---· Greeiings------- . Heap on more wood! The wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We '11 keep our Christmas merry still. Each age has deemed the new-born year The fittest time for festal cheer. - SIR WALTER SCOTT Volume 12 November-December, 1931 Number 6 Entered as second-class matter at the Post omce at Pittsburgh, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Volume 12, No. 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1931 -·-·-;:·::j::7~;·t:i:-~:::~;~::-::~-;:;::-;;:::~:-;::;:;:::;·:~=~-~ stitution of the United States of America, to foster and perpetuate true Americanism, to preserve and I strengthen comradeship among its members, to assist worthy comrades and to preserve the memories 1 and incidents of our association in the World War. ·-·-·-·-·-·-----·-·-·-·------------·-·-·-·-·----·-J OFFICERS 1931-32 OFFICERS 1931-32 ~====:r==============D~ National Commander E xecutive Council RODNEY T . BONSALL, Esq. C. D . A CKERMAN Philadelphia, Pa. 31 7th Infantry Lal<ewood, Ohio Honorary Comm.an·der W. J. BLACKBURK ADELBERT CRONKHITE 318th Infantry TABLE OF CONTENTS Cah-in, ·virg inia Maj.-Ge n. U. S. A. R etired N e w York City ROBERT D . NEWMAK 319th Infantry Crafton, Pa. Vice Commanders SA:llUEL J . FLEMIKG- HARRY P. HOLT 320th Inf ant r y Lynchburg, Virgina Pittsburgh, P a. \V ALTER G. FLEMING SA~IUEL J. EVANS Cleve l a nd, Ohio Thirteenth Annual National Convention 80th 313th Field Artillery Division, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Next \Yilkinsburg, P a. Chaplain HEKRY E. NEUMANN Year -------------------------------------------------- -- --------- -- - 3 314th Field Artille ry REV. EDW. A. WALLACE \\' heeling, \V. Va. Manhattan B e ach, N. Y. Padre's Corner ------ --------------------------------- --- ------------ 4 JOHK YACHETTA 315th Field Artillery Historian Where Do We Go From Here, Boys-By Cap­ Braddock, P a. RUSSELL L. STULTZ J. H. EARLY New M arket, Virginia tain Earl C. Shively -- --- --------- -- ----- --- -- -------- -- 5 313th Machine Gun B n . Hillsville, Ya. Judge Advocate A. l\I. BROWC\LEY Taps ---- ---- -------------- --- ----- ----- -- ----------- -- ---------------------- 7 314-th Machine Gun Bn. VINCENT R. SMITH, Esq. Norfol k , \-i ~ginia Greensburg, Pa. Morning Report ---- ------ ---- -- ---- --- ----------------------------- 7 CHARLES POLLARD Division H eadquarters Recording Secretary Petersburg, \ 'a. CHRIST C. KRAMER PAUL WIKTER Pittsburgh, Pa. 305th Engineers Altoona, Pa. Color Sergeant GEO. B . CORDES 0 . K. FRY ~o==================ok.:J 305th Ammunition Tra in Pittsburgh, Pa. Brookl yn, N. Y . "THE BOth DIVISION ALWAYS MOVES FORWARD" *' I I II II ti ti I I I II' I I " II I I " " I I I I I I II AI II I I I I I I I I tl i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I ti II I I ~ NOV.-DEC., 1931 THE SERVICE MAGAZINE 3 Thirteenth Annual National Convention 80th Division Harrisonburg, Virginia, Next Year BY RUSSELL L. STULTZ ION- BOWMAN POST 632, tween Martinsburg, W. Va., and Roa­ pleasurable memories of their stay with Veterans of Foreign Wars of noke, Va., are approximately 1,000 addi­ us and of that peerless quality knowri the United States, achieved a tional veterans who served with the thoughout Virginia as the "spirit of peculiarly happy and comrade­ 80th. The vast majority of these men, 632." fR ly gesture last September due to their distance from previous con­ "WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE when, by acclamation, its 225 vention cities, have heretofore been de­ BOYS?" ' members acted to invite the veterans of nied the opportunity and privilege of the 80th (Blue Ridge) Division to stage mingling with their buddies and com­ And when? And why? Heed the an- their next National reunion and conven­ rades in reunion. By these veterans and swer, every-buddy: To HARRISON­ tion in Harrisonburg, Va., as guest s of by thousands of other "Blue Ridgers" BURG, VA., "Hub of the Shenandoah ~~' the Post. By · this act Rion-Bowman r esiding in every nook and corner of the Valley" and scene of the 80th Division's Post gave a striking exemplification of "Old Dominion," Rion-Bowman Post's thirteenth and greatest reunion next the spirit of true comradeship and co­ initiative in bidding for the 80th Divi­ year. A,nd we don't mean maybe, either! But you re expected to come and see for operation that cannot but encourage sion's next convention will be applauded yourself. amity and good-will between service and afford a long-awaited chance to re­ groups. new wartime contacts and acquaintance, Summer-tin1e will be reunion-time in The news from Pittsburgh announcing long since disrupted by the exigencies the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia-and the acceptance of the invitation by the of peacetime existence. :mmmer-time in the Shenandoah Valley 80th Division Veterans Association at its There, too, are still other thousands IS n~ture's substitute for paradise. Once executive meeting in that city November of 80th Division veterans in Pennsyl­ agam we say-You are expected to come 11, will be welcomed not only by the vania, West Virginia and more distant and see and be convinced. 