No. 49 1229 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 1 JULY 1971 CORRIGENDUM the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a limited access road; and I also declare that this Proclamation THE Traffic (Whakatane Borough) Notice No.1, 1971, Gazette, shall take effect on and after the 5th day of July 1971. No. 42, 10 June 1971, p. 1109. In the First Schedule for "Mokoma Road" read "Mokorua Road". (TT. 29/2/289) SCHEDULE SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Land Taken for the Generation of Electricity in Block Xl, ALL those pieces of land in the South Auckland R.D., des­ Tatua Survey District, Taupo County cribed as follows: Situated in Block IV, Maungaku Survey District: ARTHUR PDRRITT, Governor-General A. R. P. Being A PROCLAMATIO'N 7 0 19.9 Part Waituhi Kuratau lA IB Block; coloured blue PURSUANT to the PUblic Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie on plan M.O.W. 23720 (S.O. 44666). Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the }and described in the Situated in Block IV, Maungaku Survey District, and Block Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the generation of XVI, PUketapu Survey Distriot: electricity. A. R. P. Being 7 2 34.3 Part Waituhi Kuratau lA IB Block; coloured blue SCHEDULE on plan M.O.W. 23720 (S.D. 44666). SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Situated in Block XVI, Puketapu SUrvey District: ALL that piece of land containing 30 acres 1 rood 10 perches situated in Block XI, Tatua Survey District, being part Tahora­ A. R. P. Being kuri No.2 Block; as the same is more particularly delineated 6 0 9 Part Waituhi Kuratau lA IB Block; co'loured blue on the plan marked M.D.W. 25250 (S.O. 45610) deposited in on plan M.O.W. 24757 (S.Q. 44667). the office of the Minister OIf Works at Wellington, and thereon o 0 4.3 Part NgatokO'toko Stream bed; coloured sepia on coloured yellow. plan M.Q.W. 24757 (S.Q. 44667). Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 11 3 39 Part Hauhungaroa No. 6 Block; coloured yellow General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this on plan M.O.W. 24757 (S.Q. 44667). 23rd day of June 1971. Situated in Block XIIT, Karangahape Survey District, and [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Block XVI, PUketapu SUrvey District: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! A. R. P. Being (P.W. 92/12/28/6; Hn. D.O'. 92/12/28/6) 5 2 '18.3 Part Hauhungaroa No. Ie Block; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 24757 (IS.Q. 44667). Land Taken for a Limited Access Road in Blocks IV, VIII, Situated in Blocks IX and xm, Karangahape Survey XII, and XVI, Puketapu Survey District, Block IV, Distrk:t: Maungaku Survey District, Blocks IX and XIII, Karanga­ A. R. P. Being hape Survey District, and Blocks IX and XIII, Marotiri 6 3 25.9 Part Hauhungaroa No. Ie Block; coloured sepia Survey District, Taumarunui County on pran M.O.W. 24758 (S.Q. 44668). ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General Situated in Block XIT, Puketapu Survey District, and Block A PROCLAMATIO'N lX, Karangahape SUrvey District: P. PuRSUANT ~o section 4 of the Public Works Amendment Act A. R. Being 1%3, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor­ 11 2 9.8 Part Hauhungaroa No. 10 3B Block; coloured General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that blue on plan M.O.W. 24758 (S.O. 44668). 1,230 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 49 Situated in BIO'ck IX, Karangahape Survey District, and the Minister of WDrks at WellingtDn, and thereDn colDured mock XII, Puketapu Survey District: blue. A. R. P. Being Given under the hand of His Excellency the GDvernDr­ 15 3 5.2 Part HauhungarO'a No. 10 3D BIDck; cDIDured General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this blue on plan M.'O.W. 24759 (S.D. 44669). 18th day Df June 1971. [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN. Minister of Works. Situated in BIDck XII, Puketapu Survey District: GOD SAVE TIlE QUEEN I A. R. P. Being (P.W. 41/428/1; Wn. D.O. 16/537) 5 3 29.7 Part Hauhungaroa No. 2B 2 Block; cDloured yellow on plan M.'O.W. 24759 (S.D. 44669). o 1 34.6 Part Hauhungaroa No. 10 2 Block; colDured sepia O'n plan M.'O.W. 24759 (S.D. 44669). 