> _. • - • \y#/-"V iv. » i q i Y ^ O M Public Legal ... and NEW Notices Every Thursday Pages 4 & 8 VOL. Cl NO. 24 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPT UNE, NE\y~JlB«SEY, THUKS1>Ay , JUNE 10,1976 f i f t e e n c e n t s ' St. Paul’s History Elaine Ecton JuStus-DiMaggio Primary Results Cross Lighting ' Proclaim Wednesday, June 16 Nuptials May 22 Of Growth Noted jaged to In Neptune Twp. i . Ceremony June 12 'ay In Ocean Grove GALLATON VALLEY, Mont. - OCEAN GROVE — Shiriey Jus­ by Florence Gibbons I NEPTUNE TWP. - 1 The results OCEAN GROVE St. Paul’s Mf, -and Mrs. Zales N. Ecton, Jr.; OCEAN GROVE — The An­ OCEAN GROVE — Over 250 eum, Monmouth Battlefield and tus, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. announce the engagement of their Walter Justus,.66.Main Aye. and in: • Tuesday’s primary election United -Methodist Church has nual Cross Lighting Ceremony members of the Nutley Old Guard, Old Tennent Church. here; Were as follows: , come a long way since its found­ daughter, Miss Elaine, -Ecton, of will be held at 8:00 P.M. Sat­ their families a n d other NuGey The text of President jHerge- Bonita Springs, Fla., .'became the Spokane, Washington to John Peter bride of Ffrank R. DiMaggio, son ing in 1871 when Bishop , janes ap­ urday, June 12, at Ocean Path­ rtsidents, including Mayor Harry sheimer’s Nutley Day proclamation In th'e Republican primary, Ger­ Cottrell, Jr., son of iMr; and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dimag­ ald Fdrd polled, 1,445 votes. On the proved creation of Ocean Grove way and Central Avenue in Cbenoweth, will participate' in follows, together with Nutley May­ as a separate charge and made the J. Peter Cottrell, Sr., Neptune (N. front of Dr. Stoke’s statue. ■ “Nutley Day in Ocean Grove” ded­ or’s answering declaration. gio, Long Branch, on Sat., May; local scene, for township commit­ J). Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rev. H. B. Beegle, pastor.' It was The Reverend Sherman Rob­ ication services Wednesday to _ -:v.— — 22nd at St. Paul’s United Method-' tee, Alfred Rosasco led Leo Poll- Frank E Tephford of Manasquan, ist. Church. The/ Rev.. Wm. Me- sano; 1399' to 1394. In t h e only a logical choice since Mr. Beegle inson, pastor of Hamilton Unit­ commemmorate the gift of a flow­ had succeeded the Rev. Osborn as formerly of Ocean Grove, ai<d Mrs. ed Methodist Church will bring ering shade tree to the Centennial CJeland and Mons. lliom as Rear­ coutested race locally, for the 3rd Volahta Cottrell and the late iMr. Proclamation don, of St. Michael’s Roman Cath­ district'House of Representatives, superintendent -of the camp the message, Miss Shirley Mo­ Cottage GardeffAy the Nutley Old (Issued by President George L. Juliah Cottrell of !Freehold, (N.J.) Guard members. / . olic Church, Long Branch, offici­ Ralph 'Siciliano oUtpolled Joseph grounds./.-' yer will be the soloist - an*- Hergesheimer for the Ocean Grove ated at the double ring ceremony. Heimbdld 1193-to 259. For Mon­ It must be remembered that in Mr. Gordon Turk, the organ­ Nearly 100 Old Guard will lead Camp Meeting Association) Soloist Ken Orr sang “Because”; mouth'County Freeholder, J an e the -beginning the Grove was stric­ ist. the “invasion” Monday for a five- and “The Lord’s Prayer.* brganist Clayton -polled ‘1,378 and Joseph tly-a summer place and when the AU Ocean Grovers and day stay -in the Grove and seiveral WHEREAS many Nutley resi­ was iMrs. Louis Mitchell. '• f \ . Hillman* candidate for surrogate, tents were taken down and stored, friends are urged to attend this bus loads of Nutleyites will join dents as members of the Old Given in marriage by her father, polled 1,347. .. Ocean Grovers returned to their service which opens the 1976 them Wednesday for the celebra­ Guard and Golden Age clubs have ^ th e bride wore a gown of white In the Democratic polling, Jim­ home Church life throughout New 'season in our 107th year. tion. IMayor Cbenoweth a rid his become regular visitors to Ocean M^satin organza and. French Alencon my .Carter, led the nine other can­ Jersey and many other states,. contingent, including the Old Grove, and ' beaded lace. Empire bodice sculp­ didates .With 759 votes — his clos­ They left the grounds to the squir­ Guard Band and Glee Club, will WHEREAS these same Nutley- tured neckline a n d . long sleeves. est contestant being Frank Church, rels, the hunters and the few brave Pa. Churchmen be met at the Main Avenue gate itos were among the leaders of. The “A" line skirt revealed a with 86. Locally Mayor J. M. Pepe, souls who came, down to the sea at 11:30 A.M. by Camp Meeting the campaign fund started to re­ flounce of lace and fell into a Incumbent, polled 858 votes and his to fish and explore. Association