

California Radio Palo Alto hrs wkly. Lincoln Dellar, partner; Donald Davis, partner; Jack Scott, gen mgr; Michael Wright, prog dir; KDFC(AM)-1947: 1220 khz; 5 kw -D. 2822 Van Ness Dave Power, mus dir; Steve Martin, news dir; Steve Ave. San Francisco (94109). (415) 441 -5332. Sundial Cichorsky, chief engr. Rates: $17; 16; 15; 14. Bcstg Corp. (acq 1953). Rep: CMBS. Format: Class. William Crocker, pres; Edward Davis, VP; Laura Zarco, KDDB(FM)-Co-owned with KPRL(AM). Nov 20, 1972: 92.5 mhz; 17 kw. Ant 760 ft. Stereo. Prag sep Jack G. Hamilton, coml mgr; Dennis Griffith, mus dir; sls mgr; Loren Toolajian, prog dir. Rates: $46; 46; 46; from AM. (805) 238 -5772. Format: C &W. Jerry Lewine, chief engr. Rates: $13; 13; 13; 13. 46. KDFC- FM-See San Francisco. Patterson Palmdale KZSU(FM )-See Stanford. KOSO(FM) -Licensed to Patterson. See Modesto. KUTY(AM)- August 1957: 1470 khz; 5 kw-D, 500 w- N, DA -2. 38201 6th St. East (93550). (805) 947-3107. Paradise Ware Communications Inc. (acq 7- 8 -81). Net: AP, 1960: khz; Pebble Beach MBS. Rep: Weiss -Powell. Format: C &W (mod country). KEWO(AM )-September 930 500 w -D. Box KEWQ, 4842 Media Way (95969). (916) 877 -3872, Paul D. Ware, pres; P. Dale Ware, VP & gen mgr; KSPB(FM) 22, 1978: 91.9 mhz; 115 w. Ant 470 (916) 343-3808. Butte Bcstg Co. (acq 12- 21 -66). Rep: -Sep Arthur W. Furtado, stn mgr; John Sabella, opns mgr & ft. (CP: 1 kw; ant 485 ft.). Box 657 (93953). (408) 624- Sandeberg -Glenn. Format: Relg, talk. Carl J. Auel, chief engr; Cheryl Lay, news dir. 1257., ext 68. Robert Louis Stevenson School. Format: pres; Dan Barnett, gen mgr & news dir; Scott L. SMith, Progsv. Spec progs: Black 6 hrs, class 3 hrs, C &W 3 sec -treas; Terry Green, chief engr. Rates: $6.50; hrs, 15 hrs wkly. Gordon Davis, pres; Hamish 6.50; 6.50; jazz -. Tyler, gen mgr; Bill Hayward, corni mgr; Brian Hanel, prog dir; Brendan Burke, mus dir; Robert Steffes, prom Palm Desert KRIJ(FM) -Oct 15, 1983: 92.7 mhz; 850 w. Ant 620 ft. mgr; Andy news engr. Stereo. 6177 Skyway (95969). (916) 872-9270. JIBO Gordan, dir; Tom Beales, chief KEZN(FM) -Nov 28, 1977: 103.1 mhz; 530 w. Ant 630 Bcstg Corp. Rep: Radio Time. Format: Country. Jim ft. (CP: ant 590 ft; increase ERP). Stereo. 74 -133 El Flood, pres & gen mgr; Lori Miser, gen sis mgr; Cindy Paso, Suite G (92260). (619) 349-9383. Classic Bcstg Fahey, prog dir; Kevin Harkins, mus dir; Bonnie Flood, Petaluma Inc. Net: MBS. Rep: Torbet. Format: Btfl mus. Paul prom mgr; Bruce Sessions, news dir; Mike Birdsill, Posen, pres; Jon Harmon, gen mgr; Wayne Goff, chief chief engr. Rates: $10.90; 10.90; 10.90; 10.30. KTOO(AM) -Jan 10, 1950: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- engr. Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. N. 58 E. Washington St. (94952). (707) 763 -1505. KTOB Inc. (acq 3 -72). Format: Adult contemp. Spec KNWZ(AM )-Dec 7, 1963: 1270 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 43- Paradise -Chico progs: Ger 1 hr, farm 3 hrs wkly. Robert S. Lipman, 100 Cook St. (92261). (619) 346 -1270. Media Women pres; Al Sturges, gen mgr; Mitch Cox, prog dir; Ann 1 -80). Format: Inc. (acq 7- Net: MBS. Rep: Selcom. KNVR(FM) --June 4, 1977: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 285 ft. Miller, news dir; Mike Knope, chief engr. Rates: Mary pres; Mel Hill, gen News, talk. Neiswender, (CP: 328 ft.). Stereo. 