NATIONAL SEMINAR "Quality Concerns in Indian Higher Education: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities Organized By Agra College Agra and UPPSA On 22-23 February 2018 Convener Dr. Arunoday Bajpai List of Paper Submitted for Publication in Book SECTION A: English 1. Dr. Amarnath - Privatization of higher education and its impact on Indian educational system. Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Agra College, Agra. 2. Ambika & Dr. Md. Arshad - Higher education in India: Issues, Challenges & Opportunities. 3. Dr. Anil Kumar Biswas - Reflection of Rashtriya Ucchtar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) in higher education sector in India. Asst. Prof., Dept. of Political Science, University of Burdwan. 4. Prof. A.K. Kulshrestha - ICT and teaching- learning process. Professor, DayalBagh Educational Institute, Faculty of Law. 5. Dr. Archana Yadav - Bar Council of India: A catalyst to enhance legal quality legal education 6. Chandrashekhar Dubey - Higher Education in India: Emerging issues, challenges and quality control. Associate Professor, Department of English, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Evening College, University of Delhi. 7. Charumitra Anand & Dr.Lajwant Singh - Opportunities and challenges in higher education in India. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science & Sociology, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 8. Dr. Dayak Ram Thakur - Stepping towards quality education in Himachal Pradesh, major opportunities & challenges. 9. Dr. Deshraj- 10. Dr.Erulla Abbulu - Challenges of ICT in teaching - learning process. Beniah Christian College of Education, Andra Pradesh. 11. Gurdeep Singh - 12. Jwel Haque - Quality higher education in India. 13. Dr. Kusumlata - Quality in higher education, emerging trends and suggestions for radical reforms. Assistant Professor, S.R.D.A. Girls P.G. College,Hathras. 14. Dr. Manju Baghel - Suggestions for improving quality in higher education. Assistant Professor, K.D.S.B. Degree, Agra. 15. Moinuddin Khan - Building Philosophy of higher education in Uttar Pradesh with Hobson's choice: Philosophy as Selaginella Bryopteris (Sanjeevani Boti). Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Lucknow. 16. Nahid Ashraf & Prof. Sajid Jamal - Leadership of training for higher education administrators: An important requirement for quality improvement. 17. Neelam Paliwal - 18. Dr. Neha Kapoor - Impact of globalisation on higher education in India: Challenges and Prospects. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, B.D.Jain Girls P.G. College, Agra. 19. Dr. Nidhi Sharma - Total Quality management in higher education in India. Research Scholar, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 20. Dr. Nishi Sharma - Higher Education and Nation Building. Research Scholar, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. 21. Om Prakash Rai & Chandrakant Lavania - Higher Education in India: Emerging Issues and Challenges. Associate Professor, Agra College, Agra. 22. Pramod Kumar Rajput & Mrs. Poonam - The role of ICT in higher education in 21st century. 23. Pramod Kumar Singh - Overview of quality in higher education in India. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Agra College. 24. Dr. Preeti Sharma - Higher education & women empowerment. Associate Professor, B.D. Jain P.G. College, Agra. 25. Preeti Sharma & Neera Sharma - Privatisation and challenges to quality in higher education. Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra. 26. Prem Prakash - The privatization of higher education, quality improvement and protection of human rights. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Seth Phool Chand Bagla College, Hathras, U.P. 27. Prem Lata Sharma - Overview of quality in higher education in India. Lecturer, English Department, B.D. Jain Girls P.G. College, Agra. 28. Dr. Priti Bhadauria - New opportunities and suggestions for quality in higher education. Ch.Raghunath Singh Mahavidhyalaya, Agra. 29. Ms. Rashmi & Dr. Anju Sharma - Current Status of higher education in India. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 30. Rishika - Globalisation & quality concerns in Indian higher education. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 31. Dr. Rohit Sinha - Budget expectations for the higher educational institute in India. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, St. John's College, Agra. 32. Dr. Rupak Datta Gupta - Privatization in higher education in India. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Kirorimal College, University of Delhi. 