- - Hawkeye. Ope'" M01&day II Warmer 10WA-InereasllJl" cloudiness and raee Punue In Fin' Ho.o somewbat -.rmer today, followed Game of Seuon by showers lomorrow and by to­ --mg lh so as See 8&or1 p.,e , I n"bt In extreme west portion. neal'el' the ..- ...... .... I slre~ mUn_ , o a c i , y' • Mornin, N e " • pap e f gold b~llct putln Mr- FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, APRIL 18, =1::9:;:3=.:9=======!I·,,=·=..= .. =cda=-= ......======::c:=V::::O:L:U;::ME==XXXV1===I=[====NUM==B:E;R:::l::::::.i72 IlsI.was the Jenlng Pa. Supreme Court Day Notables nerican in. Albania Offers tho j'SpeakersTo Great Britain Moves laharajl\h's King Emanuele . 01 Delh~" Air Views eminently y CO!ltern. Zog's Crown COlnes to Students, Professors To Guarantee Greece. To Ta1k Tonight On I olhel'~ new Fascist Grand Council Hng lior~ War-Time Industry d' d l pOpulat To Meet in Rome lrt. e wo ultln't To Consider Offer way you :~:::~i"::=:::d;':;~ ITurk ey In e pen en ce l'aCes in a TIRANA, April J2 (AP) -The Albanian national assembly. meet- at 7:30~ This evening's cliscussion --- ther thing illl in this capital occupied by fas- will concern "Industrial Mobilixa- cism's armed forces, today offer- tion" and will feature faculty and Would Regard Wes WilJ ed Klnl Zog's cl'own to King Vic- student authorities on the sub- Ie rigbt. tor Emanuele of Ita ly and pro- jed. Italian Action posed a "personal union" of the Scheduled to talk are Col. two countties. George F. N. Dailey, head of the ~os It was considered certain the military department; Jonathan As 'Unfriendly' offer speedily would be accepted Wolcott. president 01 the Cadet by Rome. (The fascist grand ling council is to meet In Rome tomor- Three of these four gentlemen will Supreme Court day argument is of the Iowa Law Review) and Officers club. ~n.d .pr~f. Ethan "onslder the offer.) d t James Cameron of Eldora. Cam- Allen of the political SClence de- Stand To Be Backed ro\v to - argue today before the supreme the highest honor an Iowa stu en .p rtment The talks will each be Albania thus would continue as el'on and George E. Heidlebaugh a . By French Nation; ~nt a separate klnldom, with nominal court of Iowa at the college of of law may achieve. Seated here, of Des Moines, not pictured, will 10 mmutes long . and WIll. be fol- sovereignty within the framework law's 13th annual Supreme Court from left to right, are Robert W. oppose Daniel and Greenleaf in lowed by a public discussIon open An Forces on AlerL of the Italian empire. day program. A symbol of high Greenleaf of Centerville, Robert today's argument, the highlight of t6 all. r night at By The Associated Press liting Jr. The assembly. called to establish scholastic achievement and con- Io . Daniel of Cedar Rapids, Erwin an import4nt series of Supreme Faculty. members a~ well .as a new reilme. adopted this four- sistent excellence in argument, the Buck 01 Grand Junction (editor Court day events. s tud~nts .will ~ke part m the dis- LONDON, April 12 - A decla­ I Richard • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• _ • • • • • •• CUSSlon 10 which each may ex- poI n t pr0iI'am: I th ration designed to forestall fur­ the John. ·1. The 01 JtIJlI" press his persona views to e emoctatlc former ",I'lme ther German - Italian expansion toward the Dardanelles and still I include ~.~~~::.=~!~~:~ Iowa Supreme Court Justices eFntireRgrouPA' - t jent, and "lIVemmeni Is lo be named by leave the way open for appease­ treasurer. the _mbly; 3 Albania and • • • Ppo In s ment of Italy was under prepa­ :el'S were Italy are lo be "UIOClated more W II H A t T d ration tonight by Prime Minister to select Chamberlain for delivery to - llternates !:=-~~~'v'?~~~o=-~e:~; 1 ear rguDlen S. 0 a YDean Stoddard These two University of Iowa stu­ Lois Koch of Evansville, Ind., was "for his _Jea~y anel lor his ____ . dents, junlors next year, will head named editor, and Deming Smith morrow to an extraordinary par· ng of the loyal eleseendant.. .. in Des the staH of the Hawkeye, junior of Toledo will be business mana­ liamentary session. Count Galea~ Ciano, Italian 60 DAYS IN JAIL The 11 justices of the supreme IN ENGLAND Local Child WeUare publicatil.ln, ne"t year. They weJ:e ger. Editor of this year's publica­ Edouard Daladier, the French foreign minister and son-in-law court of Iowa will hear James elected yestel'day by the board of tion is John Evalls, A3 of North ~ decided of Premier Mussolini, flew to Leader Named To premier, was ready to back up the ! by the Student Publications Inc. Martha English. Tirana for