5 3 4.3 Part HauhungarDa No. 2D 2 Block; colO'ured yellow on plan M.'O.W. 24760 (S.D. 44670). Allocating Land Taken for a Railway Near Ruakura to the Purposes of Road Situated in BlDcks vm and XII, Puketapu Survey District: A. R. P. Being ARTHUR PORRITT, GDvernDr-General 20 1 32.9 Palt HauhungarDa No. 2c Block; cO'IDured blue A PROCLAMATION Dn plan M.'O.W. 24760 (S.D. 44670). PURSUANT ~D section 226 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Situated in Block VIII, Puketapu Survey District: Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the GovernO'r-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that tlhe land described A. R. P. Being in the Schedule hereto shall, upon the publicatiDn hereDf in 24 0 8 Part Hauhungaroa No. 2c Block; colDured blue on the Gazette, becDme road, and that the said road shall be plan M.'O.W. 24761 (S.D. 44671). under ~he control of the WaikaJto CDunty ODuncil, and shall be o 0 6.4 Part 'Oruapuraho Stream bed; coloured yellDw maintained by the said Oouncil in like manner as other public on plan M.'O.W. 24761 (S.D. 44671). highways are cDntrolled and maintained by the said Council. o 0 0.8 Part Waihaha No. 3D 2 BIDck; cDIDured sepia on plan M.'O.W. 24761 (S.D. 44671). SCHEDULE Situated ill the Marotiri Survey District: Souru AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-WAIKATO CoUNlY A. R. P. Being ALL 'that piece of land described as follows: 13 0 32 Paa Waihaha 3E 3 BIDck, Block IX; cDloured pink on plan M.'O.W. 24762 (S.D. 44746). A. R. P. Being 5 29 Part Waihaha (3D 1 and 3E 4) A Block, BlDcks 1 3 11.7 Railway land being part O'f the land comprised and IX and XIII; colDured pink Dn plan M.'O.W. described thirteenthly in PrDcIamaJtiDn 607, SDuth 24762 (S.D. 44746). Auckland Land Registry. 2 0 25 Part Waihaha (3D 1 .and 3E 4) B Block, Block S~tuated in BFDCk XV, KomakDrau SUrvey District. XIII; colDured pink on plan M.'O.W. 24763 (S.D. 44748). As the same are more particulaorly delineated O'n the plan marked L.'O. 24999 (S.D. 45339) depO'siited in the Dffice Df the Situated in Blocks IV and VIII, Puketapu Survey District: Minister of Railways at WellingtO'n, and thereon cO'loured yellow. A. R. P. Being Given under the hand of His ExceHency the GO'vemDr­ 21 3 5 Part Waihaha 3D 2 Block; cDIDured pink Dn plan General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this M.'O.W. 24764 (S.D. 44752). 18th day Df June 1971. As the same are mDre particularly delineated on the plans marked and cDIDured as abDve-mentiDned and depDsited in the [L.S.] J. B. GORDON, Minister Df Railways. Dffice Df the Minister Df WDrks at Wellington. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN I Given under the hand Df His Excellency the GDvemDr­ (N.Z.R. L.O. 26469/37) General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this 21st day Df June 1971. [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister Df WDrks. Declaring Land in Nelson Land District, Vested in the Nelson Education Board as a Site for a School to be Vested in Her Goo SAVE TIlE QUEEN! Majesty the Queen (P.W. 72/32/6/0; Wg. D.'O. 6/32/0) ARTHUR PORRITT, GDvernor-General A PROCLAMATION PuRSUANT to subsectiDn (6) Df sectiDn 5 Df the EducatiDn Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie PDrritt, BarO'net, the Land Taken for Road in Block II, Waipawa Survey District, GovernDr-General Df New Zealand, hereby prDclaim and Featherston County declare that the land des'cribed in the Schedule heretO', being an area vested in the NelsDn EducatiDn BDard as a site fDr a SChDDI, shaH be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and discharged frDm every educational trust affecting the same, but ARTHUR PORRITT, GDvernDr-General subject to' all leases, encumbrances, liens, Dr easements affecting A PR'OCLAMATION the same at the date hereof. PURSUANT to' the Public WDrks Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie PDrritt, BarDnet, the GDvernDr-General of New Zealand, SCHEDULE hereby pmclaim and declare that the land described in the NELSON LAND DISTRICT-GOLDEN BAY CoUNlY Schedule hereto is hereby taken fDr rDad; and I also declare that this PmclamatiDn shall mke effect on and after the SEcrION 18, Block VII, ADrere SUrvey District: area, 2 acres, 5th day Df July 1971. more Dr less (S.D. Plan 8348). Part SectiDns 61 and 63, Square 14 (nDw known as SectiDn 17, Block VII, ADrere Survey District: area, 2 acres, mDre Dr less. Residue in deeds index 4/38 (NelsDn Registry). SCHEDULE As shown on plan numbered 6/6/428A depDsited in the Head WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Office, Department Df Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and ALL those pieces of land situated in Block II, Waiipawa Survey thereon bO'rdered red. District, Wellington R.D., described as foHDws:' Given under the hand Df His Excellency the GDvernDr­ A.
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