President George Her- place the Young Peoples Temple,' cathedral train. running mate for the fall election, The few who were remaining in Open Auditorium gesheimer and be given a polipe and The fingertip length mantilla Gilbert Melendez, polled 841. OtheiJ the area on an all year'basis (As­ escort through town to the Seaside WHEREAS they arc currently w as, edged in matching ■ lace ond uncontested Democratic candi­ bury Park) had just been found­ Hotel for a noon buffet lunch. At ■ donating a tree to the Garden of held in place by a camelot cap. dates, Cecile F. Norton, for Mon­ ed) would henceforth be served by OCEAN GROVEThe Rev. Dr. 2:15 p.m. all will assemble at the ! the Centennial Cottage as a living She carried a bouquet of white ros- mouth County Board of Freeholds a Methodist Church that became J. Ernest Somerville, minister of Centennial Cottage Garden for a , symbol of their faith and interest 2S, carnations, stephanotis and • ers, polled 810; for surrogate, An­ parent of the many congregations the First Presbyterian Church in Presentation and Dedication cere­ in our community, and baby’s breath tied up with ribbon drew M. Smith, Jr., 805, and in­ in the area, ft met for a time in a Philadelphia, and the Rev. Dr. mony arranged by Mrs. Otto Stoll WHEREAS many of these same streamers. ''vv . • cumbent Congressman James J. room over a blacksmith shop. It Wallace F. Settler, president, of with the cooperation of the Centen­ Nutleyites will be present at the Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, dedication ceremonies June 16, Serving as maid of honor was Howard, 923. • , held its preaching missions in cot­ nial Cottage and Garden -Commit­ Pa-, are the opening preachers this 1976 .• Miss Jodi DiMaggio, sister of. the tages and tents; it met in New M SS ELAINE ECTON tees, the Camp Meeting Associa­ Sunday in tiie Great Auditorium. tion, Historical Society and cooper­ I HEREBY, proclaim Wednesday groom. Bridesmaids were Miss Branch (Neptune City), Ocean Earn Baphelor Degrees • Miss Ecton is a graduate of Dr. Sometville, who was born June 16, 1976, as: Francesca DiMaggio, Miss M a r y Grove and Logantown (Whites-, ating Victorian Vacation Hotels. Manhattan (Mont} High School in Scotland, studied at the Uni­ NUTLEY DAY IN OCEAN GROVE DiMaggio, Miss Debra DiMaggio,,' ville). -. - i President Hergesheimer will of­ and Kinman Business University, ' * —---- . - groom’s sisters, also Miss Barbara CHARLESTON, W.Va.-The The church .which began wi t h versity of Glasgow and was a first fer the welcome and proclamation Spokane, \^)ash., as a Medical Sec­ prized winner in Bible knowledge Justus and Miss Deborah Justus, following students have completed four members outgrew , various declaring Wednesday June 16, 197,6 retary. She is employed by Radi­ for all Scottish universities. In Proclamation nieces of the ,bride. 1 requirements for a Bachelor’s de­ meeting sites and in 1875 ground to be officially proclaimed' “Nut- ologists, Drs. Gallowayv; We i g 1949, he accepted the call to Cen­ ley Day in Ocean Grove”, in hon­ WHEREAS, the Ocean Groye All wore floor-length dresses of gree at Morris Harvey College,' was broken on the Turnpike (Main Horn and Meighan, Spokiine. tral Park Presbyterian Church,; or and appreciation of the Nutley Camp Meeting Association has apricot with beige lace and match­ here: Thomas Warren Hulse, son Street) at the Main avenue gates, of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hulse, 515 the present site; of the middle Her fiance, is a graduate of Nep­ Birmingham, Ala., and in 1956 he Old, Guard for their generous gifts proclaimed Wednesday, June 16, ing -picture hats. They. carried tune (N.J.) High School and is em­ accepted ‘the Philadelphia pasto­ last year to the Temple Rebuilding 1976 at NUTLEY DAY IN OCEAN bouquets of apricot carnations, Woodmere Avenue, a n d William school. The church reported it had S. King, Sr., 41 Ridge Place, both 136 full; time members. T h i s edi­ ployed as a carpenter with Kevin rate. Dr. Somerville will preach Fund and this year to the Centen­ GROVE and; daisies, and baby’s breath.-sfith Shiith Construction Co., Spokane. Sunday at 10:30 A.M., was former­ nial Garden of a beautiful shade WHEREAS,. Nutlej> residents as apricot streamers. Neptune, N. J. fice was soon outgrown and the Church sold its site to the trustees An August 28 wedding is planned. ly pastor of Covenant United tree (with aqcompanying bronze members of the Old Guard and * Joseph C. DiMaggio was best - / - —— * - of t h e Neptune Township school ' ' Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., plaque) to help replace the fire Golden Age Clubs have been inter­ man for his brother.
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