WOlfDAT. yAHDART »r,^»cr; Avsests Daily CtrenlstlsB PUURl EE.1V ^aitrlfratpr Cttrttfno Ifm to Tht Wsathac ISM I FMWut of 0. a. Waadiar l Ihs iouth ManehwterJ^ T>^ Phone Increase 9,283 CImr « pnrtmant was callad to 000 Hack- Loeal Delegates to State CoPTentlon Right! Wa ty fair nod niat aa About Town mi^Mk atraet Saturday aftenwon ilattrlyFatFr lEuptitim Bpralb n'Mtp St 1:00. Number 1 reeponded and H ere Is 1 ^8 7 SLEEP WEIL lOaatiooonob Trtb* No. 5*. I«- extinguished n grsse Ore. Manchester-^A City of Village Charm M M d O iM r o t iUd Ihs sstback gpms ragulaily kM tt> w«ulM ■»!**?*“ • ‘ST New Directory Shows YOUIL LOOK WELL M ar In TInkor kail M • scheduled for thte evening at the VOL. LXVL, N a 100 IS) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18. 1947 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE IHREE CENTS I M n will IM lauMlatloa of m l' Army and Navy Club hea been That Number of New Mfi for tho comlfiff trrai postponed snd wtU bo pteyed Mon- a artfch lofwohBJoau win b# eenrfd. day, Febmery 0 starting at i:80 Names Now p.m. Wreck of Plane in Which Grace Moore and Prince Died Browirto Ttoop No- Tha new telephone directory for Plans Probe Asks Unions tto iMOtliv at tba Washington Gibbons Astsmbly. CathoUc La- Manchester 'and Rockvlils which acfMWl tomorrow afternoon. dlsa of Columbua, has set the date waa delivered last week, eontelna Cabinet Officer Hits of Tuesday avsning, February 85, a total of 11.700'iiamoa In the two Care Waits To Go Slow TiM A m y anf Navy Qub Au^> fur a MlUtary Whist, to be held In St. Bridget’s parish hall. Mrs. \ w . ■ D. L. Hobron. nnknager of the laxy win atoot this ovoning at tho ■ :t i f . i Long Period. On Demands •kMOwn. Mamhtrs art rsmlnOod twonard Brown of 48 Wellington » 7 local exchange of tha Southam ta»t tho msetUifs art to begin at Road la chairman of the commit* New England Tblepiione Company tee of arrangements, snd s meet' stated today that of the total ntim- Pending Labor Laws; ahdA a’diodi sharp hereafter. In* ' A ' ataUofftao. ing of the committee will be held her of names In the directory House Commute to th- St her home tomorrow e\’enlng at 0,970 waa the number ot stations Murray Urges Other §t Anne’s Mothers Orcle will eight o’clock. In the Manchester exchange aa of vestigate Compltdnts CIO Unions to Fol­ ■Met Wednesday evening at the ' i1 Y^ December 81, 1940. This la an In­ S m e of MraTbooias Boland. 5S1 The Holy Innocents’ Mother Clr-1 crease of 1,007 telephones In Man­ Vets Wait Too Long low Lead of Steel­ T f \ Ur Urges Study Agency Maat OSBter itrret. de will meet Wednesday evening . chester in one year, of the total For HospUaliMation St the home of Mm. Dolores Fan' t Inereaae of 1,700 shown In the two workers on Contracts M. K. Ostrlnsky of IM Bissell tom, 50 Elro street. exchanges. Tha Hicresse in Man­ atrsat has rocoteod a reward for a chester In 1940 waa 404 over 1945. Waahlngton, Jan. 3S—(F)—Oom- Washington, Jan. 20-uP>—dO *1710 reason for the Increase waa Schwellpnbach and Pep* jehe sent in for the radio program The Tall Cedam Drill Teem will plalnU that former Gla are being *Preoident Philip Murray disclosed Both Crippled—*Engaged *Oui Too Top H ilsr" tha ability of the telephone com- hold a special drill at the Masonic {Muiy to Btart filling back orders, requlrM to wait too long for boa- today that he has asked all CIO per Take Issue With Templs Wednesday evening at I as during tha war years equipment pltalixatlon will ba Inveatlgatad uriona to "go slow” on now con­ Ball on Contentions A rshaarsal for the cast in “Ye 7:00 In preparation for the pprt was at a premium. OH raMiltmr* Coo cert” will be they will take In bvkltiiting a ndw by the Houaa Vaterana committee, tract demands to “reassure'* the Union Dues Check- hrtd tomorrow evening at 7:M In Forest in WllMmsntle. Rstiirday. • Chairman Edith Nourne Rogara public and "promote real collective OShier cburdi houae. 'Ihe concert February I. flL, Maaa.) announced today. bargaining." Off System Should Be H a n k r the auapioee of Oronp C, Mis. Winiam AsUcy. leader, and The Inveatlgatlon will ba han­ Murray said In an Interview he Outlawed; SecreUury St. RlU's Mothers Circle will i dled by a aubcommittee headed by has urged other CIO unions to fol­ win be given Friday evening at meet at the home of Mm. William LECLERC e^ht o’clock In Woodruff haU of ftepreaentatlve Kaamey (R., N. low his lead In the steel industry Supports Commission center church house. Mitchell, 70 ’Turnbull Road, tomor­ Foneref Hnmt and grant contract eatenstons row evening at eight o'clock. ' T.J.'n veteran of Worid War L when more time is needed for dls- To Study Problems 26 Main Street Tba aubcommittee, Mia. Rogera cuasion of wage and other leauea. Ih s Mothers Orcle of the Im-j told reporteia, will require primar­ ■Mmlstt Conception wUl meet Mr. and Mm. Joaeph Pulchlopek ■ Johnson, Miss Ava Pagant, Mra,' Phone $2st This wreckage was all that remained after the crash of a Royal Dutch Airlines plane on tha takeoff The CIO chief made It clear he Wfifihington. Jan. 28.