Coors Boycott Hits Rochester by J. Bowker Being the center of contrwersy is nothing new shopping carts have been filled to die top with to the Adolph Coors Company of Golden, Col­ cold Coors beer, then left to wann up in the aisles. orado. Thtre has been a nationwide boycott of its beers for neariy ten years. Aldiough Coofs beer Nationwide, many busincA^es and has been sold in Rodiester Sor less than two municipalities have refused to deal with Coors* months, local residents already have joined the products. Coors beer will not be sold at the Boston boycott to protest Coors* offenses gainst gays and Red Sox's home fidd, Fenway Park, diss year, af^ lesbians, women, persons of color, Coors' own an agreement was made between openly gay workers, and the environment. Boston City CourKilman David Scondras and * park managemem. A tmn in Santa Cruz prohibits Documentation exists that Coors has required city participation in any event sponsored by lie-detector or polygraph tests <^ applicants as a Coors. The Syracuse Common Council has taken prerequisite for being hired. In some cases, ap­ similar actions. plicants have been asked a list of personal or Gays and lesbians were excluded from a \^en- degrading questions before the polygraph to com­ tine*s D^ benefit run for the American Heart pare results. Questions asked have included 'tAre Association in Portland, Oregon. The event was you married?'', "How often do you have sex?", designed, promoted and sponsored by Coors. A "What is your sex orientation?**, "Could you be brochure about the Coors Couples Run stated blackmailed for anything in your past?", "What seven times that same-sex couples were exclud­ is your religion", and "How many bank accounts ed from running. Special Events Coordinator for do you have?" the Heart Association, Catherine Crooker, was Twelve-page questonnaires have replaced thc told by Coors that the running strength of same- lie-detector tests, according to Unity, published sex couples would not be comparable to that of by the AFl.-CIO. But the questions remain the mixed couples. She suggested that questions or same. And drug testing is now used, criticisms be addressed to the Coors Company John Noble and Jim Ido at the March 25th demonstration. drug testing is now used. because "the American Hean Association in photo credit: J. Bowtor The intrusion of applicants' and workers' Oregon does not discriminate against gays or any privacy, akmg with Coors* considerable influence other group. After all, heart disease isnon- decrease depending on the amount of tieer con­ Cooxs was fined only $810 for improper handl­ on anti-gi^ right wing organizations such as the discriminatory.'* sumed by pe<^1e of color. This action by Coors ing of a .chemical dmt killed two workers in 1982. Moral Majority, led gay rights acdvists to join the nuiy be responsible for splintering the groups OSHA official inspectors were turned aw^ the 1977 boycott of Coors beer initiated by the labor Adolph Coors Co. Chairman William Coon boycotting its beers, to weaken the boycott and same year, after citir^ Coors twice with viola­ .i|^»veinem. Thc AFL-CIO started to boycott oittvaged blacks ia 1984 wbm nirafri•§ at M ,m lanm Coon* fiaaaciai i<ma» lirein it. tion of %a^kty laws. Coore ^Mfhen BiKwery iMcniDeft J-ocvtytS^ became Denver aemifur for minority busmeis ovMiers. S«ci«t activa^ fay Coora has lieea fn evldtS^ce Coors long has been known for being anti­ decertified after a strike to protest Coors' lie He blamed economic problems in black-governed for years; in the 1920's, Ku Klux Klan meetings union, and for supponing the conservative John detector tests. African nations on race: "They lack the intellec­ were sanctioned on company grounds. William Birch Society, Pliylliss Schlaffly^s Eagle Forum In 1985, Coors unsuccessfully sued gay activist tual capacity lo succeed, and it's taking tfiem down Coors asked employees to write their legislators (anti-ERA), and the Heritage Foundation, Howard >^lace on die IMsst Coast. The Com­ die tubes." Ke aided, **One of die best things diQ^ to fight against the Civil Rights Act, before it pass­ which recommends elimination of student work- pany had wanted to obtain a conftdential mailii^ (slave traders) did to you is drag your ancestors ed in 1964. study programs and other student aid. The U.S. list used by the Coors boycott group. A Califor­ over here in chains." The Coors Co. also has enraged environmen­ Council for World Fieedom, supported by Coors, nia District Court judge threw the case out of More recently, the Coors Co. has tried to ap­ talists and those who work for a safe workplace. funnels $500j000 per month to Nicaraguan con- court. pease blacks and Hispanics by "investing " in The National Catholic Reporter reported in 1983 tias. The Heritage Foundation, founded by Joseph In Rochester, no gay bar carries Coors beers, minority businesses and organizations. Many of that Coors dumped "tens of thousands of gallons Coors, wrote the Family Proteaion Act, a piece although The Liberty did so fbr a short while. these pubtic relations effons carry stipulations, of industrial waste into a Lowry, Colorado land­ of legislation which would deiiy maiiy forms of I^ul's Grocery, traditionally a gi^ and lesbian- for instance, that Coors funding will increase or fill.