Osteopathic Truth October 1920 Vol. 5, No. 3 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine,SM Osteopathic Truth A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION There is no more sense in a medical man examining an Osteopath, than "there is in a Catholic Priest examining a Mohalumedan. .I would like. to see a Baptist preacher examine a Catholic Priest. -Dr. A. T. StilL" 20 cents a Copy October, 1920 $2.00 a Year Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO T 34 OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH OSTEOPATHIC WOMEN'S NA. TIONAL ASSOCIATION Montana Holds Twentieth Annual Conven­ In line with the general organiza­ tion at Billings, September 21-22 tion plan of the association, two new At the twentieth annual meeting of or associates himself, or herself, with local clubs and one state unit have the Montana Oste~athic Association the schools or organizations of any been organized. an amendment to the Constitution was practice wllicll is in reality sub-stand· The Omaha women led out with the adopted in accordance with the vote ard Osteopathy, the principles of formation of the first local club. Dr. of last year making the Association Osteopathy under any other name, or Florence Mount is the President, and a Divisional Society of the A. O. A. by any imitation of Osteopathy and the Secretary is Dr. Josephine Arm­ adopting the following resolutions: wl)ich is generally taugllt in shorter strong. The Osteopathic Women's courses and under lower standards Club of Seattle has for its president "This society shall be known as the than tIle courses and standards as Dr. Roberta Wimer-Ford, and for Divisional Society of the American recognized by this association as the secretary, Dr. Margaret L. Moore. Osteopathic Association, and its offi­ minimum for Osteopathic colleges." This group of earnest women report cers shall act as the local officers of The association also voted to put that at present they are making a the American Osteopathic Association "CONCERNING OSTEOPATHY" by survey of all the charitable, reforma­ in all matters desired by the asso­ Dr. Geo. V. Webster, in all the tory and penal institutions of their ciation." libraries of the state. city, to enable them the better to "The Executive Committee at each determine the line of' work they annual meeting shall appoint a Bu­ Great Falls was selected as the next should adopt. reau of Legislation; a Bureau of meeting place and it is planned to. Every woman in the profession Clinics and Statistics; a Bureau of hold a week of clinics immediately should be a member of the O. W. N. Public Health, Publicity and Educa­ preceding the convention. A. If you have not already joined, tion; a Bureau of Membership and a Following were elected: send in your application for member­ Bureau of Ways and Means and De­ President-Dr. Geo. M. McCole, ship today to the secretary, Dr. Kath­ velopment, and shall name a member Great Falls. erine McL. Scott, New First Nat!. of the board to preside over the Bu­ Vice President-Dr. Fred Taylor, Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. reaus as chairman. These bureaus Lewistown. FANNIE E. CARPENTER, D.O., shall co-operate with similar depart­ Chicago. Ch. Press Com. ments of the American Osteopathic Sec'y.-Treas.-Dr. W. C. Dawes, Association in all matters relative to Bozeman. (This has been a continu­ KANSAS CITY COLLEGE the state.' ous performance since 1911). Pursuing "Go Get Them" 'Policy- The following was also adopted as Delegate to House of Rep., A. O. A. \ Success to Them an amendment to the Constitution: -Dr. Asa Willard, Missoula. "It shall be considered as evidence Alt. Delegate to House of Rep., A. We have been very much interested of ineligibility to membership in tllis O. A.-Dr. W. C. Dawes, Bozeman. in the recent campaign carried on by association for a practitioner to use Trustee-Dr. F. H. Martin, Helena. the Kansas City College through the in connection with llis or l)er name, series of letters mailed to the pro­ letters or words indicating that he or W. C. DAWES, fession on the Southwestern Oste­ she is a graduate of, or who practices Sec'y.-Treas. opathic Sanatarium stationery. We have styled it a "go get them" campaign or in other words the same • tactics employed by the large mer­ cantile businesses to get new cus­ tomers are being applied to one or our allied businesses. Running a college, running a sana­ tarium, or running our own practice requires up-to-the-minute bus.iness methods and we wish heaps and heaps of success upon these two institu­ tions. Any of our institutions that will put A. T. Still Osteopathy to- the fore and deliver the goods, osteopathically, de­ Still-Hildreth Osteopathic Sanatorium serve the support of the profession. MACON, MISSOURI Judge them by Dr. Still's platform and those that measure up to it should DEDICATED TO THE CURE OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES have your patronage and those that fall short of the mark deserve noth­ ing. May we have more true blue in­ Address All Communications A. G. HILDRETH, D. O. stitutions for the dissemination of to the Above Institution. Superintendent Osteopathy. • Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO ~a~eopatbic ~rutb A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE; OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION Pledged to the TRUTH which Father Andrew saw, No favor sways US, and no fear shall awe. Volume V OCTOBER, 1920 Number 3 California Allopaths for State Medicine The Osteopaths of California are Waking Up to a Grave Danger. The Following Circular is being sent to all Osteopaths in the State: (From "The Truth Teller." September 22) The attention of the osteopathic pre!­ emphasis upon the structural integ­ colleges in this state to have con­ fession has been called to a political rity of the body mechanism. fidence in the assertion that the aim challenge contained, we understand, 3. The "mental school" which in­ of the coming campaign is to kill the in a magazine of the State Medical . eludes the followers of the belief that osteopathic school, thus clearing the Profession known as "Better Health." through mind or divine appeal, heal­ field of all the competitors of the allo­ This article was commented on a few ing may te obtained. paths. •days ago by Edward H. Hamilton, The osteopaths accept all three sys­ The large endowments from pri­ political writer, and was in the nature tems as having their place and their Yate individuals and state appropria­ of a warning to those seeking legis­ field. We do not seek to interfere tions that have been obtained by the lative office that they would be ex­ with their progress and by the same allopathic institutions have made it pected to accept the program of the token we do not wish the progress of possible for them to stifle all competi­ medical profession. osteopathy to be hindered. We con­ tion. New ideas in the treatment of It is not the desire of the osteopaths cede to no one the right to interfere the human ills have to fight for their to take issue with others in the med­ with our freedom, so long as we func­ existence with small capital and lim­ ical profession, nor is it their wish to tion through trained and experienced ited facilities. The old system has meddle in politics, but the issue hav­ students who have harl an education developed a powerful political organi­ ing been raised, we certainly will fight equivalent to that of the medical doc­ zation which maintains the myth that back with all the strength we can tors. We are as keenly anxious to their system includes "all that is of command. We believe that the pub­ rid the field of so-called "quacks" as service in treating human ills·." lic is as much opposed to state medi­ anyone else, but resent as keenly any As examples of their broadness and cine as it is to state religion. intrusion upon legitimate practition­ open-mindedness, we would cite the In anticipation of this brewing ers of any of the three healing sys­ facts that they refuse to work in such trouble, which was not of our seeking, tems. public health organizations as the We take this opportunity that our case It is very evident from the activi­ Parent-Teachers' Association unless may be clearly before you. Our case ties of the "League for the CO}1serva­ osteopaths are excluded. Osteopaths is so simple that once it i'8 presented tion of Public Health" (State Medical have cared for their patients in many We feel certain that the public will Society), that a strenuous endeavor Is of the best hospitals in the country See the justice of it. Briefly, it is thus: to be made to establish state medicine until recently when these institutions Three JUetllOlls or Healing in California. A number of the mem­ were notified that unless they excluded There are in the world but three bers of the last legislature who voted osteopaths their rating as hospitals methods of healing- for bills introduced by the osteopaths and the standing of their nurses would 1. The system Of "chemical 'in­ have been notified that they will be suffer. No charge of inefficiency or take" represented by the medical doc­ opposed for re-election unless they record of bad results was offered for tors or the "drug school." This school pledge themselves to accept the pro­ this action, but rather as the late Sur­ Places emphasis on chemical intake as gram of the "League." geon-General of the United States said being the most important single factor The medical laws of the state are to our representatives, we were unfor­ in maintaining' well-being of the or­ made for the protection of the public tunate not in the extent and character ganism in I disease or health.
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