1958-3 Summer School and Conference Mathematics, Algorithms and Proofs 11 - 29 August 2008 Introduction to Combinatorial Homotopy Theory Francis Sergeraert Université de Grenoble, Institut Fourier, St Martin Hères, France Introduction to Combinatorial Homotopy Theory Francis Sergeraert Ictp Map Summer School 1 Introduction. Homotopy theory is a subdomain of topology where, instead of considering the category of topological spaces and continuous maps, you prefer to consider as morphisms only the continuous maps up to homotopy, a notion precisely defined in these notes in Section 4. Roughly speaking, you decide not to distinguish two maps which can be continuously deformed into each other; such a weakening of the notion of map is quickly identified as necessary when you intend to apply to Topology the methods of Algebraic Topology. Otherwise the main classification problems of topology are, except in low dimensions, out of scope. If you want to \algebraize" the topological world, you will meet another diffi- culty. The traditional topological spaces, defined for example through collections of open subsets, cannot be directly processed by a computer; a computer can handle only discrete objects and in a sense topology is the opposite subject. A combina- torial intermediary notion between Topology and Algebra is required. Poincar´e started Algebraic Topology about a century ago by using the polyhedra as interme- diary objects, but since the fifties, the simplicial notions have been recognized as more appropriate. In this framework of combinatorial topology, the sensible topo- logical spaces can be combinatorially defined, and also installed and processed on a computer. This is valid even for very complicated or abstract spaces such as classifying spaces, functional spaces; the various important functors of algebraic topology can also be implemented as functional objects. In a sense there is a conflict between both previous observations. The homotopy relation is concerned by continuous deformations of maps, while combinatorial models for topological spaces and maps do not seem to allow enough maps to model homotopies. But we will see this apparent obstacle is easily overcome, and the so-called Combinatorial Homotopy Theory is now one of the standard ground theories for Algebraic Topology. In particular, if you claim you are mainly interested by constructive results in Algebraic Topology, it is quickly obvious combinatorial topology is required. Constructive Algebraic Topology is a difficult but fascinating subject, and three main solutions are now available: 1 1. Rolf Sch¨on'ssolution [21], quite elegant, unfortunately never (?) considered since his remarkable memoir, in particular from a concrete programming point of view. 2. The solution studied for years by this author and several collaborators, see the lecture notes of the previous Map Summer School at Genova [20]. The key point is that locally effective models for combinatorial spaces are sufficient to use standard simple Algebraic Topology and make it constructive. 3. The operadic solution where the algebraic world is enriched enough to make it equivalent to the topological world; more precisely the algebraic structure of chain complexes is sufficiently enriched, thanks to appropriate operads, to code in this way the topological spaces up to homotopy. But whatever solution you decide to study, anyway you will have to use ingredi- ents coming from combinatorial homotopy. For the solutions 1 and 2 above, it will even be necessary to implement on your computer the corresponding necessary simplicial objects and operators; for the solution 3, the objects of the resulting category, the E1-operadic chain complexes, do not seem to use combinatorial ho- motopy, but the theoretical justifications requires by some means or other this theory. This Ictp-Map Summer School proposes an introduction to the solution 3 and the present lecture is intended to prepare the audience to the most elementary facts of combinatorial homotopy. Section 2 describes the most elementary simplicial techniques, around the no- tion of simplicial complex. It is already possible in this simple framework to speak of combinatorial homotopy, for example it is possible to construct simplicial mod- els for functional spaces, in particular for loop spaces. An important progress at the end of the forties was the invention (discovery?), mainly by Samuel Eilenberg, of the notion of simplicial set, to which the rest of these notes is devoted. An amusing paradox of this terminology must be signaled: the notion of simplicial set is much more complex than the notion of simplical. complex! These simplicial sets were initially called CSS-sets, an acronym for \complete-semi-simplicial"; but it was identified a little later the general notion of simplicial object in an arbi- trary category makes sense and a CSS-set is nothing but a simplicial object in the category