5907 Skyway (95969). (916) 895- $19.75; 15.30; 14; 10.40. mgr; Chris Christianson, stn mgr /sis; Ken Graue, news 1197. Paradise Bcstg Inc. (acq 12- 20 -79). Net: NBC's dir. Rates: $16; 14; 16; -. The Source. Rep: Masla. Format: Contemp hit radio (CHR). Robb Cheal, pres & gen mgr; Jim Dowd, gen Pismo Beach sls mgr; Andy Manuel, prog dir; Ron Bruder, mus dir; news Verner Thomas, prom mgr; John Curtis, dir; Mike KPOA(FM )-Dec 7; 1974 95.3 mhz; 1.75 kw. Ant 390 Palm Springs Birdsill, chief engr. ft. Stereo. 333 Five Cities Drive (93449). (805) 773- 1895. Five Cities Bcstg. Inc. (acq 6-1-85). Net: CNN KCMJ(AM)-Feb 12, 1946: 1140 khz; 10 kw-D, 2.5 Radio. Rep: Gillis, Format: Adult contemp. Rates: kw -N, DA -N. Box 1626 (92263). (619) 320 -6818. Pasadena $30; 30; 30; 30. Westminster Bcstg Corp. (acq 9- 1 -61). Net: CBS. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & Howard. Format: Mod KALI(AM)-See San Gabriel. country. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Morris Bergreen, pres; Jim Keye, gen mgr; Scott Kiner, gen 'KPCC(FM)-September 1957: 89.3 mhz; 3.8 kw. Ant Pittsburg sls mgr; Jim Rushlow, prog dir; Bill Milner, news dir; minus 520 ft. (CP: 700 w, Ant 2,758 ft.). Stereo. 1570 E. Steve Karwan, chief engr. Rates: $18; 17; 18; 12. Colorado Blvd. (91106). (818) 578 -7231. Pasadena KKIS(AM) -September 1949: 990 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Area Community College District Board of Trustees. 1975 Diamond Blvd., Concord (94520). (415) 682- 2832. Chabin Communications (acq 8- 1 -83). Net: UPI. KDES(FM) -Listing follows KKAM(AM). Net: NPR. Format: Jazz. Spec grogs: Ger 5 hrs, Gr 1 Format: Adult contemp. Jim Chabin, pres; Chip hr, American Indian 1 hr, Pol 1 hr, Sp 1 hr wkly. Morgan, opns mgr; Ron Hall, gen sis mgr; Jeff Perry, KKAM(AM)-Oct 29, 1956: 920 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, Robert Miller, gen mgr; Larry R. Shirk, prog dir; Gary mus dir; Chris Ostrander, chief engr. DA -2. Box 2000 (92263). (619) 322-0045. Tourtelot Nissley, mus dir; Frank Whiteley, prom mgr; Larry Bcstg Co. (acq 11- 9 -71). Rep: McGavren -Guild. For- Mantle, news dir; Gene Stough, chief engr. mat: MOR. Joseph L. Tourtelot, pres; Joseph V. Tourtelot, gen & coml mgr; Ty Stevens, prog & mus dir; KPPC(AM)- December 1924; 1240 khz; 100 w -SH. Placerville Susan Trexler, prom mgr; Steve Jess, news dir; Barry 3844 E. Foothill Blvd. (91107). (818) 577 -1240. KPPC O'Connor, chief engr. Rates: $24; 24; 24; 13. Inc. (acq 2-84). Rep: Universal. Format: Inspirational, KHTN(FM)-Dec 9, 1982: 92.1 mhz; 1.2 kw. Ant 446 ethnic. Dick Marsh, VP & gen mgr; Bob Gourley, ft. Stereo. 