary HOUSE OF REPRESENT A TIVES BURLEIGH MARTIN, SPEAKER ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY Francois X. Belleau .......... , ... , ........... Lewiston John P. Breen ................................ Lewiston Rodolphe Hamel ............................. Lewiston Harold A. Nadeau ............................ Lewiston Henry F. Roy ................................ Lewiston Fred B. Greenleaf. .................. , ... , .... Auburn John M. Sturgis .............................. Auburn George C. Wing, Jr........................... Auburn Mabelle P. Chaney ........................... Lisbon Chester H. Sturtevant ........................ East Livermore Charles L. Harris ............................ Minot G. M. WiIIiams ............................... Webster' Leon A. McKnight .... , ................. , .... Poland AROOSTOOK COUNTY Irving E. Seavey .............................. Shennan Frank H. VaiL .......................... , ... Hodgdon Harry B. Crawford ............... ,., ......... Houlton James M. White .............................. Dyer Brook Albert W. Briggs ............... " ... , ...• , ... Monticello Delmer D. Powers ................... , ........ Caribou vViIIiam G. Chamberlain ...................... Fort Fairfield Herbert W. Kitchen ........... , .............. ~resque Isle Harry M. Hughes ............................ Mapleton Anton L. Storm ................ : ............. \¥estmanland Plantation Joseph W. Hammond ......................... Van Buren Remi A. Daigle ..... " ........... , .. , ... , .... Madawaska Joseph Saucier. .............................. vVaIIagrass Plantation Michael C. Burns ......... , .................. Eagle Lake Sanford S. Dudley ............................ Castle Hill Carl A. Anderson ............................ New Sweden CTVJL GOVERNiHENT OF lVIAINE. - CUMBERLAND COUNTY William Bissett .............................. Portland Llewellyn Carleton ........................... Portland Ernest E. Decker ............................. Portland Robert Hale ................................. Portland Andrew Jackson ............................. Portland Gail Laughlin ................................ Portland Edgar E. Rounds ............................ Portland Frank H. Robie. " ....... " . " ., .. '" " ...... Westbrook Arthur D. Varnum ........................... Westbrook Philias J. Morin .............................. Brunswick Active 1. Snow ... , ........................... Brunswick Frank 1V1. Stone .............................. Bridgton Frederick Robie .............................. Gorham Edward E. Chase ............................. Cape Elizabeth Forrest F. Winslow ........................... Freeport J olm F. VVilliams ............................. Falmouth Fred E. Anderson ............................ South Portland George G. Boynton ..........................
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