ECC IJNITI ISSUEI Ihe Songsof JoyfirlSongs Ring Out As the Hebrew God'sPeople PeopleCelebrate Start of a NewTemple .IERUSALEM,erornd 520 BCE-Years after lhc rcturn of the Hebrewpeople from cxilc.thc buildcrshave now laid lhc foundationof the templeof de Lord. Priestsof the temple, dressedin their vestments. blew trumpets.Thc Lcvitcs priiscd Cod with cymbals. ccordingto the directions given long ago by KinB David,the most frmous king ofIsftLel. The peoplesang respon- sively,praising God and giv- ing thanksto thc Lord.Thc shoutswere loud andjoyous as the peoplecelebrated this inrponantevent. y€arafter the first exilesrelurncd. but ''Makeajoytul noiseto theLord. all the becauseofopposition from theSamaritans, carth-Worship the Lord with gladness; the work sloppcdfor severalyears. Then. ' comeinto his presenccwith sinSing.sang underthe reign of King Dariusof Persia, thcpeople gathered there. the buildingresunred under the leadership The peoplewere making truly joylul ofZcrubbabeland others. The Levites were noiseas theyentered the gatcsof the tem- appointedas overseers, ple to praiseCod. Today'ssong-fillcd cclebration is only CrossYcar Inlcrmcdi&tc, Eversince their retuD liom Babylon. the beginning.fbr il will takeanothu flve the headsof familicshavc madcfreewill yearsto finishthc building. offeringsto rcbuildthc housc ofCod. Curiously,therc wcrc many in thecrowd CopyrighlO2m0 Accordingto our sources,thc building who were weepinS.Thcy weremostly fund containedsixty-one thousand darics older peoplewho remembcrcdlhc first Seminaq md Morehousc gold. Publisbjng of five thouiandmilas ol silvcr.and houseof the Lord thtll lvas buill bv onehundred priesdy robcs. The templewas begun in lhc second Contiuuedon page2 Psalm 1OOin SONGS,Continuetlftom page the Bible and in JOITUL I Tbe Book oJ Solomon,son of King David. The soundsftom the templecould be Common Prayer. We are told that the hrst temple was heardfiom far away, and the weepingand It is also called built with fine woodand stone. Much of it joyful shoutscould not be distinguished Jubilate, which was coveredwith gold. Inside, the Ark of onefrom the other. the Covenantrested in greatsplendor Note: A danc is a gold coin weighing means "reioice." Perhapsthe peopleweep also for the about4.5 ounces,A mina was usedto Ark of the Covenant,which was lost many weighgold andsilver. It was about1.6 yeifs a8o. pounds. MusicWas Vital in HebrewWorship usic is mentioned for King Saul,was an accomplishedmusi- early and often in cian. He is most likely the author of many theBible. of the Psalrnsand enjoyedplaying the lyre ln Genesis,Jubal is to accompanythem. calledthe ancestorof all It was probablyduring the reign of King who play the lyre and the David-and laterwith the buildingof the pipe. templeby Solomon-thatmusic became a Miriamsang and regularpart of Hebrewworship, danced at the defeat The Psalmsare songs of pmise,thanks- of the Egyptians after giving,and petition. In templeworship, the safe they followed the offering ol sacrifices. crossing The poeticrhythm of the Psalmssug- of the geststhat they were sung responsively. Trumpet calls precededthem, and they David, were no doubt accompaniedby stringed whosang insfumentsand flutes. EveryGeneration Sings SongsofPraise hrough the centuries, God in similar situations.Often individuals The Psalmshave been will sing along to music on the radio, a the daily songsof the tape,or a compactdisc player people.They were sungir homes,as men Musicianscontinue to w te songsin and women went about their daily chores, praiseof God just as David did many cen- and as famili€s satheredfor meals and turies ago. Their instrumentsinclude gui- ebrations.The songswere also a tars andportable keyboards. part ol formal worship. YouDgpeople gather in churchesand at Many of the hymn tuneswe sing in campsto sing new music that has deep church were once a part of the music of meaningfor their lives. Sometimes 's this everydaylives. modemq?e of music is usedin the regular Today,people sing songsof praiseto wo$hip of congrcgations. Gos Ytr rftmcdiae, Epnmp3i childre. s Cuniculun Page2 I-1 copraighr O 20(x)vircinir Th{lDsicrl sminary and MoEbousc Publishins FirstComplete English Bible Producedbv MilesCoverdale iles Coverdale was bom in Yord. languages.but he had a fine scnseof holv The Psalms of Engl.rnd,in 1488.He bccamea to arfangeEnglish $,ords and phrascsto Catholicpriest in l514 andioined producepleasant sounds. I'l)e lJoek of' a monaslery.But soon he was convencdto ln 1539.Coverdale produced thc Crcat Centnlo Pra-l'cr' Prolestantism.He becamethc first person Bible, which was uscd for reference we usc ilt to do a complctc lranslation of the Bible in churches.From this time lorward, intoEnglish. peoplc could read lhe Bible in the .lurclical He used much of the work of WilliaDl English languagcwilhoul l'e.r of persecu- churchcs toda!' Tyndale, who htrd colnpleted the Ncw tion. are basetl on Testamenland nuch of tbe Old Tcstrmcnl The Psalmsof The Rook of Comnon befbrehis deathin 1536. Pr'.