33. Dr. Reena S. Deen - Indian higher education -Far in quantity but far from quality: Some seminal observations and suggestions. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Christ Church College, Kanpur. 34. Dr. Rupesh Dixit - Modern teaching effects in higher education system in India. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Agra College, Agra. 35. Lt. Dr. Reeta Nigam - Privatization of higher education and its impact. Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Agra College, Agra. 36. Sanjay Gautam & Vikrant Bhaskar - ICT as catalyst for quality in higher education. Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 37. Sajid Jamal & Samai Hamid - ICT as a tool for lecturing effectively at higher education level. Professor, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 38. Shailendra Tyagi - Emerging challenges & opportunities in Indian higher education. Research Scholar, Department of Law, Agra College, Agra. 39. Shiksha Purohit - 40. Dr. Shivani - Quality of higher education in India. Assistant Professor, Govt. College for Women. 41. Dr. Shivani Seth - Impact of globalization on higher education in India. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 42. Sunita Sahu & Md, Arshad - Quality in higher education in India: Challenges & Opportunities. Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. 43. Surendra Kumar & Anshul Agarwal - 'Dirty Politics' as a cancer in the present higher education in India. Department of Economics & Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Agra. 44. Dr. T.N.Mishra, Pramod Kumar Rajput & Meenakshi Singh - Education & enterprenuership. Lt. Raghunandan Singh Mahavidhyalaya, Hardoi, U.P. 45. Umangika - 46. Varun Kumar Vashishtha - Higher education in India: Challenges & Opportunities. Assistant Professor, P.S.M.P.G. College, Kannauj. 47. Vaseel. K. - Indian higher education - Challenges, future and highlighting the contemporary role of recruitment. 48. Vipul Khurana - Aesthetic development of sense in higher education and Tagore's View. 49. Dr. Vinod F.Khobragade & Antara Saxena - Quality concerns in Indian higher education. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. 50. Dr. Yashpal Singh - Higher education & employability skills in India: A paradoxical arrangement. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Agra College, Agra. SECTION B- Hindi 1. अननऱकु मारस हॊ – बायतभᴂउ楍चशिऺाकीगुणव配ताकाअवरोकन। िोधछात्र, फुॊदेरखॊडवव०वव, झाॊसी। 2. बुशराखान– उ楍चशिऺाभᴂननजीकयण– शिऺाकाउचचतभाध्मभमाव्माऩाय। अॊिकारीनप्रव啍ता, इनतहासववबाग, फी. डी. जैनगल्र्सऩी. जीकारेज, आगया। 3. डा. चॊचऱशमाा— फदरते ऩरयवेि भᴂ उ楍च शिऺा के सभऺ चुनौनतमाॉ: एकअ慍ममन। ववचधसॊकाम, आगयाकारेज,आगया। 4. डा. हररओमयादव — बायतीम शिऺाकी गुणव配ता एवॊ चुनौनतमाॉ। सभाजिास्त्त्रववबाग, डा. फी. आय. अॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 5. ऱेखा शमाा—बायतीमउ楍चशिऺा, वैश्वीकयणऔयइसकेप्रबाव। िोधछात्रा, इनतहासएवॊसॊस्त्कृ नतववबाग, डा. फी.आय. अॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 6. नीऱमसमश्रा– उ楍च शिऺा: वततभानऩरय饃श्मऔयसुधायकीसॊबावनाएॊ। शिऺासॊकाम, आगयाकारेज, आगया। 7. ऩूजायादव -ननजीकयणकाउ楍चशिऺाऩयनाकाया配भकप्रबाव (饍ववतीमा配भकस्त्त्रोतोऩयआधारयतएकसभाजिास्त्त्रीमअध्ममन)। िोधछात्रा, सभाजिास्त्त्र सॊस्त्थान, डा.फी.आय.अॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 8. प्रववतात्रिऩाठी— उ楍चशिऺावैश्वीकयणकीचुनौनतमाॉएवॊसुधाय| अशसस्त्टᴂटप्रोपे सय, याजनीनतववऻानववबाग। 9. वप्रयॊका — शिऺकोके शरएउ楍चशिऺाभᴂनवीनचुनौनतमाॉ। िोधछात्रा, सभाजववऻानसॊस्त्थान, डा. फी.आय. अॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 10. डा. ऩुनीतकु मार — बायतवर्त भᴂ उ楍चशिऺा: चुनौनतमाॉ एवॊ सॊबावनाएॊ। 11. डा. राममूरत — उदमीभान बायत कीउ 楍च शिऺा भᴂ गुणव配ता की स्स्त्थनत: चुनौनतमाॉ औय सभाधान। सहाध्माऩक, याजनीनतववऻान,श्रीककिोयगोस्त्वाभीभहाववद्दारम ,कु रऩहाङ, भहोफा,उ.प्र.। 12. डा. रीतूशाही, शेखरस ॊह — वततभानऩरयऩेक्ष्मभᴂउ楍चशिऺाकीसभस्त्माऐ,ॊ सभाधानवसुझाव। अशस०प्रो, याजनीनतववऻानववबाग, दीनदमारउऩाध्मामडडग्रीकारेज, सीताऩुय। 13. रजनी— बायतीमउ楍चशिऺाभᴂगुणव配ताकीचचन्ताऐ:ॊ उबयतेअवसयऔयचुनौनतमाॉ। एभ. कपर,मूजीसीनेट, सभाजिास्त्त्रीम ,ववबाग डा. फी.आय. अॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 14. डा. मर जहाॉ— उ楍च शिऺा की गुणव配ता फनाए यखने भᴂ'नैनतकता' एक वविेर् आवश्मकता। 15. ररताकु मार,दीऩमाऱा — उ楍च शिऺा भᴂ वैश्वीकयण, ननजीकयण 饍वाया फ褼ती फेयोजगायी की सभस्त्मा काअध्ममन। िोधछात्रा, सभाजववऻानसॊस्त्थान, डा. फी.आयअॊफेडकयवव०वव, आगया। 16. डा. शुभा饍वैदी— बायत भᴂ उ楍च शिऺा की ददिाव दिा। प्रव啍ता, याजनीनतववऻान, डी. एस. एन. ऩी.जीकारेज, उन्नाव। 17. स्ननगधाकु मारी— बायतभᴂउ楍चशिऺाभᴂवैश्वीकयणकाप्रबाव। िोधछात्रा, याजनीनतववऻान। 18. ुखवीरस हॊ — ऩमातवयण शिऺा के ववकास भᴂ ववशबन्न अशबकयणⴂ की बूशभका: उ楍चतय शिऺा के सॊद्भ भᴂ एक ववश्रेर्णा配भक अध्ममन। िोधछात्र, ववचधववबाग, आगयाकारेज, आगया। .
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