Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978 11-8-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 08, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1978 Volume 60, Issue 58 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 08, 1978." (Nov 1978). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1978 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1978 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wednesdoy. NoVember 8. 1978 ~ Vol. 60. No. 58 8y T. Lft H ••!Ieta By Marc Wilson A.-..ci.ted Press Writer Associatfli Pr_ Writ.r CHICAGO AP GoY. .'ames R. CHICAGO IAP)-Although early Thompson. capitalizing on a folksy returns were mixed. Republican Sen. campaign style and tighl·flS~ed spending Charles H. Percy called television record. jumped to an early lead 'tuesday network projections of his victory in his bid to win re-election by a record Tuesday an "absolute mandate" to margin.. return to Washington to cut talles. In early returns Thompson, a All three networks projected Percy a Republican, led Comptroller Michael J. victor OV@T Democratic challenger Aiel( Baltalis, a Democrat following a bilter Seith within two hours 01 the polls campaign that focused on the explosive ckJSing. issue or tax-re1ier. With :r7 precincts reporting. Seith led Initial, fragmer.~ returns showed with 3.309 votes, or 32 percent. to Percy's Thompson c:apturin~ 53 percent or the 3,1~. or 48 percent. vote. Percy was getting 64 percent f i the Thompson pulled ahead despite an traditionally Republican suburban ~Dle, election day pOll that showed nearly half while Seith was polling fjf percent ot the the voters surveyed favorai a cut in Chicago vote. which is usually controlled state and local taxes. That was the kind by the citv's D<?mocratic machine. or approach favored by Bakalis during Almost no dOwnstate "ole was reported. the campaign. The two waged bitter compaigns that But Thompson. watching returns included iMuend08 that Percy is a racist come in. said "people just doD't believe and Seith a mobster. Selth·S campaign that" kind or promise. He said that turned what appeared to be easy victory rather .. they believe a record or a {or Percy into frantic political battle that balanced budget and keeping spending attracted national interest. down." . "The polls say so many 01 you want to Touching on another hot campaign send me a message that afteT Tuesday I issue. the Assoc:iate1l Press-NBC News may not be in the Senate any!nore.to poll or 2.700 Illinois voters showed that receive It," Pl'rcy said in a corr.men:ial about half believe women should be able after polls showed him trailing. "Belt..."e to get abortion on demand. and :r1 me. 1 VI.' gotten the message and you're percent were against. right. Washington has gone overboard. Bakalis had made abortion a major And I've made my share of mistakes issue in the campaign's closing days, too... l'm not ready to quit and I don't opposing state-funded abortions for want to be fired. .... Welfare recipients and state employees. The ad, plus campaign help (rom Thomp!loo refused to agree to baD such form@T President Gerald R. Ford. PIIQra..... -., .• , a-fIt ......D .... ~ .. ~ Governors 1ft nUnoi. have Senate ~fe8ueS, helped Pen:,- c:.tcb traditionally been ~ected by smaller Seith in late polls. margins than when they first won orlice. The campaign was :fO bitter that both Thompson. a former U.S. attorney. set Seith and Percy said they regretted the the records for first-time elections in wording in some advertisements. Percy 1976, gaining about 65 percent of the vote apolOllized to Seith for a pnnted ad and a 1.4 million vote margin.. headline "l\o..)I'e About Seith. the ChicagO Bakalis. 40, had previously won come­ Machine and the Mob." . from-behind races lor state scllooI Just after apologazlIIg in a televtslon superintendent and comptroller. lie was studio, Percy, 59. fainted, apparently tapPed by Democrats last November to Stalled ("oun' because or the heat 01 the TV hghts, the ~ Jack the· Giant Killer' against press or re~ters and the torrid pace 01 JI. RGIK'Y •••••Rer ., 51(1" D.ta Cler. Rebert lIarreD C~fU .... the campaign. It w=:bi~ campaign in which both Proc:nsial and C_pldiaR Center ill Dflileer.Ue repnHatati"e Gr., Seith said he regretted the w~din~ i~ candidates acc:used each other or lies lite WII ... Edac:.tiOII Baildiq, ...... Sc:1t.erer IeoIL ._ 'Staff ,bet. by Mike ads that implied Percy. a Iong-ilme cI"11 and distortion. Bakalis called Thompson the ....... riJtlll side lIP •• C.aty Gi'.... ) rights advocate. was a racISt. Seith saId the "biggest hyp"Crite and phony we've