Newsletterof theAyn RondInstitute Volume9, Number2, Februoryl99B Fountainhedd #l ot Berkeley of cancer that the man standing in t A recent article in the San Francisco way of a cureis not a mad bomber,bu Chronicleidentified The Fountainheadas lawyer for the Audubon Society? Doet the most popular book and Ayn Rand as matter to the African father whose ch the fourth most popular author among has died from malaria that the death v freshmenin 1997. caused,not by a terrorist,but by a t The Chronicle'ssource was a survey reaucratfollowing Iegal procedures?" administeredby UC Berkeleyfaculty. A Continuedon poge follow-upto a UC Berkeleypoll conduct- ed in 1987,the recent survey lists The Ayn Rand: Ahnse of LiJeEvent: Fountainheadas one of only two booksto appearon the Top Tenlist both times. A1n Rand also appearedboth times in the top r An eventot Border'sBooks feoturin ten in the most-popular-authorscategory. o holf hour reodingfrom Ayn Rond' ARIond StrondReleosing-sponsored odverstisement on workswill be held ot 7:30 p.m. o disployot Loemmle'sMusic Holl Theoter. Ayn Rond on Bestseller List Februory9, ot Border'sBooks, I 35i Ayn Rand authoredthree of the top WesfwoodBlvd., Los Angeles. Actres Promoting Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life five best-sellingtitles in the philosophy Jonne Peterswill do o fifteen'minul Ayn Rand: A Senseof Life openson February 13 in New sectionat Amazon.comBooks, an on-line reoding from Atlos Shrugged,ond York and LosAngeles. A campaignto publicizethe Ayn Rand bookseller advertising itself as the fifteen-mi nuie reodi ng lrom Anthemwi film biography began in |anuary. A joint effort with the film's "Earth'sBiggest Bookstore." In addition be reod by octor StevenSchub. Th distrubutor, Strand Releasing,the campaigncombines ARI's to The Virtue of Selfishness(#2), For the reodingswill be followedby o Q&A o uniqueexpertise in promotingAyn Randwith Strand'sindustry NewIntellectual (#3) and Philosophy:Who thefilm, with director/producerMichor experience.Activities coordinated by ARI include: NeedsIt (#5), the top 25 includedHarry Poxton ond ARI's executivedirector I More than 20 people-volunteersfor ARI-are distrib- Binswanger'sThe Ayn RandLexicon (#15) MichoelBerliner. uting over 15,000,\yn Rand:A Senseof Life postcardsand post- and LeonardPeikoff's The OminousPar- ersto more than 100sites throughout New York and LosAngle- allek (#25). Amazon recentlyplaced an les. The materialsare replicasof the movie poster,featuring order with ARI Pressfor Dr. Binswanger's r Horry Binswongerond JeffBritin photographsof Ayn Rand and, in bold red, the film's title. The Biological Basis of TeleologicalCon- will leod o discussionon the philos< Available at coffee houses,bookstores, laundromats and other cePts.No other author of philosophyhas phy cnd writingof Ayn Rondon Fel high-trafficlocations, the materialsdisplay the Institute'sWeb- more than a singletitle in the t, . 50. ruory 12, ot Bornes ond Nobl site,www.aynrand.org, and advertisetheater locations. Books,600 FifthAvenue (Rockefelle r A publicist is working with the Institute to plan in-store Op-Ed Success Center)ot 5:30 p.m. promotionsof A1'nRand's books at 20 bookstoresin NewYorkand Fifteen newspapershave published LosAngeles. Among other scheduledpromotions, tr,vo live events ARI op-edssince January l Film Premier Locqlions will be held beforethe film's openingdate (see far right). r MICROSOFT: Richard Salsman's I A two-pagepress release on the film hasbeen distributed to op-ed defendsthe principle that "ability journalists,newspapers, magazines and radio stations.Recenf me- shouldbe a sourceof reward,not a causeof NewYork Cify: dia coverageincludes an hour-longinterview with MichaelPaxton punishment-a principle upon which r The Quod Cinemo,34 W. l3t on "The Mike SiegelShow," which is broadcastto more than 60 Americawas built, and a principleof which Street (between 5th ond 6th Avr stationsnationwide, and a six-pagearticle in AmericanCinematog- antitrust law is an obscenemockery." It has nues). Beginsshowing Fridoy, Febn raphermagazine on the making of the film. been publishedin five newspapersinclud- ory I 3. Phone21 2-255-8800. r Specialcontributions to the Instituteearmarked for the film ing the TampaTiibune (llll) , the Kng- promotion havefinanced a waveof pre- and post-openingads in sport (TN) Times-Newsand The (Elyria, both citiesto supplementStrand's print advertising. The ad has OH) Chronical-Telegram(l I | 4). Los Angeles: beenplaced in the entertainmentand book reviewsections of The I UNABOMBER: Linking the Una- r Loemmle'sMusic Holl, 903, New York Times and the los AngelesTimes. Additional advertise- bomber's ideals to those of the environ- Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills (neo ments will run in Los Angelesin the IA Weeklyand New Times, mentalist movement, Robert Tracinski's Doheny).Begins showing