=== =--========:--==-~ R. I. Jewish Historical I Association 11 130 Sessions Street j Providence, RI 02906 l I I I I I Support I Jewish Read By J Agencies More Than j With Your 40,000 I People I Membership I THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. ' VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 47 THURSDAY,OCTOBERl~l~l 30¢ PER COPY Kreisky Angered Over PLO Reaction To Death Of Sadat BONN - Chancellor Bruno Kreisky of Austria , who has often angered.Israel and Western leaders for his open relations with the Palestinian Liberation Organization might suspend contacts with the organiza­ tion or even close its office in Vienna because of the PLO's jublilant reaction over the death of President Anwar-el Sadat of Egypt, it was announced this week by a spokesman for the chancellor. In a radio interview over the weekend , Kreisky said that " unbridgeable dif­ ferences" exist in his and the head of the PLO , Yasir Arafat's, estimation of the assassination. He said it was "incom­ prehensible that anyone could praise a murder, that anyone could be happy over a murder." Kreisky said the organization's outbursts of joy might have consequences for Austria's ties with the PLO and he suggested that he considered "personal consequences" as a result of Arafat's ex­ pression of joy at the death. Kreisky did stress his belief that the PLO factor is at the "core of the Mideast THE WORLDWIDE SEARCH CONTINUES for Dr. Josef Mef!gele (left) "The Angel of Death," and Walter Rauff (right), mur­ problem and it is a " hard, cruel political derer of 250,000-Jews. The Hunter and Tl)e Hunted w/11 air Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. on WSBE-TV/36. Turn to page 8. fact which I recognize." Wolfgang Petritsch, a spokesman for the Chancellor, interpreted Kreisky's state­ ments this week by saying that Austria is in written diplomatic contact with the PLO , Former General Believed To Have Headed which could indicate that it is reconsider­ ing how the contacts would be continued. The remarks might mean that Austria Group Responsible For Sadar s Assassination may consider leaving a PLO represen­ by Maurice Samuelson (London) bridgehead west of the canal, thus squan­ ing that war, he evaded capture and, dis­ tative in Vienna. The post, however, has and Edwin Eytan (Paris) dering Egypt's initial military success. guised as a Bedouin, succeeded in getting been vacant since August, when the Gen. Saadeddin Mohamed Shazly, who Sadat Was Reportedly Jealous back to Egypt with a number of his men. Austrian Government asked the PLO to was Chief of Staff of the Egyptian army Whatever the truth, Sadat was report­ For two years after the Six-Day War, he remove Ghazi Hussain . during the Yorn Kippur War, and had been edly jealous of Shazly's popularity among commanded Egypt's special forces and The Austrian Government may have no an opponent of President Anwar Sadat, is the Egyptian army's elite commando units (Continued on page 14) interest in filling that post at this time. reportedly the man who masterminded the whom he had trained during the preceding assassination of the Egyptian President. War of Attrition and had feared that Shazly Shazly was dismissed from his army post could lead a "young officers" coup against by Sadat in December, 1973 but was later him in the confused situation following the appointed Ambassador to London and to Yorn Kippur War. Lisbon. He formally broke with Sadat after Sadat therefore removed him from the Egyptian President's historic trip to Egypt by posting him overseas. He was Jerusalem in November, 1977. sent first as Ambassador to London , where Shazly, who successfully led the Egyp­ he had been a military attache in the early tian army across the Suez Canal in the Yorn 1960s. _But Shazly used his London position Kippur War , was dismissed by Sadat who to foment criticism of Sadat after the Sinai accused him of having lost his nerve, fail­ disengagement treaties with Israel. As a ing to carry out the Egyptian leader's or­ result, Sadat sent him to Lisbon, con­ ders to wipe out a pocket of Israeli infiltra­ sidered a diplomatic backwater. tion on the west bank of the canal on the Shazly had made his military reputation 10th day of the war. Shazly, for his part, in Egypt during the_ Six-Day War in 1967 claimed that it was Sadat who refused to when he was in charge of a commando unit. authorize an attack on the Israeli Unlike most Egyptian officers in Sinai dur- Despite A WA CS Debate Strategic Link Mapped Out JERUSALEM - Despite the con­ terested." The idea, he said, is to become troversy over · the proposed sale of ad- part of an extensive American network of , vanced radar warning planes and other air deterrence to the Soviet Union . equipment to Saudi Arabia, the United Both Israel and the United States stand to States is taking "strategic