681 Main St. (95667). (916) 621 -0921. KDES(FM) --Co -owned with KKAM(AM). Feb. 10, prog dir; James Tolliver, chief engr. Foothill Bcstg Corp. Format: Adult contemp. David 1963: 104.7 mhz; 42 kw. Ant 540 ft. Stereo. Net: US W. Evans, pres; Guy Weybright, prog dir; Richard 7, 1942: 1110 kw -D, kw- Programing. RepMcGavren -Guild. Format: Top -40. KRRA(AM )-Feb Khz; 50 10 Green, Chief engr. Rates: $12; 12; 12; 7. Angeles Rates same as AM. B, DA -2. 3580 Wilshire Blvd., Los (90010). (213) 383-4222. Greater Media Inc. (group owner; acq 3- 2 -85). Net: AP. Format: Oldies. Robert K. Moore, KPLM(FM) -Jan 24, 1983: 106.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 370 gen mgr; Jim Freeman, gen sis mgr; Mike Wagner, Pomona ft. (CP: Ant 392 ft.). Stereo. 1276 N. Palm Canyon Dr., prog dir' Scott O'Brien, mus dir; Meredith May, prom Suite 106 (92262). RTC Bcstg Inc. Format: Big band. mgr; Carrie York, news dir; David Ping, chief engr. KTSJ(AM) -Dec 23, 1960: 1220 khz; 250 w -D, DA. Rose Casalan, pres & gen mgr; Ovlando Cowles, gen Box 1220 (91769). (714) 623 -6728. American Sunrise sls mgr; Montague, prog dir; Betty J. Roberton, stn KROO -FM -1974: 106.7 mhz, 25.5 kw. Ant 1600 ft. Communcations. (acq 8- 1 -80). Net: UPI. Format: Relg. mgr; Mike Bennett, news dir; Wayne Goff, chief engr. 117 Los Robles (91101). (213) 578 -0830. AWARE John Boyd, pres; Kent Bagdasar, gen & gen sis mgr; Rates: $17; 19; 22; 19. Communicators Inc. Net: UPI. Format: Rock (AOR). Ange Gordon, prog dir; Wayne Bears, mus dir; David Kenneth J. Roberts, pres; T. Patrick Atlsh, gen mgr; Beal, chief engr. Rates: $16; 16; 16; -. 'KPSH -FM -April 1978: 88.5 mhz; 180 w. Ant 100 ft. Tom McMillan, stn mgr; Pete Dominiguez, sis mgr, Nest 2123 E. Baristo Rd. (92262). (619) 327-1611. Palm coast; Suzanne Barnett, sis mgr, East coast. Rates: KWOW(AM) -May 12, 1947: 1600 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 Springs Unified School District. Net: UPI. Format: $525; 260; 525; 260. w -N. South Mills & Olive (91766). (714) 628 -5541. H. MOR. Bruce Potterton, gen mgr; David Slama, chief KWKW(AM)-Sep 12, 1942: 1300 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw- Wickstrom Inc. Net: UPI. Format: Old. Dean engr. N, DA -2. Studio & transmitter: 800 Sierra Madre Villa Wickstrom, pres; Jon R. Wickstrom, gen mgr & prog (91107). (818) 351 -5461. Business office: 6777 Holly- dir; Dean T. Wickstrom, gen sis mgr; Joe Mauk, mus KPSI(AM )-1954: 1450 mhz; 1 kw -U. 2100 E. wood Blvd., Hollywood (90028). (213) 466 -8111. Lotus dir; John Summers, news dir. Rates: $58; 56; 58; 54. Tahquitz-McCallum (92262). (619) 325-2582. KPSI Communications Corp. (group owner; acq 6- 1 -62). Radio Corp. Net; ABC /I, ABC Talk, NBC Talknet. Rep: Rep: Lotus. Format: Sp. Howard A. Kalmenson, pres Christel. Format: Talk. Rozene Supple, pres; Ric & owner; Jose Cabrera, gen mgr; Alfredo Rodriguez, Port Hueneme Supple, gen mgr; Judy Gilliard, gen sls mgr; Terry prog dir; Luis Alberto Bravo, news dir; Tony Noto, chief Masters, prog dir, Bill Kasai, prom mgr; Ed Kibbey, engr. KTRO(AM) -July 1958: 1520 khz; 50 kw -D, 1 kw-N, Harris, Rates: 15; news dir; Ed chief engr.

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