of sets, which explains the modern and natural terminology of simplicial set. This notion of simplicial set is one of the most fascinating elementary notions in mathematics. In a sense it contains the whole richness of topology. Yet an essential drawback must immediately be pointed out: modelling a topological object as a simplicial set leads to coherent but arbitrary choices of orders (resp. orientations) for the vertices (resp. simplices). It happens these choices hide very sophisticated actions of the symmetric groups Sn; in a sense, elementary Algebraic Topology forgets this action and operadic Algebraic Topology on the contrary takes account of this action, in a totally algebraic framework, and in this way, the initial goal of Algebraic Topology, representing homotopy types as algebraic objects, is finally reached. 2 Once the notion of simplicial set is available, most ingredients of algebraic topology, classifying spaces, loop spaces, functional spaces, homology or cohomol- ogy groups, any sort of operators between these groups can be more or less easily described in the framework of simplicial sets. The initial essential step in this direction was the discovery by Daniel Kan [12] of a purely combinatorial definition of homotopy groups. The end of these notes shows a few typical examples of sim- plicial descriptions, mainly to prepare the readers to the lecture about Operadic Algebraic Topology. Contents 1 Introduction. 1 2 Simplicial complexes. 5 2.1 Definitions. .5 2.2 Simple examples. .6 2.3 Simplicial maps and homotopy. .7 2.4 Simplicial complexes vs simplicial sets................. 10 3 Simplical sets. 11 3.1 The category ∆.............................. 12 3.2 Simplicial sets: first definitions. 14 3.3 The structure of simplex sets. 15 4 First examples. 17 4.1 Discrete simplicial sets. 17 4.2 The simplicial complexes. 18 4.3 The spheres. 19 5 Realization. 19 5.1 Definition and first results. 19 5.2 Simplicial model for classifying spaces. 22 5.2.1 The general case of a discrete group. 22 5.2.2 BZ2 is a real projective space. 23 6 Simplicial homology. 24 6.1 Basic definitions. 24 6.2 Homotopy and homology for simplicial complexes. 27 3 7 Homology groups: a quick survey. 29 7.1 Homotopy Types. 30 7.2 Exact sequences. 32 7.3 About the coefficient group. 33 7.4 Elementary computations. 35 7.5 Find simpler spaces! . 36 7.5.1 Amalgamated sums. 36 7.5.2 Products. 36 7.5.3 Twisted products ) Serre spectral sequence. 37 7.5.4 Classifying spaces and loop spaces. 40 7.5.5 Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences. 42 7.6 Alexander-Whitney coproduct and operads. 42 8 Products of simplicial sets. 44 8.1 The case of simplicial groups. 47 9 Other examples of simplicial sets. 47 9.1 The Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. 47 9.2 Simplicial loop spaces. 48 9.3 The singular simplicial set. 49 10 Kan extension condition. 49 11 Homotopy groups. 52 11.1 The topological case. 52 11.1.1 The Poincar´egroup. 52 11.1.2 Higher homotopy groups. 54 11.2 Computability obstacles. 56 11.3 A recipe for \computing" the Poincar´egroup of a finite simplicial complex. 57 11.4 Analogous methods in higher dimensions? . 61 12 Simplicial fibrations. 64 12.1 The simplest example. 65 12.2 Fibrations between K(π; n)'s. 66 12.3 Simplicial loop spaces. 66 13 Homotopy groups: a quick survey. 67 4 13.1 Sphere homotopy groups. 67 13.2 Hilton's duality continued. 68 13.2.1 Serre exact sequence. 68 13.2.2 Homotopy groups of S1..................... 69 13.2.3 The Hopf fibration revisited. 70 13.2.4 Hurewicz and Adams. 71 2 Simplicial complexes. 2.1 Definitions. Definition 1 | A simplicial complex is a pair (V; S) satisfying the properties: • V , the set of vertices, and S, the set of simplices, are. sets, possibly infinite. • Every simplex σ 2 S is a non-empty finite set of vertices: σ = fv0; : : : ; vng; such a simplex is called an n-simplex, the integer n ≥ 0 is the dimension of the simplex σ. This simplex spans the vertices v0; : : : ; vn. • For every vertex v 2 V , the 0-simplex fvg is an element of S. • For every simplex σ = fv0; : : : ; vng 2 S, every m-sub-simplex fvi0 ; : : : ; vim g is also an element of S. For example, let us consider the simplicial complex (V; S) with: • V = f0 ::: 5g, the integers from 0 to 5. • S = f0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 01; 02; 12; 23; 34; 35; 45; 345g where 35 for example is a shorthand for f3; 5g. Such a simplicial complex is an \abstract" version of the geometrical object: 0 • • 4 2 3 • • 1 • • 5 The triangle 012 is hollow, because f0; 1; 2g is not a simplex; on the contrary, f3; 4; 5g is a simplex and the triangle 345 is filled. In the simplicial complex game, you have a box with an arbitrary number of available vertices (0-simplices), edges (1-simplices), triangles, (2-simplices), tetrahedons (3-simplices) and more generally 5 of n-simplices.
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