he should have worded the ads ever had as governor." Thomp!lOll differently, but stopped short of complained that he had to spend "half Heavy turnout produces apologizing to Percy. my time answ~ Bakalis' untruths." Percy was first el«ted in 1966 when he Bakalis complained throughout the ousted v~n ..nble incumbent Paul campaign that tie was being upstaged by Douglas by 422.000 voles. In 1972 he woo ThompDoo's style, one that played diverse county results a second term with a near two-t~ heavily 00 the sovemor's re1axed. victory oyer then Rep. Roman Puclnski. lamily·oriented Image. Thompson By Daily Egyptiaa Staff wrUen The District I race had DfflJocrat A graduate of the Univ~ty of responded that be too was addressing The heavy vl)ter turnout Tuesday Tross Pierson holding on to a slur. \,~ Chicago. Percy became president and issues, but that the voters were not brought about dose con.:(!Sl! and dear over L.W. Kmucha by a margin of 119 '0 chief executive oIficer or Ben and always interested in weighty public victories for candidates for Jackson 90. ' HoweD at age 29. He lost a race for questions. County positions. Eugene Chambers, who hAS held the G!-IVernor in 1964. Taxes emerged as the big issue after With 18 or 61 Jacu::m County precincts board's District 3 seat for ~ last six Perc), has a national political California voters in Jooe approved tallied. the dosest nce was for sheriff. years, seemed assured of another term reputation and is considered one of the Proposition 13, a lax-slasbing In that race, Democratic incum!)enl Don by tallying 569 votes to 291 for the leaders of the liberal wing of the (Continued on Page 3) White was holding a narrow lead ol1S11l Rrtpublican challenger Marian Tru!tt. Republican Party. vota to Republican challenger Bill Waller Robinsun, Jr." associate • Seith, a 44-year~d Chicago attorney, Maurizio's 1465. professor at the Rehabilitation has never held el«ted pplitical ornce. Vote reports Democrat Donald St!'!d:!in wa! Ill!!titute, bad a mode:':t: lilad in &toe In 19fi9. he was a~nted by f.he late enjoying a slim lead of 1,587 voles in his race for the District" seat. In that race, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley .as race for_ ~ional superinteDdent or Democrat Robinson had 340 votes and chah-roan or the Cook County Zoning are delayed schools. Republican Larry Jacober bad Roy L. Clark.. a former language Board. Percy circulated. the ad alJc?Ut 1.331 voles. instructor, bad 252. "Seith. the Chicago Poltbcal Machine ~ Daily Egyptian went to press In the race lor county treasurer , In District 7, 28-year~d Uoyd Haims and the Mob': Tuesday mght without complete Democratic incumbent Shirley Dillinger was losing in his attempt to unseat the election returns because 01 Book@T 'seemed assured of another Republican incumbent Mary Nell Chew technical problems in the victory over Lowell Hel1l" by a margin by a margin or %J9 to IS9. newspaper's electronic c'!py or 1926 to 1084. In the race for sheriff, Don White took processing and typesetting Robert HarreO a~ared to have 910ft four ci the precincts by no more than :1D ~lection to the position of county clerk votes in a precinct. Bill Maurizio eacliy ~~:':ied Press electi')n and recorder. leading wit!! 1775 votes to took the Somerset I precinct 130 to 88. reports also were delayed by RepublK'an Muriel Canfield's 1191. Booker had no problem over Heller in problems with a News Election The race for county board began to the treasurer race, taking all sill Service computer. the wire service show early winners as the votes were precincts by moderate to large margins. informed its clients Tuesday tabulated Tuesday t!\enbg. In the race Stricklin woo four precincts in his "",ing. for the District 2 seat, RepublicaD Larry contest lor ~-:-intendent 01 ~~ Complete reports on local and Lipe be,an to pull away from . over Jacober. tbn:e of them by wide state races Will. be published DemocratIC opponeDt Bruce Petersen by margiM. Jacober'. precinc:ts were won .... sa,. Bit J .......II1II1 ...bit ., Thursday. 7J1I to Ii$. by Iesa thaD SO votes total. ........., ....... MIH. City Council rejects proposed bypas~ By P •• Bane, Uni.ersity Aven\le. , But Watkins warned the audience that small a street to do any good without sun Writer . To enc;ourage· eastbound tramc to use , the COUI1Cil's action does not m~~ t~ damaging the neighborhood." Bowing to t.-.e intense lobbying efforts Walnut Street rather than Main Street. city will never change the existing Although T' .. B agreed that the of local homeowners' associations.
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