Ains for Wmtsim Ion Villa

Ains for Wmtsim Ion Villa

If. &|E. LOCOCS ! OUTFIT*. QUiteN'S RjbAD, HASTINttS.. 1%‘b 9nltcis, Qoat«, 'rrcnuera. «&sd> Girlft* Clothing,: Ladiei’ gooi ^TdiTibuig Goht'.s and XJnci4v* fboes, I<eggin}fsi Old Je*>?Uerr, Inarm- jljiiaeli, ©vpryif.ina’ Blankots, Cutleify. ;OoLd«, Truaki^ and Bags. Practical postcard viU bpn« iia. CM eatabiithcA ST. LEONARDS. :|d<t e d . ' ^-tabliahed 23 PALACE PlEpR, MaiiagiDg Diretto. J MK J. H. GARDN •;r . -lautgot: EDWARD V.4K BIENB |MBS, BEEISET. tBlh, at 3 ansS 3 lEALER, GORDON VILLA. BATTLE SUNDAY, SVSAY L a d i e s ’ E stablishm ents . '•NARDS, -wTiil giro best prices for all G^aiety T heatre, H a st in g s. Qentleonen'B, and Children's LEFT- S e c o n d O f f i c i a l F l a g D a y . FREE SAOREP CONCERTS. ---------------------------------------------------^ --------------------- tj APPAREL of ©rerj' descriptioa* Manager: Mr. H. W. ROWLAND. ONLY ONE ADDRESS. HASTINGS AND ST. LEjONARDS^ Aitift??: MR. LEONARD LOVKSAIi. MI.'S .AS’I'A !DI.\w , AII.'S r-T,ORF,M;E MOURE, and CO RAWALLIS HIGH SCHOOL. All comnnmidation* should be MSt • Resident Ma-nager; Mr. C. E, feCUTT. THK LADIES OkCIfESTRA. Condurtveis: .MISS IVY <.u«UO> FOR GIRLS AND KIKDERO/RTEN. CORNWALLIS GARDENS. HAS’riNGS. ains for WMtsim ion Villa. B attik road. St. Leonard*. Iproiniritly attended to. ; Distance lO S a t u r d a y , 2 5 t h M a y , FO R D A ILY p r o g r a m m e SEE PA G E 5. COLUMNS 6 slid 7. TO-DAY ;SATUR1AV), MAY 18. at 2.30 end PrincipalR: MISS L e ! COCQ and MISS BAYES. L T.A.. i object, i Hon. Si. Andrewla W-jmen’i Hig)«r Cambridge A T ^ 7.IS, Last P*TfC’rmaneeei of CeTTlCc-Ate. OLROME K-. JEBOME'iH Famous Farce, 1 9 1 8 . Ibvid^nii nnri Vii»Iring‘ fta lf. A THOROUGH MODERN EDUCATION imd Careful F8ED SMITH, 1 Trainiuc. B.-^aeders Received. ' Preparation for PubUo “C ook." jARDROBE DfiALER. ! FRENCH RED CROSS (RRITISH COMMtTTEEi Examiuati'^ne. Strin.gW OrcheatTa. Or •• HIS EVENING OUT." Dancing taught, by iMIRS hfoCARTHY. pEN'SfECAD. HASTlNbs. ' and the Next, terra fTommenejeR Thurrd.ay, May 9th. -Gcod priced; giren [for lAdiaa*. It's Lii^t-otf CLO'i -IIING.' C u rtain s V m T MONDAY. MAY 211. Six NifWs «t 7 15, »rsA ITALIAN BED f^ROSS SOCIETY- HUNGER IN HASTINGS. PazoolA valued and nionej retitfn* Two Matinees WLDT-LSD-AY and SATURDAY, a< G L jE N V i e w lu on 'leceipt of Po^ca^d. SCHOOL FO R G lk c s ND KINDERGARTEN, A. H M i : - S trest CoUef’tions will be taken on bpJba^f cf the above. MPUNT [ROAD. OREAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION 1 A limited’ nuniNv of Boetdere taken. HFXP THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Please help the Central Aid C ouncihto prevent THOROUGHLY SOUND EDUCATION, with Pr<s The House fdr Satisfaction. OUS ARTICLES—W ANTED. * parfttlon i'or Oairtb'ridgo Ijooalfi. C-ol>ge of Preeeptori, MB. HORACE HODGES and his Cermsanr u> Royal' Drawing Six-ietv. Tondon Iirtfitute for Needle* HAND FURNITURE, Pianos, ~«ta«> FamouA Comedy, work, and A ^ o iated Board Examicotiona. c«sh.