*' Even moie distuibir^ were other reports that social services and government programs to gays supportive business, does stock Coors, however. and lesbians. City Councilmember Tim Mains is meeting The Coors' political influence reaches as far with several bar owners to discuss and formulate as the White House. The Coors fiunily maintains a plan for formal action against Coors. "Fm per­ a long-standing friendship with the Reagans. sonally boycotdng Coors as well as the businesses Coors influenced the appointment of James Wbtt that sell it," Mfains said in April. He hopes to as Secretary of the Interior and Anne Gonich Bur- see the community become educated about the ford as Director of the Environmental Protection Coors Company's products as well as its practices. Agency. Both appointees were forced to resign. Coimcilman Mains was on hand March 25 to There were also strong pressures to make Jo&ph picket an open house held by Wright-Wisner Coors successsor to Presidential Advisor, Edwin Distribudng Corp. to promote Coors products Meese. with retailers. Mains joined Jim Ide and John No­ The National Coors Boycott has liecn suc­ ble of the Rochester Lesbian and G^ I^3l itical cessful. Its grip has drained profits and redticed Caucus, as well as several g^s, lesbians, and market sales. In 1977, when the boycott began, boycott supporters from the AFL-CIO Labor Coors marketed in II states and produced 14 Council to picket the open house in frortt of Minctt million barrels annually. They now market in 46 Hall on the Motiroe County Fairgrounds. The na­ stales and produce less than IS million barrels per tionwide boycott is endorsed by such groups as the National Organization of Women. National year, even with the addition of several new labels Educational AssociatfbA, Stonewall Democratic of beer. In the five years since WTi^ sales drop­ Oub. and locally, die Gay Alliance of die Genesee ped in California from a 45% maiket share to \Wley. 2056. Tbo many offenses by the Adolph Coors Com­ In April, a rebellkMB form of the Coors Boycott pany has created a mistrust atnong Rochesterians was noted in Rochester as "guerrillas" invaded' who see past the anractive. new billboards and area supermarkets with "Boycott Coors" stickers Gays Join membera of the AFL*CIO in picketing a Coora diatributor in glossy ad campaigns. Gay and lesbian which were applied u> beer cases, saki Jack Spula, Rochesterians would be proud to remember the Director of die Peace and Justice Education fiont of Minett Hail» the Monroe County Fairground. Coors Company tfiat th^ shut off in 1987 in order Center in Rocfaester. He added diat shopping cans pholo credit: J. Bowkm- to preserve their rights and dignity. of the report shouki consult the end of Coweirs — not to be confused with die Vicki Cup! Tom' tion with the newqsaper. by Howard PoUadc anicle. Krolak was at die GAGV Annual Dinner, where Last Month, the Coors Company began Hearty thaida from the staff of the Empty Sue CowMell also has written a cotnmentary on Sister Cheryl received this honor. CXotier ID tfK board of die GACV for graatii^ $150 distributing its beers around New York State, in­ the subject of mandatory pre-marital testing of Alao in this issue: Mlack on g^ys ousted from cluding Rochester. Coors has been the target of to the women's sofdMll team, the Empty Ckisets, AIDS, the topic of an editorial published in last Gitsis; Wn Husen on a new group for disabled a nationwkle boycon that is supported by most 10 alkiw it to join a league. More on this in M.A.'s motith*s Errtpty Closet. As»»nblyman Gary Pro­ C^. EDGE: M. A. on die soMall season; gay and lesbtan organizations. J. Bowker explains anicle. ud also responds to this editorial fay way of a letter. Mlack on die local premiere of Stmday in dte Ati best wishes to Rosemary CahiU, our why the boycott is in effect, and how fbrk\ Heloise; Miss Laveme; and Krolak on Rochesterians are reacting to it. We are happy to announce the 1987 Vinnie­ esteemed staffmember and fonner £C editor, for Vicki Cup winners: Gary Hallinen and BartNtra Margaret Puller. a very speedy nacGMery. Wb want yoo back writing Last month also marked the release of a new Debes.
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