'Tis a land "Blue Ridge" campaigners "down Vir­ States, many of whom will undoubtedly of beauty, of romance, of history and ginia way" but by "Old Dominion" vet­ be happy to avail themselves of the op­ legend, that beckons you to join us and erans generally. Rion-Bowman Post's portunity to revisit Virginia next year. rene~ a;nd r elive the priceless ties and action in paving the way for bringing It was here in the "Old Dominion"-at assoc~atwns of Comradeship. What bet­ the Division's annual gathering to the Camp Lee-that the 80th experienced its ter pl~c e and ti~e, we ask, for your 1932 historic Shenandoah Valley next year birth and was tr ained before joining the vacatiOn than m Harrisonburg? And serves to remind of the friendly rela­ A. E. F. in France for its brilliant com­ why not start planning now for your tions have always existed between the bat service. More than five years have next year's leave party, that should em­ 80th Division and the Vet erans of For­ intervened since the battle-scarred sur­ brace the madame, the kids, the entire eign Wars. Both are "Gold Chevron" vivors last assembled in reunion in this menage, that they, too, may enjoy and organizations-their members share the State, at Petersburg, in 1926. From pa~·take of our. fine old Virginia hospi­ same stirring memories and intimate many sectors come increasing evidence ~al!ty, our unnvaled Comradeship, our associations born of active service-they of the "Blue Ridgers' " eagerness to re­ mcomparable scenic beauties? speak the same common language, pos­ turn to Virginia in 1932, a sentiment . You w~ll fi?d our Valley at its best sess the same common thoughts, ideals that was echoed by National Commander ~~ reumon-tJme- truly, indeed, the and sympathies and, in scores of com­ Lieut. Rodney Bonsall in his acceptance Daughter of the Stars.'' The world is munities, the membership of the two vet­ address at the 80th's last convention in the 80th's home but many of you have eran bodies is largely identical. Pittsbur gh, when he said: "I want a y~t to learn that your hob-nail travels Numerous events and gatherings in chance to get down there next year and missed the most beautiful and marvelous the past decade have s~rved to emphasize see many of my old friends that I served o~ nature's splendors. Within a few and cement the kindred ties and a ssocia­ with." kilos of Harrisonburg lie all of the tions linking the 80th Division and the In expressing this wish Commander Shena_ndoah Valley's far-famed Caverns. Veterans of Foreign Wars in fellowship Bonsall voiced the natural impulse and Of this matchle~s gro.up of underground and fraternity. It was in Norfolk, Va., desire of hundreds of his Comrades. WO:flders, two Will be mcluded in the Re­ in 1923, that the 80th and the V. F. W. And, truly, what more fitting or appro­ um.on program for your amazement and joined together in staging their respec­ priate site for the 80th's peacetime ren­ d~hght-and none is more than one hour tive National conventions in the Tide­ dezvous and encampment than in Har­ distant from the Reunion ville. Known water metropolis. And it was there that risonbur g-in the heart of the lovely, to the world by name and reputation, the late Generall Lloyd M. Brett, gal­ picturesque and historic Vale of the you cannot afford to pass up next sum­ lant and beloved 80th Division chieftain Shenandoah and under the very shadows mer's opportunity to explore the deepest and staunch friend and ally of all service of those majestic peaks from whence the and most magnificent "Dug-Outs" a men, was chosen Commander -in-Chief of "Blue Ridge'' Division derived its hon­ soldat ever envisioned in his wildest the V. F. W., and Rion-Bowman Post ored name and which will forever be front -line dreams. still recalls with undimmed pleasure associated with its wartime deeds and Then, too, a host of other attractions and refers to that eventful occasion in achievements! well worthy a long, long hike, will b~ May, 1924, when General Brett in the Here, in the midst of a region replete ready and awaiting your discovery and high capacity of National Commander, with history, tradition and romance­ enthrallment. Lofty mountains- our and Major General Adelbert Cronkhite, among a countryside that has been the o~n "Blue Ridge" peaks-garbed in matchless organizer and wa1-time leader arena of warring strife and stirring ra1~e~t tha~ challenge duplication or de­ of the 80th, honoi·ed our Post and its drama, whose every hill and dale has s.cn P.twn; nvers of cooling shadows and home city of Harrisonburg with their resounded to the martial tread of friend limpid depths as they roll on to the sea· distinguished presence and contributed and foe, whose very atmosphere breathes resorts that beckon the traveler to golf · so signally to the success of the Depart­ of high deeds and immortal exploits­ or to quiet and rest; vast .
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