EMBO | EMBC annual report 2009 European Molecular European Molecular Biology Organization Biology Conference EMBO | EMBC annual report 2009 | table of contents prefaces by Maria Leptin (EMBO) 5 by Hermann Bujard (EMBO) 6–9 by Tim Hunt (EMBO Council) 10 by Peter Weisbeek (EMBC) 11 past & present timeline 14 brief history 15 EMBO | EMBC | EMBL aims 16–18 EMBO actions in 2009 19–20 EMBC actions in 2009 21 EMBO & EMBC programmes and activities fellowships 24 courses & workshops 25 young investigators 26 installation grants 27 science & society 28 career development 29 EMBO activities The EMBO Journal 32–33 EMBO reports 34–35 Molecular Systems Biology 36–37 EMBO Molecular Medicine 38–39 The EMBO Meeting 40–41 women in science 42 gold medal 43 plenary lectures 44 global exchange 45 information support and resources 46 public relations & communications 47 European Life Sciences Forum (ELSF) | Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) 48 ➔ 2 www.embo.org EMBO | EMBC annual report 2009 | table of contents appendix EMBC delegates and advisers 52–58 EMBC scale of contributions 59 EMBO council 2009 60 EMBO committees 2009 61 EMBO council 2010 62 EMBO committees 2010 63 EMBO members elected in 2009 64–75 EMBO associate members elected in 2009 76–77 advisory editorial boards & senior editors 2009 78–81 long-term fellowships 2009: awards 82–99 long-term fellowships: statistics 100–101 long-term fellowships 2009: geographical distribution 102–103 short-term fellowships 2009: awards 104–123 short-term fellowships: statistics 124–125 short-term fellowships 2009: geographical distribution 126–127 young investigators 2009 128 installation grantees 2009 129 young investigators 2000–2008 130–131 young investigators: statistics 132–133 young investigator lectures 2009 134–135 plenary lectures 136–137 courses | workshops | conference series | symposia 2009 138–142 laboratory management courses 2009 143 participation of women in EMBO activities: statistics 144–149 EMBO staff in heidelberg 150–151 events in 2010 courses | workshops | conference series | symposia 2010 154–158 global exchange lecture courses 2010 158 laboratory management courses 2010 158 other EMBO events 2010 159 www.embo.org ➔ 3 preface | Maria Leptin (EMBO) It is only a few months now since I took up contributing to this goal; many in the broad- the role of Director at EMBO. As such, I do er scientifi c community are working just as not have a role in reporting on the work of hard. the organization in 2009. I would, however, Our contributions bring with them re- like to thank and honour the leadership of sponsibility: we, the scientists, must direct EMBO, Council and EMBC for their achieve- and account for the funding of research pro- ments over the past year. grammes, not just in our own countries but The three prefaces that follow – unusu- in Europe as a whole; we need to force a shift ally all from outgoing posts – demonstrate in scientifi c publishing, introducing more the commitment of EMBO, the EMBO Coun- transparent tools to report on our research; cil and the EMBC to the contemporary needs we must interact with the public and their of life scientists in the member states in Eu- policy makers in government to hear their Maria Leptin rope as well as in neighbouring countries and concerns and explain our results in language EMBO Director worldwide. they understand; and we need to reach out I am excited to lead EMBO, an organiza- beyond Europe to collaborate with our peers, tion that has been connected with my ca- not just those in developed countries but also reer since the funding of my postdoctoral re- those in countries rapidly advancing their re- search. The founding principles, centred on search contributions onto the world stage. the promotion of cross-border cooperation in We will have time over the coming years molecular biology research, are as relevant to discuss in depth these issues and others today as they were in the early 1960s. as they arise. I invite my colleagues in the A stream of amazing scientifi c advances EMBO community to bring to my attention over the past 50 years has broadened our their perspectives on the issues that most fi eld to where we are today with all life sci- concern them. ence research having some form of molecu- I anticipate with pleasure working with lar basis. As a result, our scientifi c research EMBO staff, the EMBO Council and the EMBC – both basic and applied – plays an important to deliver on our mission. ■ role in fi nding solutions for many of the con- cerns in our societies. Many in the EMBO community of mem- bers, young investigators and fellows are www.embo.org ➔ 5 preface | Hermann Bujard (EMBO) To those who follow the activities of EMBO, the former EMBO Symposia started in 1975 the past year may appear as a particularly through to the early 1980’s and later