Av«rag« Daily Net Pnaa Ran The Weather , Vor the Week Ended ; e f IK 8 . W eetber : Xoivcnber 17. IMS Bicreeelng tdondineM ead eeM tonlibt* I>ow hi the Me except fee the teens In some colder Tallers. 13,839 Tnesdny becoming mostly deiidy Member of tbe Andlt ■ad not as cold. High in ^ tee. / llnriJMi e f <;ireiil«tl(m Manehe9ter~~-A City o f ViUage Charm, TOL. LXXXn, NO. 48 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO S^GTIONSI MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 19«2 (OIneelfled ddrerUelat « i Vec* W) PRICE FIVE dorrs S ta te N ew s Roundup Storms, Disasters, Leave Defense Lines Blue Cross Plans Teleprinter Net The loss of the pass came i P NEW DELHI (APy—Primet the Chinese Communists, attack­ BDnister Nehru announced the ing In waves, pressed their i HARTFORD (AP) — Con­ fan to the Chinese Commu­ newed <^ensive at both ends of Lost at necticut Blue Cross today an­ Dead nists of Bomdila, 25 miles the 1,800-mUe frontier stretching nounced.,plans for a major op- from Burma to Kashmir. ^om the plains of Assam. At the eastern end of the batUe erationid step forward — a His announcement foUowed by line, the Chinese posed a separate communications system to eifly a matter of hours ne«:s from threat to the Assam plains in an the Defense Ministry that Indian electronically link 35 member L o ss R ises advance of 12 miles from the key hospitals within seconds. defense positions on the Se Pass defense post of Walmg, which had been overrun and that flghl- The move, a two-way network they captured Friday. Wakmg lies liking an advanced IBM (Interna­ Ing had moved 82 air miles to.the some 300 miles east of Se Pass, To Millions southeast, into- the outskirts of tional Business Machines Corp.) Bomdila, in fighting on the west- m Tjniitith, at the northwest end computer setup, is the first of its ani end of the long border front. the disputed border, the Chi­ type to be ordered by any Blue The Indian army had planned nese have taken an outpost guard­ Cross plan in the nation. In S h a p in g to place Its next defense line be­ ing a vital Indian alrfieJd at The new system will completely hind Se Pass at Bomdila, but the Chushul and fighting is continalng omit, manual handling of homital surprise Oilnese sweep around in the area, Nehru ssdd. admissions covering its 1,256,000 A casualty roll of world sea the northeast end of the defenses EQs, announcement o f the new members. disasters edged upward today, reveres came after a speech J, F. Dublinsky, general mana­ brought the attackers Sunday with 144 persons listed as night to Bomdila. Sunday night in which he said the ger'of Connecticut Blue Cross, said Chinese offensive is threatening :ie expects completion of the new dead or missing in a series of The spokesman said Bomdila is Indian independence. He said oth­ system by late next year. now threatened. mishaps that started last er countries are now beginning to The two-way communications week. Trouble in the Atlantic Indian troops from Se Pass, reaUze that this la not a bc^er network will be centered around an caught between two Chinese dispute but “naked, crude and IBM 110 4“master” computer at and the Pacific, the North Sea forces, are now trying to fight shameless aggression." Blue CroBS headquarters in New and the Mediterranean ran their way back to a link with the Haven. It, in turn, wlU be keyed Indians around Itomdila. A Peking broadcast quoted Chi­ shipping losses into millions nese Communist Premier Chou into teleprinters in eatdi of the Prime Minister Nehru had an- of dollars. En-lal as saying U.S. arms aid member hospitals. Information cut Nearly 1(X> seafarers were res­ noimced earlier the t e llk in the vl' to India will enlarge the conflict into tapes will be automatically cued from vessels sunk, battered tal Himalayan Se Pass to a prong “to the detriment of the Chinese transmitted to New Haven. or disabled by howling weekend of a masrivc Red Chinese offen­ and ^dian people and of the Afro- The state Blue Cross, one of 79 storms. High waves pounded the sive probing ' toward the densely Asian peoples.” About |6 .million such non-profit, hospitalization in­ coasts of Puerto Rico and Cuba, ^populated, plains of Assam. worth of badly needed infantry surance plans across the country causing death, injury, and proper­ The Chinese outflanked Indian Weapons have been flown to India (plus four in Canada), is a big fac­ ty damage. troops on 18,766-foot-high Se Pass, by the United States. tor in the billing handled by most The entire 36-man crew qf the forcing them to withdraw, Nehru hospitals. As a result, the plan­ Japanese gasoline tanker Muna- told Parliament. (Oontinaed on Page Five) ning for this technological step has kata Maur was presumed killed been carefully coordinated with the in a blazing Inferno following a € (WWtpililtir w m m m Pi Connecticut Hospital Association. collision Sunday with another Blue Chross has already gotten tanker in a narrow fog-shrouded im ririA N G * into computers for record-keeping channel of Tokyo Bay. and analysis purposes, installing an Thirty-two bodies had been re­ earlier IBM machine in 1960. How­ covered. ever, Blue Ooss claims mana^r The fire was believed touched uch Arthur Jones explained today, “this off by a barge's funnel sparks itch takes days to process instead of dropping on high-octane gasoline seconds now." < leaking from the damaged 1,972- ton Munakata Maru. She carried into Suspect in Custody 960,000 gallons of gasoline. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Con­ Three crewmen on two barges necticut authorities planned to caught in the flames also were take custo^ today of a man and lost. woman accused in 'the slaying of The 47 persons aboard the 21,684-ton Norwegian tanker Tliar- a Westport, Conn., womtin and ald Brovig, the other ship in the. the Wdnap-rape of her 14-year-old collision, were rescued.^fen suf­ daughter. fered minor Injuries. ^ The FBI said the pair had indi­ The ships, crashed and locked !• cated they would waive extradi­ 200 yards from shore in Kawamki tion proceedings. Canal 12 miles from Tokyo. Harlis Miller, 81-year-old handy­ TTie' fire erupted minutes man, and his common-law wife. after the crash as a amall barge passed nearby. Most of the Japa­ nese seamen were trapped on board their tahker. for murder, kidnaping-and rape, That’s What It Took to Make the Pictures Elsewhere at aea: Tohn Bed Chlnw-India frontier map locotes,£hiinese offensives as they= and the woman with unnlawful under, direct rays, deleted the snow from roede and sidewalkB, flight to avoid prosecution and Md- For a good picture o t MaJiohester, Winter allowed a 7-hour ex- The 11 crewmen <tf tiie fishing outflanked Indian troops elt Se Pass ^ ) . A nother Red apeeu:- but it on tree branches end the tope of phone poles. Using scalloper Midnight Sun, out of head advanced beyond Walong (2), some 300 miles east Se naping, the FBI said. Both are poeuro of the town ftom noon yesterday im-til 7 o’clock last night. About One and a half inches of snow were used in the process, to muoh faster exposures and more expensive equipment. Herald New Bedford, Mass., were unac­ PsM in the North Oast Frontier Agency battleground. ]h I a - N egroes. photographers reproduced the achievement, Reg^ald Pinto film­ Sheriff Joe C. Mullis arrested produce these negatives o t the town. The sun took a hand in counted for after, a storm srf sea dakh, the norfirwast end of the disputed border, the Chinese cap-, tile creative procese ttiia morning, and in a 6-hour development ing the. field, and Joseph Sateriils. the picket fence. Wednesday. The vessel failed to tured an outpost guarding the vital liidian airfield at Chushul (8). the pair Friday in Soperton, (3a., return to prat when due Saturday. (AP Photofax). ■bout 60 ntUes southwest of here, Twelve Spanish fisherman van­ at the home of Miller’s mother. Release Sought Cuba Says U,S. Bases Must Go ished without trstee Sunday after He said they denied the charges. Negro Student radioing that their 18P-t<m Tessel, Miller is accused in the strangu­ De Jesus, sprang a leak In a neer lation death o f M ra Isabel BUlan,' Of Cuba Attache storm eight miles off San Sebas­ Jaisper McLevy Dies, 60-year-old Wfstport civic and so- Out to Pierce tian. With a sea'-and air hunt fouit- ebd leader. She was found dead Charged in 'Plot less, Spanish na-val authorities at her home last M<mday by her Strong LflV Y ote Seen considered the 12 drowned. husbad, Pierre Sillan, a fashion de- Carolina Bias NEW YORK (AP)—The C Japan’s Maritime Safety Agency Steadfast Socialist s l^ e r . delegation readied a formal pro­ reported two Japanese fishing er attacker had fled, forcing boats with 26 crewm en -were m iss- ANDERSON, S.C. (AP) — The test to the United Nations today the SlUans’ daughter, Gail, to ac­ seeking the release of an attache, For. Pursuing N-Ban Ing between their home ports and company him. She later escaped school segregation barriers of Okinawa. It said tfiey wco« be- *' BRUXIEPORT, Conn. (AP) But in redent years his voice bq- South Carolina,, the only state one of three men charged irt an alleged Ckiban sabotage plot.
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