Save the Date 6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 72, Number 5 March 29, 2021 TN leaders tout positive economic recovery at Legislative Conference By KATE COIL portion of our CARES money and TML Communications Specialist put it in our unemployment trust fund because of the rapid use of Gov. Bill Lee, Lt. Gov. Randy the dollars in that fund and nearly McNally, House Speaker Cameron 16% unemployment. We knew if we Sexton, and Comptroller Jason could keep that trust fund solvent Mumpower were among the state that the rates that employers pay leaders who discussed the important for unemployment trust insurance issues facing Tennessee and its mu- would not go up.” nicipalities at the TML Legislative As a result, Lee said Tennessee Conference held both virtually and is one of seven states in America that in-person on March 15, 2021. has had a positive economic return With participants both online since April 2020, which will allow and in the conference room of the the state to move forward with other Tennessee State Comptroller’s Of- priorities like healthcare, mental fice at the Cordell Hull Building, health resources, broadband expan- speakers hit on a variety of topics in- sion, and supporting businesses and cluding the state budget, education, communities. tax revenues, rural development, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee addressed 350 city officials via Lee also said he would like economic recovery, healthcare, ZOOM during TML’s 2021 Virtual Legislative Conference. to see more strong investments in and forthcoming federal stimulus Lt. Gov Rancy McNally reported on the foster care services, adoption ser- dollars. fiscal health of the state. vices, health services for families, Gov. Bill Lee said the state has modernizing TANF, and other issues faced numerous challenges since that impact children and families. March 2020 including tornados, House Speaker Cameron the pandemic, civil unrest, and Sexton discussed issues including economic concerns. the state’s budget, education, prop- “It has not been an easy year for erty taxes, and economic recovery you or any person in a leadership from the pandemic. Sexton said he role right now,” Lee said. “It has believes the Legislature is in favor certainly been a challenging year. of a proposal from Gov. Bill Lee to But at the same time, it has created allocate $200 million in state funds the opportunity for us to make in the form of local government decision that we think – together grants. collectively with city leaders, our “Whether it will be the whole office, and the Legislature – will $200 million, I’m not sure,” he said. have a positive impact on Tennessee “There will be some amount that as we navigate through some tough will go to the cities and counties. I waters.” would just say to be cautious and Lee highlighted how the state House Speaker Cameron Sexton discussed the state’s not budget what you think you are has maintained its commitment to economic recovery from the pandemic. going to get. Last time when the low taxes, investing in financial governor proposed this, we changed reserves, and responsible manage- At left: Comptroller Jason Mumpower talked the importat the formula to help the smaller and ment of funding despite the ongoing role municipalities have in the state’s overall financial health See CONFERENCE on Page 3 financial concerns created by the and the distribution of federal stimulus funds. pandemic. Unlike nearly half the states in the U.S., Tennessee’s un- CARES money and $150 million recognize one of the most important employment trust fund has remained to nonprofits,” Lee said. “We set things we needed to do was protect TN Comptroller releases solvent during this time. up an additional recovery grant our businesses in the midst of this “We have directly sent $200 program, the SURGE program, difficult economic time, so we made initial guidance to cities on million to businesses out of that that has $150 million set aside. We the decision to take the largest American Rescue Plan Act The U.S. Congress has passed Comptroller’s Office is providing Communication boards aim to the “American Rescue Plan Act” the following information: (Act) of 2021. Provisions of the Act 1. Funds received related to pro- include $130.2 billion for a Local visions of the Act should be main- include all at Spring Hill parks Fiscal Recovery Fund to be split tained separately from other funds between cities and counties, as well received by your organization. By KATE COIL as $122.7 billion for an Education Expenditures related to the use of Stabilization Fund, which states these funds should also be separated A new project is hoping to cre- are required to subgrant to local from other expenditures. Detailed ate ease of access for patrons with education agencies. documentation for all transactions disabilities at parks across the city At this time, the state is un- should be maintained. of Spring Hill. certain as to the exact amount of 2. The Division of Local Govern- The city will be installing com- funding that will be made available ment Audit will add new accounts munication boards on the perime- to Tennessee local governments and to the Uniform Chart of Accounts ter of the playgrounds at Harvey to the State Department of Educa- to allow counties to separately track Park, Evans Park, and Fischer Park tion. Some of this money will be funds provided by the Act. at Port Royal. sent directly to local governments 3. A separate set of files should The project was started by Al- from the U.S. Treasury and other be established for these funds. lyssa VelDink, a speech language funds will flow through the state. They will be subject to audit under pathologist at Arise Therapies in One half of Local Fiscal Recovery the Single Audit Act and OMB’s Spring Hill who specializes in funds are to be made available with- Uniform Guidance. augmentative and alternative com- in the next 60 days, with the second 4. The following should be con- munication device (AAC) therapy. half to be provided 12 months later. sidered before spending any funds Arise Therapies partnered with Local governments will have until associated with the Act: the Kiwanis Club of Spring Hill/ Dec. 31, 2024, to spend the funds. • No expenditures should be Thompson’s Station and the city As a local government entity, made before cities are certain of Spring Hill to install the boards cities should be preparing for an- that the use of funds comply at parks across the city. other large influx of federal funds. with the provisions of the Act. Kayce Williams, parks and As with the CARES Act, specific • The comptroller recommends recreation director for the city of guidance as to eligibility and these funds be used for one- Spring Hill, said the partnership is spending requirements is not yet time expenses. This should an example of Spring Hill residents available and may not be received be taken into consideration coming together with the city for before funds begin to be distributed. if funds are used for capital the benefit of everyone involved. New communications boards have been erected at playgrounds The Comptroller’s Office is waiting projects (i.e.; water, sewer, or “Our city staff is highly com- throughout the city of Spring Hill. The boards help those with a for further directions from the U.S. broadband) that may require mitted to serving our community vairety of conditions to better communicate with others. Office of Management and Budget future resources or on-going and our city leadership supports us, (OMB) and other federal and state maintenance. but sometimes we receive an extra for those who are non-verbal, than the successful understanding agencies. • These funds cannot be depos- blessing when we connect with highly unintelligible, or unable to of the message.” In the meantime, until the state ited in a pension fund or be wonderful private sector partners use traditional forms of speech to Williams said the commu- receives specific guidance, the See FUNDS on Page 5 who have that same commitment to communicate. These boards are nication boards are another way serving the community,” Williams composed of easy-to-understand of ensuring that all residents of said. “We are so grateful to Arise pictures and an alphabet board Spring Hill feel included in the Therapies and Kiwanis for making that patrons of all ages can use if community. this possible. Their partnership on they are in need of assistance or to “We want everyone to feel wel- this project has been amazing. To communicate with others. come and safe in our parks, espe- some it may seem like an insig- According to the Interna- cially those with verbal intricacies. nificant thing, but I promise you, tional Society for Augmentative It is not only important to provide a Save the Dates! it matters. Even if these commu- and Alternative Communication way for communication to happen nication boards only help just one (ISAAC), communication boards in the event someone needs assis- TML Annual Conference person, it’s worth it.” are “a set of tools and strategies that tance, it is also important to provide A type of AAC, communica- an individual uses to solve every another way for people to connect Sept. 18 - 21, 2021 Chattanooga tion boards can be used by people day communicative challenges” with one another,” she said. “Our With the uncertainty that the Coronavirus still presents and the with conditions including autism faced by both children and adults department’s mission is to provide risks that it imposes to our public health, the Executive Committee of spectrum disorders, speech aprax- with certain impairments.
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