O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 537 January 26, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Karamanlis Urges Ankara to Abide by its E.U. Obligations during Turkish Visit Becomes First Greek Premier to Visit Turkey in Almost 49 Years, Discusses Several Core Issues By Evan C. Lambrou “I believe 2008 will present us Special to The National Herald with new opportunities in our bilat- eral ties,” said Mr. Karamanlis NEW YORK – Greek Prime Minister Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Costas Karamanlis arrived in Erdogan. Turkey for the first official visit by a The Greek Premier said Turkey’s Greek premier in nearly half a cen- responsibilities included a solution tury this past Wednesday, January to the Cyprus problem; the reopen- 23. The last Greek premier to visit ing of the Greek Orthodox semi- Turkey was Mr. Karamanlis’ late nary on the island of Halki, which uncle, Constantine Karamanlis, was forcibly shut down almost four back in May of 1959. decades ago; and expanding rights Mr. Karamanlis also met with of religious minorities. Turkish President (and former For- Both Mr. Karamanlis and Mr. Er- eign Minister) Abdullah Gul before dogan, spoke of their determina- traveling to Constantinople to meet tion to work toward resolving long- with Ecumenical Patriarch standing, contentious disputes Bartholomew of Constantinople. which have plagued Greek-Turkish The visit capped a recent thaw relations for decades, though no in relations between the two NATO concrete agreement was reached countries, which began after two concerning how to proceed. major earthquakes struck Turkey Talks centered on Turkey’s trou- and Greece in August and Septem- bled efforts to join the European ber 1999, respectively, after which Union, as Mr. Karamanlis urged the each country rushed to help the Turkish Government to fulfill its other. obligations. “It is time to turn a new page,” “As long as Turkey fulfills its Mr. Karamanlis said. “I am here to obligations, the European Union is show Greece’s desire, which is to go obliged to accept Turkey as a full beyond the difficulties of the past, member,” Mr. Karamanlis said dur- and to look toward the future with ing a joint news conference with hope.” Mr. Erdogan. The two countries are historic CYPRUS AP PHOTO/BURHAN OZBILICI foes and archrivals in the Eastern Athens supports Ankara’s E.U. Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, left of center, and Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, rear center, follow a Turkish guard of honor car- Mediterranean region, and have accession bid, but wants Turkey to rying his wreath during his visit to the mausoleum of modern Turkey's founder Kemal Ataturk in Ankara, Turkey on Thursday, January 24, come close to war three times since recognize the Republic of Cyprus 2008. Karamanlis arrived in Turkey Wednesday for a three-day visit, the first official visit by a Greek premier in nearly half a century. Karaman- 1974, but relations have thawed lis on Wednesday urged Turkey to fulfill its obligations in order to become a member of the European Union. considerably over the past decade. Continued on page 9 New President Greek Foreign Minister to Meet with Condoleeza Rice FYROM Talks to Reinvent By The National Herald’s Staff ment’s most recent intractable state- to Washington, D.C. is also likely to anni will be at the State Department End With Special to the National Herald ments, analysts believe there is little address the United States’ support on February 13, while “To Vima” room to hope that this week’s latest for F.Y.R.O.M.’s bid to join NATO. Al- places her meeting a day earlier, on Lowell Church ATHENS – Greek Foreign Minister round of talks between Greek and though the U.S. Government has not February 12. Little Progress Dora Bakoyanni is expected to meet F.Y.R.O.M., which are taking place in officially communicated its endorse- In the most recent meeting of the By Theodore Kalmoukos with U.S. Secretary of State Con- Ochrid under U.N. Special Mediator ment, it has nonetheless been re- North Atlantic Council – NATO’s top Special to the National Herald doleeza Rice on February 12 or 13 Matthew Nimetz, will yield any re- peatedly alluded to by high-ranking decision-making body – only France ATHENS (ANA) – UN-sponsored following F.Y.R.O.M.’s reaffirmation sults. U.S. officials. According to an article and Bulgaria expressed support for talks that began in Ochrid on Mon- BOSTON – Newly elected parish of the hard-line stance it will main- The Sunday editions of Greek in Sunday’s “Proto Thema,” Greek Greece’s position, and although day, January 21, 2008 between council president of the Transfigu- tain in talks