-i~licdgu;^i:k. W ainor, ULigh-at.. DISTRESS AMOfiGST THE AGED POOR ProepeotUB on application. r IteutuO. J j* “ G - R u m p y ." Sunimer term legin» Tueidny, May 7th- .NITURE or pirt waat^d; G rand R estau^ n t , Principal; MISS E. WALMSLEY. oldost' osiabUsLcd h n n ; ^ prompt ca*iA aid others, and to Alleviate the and Son, -io, Hafitingt?. * ajr. HORACE HODGES as GRUMPY. tc29 (Opposite Hafhngs Picrl. _■ Secondhand FURNITURE rrautoA. Twelve months ago prices were rising steadily, lurehased. W© are Lmyera of auyUiinC Does* open 6.45. Ccmmitooe 7.15. Fiicoe 4s. to 6d. SUFFERINGS OF IHE SICK AND AFFUCTED. MOUKTSIDE-HIGH SCHOOL. and■ -tion^,- '*Furjutui© Dcalen" 'iflB. 41-iS, T*l. 517. a d. -;ga. • ttW I n. LATOH ROAD, HASTINGS. THING, Boot*, ete., of Ladies, CieatiL ■ Priuttinal .. ,. MRS. F . C. COOPF.R.. to-day prices rise by leaps and bounds, so it is required;' aiso Gramoplionos; go<M LUNCHEONS - 2 0 no object.—Mj. and :Mr«. MilUr». Funds are already overslpent, and m uch of the work m ust THOROUGH EDUCATION oa Modern Line* *fc TEAS. Or *1 Li Carte. numerate fees. Preparation for Pabii-5 Exammatione if priglitou. ; —a£6tca H astings P ier. - 9 desired. Home Comforta for Boord^rt. Kindergonen. in the interest of the economist .that we urge 1 i-wanted. Copper, Silver, or Gold; Special attention glvoQ to muaio.,' modern laagu/igee. nl; Ib.'idr priLO.v given; Feureig’a ' money D IN N ER S - . 3 6 be discontinued unless additional hejp is forthcom ing. ~s.j SUipp.r6i and Foreign -Exchange QcsMOSl MasagcT: MR. CHABLFS HAW drawing, painting, and physical culture; house with ex­ lias-tin^'?, i • ! —mil cellent Banita*4oxL standing in ite own groonda. you to make hay while thd sun shines, by buying [D‘ .GjraiiUfdih^y-'e Clocks, Chair*, SUPPERS • - 2 0 SuuimfT T-nrm Viein^s May 7th iTurwlay;. idrones, orcl, iranted for' cash; good iiejn.—VViitol'or apply Wraight, ^ MONDAY, 1 AY 2Wh. at 3 and 7.45, and twice daily, now for the present and the futiire. W e hold lue. I , ' i —inW ICED DRINK A SPECIAL TY. igiven fbrjOUl Gold, Jewellery, xa .nntil further notice, THE NEEDS A r e v e r y u r g e n t . G e n t l e m e n s ’ E stablishm ents . pr ^pall qliujitities; also for ORCHESTRA PLAYS DA i|l Y. a very large stock of Household Linens, >ri pro»;ioa« ^fconts.—Rose and Bates, THOSE HAMOUS ENTERTAINERS, iLeouards. j * tfS 4-5.30 and 7-9.30. ST. LEONARDS COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. _HT, 'Jl. Albion-id., Folkestone, b im Ladies’ Woollen Underwear, and all wool had Genta' {Wardrobes. i jyU "T h e A r i s t o c r a t s .’