July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Bibliographies Embryology Chen H, Zheng Y. Nuclear lamina builds tissues from the stem cell niche. Fly (Austin). 2014;8(2):63-7. doi: 10.4161/fly.28063. PMID:25483250 Chen H, Zheng X, Zheng Y. Age-associated loss of lamin-B leads to systemic inflammation and gut hyperplasia. Cell. 2014 Nov 6;159(4):829-43. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.10.028. PMID:25417159 Chen H, Zheng X, Zheng Y. Lamin-B in systemic inflammation, tissue homeostasis, and aging. Nucleus. 2015 May 4;6(3):183-6. doi: 10.1080/19491034.2015.1040212. Epub 2015 Apr 15. PMID: 25875575 Deady LD, Shen W, Mosure SA, Spradling AC, Sun J. Matrix metalloproteinase 2 is required for ovulation and corpus luteum formation in Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 2015 Feb 19;11(2):e1004989. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004989. eCollection 2015 Feb. PMID: 25695427 PMC4335033 Gaysinskaya, V., Bortvin, A. Flow Cytometry of Murine Spermatocytes. Curr. Protoc. Cytom. 2015 72:7.44.1-7.44.24 Genzor, P., Bortvin, A. A unique HMG-box domain of mouse Maelstrom binds structured RNA but not double stranded DNA.PLoS One March 25, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120268 Guo Y, Zheng Y. Lamins position the nuclear pores and centrosomes by modulating dynein. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Aug 5. pii: mbc.E15-07-0482. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:26246603 Jin S, Martinelli DC, Zheng X, Tessier-Lavigne M, Fan CM. Gas1 is a receptor for sonic hedgehog to repel enteric axons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jan 6;112(1):E73-80. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1418629112. Epub 2014 Dec 22. PMID:25535338 PMC4291612 Kann M, Bae E, Lenz MO, Li L, Trannguyen B, Schumacher VA, Taglienti ME, Bordeianou L, Hartwig S, Rinschen MM, Schermer B, Benzing T, Fan CM, Kreidberg JA. WT1 targets Gas1 to maintain nephron progenitor cells by modulating FGF signals. Development. 2015 Apr 1;142(7):1254-66. doi: 10.1242/dev.119735. PMID:25804736 Kuan YS, Roberson S, Akitake CM, Fortuno L, Gamse J, Moens C, Halpern ME. Distinct requirements for Wntless in habenular development. Dev Biol. 2015 Jun 23. pii: S0012- 1606(15)30011-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.06.006. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:26116173 Lee MC, Spradling AC. The progenitor state is maintained by lysine-specific demethylase 1- mediated epigenetic plasticity during Drosophila follicle cell development. Genes Dev. 2014 Dec 15;28(24):2739-49. doi: 10.1101/gad.252692.114. PMID:25512561 PMC 4265677 Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, Lee PT, Campbell ME, Chen K, Anguiano-Zarate S, Gutierrez MC, Busby T, Lin WW, He Y, Schulze KL, Booth BW, Evans-Holm M, Venken KJ, Levis RW, Spradling AC, Hoskins RA, Bellen HJ. A library of MiMICs allows tagging of genes and reversible, spatial and temporal knockdown of proteins in Drosophila. Elife. 2015 Mar 31;4. doi: 10.7554/eLife.05338. PMID:25824290 PMC4379497 Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, DeLuca SZ, Lee PT, Lin WW, Pan H, Zuo Z, Lv J, Spradling AC, Bellen HJ. A genetic toolkit for tagging intronic MiMIC containing genes. Elife. 2015 Jun 23;4. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08469. PMID:26102525 PMC4499919 Nizami ZF, Liu JL, Gall JG. Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization of Nuclear Bodies in Drosophila melanogaster Ovaries. Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1328:137-49. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2851- 4_10. PMID:26324435 Oakley BR, Paolillo V, Zheng Y. γ-Tubulin complexes in microtubule nucleation and beyond. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Sep 1;26(17):2957-62. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E14-11-1514. PMID:26316498 Otis JP, Zeituni EM, Thierer JH, Anderson JL, Brown AC, Boehm ED, Cerchione DM, Ceasrine AM, Avraham-Davidi I, Tempelhof H, Yaniv K, Farber SA. Zebrafish as a model for apolipoprotein biology: comprehensive expression analysis and a role for ApoA-IV in regulating food intake. Dis Model Mech. 2015 Mar;8(3):295-309. doi: 10.1242/dmm.018754. Epub 2015 Jan 29. PMID: 25633982 PMC4348566 Shimi T, Kittisopikul M, Tran J, Goldman AE, Adam SA, Zheng Y, Jaqaman K, Goldman RD. Structural Organization of Nuclear Lamins A, C, B1 and B2 Revealed by Super-Resolution Microscopy. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Aug 26. pii: mbc.E15-07-0461. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:26310440 Sieber MH, Spradling AC. Steroid Signaling Establishes a Female Metabolic State and Regulates SREBP to Control Oocyte Lipid Accumulation. Curr Biol. 2015 Apr 20;25(8):993-1004. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.02.019. Epub 2015 Mar 19. PMID: 25802149 Van Mater D, Añó L, Blum JM, Webster MT, Huang W, Williams N, Ma Y, Cardona DM, Fan CM, Kirsch DG. Acute tissue injury activates satellite cells and promotes sarcoma formation via the HGF/c-MET signaling pathway. Cancer Res. 2015 Feb 1;75(3):605-14. doi: 10.1158/0008- 5472.CAN-14-2527. Epub 2014 Dec 12. PMID:25503558 Wan Y, Zheng X, Chen H, Guo Y, Jiang H, He X, Zhu X, Zheng Y. Splicing function of mitotic regulators links R-loop-mediated DNA damage to tumor cell killing. J Cell Biol. 2015 Apr 27;209(2):235-46. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201409073. PMID: 25918225 Zheng X, Kim Y, Zheng Y. Identification of lamin B-regulated chromatin regions based on chromatin landscapes. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Jul 15;26(14):2685-97. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E15-04- 0210. Epub 2015 May 20. PMID:25995381 PMC4501365 YEAR BOOK 2014/15 GEOPHYSICAL LABORATORY Here updated through September 1, 2015. The list is regularly updated on the Geophysical Laboratory web site (http://www.gl.ciw.edu). 4875 2014 Organic Contamination Panel, R. E. Summons, A. L. Sessions, A. C. Allwood, H. A. Barton, D. W. Beaty, B. Blakkolb, J. Canham, B. C. Clark, J. P. Dworkin, Y. Lin, R. Mathies, S. M. Milkovich, and A. Steele, Planning considerations related to the organic contamination of martian samples and implications for the Mars 2020 Rover, Astrobiology 14, 969-1027, 2014. 4843 Ahart, M., A. Karandikar, S. Gramsch, R. Boehler, and R. J. Hemley, High P-T Brillouin scattering study of H2O melting to 26 GPa, High Pressure Res. 34, 327- 336, 2014. 4943 Alexander, C. M. O'D., R. Bowden, M. L. Fogel, and K. T. Howard, Carbonate abundances and isotopic compositions in chondrites, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 50, 810-833, 2015. 4932 Antonangeli, D., G. Morard, N. C. Schmerr, T. Komabayashi, M. Krisch, G. Fiquet, and Y. Fei, Toward a mineral physics reference model for the Moon's core, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 3916-3919, 2015. ____ Aquilanti, G., A. Trapananti, A. Karandikar, I. Kantor, C. Marini, O. Mathon, S. Pascarelli, and R. Boehler, Melting of iron determined by x-ray absorption spectroscopy to 100 GPa, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press. 4933 Bai, L., Q. Li, S. A. Corr, Y. Meng, C. Park, S. V. Sinogeikin, C. Ko, J. Wu, and G. Shen, Pressure-induced phase transitions and metallization in VO2, Phys. Rev. B 91, 104110, 2015. ____ Baker, D. M., C. J. Freeman, N. Knowlton, R. W. Thacker, K. Kim, and M. L. Fogel, Productivity links morphology, symbiont specificity and bleaching in the evolution of Caribbean octocoral symbioses, ISME J., in press. ____ Baldini, M., T. Muramatsu, M. Sherafati, H. K. Mao, L. Malavasi, P. Postorino, S. Satpathy, and V. V. Struzhkin, Origin of colossal magnetoresistance in LaMnO3 manganite Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press. 4915 Barabash, R. I., O. M. Barabash, D. Popov, G. Shen, C. Park, and W. Yang, Multiscale twin hierarchy in NiMnGa shape memory alloys with Fe and Cu, Acta Mater. 87, 344-349, 2015. 1 4891 Beyssac, O., and D. Rumble, Graphitic carbon: a ubiquitous, diverse, and useful geomaterial, Elements 10, 415-420, 2014. 4948 Bi, W., J. Zhao, J.-F. Lin, Q. Jia, M. Y. Hu, C. Jin, R. Ferry, W. Yang, V. Struzhkin, and E. E. Alp, Nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at high pressure and low temperature, J. Synchrotron Rad. 22, 760-765, 2015. 4982 Boehler, R., and M. Ross, Properties of rocks and minerals, high-pressure melting, in Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd ed., Vol. 2: Mineral Physics, D. Price and L. Stixrude, eds., pp. 573-582, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2015. 4978 Boulard, E., A. F. Goncharov, M. Blanchard, and W. L. Mao, Pressure-induced phase transition in MnCO3 and its implications on the deep carbon cycle, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 120, 4069-4079, doi:10.1002/2015JB011901, 2015. 4917 Boulard, E., D. Pan, G. Galli, Z. Liu, and W. L. Mao, Tetrahedrally coordinated carbonates in Earth’s lower mantle, Nature Commun. 6, 6311, 2015. 4971 Bove, L. E., R. Gaal, Z. Raza, A.-A. Ludl, S. Klotz, A. M. Saitta, A. F. Goncharov, and P. Gillet, Effect of salt on the H-bond symmetrization in ice, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 8216-8220, 2015. 4937 Caracas, R., and R. J. Hemley, Ferroelectricity in high-density H2O ice, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 134501, 2015. 4896 Chen, B., Z. Li, D. Zhang, J. Liu, M. Y. Hu, J. Zhao, W. Bi, E. E. Alp, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, and J. Li, Hidden carbon in Earth’s inner core revealed by shear softening in dense Fe7C3, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 17755-17758, 2014. 4988 Chow, P., Y. M. Xiao, E. Rod, L. G. Bai, G. Y. Shen, S. Sinogeikin, N. Gao, Y. Ding, and H. K. Mao, Focusing polycapillary to reduce parasitic scattering for inelastic x-ray measurements at high pressure, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 072203, 2015. 4857 Cohen, R. E., and Y. Lin, Prediction of a potential high-pressure structure of FeSiO3, Phys.
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