surrounding its constitu- newspapers “To Vima” and “Proto diplomats are already predicting a Greece’s concern over the progress Greece and the Former Yugoslav ration Church of Lowell, Massachu- tional name. The Greek Government Thema” both report that Ms. Bakoy- clash between Greece and U.S. over of F.Y.R.O.M.’s membership bid is in- Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) setts, Nick Manolis, spoke with ab- has repeatedly threatened to veto anni will visit the U.S. State Depart- F.Y.R.O.M.’s NATO membership. cluded in the Council’s resolutions, ended after three hours with little horrence about the cases of pe- F.Y.R.O.M.’s possible upcoming NA- ment in an effort to convince U.S. They describe Ms. Bakoyanni’s trip Greek diplomats note that its vague progress to report.?? dophile priests and the money that TO induction, which the United policymakers that Greece’s position to the U.S. as a last ditch effort to sell wording allows each side to interpret Greek envoy Adamantios Vassi- the Archdiocese spends because of States strongly backs, if a solution is justified because of F.Y.R.O.M.’s in- Greece’s position to the U.S. Govern- the resolutions as they like. lakis and his FYROM counterpart them in an interview with the Na- has not been reached by then. transigence. ment. According to reports pub- Nikola Dimitrov had met under the tional Herald. Following the F.Y.R.O.M. Govern- The Greek Foreign Minister’s trip lished in “Proto Thema,” Ms. Bakoy- Continued on page 5 auspices of UN mediator Matthew Mr. Manolis, a prominent Greek Nimetz but, as expected, did not American businessman who has achieve any new breakthroughs in served the church as a parish coun- the long-mired dispute that has cil member for more than ten years, marred the two countries' other- said, “If a priest dared to touch my wise friendly and robust rela- own child, be assured that the he Christodoulos’ tions.?? wouldn’t be alive, I would have Nimetz described the meeting as killed him. Please write it the way I Health Rapidly “useful and open” and told re- am saying it.” porters that the two sides had been Mr. Manolis spoke about the more direct in stating their posi- problems, as well as the present Deteriorating tions and arguments than in previ- and future of his parish and ous meetings. At the same time, he promised to do everything human- admitted that serious differences ly possible to contribute to the By Theodore Kalmoukos remained regarding the name issue progress and advancement of his Special to the National Herald and pointed out that a solution parish. Speaking about his unani- would upgrade relations between mous election to the presidency he BOSTON – Archbishop Christodou- Greece and FYROM in all areas.?? said, “I feel a special honor and los of Athens and All Greece is go- The mediator said that some happiness and also a huge respon- ing through the most difficult time ideas and thoughts had been pre- sibility for having the opportunity of his life due to the rapid deterio- sented and examined during Mon- to serve our parish as president of ration of his health. day's meeting but that there was no the parish council.” The Archbishop is still suffering new proposal for the name issue. from liver cancer, which was diag- He added that a new meeting will Continued on page 4 nosed last June when he had be held in Greece in a few weeks.?? surgery for a cancerous growth in Vassilakis said Greece had made his colon. a “giant leap” in accepting a com- The Archbishop came to Jack- posite name for its small land- son Memorial Hospital in Miami, locked northern neighbor. He also Florida in August hoping for a liver stressed that the dispute over the Committee to transplant by prominent Greek name was not just a bilateral issue American liver transplant surgeon but one linked to the security and Meet for Fire Andreas Tzakis, but during an ex- stability of the region, as well as ploratory procedure, it was discov- one that is being discussed within ered that the cancer had spread ex- the framework of the United Na- Relief Funds tensively and consequently the tions.?? transplant was canceled. AP/BRIAN BAER The Greek envoy said that find- Since the Archbishop returned Hearts in Athens ing a solution to the name issue By Evan C. Lambrou to Athens in October, his condition would contribute to further devel- Special to The National Herald is worsening day by day to the A woman walks along a lit walkway near a heart-shaped sculpture of small mirror pieces in central Athens oping cooperation and friendship point that he cannot longer eat sol- during the exhibition ''Hearts in Athens'' on Tuesday, January 22, 2008.
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