* PlEASE SEND A DONATION AT QNCE. ZLLENSLSX-'IiOAD. ^ , Hompete^-tftreet, Ashford, Kent. TK«BOUGH PREPARATION FOR ,L PU B LIC ;; highest Taliie: prompt eetUemeatk ALW AYS 'O T O IC E SELECTION <JF F IS H AND EX A M IN A TION S. Old-os’-^-bliehed. Very runceaelul, , ; m rl3 n^ee* M itouaL' . Hiihert References. Large Covered Oyranoiium. Recrea- Costume Materials, which wheii sold will cost Wardrobe Dealer, 30,' Snargate-etreel, - MEATLESS DISHES." Gffite : 8 . CAMBRIDGE ROAD, HASTINGS. ioei: ladies and gentuunea waited ck | tioD Ground, five acre*. HpecUl attention to delicate Jy27 end backward boys. Entire Charge of Indian ajid shillings more to repeat ; we are also making ited: any quantitie*! siust be well Aft*raooa' Tea* and Relreolmient* a t Popalasr Prices. Coloni^ Children. ' air dried;, send at once; caah by *Phone 847. Proprietor*, R. M. KE y J Ltd. W I’xinoipal-HENRY KING, A.C.P. hi. CohetQ, 6 and S, .Emerald-sL. Box Ball Alletw. m31o HeaAmatfter—WALLACE H. KING. B.So. (Lend.). L.C.P. the special offer for W hitsun of Sports Coats, ;ited, all aiz^; highest prices igiTen.— . Aviatod by an Efficient StafT of Resident and Vititing •T-ver ” O ^ e , Habiting*, f M oney. Educational. Masters. n.ES, Dandelions, GoltafooL Cowslip* Cadet Corps attached to the 2nd Home Counties Scarves, Veilings, and Gloves, at last years L j>emijr stamp, KatioMl Herb-Gid^ C inem a D e L uxe, ^nilani-st., London, E.C. m il T H astings L abour JParty.' Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. INC.—Mrs. M edhu^, 2?, HASTINGS. L a d i e s ’ E stablishm ents . The School will re-open 9th May. prices some of the Special Bargains are quoted dies’, iGenr’d and Children’ JJjlO N EY ILBN' IcarriagwlOSiC forward. .. m25iii.u __ Iron Safe.—Reply, etatrng si** rS |T MASS MEETING OP WOMEN AT THE MARKET £10 to £5" « loWo9t prices, to R.E., “ Obticrvci ** LATON ROUSE SCHOOL. below. •T H E C LOlfH O D H O PPE R ’* Ray). LATON nOAD. HASTINGS. , ml8b HALL, ADVANCES modo ai » few triu*' nctii^ upon pimple FOR YOUNG 1..ADIES. THE LEYS SCHOOL. AS XELLO CASE, wifib bow ca** Promiaaor^ Note* to all ros'ponsibl-u Appiiv.’auts. PRINCIPALS: MISSES KIM end DEW. Higbert =‘rr<‘r " Ofllrp, Hastings.’ mil GREAT iWHITSUN HOLIDAY PROGRAMME. W EDNESDAY, 22nd M AY, 7.30 p.Ei. Tcatinaonisls nnd CAM BRIDGE. Plaa DiaWeie or Cardboard Caso*.*-« MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, MAY-’'20, 21 Ghairman: Mrs. STRtCKLANE BTRIOTEST PRIVACY ASSURED. Suparmr Edvu’ation ‘.m .MrxIeTD Prin<iip'e«. rer " Offleo. Hastings. ’-tPjU • No Fees Charged or Sureties Required. t'npirs prepared for Pihijc Exarriinatione. .Several Srh->!arshJp#! and Kxbibition^i. £75-£15, dflercd chase, BEACH HUT; any c o n ^ And 33:— i Speaker; Mt». P E T H IC K LAV,’BENCE. KINDLUGARTEN SE:’AR,ATE DEPARTMENT “ 'Obserrer " Office, .Bexhiil. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Apply i4 atriet eonfldence to ibe. old-efitablished Arm of FOR BOYS—Swfyii*;! Drill. JU N E ' 2-Mh. E ntiies closft J a n e llt.b. Particulars from -rmlSb Owing to jncr<?a.pc a largo Schoolroom, RVINQ SUGAR : will any one wb* ■' I d S-part Triangle Drama, t rekly allownnc© of sugar, exchang* Mr. FETHtCK. LAWRENCL will also apeak. Mes^a. M. BARNARD & GO., raeetinc the requirements of the Educational Ere-Laws BuvsiaT., Sports Coa^s for Whitsun. «c iiaa been op-ipe.-i. i-Write '“Rabtdtsl.” 385, “ Obeorrer ** T he A mericano. Men, please eo:n-^.

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