assets" of Israel gain from an arrangement with the central more seriously than it has under any idea of stockpiling, or prepositioning, previous administration. heavy artillery, tanks, armored personnel carriers, ammunition, medical supplies Defense Minister Ariel Sharon is report­ and other equipment for quick pickup by ed to have ·&iven American officials a United states troops being flown in to deal lengthy list of suggestions for "strategic with an emergency in the Persian Gulf. coll aboration" during his visit to Masses of American-owned arms on Washington with Prime Minister Israeli soil would presumably be available Menachem Begin. Although no commit­ to Israelis in the event of a local war with ment was made, United States military of­ the Arabs. That is just one of the advan­ ficials were said to have shown con­ tages seen by the Begin Government. siderable interest in some of the recom­ The United States would be paying Israel menda lions . to store the equipment and maintain the THE PAINTINGS OF NORA KRONSTEIN, an Israeli artist, will Following his return to Israel , Sharon stockpiled weapons. Israel cou ld con­ be on exhibition at the Jewish Community Center, Gallery 401, told a small group of reporters that the ceivably reap millions of dollars annually from Oct. 25 to Nov. 4. The community is invited to meet the Israeli Government intended lo hold out for from the maintenance of this huge defense artist at the opening reception, Sunday, Oct. from 2:30-4:30 an arrangement that is " broad-based, arsenal. 25, aeross a wide fron~ -gr else we're not in- (Continued on page 14) p.m. , ., . .. , .... ....... .2 - !JlHE RH0D0 ISLAND ,HERALD,,THURSDAY, OCTOBER -15, 1981 Emanu-EI Honors Members Sh levi ns Attend Convention Planned Temple Emanu-El, 99 Taft Av_e. , Frank Licht. He was a pioneer in Jewish Conference In Israel By Temple Providence, will honor three of its leading community life in Providence and has been members as 1t celebrates Simchat Torah a member of Temple Emanu-El for 50 Local leaders, including Mr. and Mrs. Brotherhood Samuel Shlevin of Providence, par­ on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at9:30a.m. During years. He is involved in the Zionist move- The National Federation of Temple the c,~lebratlon of t~e "Rejoicing of the ment and accompanied Gov. Licht on a ticipated in a two-week (Sept. 13-28 ) mis­ sion to Israel for a Leadership Assembly of Brotherhoods, Northeast Region, will hold Law, JacobL1chtw11lrece1ve~hehonorof mission to Israel with five governors. its First Biennial Convention Oct. 30 HatanTorah, JosephW.Ressw11lbecalled Joseph W. Ress is a consultant to E.A. the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. through Nov.I at the Sheraton-Sturbridge to the Torah _as Hatan Bereshit and Louis Adams and Sons, Inc. He received a law Hotel, Sturbridge, Mass. Luncheons, Baruch Rubmstem will be h.onored as degree from Harvard University in 1929 The mission, headed by ADL national chairman Maxwell E. Greenberg, national Chautauqua Banquet, seminars , Hatan Maftir. and practiced law from 1929-1934 . A 1926 workshops and receptions are planned. Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brown Univer­ director Nathan Perlmutter and associate national director Abraham H. Foxman, Robert Bernstein of Pawtucket is the sity, Ress is currently a member of the un­ reservations chairman. Bernstein is the iversity's Investment and Development met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin and opposition Labor leader Shimon Peres. President of Hope Chemical Co. and the Committees. Hope Travel Agency. Louis Baruch Rubinstein received two Following the Assembly discussions in Israel, Perlmutter lead a smaller delega­ Bernstein is a member of the Board of law degrees from Yale Law School, and has Trustees of Temple Beth-El, Providence, had a distinguished career in law. He has tion from the Leadership Assembly on a three-day visit to Egypt to meet with Egyp­ and past president of its Brotherhood and tian government officials. is also a member of the Jewish Feder~tion In addition to meetings with Begin and of Rhode Island, the American Jewish Peres, the ADL delegation held discussions Committee, the Jewish Historical Society with Israeli political and military leaders and the American Society for Technicon. including Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek : Edward Simches; President of the former Ambassador to the U.S. Simcha Northeast Region, said " Bob Bernstein has Dinitz and Gen. Netanel Sharoni of the done a magnificent job in making arrange­ Israel Defense Forces. ments for the First Biennial Convention Other highlights included visits to the and it is due to his efforts that it will be~ . West Bank, the Knesset and Yad Vashem huge success.
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