thll meeting. L. Cameron, L3 01 Eldora. and British stand with blunt words of s at the Parents Leave Children James Roosevelt To See National Conference Xhafer Ypl, nresident of the AI . H George E. Heidlebaugh, L3 of IUs own in a parallel declaration provincial goy'ernment.. set up un- one 111 ouse D es M'omes. argue agams. t R 0 b er t Film IndusLry Dean George D. Stoddard of tomorrow. - der Italian auspices when Zog fled O. Daniel, L3 of Cedar Rapids Germany Awaits Polish Move Be Prepared - the graduate college. director of to Greece after Italian military SAN FRANCISCO. April 12 and Robert W. Greenleaf of Cen- SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Apl·U The air, land and sea forces of operations started five days ago, (AP) - A couple accused of terville at 3 o'clock this afternoon 12 (AP) _ J ames Roosevelt. the child welfare research sta- Toward Settlement of Issues Britain matched those of her ever· told thc assembly that Albania leaving their two children at in the 13th annual Supreme Court eldest son of President Roose­ lion, has been appoJnted a mem­ ready French ally in rising to the was incapable of gove1'lling her-I home and going out on a spree day argument. ber of President RooseveU's new slogan "We've got to be sel! and welcomed the Italian I The court will listen to the sr· velt, said on his arrival here troops. hung their heads today while guments of the law students in tonight that he had come to conference on children in dem- GOOD DEED Officials Suggest preparcd" which flames :from Italy, it was mlDo\lnced, will , Municipal Judge Peter J. Mul- the house chamber of Old Capitol ocracy. every other London billboard. England "to see the British Warplanes sped over the east "assure the defense" of Albania. I lins scolded them and then sen- and will hand down an authentic, Warsaw Make Public film Industry in action" and not His duties wHl begin soon Exiled Couple Offered coast of Britain in all - night This presumably will permit her tenced each to 60 days in jail. but unofficial. opinion on the "on any secret mission." \liter a committee late this month German Dem.ands patrol - an extraordinary pre­ to keep as many troops here as she constitutionality of the Iowa reg- He will remain in England pleases. "Your children are better off istration tax now being levied on works out a conference program Residence caution against any "llghtning until May 3 as the guest of schedul~ . \Sec~tary of Labor BERLIN, April 12 (AP)-Ger­ thrust." . Il.l!ly also undertakes the eco- out o~ your care," Judge Mul- interstate commerce, and the gas· United States Ambassador Jo­ lIOmics and cultural development lins told Mr. and Mrs. John oline tax as it is being applied Frances Perkins Is chairman of LOS A.NGELES, April 12 many Waited today for Poland to Anti-aircraft units were swol­ seph P. Kennedy and plans to the conference. (AP) - Mrs. Duncan B. Hard­ len well past full peace - time .. A.lbania. ltalilioS wm ins\all ;E'a~ks. to the appellant in the case to make the next move toward settle­ 1/111 IteJ! courtesy call o,n :prime . 11/ is understood by Dean ing. Runt of Queen fGel'aldine strength. One hundred and PUblic works andnelp' eradicate Testimony showed the par- be argued. Minister Chamberlain. He said ment of Polish-Gel'l'llan is Iles, but illiteracy. it was announced. Al- · ents left Joseph, two and one- The judges hearing the case Stoddard that the conference is or Albania, said today she had officials suggested that Warsaw twenty British warships churned he might spcnd several days in being set up on the theory "U1at offered to cxiled King Zog and the Med1terranean, most of them banla is to retain her flag. I hal! years old, and Dora Lee, are Chief Justice Richard F. Mit- Parls. make public the German demands 13 months, alone in the house. chell of Ft. Dodge and Justices a society is fo unded upon demo­ his brldc hel· residence in Pass which led to the British-Polish at or near the Island of Malta. Will Respect Greek Neighbors heard the children's W. L. Bliss, Oscar Hale. W. H. cratic principles finds both its Christian, Miss. mutual dssistance accord. Forty French naval vessels were sobs, and juvenile authorities Hamilton, Frederic M. Miller, aim and its security in the hap­ Ml's. Harding is the widow of Publication of the demands, they said to be on active duty in the Territory In'egrity took custody of them. Ralph A. Oliver. Paul W. Rich- Will Discus~. piness and well-being of its the portraiL painter, Duncan B.
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