by the successful one. Indeed, while all our well- ELSO meetings organized by the European established activities – EMBO Fellowships, Life Scientist Organisation (ELSO) between Courses & Workshops, Young Investigators, 2000 to 2008. The broad-scope meeting aims Installation Grants, Science & Society and to bring together life scientists from around scientifi c journals – were running smoothly, the world to hear and discuss the latest de- we initiated several new activities, fi nalised velopments in the life sciences from leaders some policy changes and streamlined admin- in the fi eld. istrative processes. This combination of old Indeed, the high level of participation at and new will enhance the capacity of EMBO The EMBO Meeting 2009 was most inspiring to pursue its genuine goals. and set the standard for future meetings. Thus, Hermann Bujard The new policy for the election of EMBO we are looking forward to the upcoming 2010 EMBO Director Members, applied for the fi rst time in 2009 conference in Barcelona. There can be little (2007–2009) (pages 64–77), will likely have the highest doubt that we need a life science meeting of impact on EMBO as a broad-scope “academy” the highest quality in Europe, which is af- in the life sciences. It will widen the spec- fordable also for the younger generation of trum of research areas represented by EMBO researchers in all our member states, includ- Members who will then refl ect more realis- ing graduate and doctoral students as well tically the present and future state of mo- as postdoctoral fellows. This community of lecular life sciences. Since the new election young researchers that we have to date tar- process strengthens a key EMBO tradition – geted primarily through specialized events namely to judge scientifi c achievements ac- from the EMBO Courses & Workshops Pro- cording to real impact on the fi eld (not im- gramme will greatly benefi t from being ex- pact factors!), originality and scholarship – it posed to a broad spectrum of themes present- can be anticipated that colleagues working ed by the very best in their fi eld. in smaller emerging fi elds will fi nd increased An exiting addition to the programmes recognition as will researchers responsible of both EMBO and EMBL will be the for seminal advances in areas of applied bio- EMBO | EMBL Symposia that begin in 2010 logical research. (page 20). These annual series of up to six With The EMBO Meeting – held in Amster- symposia will deal with cutting-edge re- dam in late summer (pages 40–41) – EMBO search topics in a forward-looking manner. took up again the tradition of the annu- They will be held in the new EMBL Advanced al life science conferences begun fi rst with Training Centre (ATC), which accommodates ➔ 6 www.embo.org preface | Hermann Bujard (EMBO) up to 450 participants, in an elegant and at- vailing in different areas of the world. For tractive setting at EMBL in Heidelberg. this reason, and also due to limited resourc- Food Sustainability and Plant Science: a es, the programme will focus during an initial Global Challenge was the topic of the joint phase on only a few countries. However, it EMBO | EMBL Science & Society Conference is hoped to expand the programme globally in 2009, for which we assembled an out- in subsequent years, using the model refi ned standing faculty of experts (page 28). The during the initial start-up phase. messages conveyed to the fully booked con- Major efforts have gone into our publica- ference were scientifi cally most impressive tion activities. Our new journal, EMBO Mole- but, with respect to societal implications, so- cular Medicine was launched in early 2009 as bering and alarming. I hope that this most the most visible sign of our interest in all as- important topic will remain on the agenda of pects of the life sciences where concepts and the EMBO Science & Society Programme. approaches of molecular biology have a ma- In 2009, we also started the EMBO Global jor impact (see pages 38–39). Scientifi c pub- Exchange Programme (page 45). With this lishing is in a phase of rapid transition due to initiative, EMBO responds to the requests the changing requirements and reading hab- of many life scientists around the world to its of the scientifi c community, rapidly evolv- help strengthen interactions with European ing e-publishing technologies and changing researchers. In doing so, we feel we act in the business models – keywords: open access, spirit of our founders who insisted on “defi n- submission fees, peer review, bibliometrics, ing Europe widely” which I feel translates to- online publishing. For EMBO these develop- day as looking beyond historical and political ments harbour challenges but also opportu- defi nitions of Europe. With this programme, nities at several levels.
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