^cr lve usein American churchestoday Covcrd.rlc's Coverdalc'sprimrry interestwrs no! arc basedon Coverdale'stnnslation. tr'au)slali()n. MBMORYCIIAITBNGE Venite Conr.e,let us sing to the Lord; let us shout.ftrjoy to tlrc Rockof our ,ii salvation. lrll' Let us comebefore his presencewith thanksgiving andraise a loudshout to him with psalms, Fof theLord is a greatCod, anda greatKing aboveall gods. In his handue the cavemsof the earth, andthe heights ofthe hills arehis also. Thesea is his,tbr hemade it, andhis handshave molded the dry land. Come,let usbow down,and bend the knee, andkneel before the Lord otlrMaker. S.S.A.M.PL For heis ourGod, Psalms andwe arethe people ofhis pastureand the sheepof his hand. Oh,that today you wouldhearken to his voice! -The Bookof CommonPraye4 MomingPrayer Il, page82 I-l Page3 HymnWords Dilecri.rni. What letter do all four wordsin each grouphave in common?Write that letter in the blankspace. Disciplcs,apostle. messenger, salvation cross.sinners, sing, saints covenant,David, praise, grace _ pronlise.merc). rcmnant. solomun Scripture,Spirit, supper people beloved,Bethlehem, Bible, faithful, Now unscramblethe letters in theblanks to discoverthe nanre ofa bookin tle Bible. tjnit I: LIARNIN(;SCR-IPIURE TEARNING Sessionlr Pralm5t.-15; Psalm 100:2 Session2: P.rdr, I 17:l; Psaln l19:105 SCRIPTURE Session3: Prilr, Z8rl-2(BCP), Psaln 78:70 SessionI Session,l:P.rdlrr .1,18.13: Psabn 150:6 Session5: Psolnt2l:1: Psaln 138:1a Scssion6. Ps. n 27:I: Psalnt72:1 "O Lord,open my lips,and my moulhwill declareyour praise." -Psalnr Jl:.15(NRSD Session7:Prdr,.10.5b; Psalnt.16: l ; Prah 102:7(RCP) I5:I; "worshipthe Lord with gladness;come into his preserce with singiog," Scssion8: PrcrerDr.l;5; Prorerb: -Psalz (NRSD E(lesiastes3:l .100.2 Session9: Prdr, 140r-12;Psslnt 119:l crus Yclr-Inr.nredht, Epis.oprlChil'lrn s C!tri. lLim Pagc4 I-l copjri,lhrO 2000v4jiix Tl'rologi.d senimq lld Mo(hotrr I'uhLi\hiit EGC TJNITI $suE2 YounqSon Anointed to BeNext King PsahnsAre Sheepand Writing Songs PoetrT iif;;"K."ping 'As I lookedat BCE-TheYoung- SamuelrePorled, BETHIEHEM']000 sons.I b€llevedany ol themcoulo sheepfarmel Jesse has Deen Jessc's estson of $e calledby God They wereall strong' ptophel Samuelto be Ine be ol anoinled by lhe handsomemen who appealcd ccprol€ of lsrael The boy s nirmels next King sucha chrllenge ''Bul I heird God silying Lto nol looK appear'nceor hls hergnl' on his outwrrd- burat hishean rrstrrrcl "As each one passed by' I slllu scven has$e Lord chosenthis one As thc rrr cumeby wilhotltbeing chosen' lhey l wasgenlng olsco],r- lookeddisapDointed 'The I toid Jesse' ['rd hasnot cn(F asedas ' in anv of thesc wno "leiserhcn told me aboutI]avrd cxme' wilsout keepin8thc sheePWhen he I heardthe Lord sry Riscand anolnt nlm; for thisis th€one."' David Describes His Life the Davidshilred his own feelingsxboul event: I wasreatly surprised l hld no ldei rharall lhiswas hapPening when.my was,almlo father'sservanl came for me' I hxppenedlo my latneror somethinghad I oJ.i ur",r'.tl n"w tharil is over "i"can so bcck to mY sneep aboul llle as.a \ie askedDavid to tell us -ll he sald s shepherdand a sheDherd"l really like it O*iA, he is both a You gel to lood to be among lhe sheep ttlt#*r,""a person- CrossYear- Inlennedi{€' *. samuelw.,\ inow them.They cll hevedillerent Epis.opalChildrcn s oro. oroPhet namesthat \urt them Io fill his bom with orl anogo alities.l give them told by God ''som;times they wanderoll and I nlve Copldeht O 20m ro Jeslc in Bethlehem.Upon hls arrlvci Samuetinvited Jesse and his sonslo Punly Contituedon Page2 se;inary and Morehouse andcome to the sacnrce- Publishins themselves PsalmsContain Parallels and Metaphors ,fihe Psalmsare poetry.Although they is a shepherd,or God is a rock. In met- Orre ktnd of I do oot rhyme,they have otber qualities aphors,the Bible's psalmsoffer word pic- poetic we associat€with poeticexpressiotr. tules to illustrateGod's work of seatitrg all st wcture A frequentcharacteristic of psalmsis that is. God's love for all crcaturcs.atrd the in Ihe Psahns parallelism A the or thought will be be history of God'speople. and. otber followed by anorherthat is closely related One kind of poetic structurein The Ifebrew poetry (or parallel) to it. Oftetr, the secondpart of Psalmsatrd other Hebrcw poetry is the a line will reflect the idea of the fust. In cirasr, (pronouncedKYE-as'm), in which is tbe cbiasm somepsalms, an idea is prcsentedand then the end of a thought datches the begin- (pronounced expanoeouPon. ning, with special emphasison the words The psalmsuse metaproru,which make in the middle. Kw-as'm), ln two different terms equal. Examoles:God wlJicIJtbe end of a tbougrJt matcrtes trJe beglnnlng, ultrr spec-tal ernpbasis on the utords Ln tbe mtddlc. Crs Yd llh.dirc,tpkopd ChildEns Cwidlm Cop)iight O 2100 yrsinir'ftarosic€l s.niDr) rd Mfthoue Pubisbins l-2 Page3 YOIING SON.Corrrinued .front page I to go find thcm.
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