Fridoy, Fel and, in New York, in The VillageVoice and Timeout. op-ed,entitled "The GreenUnabomber," ruory 13.Phone: 310-2744869. asks,"Does it matter to the woman dying Continuedfrom poge 1 Hedgecocklabelled Berliner's viewpoint a of publishedop-eds The "GreenUnabomber" was published in "refreshing alternative" to the accepted from 1997; and a ten papers,including TheLas Vegas-Review view that the Ten were humanitarian vic- tape of Leonard Journal (1/7), The LosAngeles Daily News tims. "The RodgerHedgecock Show'boasts Peikoff's talk "Tiials (1/a), and The (MT) Missoulian(1/2). the largestaudience of any local talk show and Tiibulations of r SUPREME COURT: Thomas A. in SanDiego. a Talk Show Host." Bowden'sop-ed'A SupremeCourt Over- t The Winston-Salem(NC) lournal Private receptions view," published in eight papers, was protestedARI's opposition to the Greens- and briefings for most recently printed in The Los Angeles boro, NC, Volunteer Summit in its Janu- major donors are Daily News (1/11) and the Minneapolis ary 27 editorialtitled "UnamericanActiv- held in conjunc- Star Tribune(1/5). ity?" Acknowledgurgthat "Volunteerism is tion with 'ARI Many op-edsappearing prior to fan- not a perfect solution" to cultural ills, the Days" and other uary t have been discoveredthrough re- editorial chidesARI's position as"not just specialevents. Con- cent media research,including: far-fetched,but evenun-Christian." tact Ronen Nakash r THANKSGIVING: Gary Hull's at ARI for more in- Recentperks received by ARI'smoior donor op-ed "Thanksgiving: The Producer's Leonord Peikoff's Rqdio Show formatioh on pay- published Thanksgiving ment by EFT. Holiday" was on Throughout January,"PWNI" has Day in the Witchita Eagle,the Fort-Myers beenbroadcast on the Internet. Demand Employment Opportunities qr ARI (FL) News-Press,the ProvidenceJournal- for this service has so exceededthat of ARI is seeking a full-time administrative assistantand Bulletin and the CharlotteObserver. any other program on the Orbit 7 net- full-time employeeto run its collegeprojects (including campt r GLOBALWARMING:Robert Tra- work that it has overwhelmedtheir tech- clubs). Applicants should senda letter of interestand r6sum6| cinski'sop-ed "Global Warming vs. Sci- nical capacities. Internet broadcastswill Julie Repass,preferably by email at [email protected],or t ence" was published in the Cincinnatti continue through February, as Orbit 7 (12/8), fax at 310-306-4925. Enquirer(12/7) and TheOregonian works to increaseits capacityand resolve technicalproblems. Detailed instructions Upcoming Events Obiectivism in rhe Medio for using this servicecan be found at the I SecondRenaissance Conferences will presenta sulnrn Mentions of Ayn Rand have recently show'sWebsite (www.pwni.com). conference,|une 28 to |uly 11, 1998,in Nashua,New Hampshil appearedon radio and in publicationsas (44 miles from Boston).For details,write to 130 FederalRoa diverse as The Wall Street Journal and Suite 56A, Danbury, Ct 06811,or call 203-791-1755'or e-ma Moior Donor SnowboarderMagazine. The list totals Becoming o [email protected] wishing to apply for a more than 60 mentions for the past two What is a major donor? AnYone ARI scholarshipto this conferencemust contact SeanSaulsbury months. Among those which have come contributing $500 or more within one ARI for details by phone at 310-306-9232x209, or e-mail to our attention recently: calendaryear. One way this level of sup- Seans@a1'nrand.org.The applicationdeadline is May 1. r John Ridpath was interviewed on port may be achievedis by giving $42'00 r LyceumInternational is re-offeringObjectivism Throup WisconsinPublic Radio (12123)on the or more per month via ARI's Electronic Induction,Part One,a live teleconferencecourse with Dr. Leonat subject of Leonard Peikoff's op-ed "Why FundsTiansfer (EFT) program. Peikoff. There are fifteen hours of course material in ten class ChristmasShould Be More Commercial." Major donors receivespecial benefits beginningFebruary 26, 1998. For more information' contactLyc r Michael Berliner was interviewed from ARI. Last year's mailings included wfl at 360-479-4765 or e-mail [email protected]. for 15 minutes about the Hollywood Ten complimentary copies of The lournal of r ARI will hold a banquetand auctionto commemoratetl on KOGO San Diego by host Roger TaliesenFellows issue on Frank Lloyd 60th anniversaryof Anthem,on April I 1, 1998,in New York Cil Hedgecock,former mayor of San Diego. Wright and Miss Rand; a press book Invitationswill be mailedto contributorsin Februarv. Publisher:The Ayn RondInstitute, 4640 Admirolty Woy, Suite 406, Morinodel Rey,CA90292 r 3'10-306-9232.fox: 3,l0'306-492 e.moil:mcril@oynrondrcrg r \\fub:- http:/ /www.oynrand.org r-Editor: Lor'r-y Solzmon r-AJl rightsreserved @1 998. pelsenbe.ruolloeJJoc ssgll ,or1?::u^"XiXi"Xli#5#N stnlltsul puDU.
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