—(/P) Wednesday evening at eight I snd daughter Caroline of 54 Avon­ Florentlno Zanlungo, Joseph Farr, ily Into tha adequacy of hoapitala from Kastrup air field, Copenhagen, Denmark, carrying Grace Moore. American opera star, Prince Gus- hopes to allay some of the fears dale road, spent the week-end with —S«cretary of Labor Schwel- O’clock with Mrs. John AlUeon. of | FearvantI VIchl, Qua Green, Nath­ (CJeoHaned an Pago Poor) taf Adolf of Sweden and 20 other persona to their deaths. The plane was on a scheduled flight from lenbach and Senator Pepper 40 Wastininster Road. relstivea and friends In l»wcll, Local Delegates Attend an Spector, Frank E. Weir, Joaeph The Netherlands to Sweden. (Picture by radio from Stockholm). tCoNUoaed ea Pago Pour) Cherrone. (D., Fla.), today took issue Aadarson-Shea Auaillary, No. PRESCRIPTIONS with Senator Bidl (R„ Minn.) fO«A wm meet at the Poet rooms Our Lady of Good Counel Moth- Package Store Convention CarefoSir Oomponaded Greedy Byntanders Get on hifi c»ntentionB the union toBDOROW evening at eight o'clock era Circle will meet Wednesday Check Sought PoKce Seeking dues check-off system should sharp. Gold Star mothers of the evening at the home of Mm. .lean t Rush of New Bills March of Oimeti Coins auslaary wlU be guests. Mrs. Oer- McOsnn. 50 Bunce Drive. The 4th annual banquet end bus- • qtlghborlng states. Tl>e toaslmas- roRHm be outlawed. The point came tiuda Buchanan and her eommlt- iness mcctli« of the Package' ter waa Gerald DTiiine executive Wax-pahr revrltoere Arthur Drug Stores On Decisions Oaktand, Calif., Jan. 28.—(P) Banker Freed up aa Schwellenbach urged tee wQl serve refreshments Htpres, Inc., of the eUte was held director of New York City Pack- —Nimble and greedy byetand- the Senate Labor .commlttoa to age Stores. •MSywH aw IS Blata S t 1W. SSn yesUrday at the "7 Gables TowTj JahnMn*s era relieved the local March of aet up m commleeion to study la­ Miss Ann UsgeU of O Wash- To.Show Movies j House" in New Haven, After the banquet, several acta Flooding Assembly; Dimes for combatting Infantile bor problems aa recomorandad by ington street who has been con- The numbera of the local asso­ of entertainment were enjoyed, Of New Unit paralysis of between 080 and By Kidnapers PreMdent Truman. Tha cabinet of­ •nod to her home with a severe At Group Meeting ciation and invited guests char­ with dancing the rest of the eve­ ELEC TR IC 040 here last night when the ficer crltldaed moet of the pend- roM te able to be out agaUi. tered a bus and left town at 1 p. ning. Right,of Congress and March of Dimes wlslilng w4il Jewish Agefiry Says In^mcaaurao in Congreaa for new m., with SO making the trip. The names of those attending .FLOOR Cover Wide Range slipped from its trailer and lawa.. A regular communication of Group D of the Women's Fed- At the business meeting In the the convention from the Manches­ Armed Services to smashed in a downtown Street. One of Two Britons One ot the hiU epononaorad Maaeheater Lodge, No. 7S, A. F. eratioa of Center CongregaUonal afternoon new etate offtcem and ter Package Store Owncm Abboc., PO LISH ER 9 Jerry Cumming. driver of by Senaton Ball Taft (R.. Ohio) and A. M„ wm bo held at the Ma> church will meet Wednesday eve­ directom were elected. John Andi- were the tollowlng: Know Atomic Deliber- the car which pulled the well Held as Hostages and Smith (R., N. J.)—would nilo ftsnlc Templo toasorrow evening at slo of the West Side Package store trailer, said that by the .Uma ning at 0 p. m. Robert L. Noyes President snd Mra. Max Glnlber, •ant it far ' ations to Be Defined o at-th o checK-off ayatem under 7:00. FoUowtng the buMnesa aea- was elected on the board of direc­ Vice President and Mra Joaeph 4ay,,.affar ' Council Delays he could park only |1.5I was Has Been Released whlfch union dues of work ere are atan tha Entered Apprentice degree will ahow.
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