DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of the CONGO (DRC) DEVELOPMENT OF A SOIL AND TERRAIN MAP/DATABASE Technical Report No. by F.R. BEERNAERT for Institute for Land and Water Management Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) _______________________________________________________ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations De Pinte, November, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS page SUMMARY 8 RECOMMENDATIONS 9 1. Recommendations for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 9 2. Recommendations for digitalization and database construction 10 INTRODUCTION 12 1. Acknowledgements 12 2. Terms of reference 13 3. Background 14 4. Implementation and working method 15 4.1. Literature study 15 4.2. Soil map 15 4.3. Terrain unit map 15 4.4. Database for the DRC 16 MAIN FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 17 Part I Natural resources of the DRC 1. Area and population 17 2. Climate 18 2.1. Central Congo Basin 18 2.2. Surrounding stepped plateaux 18 2.3. Northern plateaux or Sudano-Guinean strip 19 2.4. High plateaux of Katanga 19 2.5. Eastern highlands 19 2.6. Coastal belt 20 3. Land use 23 4. Physiography 25 4.1. Central Congo Basin plain 26 4.2. Surrounding stepped plateaux 31 2 4.2.1. Yangambi deposits plateaux 32 4.2.2. Salonga deposits plateaux 33 4.2.3. Lower Lomami region (Higher Congo) 34 4.2.4. Mbandaka region (N Bandundu-Equator) 34 4.3. Northern plateaux 35 4.3.1. North-Western Congo (Lower Uele and Ubangi) 36 4.3.2. NE Congo (Kibali-Ituri and High Uele) 36 4.4. Southern plateaux 38 4.4.1. Sand-covered plateaux of the Kwango 38 4.4.2. Sand-covered plateaux of the Kasai 39 4.4.3. High plateaux of Katanga 40 4.5. Eastern plateaux and mountains 46 4.5.1. Maniema and N Katanga plateaux 46 4.5.2. Rift valley and eastern highlands 46 4.6. Volcanic Regions 49 4.6.1. Basalt zone SW of Lake Kivu (Bukavu) 49 4.6.2. Extinct volcanoes of the Kahusi and Biega 50 4.6.3. Virunga chain (Mufumbiro) 50 4.6.4. Karibumba volcano 51 4.7. Ruwenzori massif 51 4.8. Western plateaux 52 4.8.1. Batéké plateau 52 4.8.2. Cataracts plateau 53 4.8.3. Schisto-Calcaire depression 54 4.8.4. Mayombe highlands (Crystal Mountains) 54 4.9. Coastal lowlands 55 4.9.1. Coastal plain 55 4.9.2. Coastal plateau 56 4.10. Planation surfaces of Congo 58 4.10.1. Lower Congo and Bandundu 58 4.10.3. Other areas 60 4.11. Kalahari Sands 61 5. Vegetation 62 5.1. (1) Tropical wet evergreen forest 62 5.1.1. (1.a) Tropical lowland rain forest 63 5.1.2. (1.b) Regularly flooded tropical forest 66 5.1.3. (1.c) Tropical swamp forest 67 5.2. (2) Tropical deciduous and semi-deciduous forests 70 5.2.1. (2.a) Tropical semi-deciduous rain forests 70 5.2.2. (2.b) Tropical semi-deciduous montaine forest 82 5.2.3. (2.c) Large-leafed rain-green dry forest (Myombo) 82 5.2.4. (2.d) Small-leafed rain-green forest 83 5.3. (3) Tropical inundated coastal formations 83 5.4. (4) Savannah 84 5.4.1. (4.a) Large-leafed semi-deciduous tree savannah 84 5.4.2. (4.c) Moist savannah 85 5.4.3. (4.e) Dry savannah 85 5.4.4. (4.f) Highland dry savannah (lake Edward mountains) 86 5.4.5. (4.h) Reed swamps (Upemba depression) 86 5.5. Vegetation of Katanga 87 5.5.1. Wooded savannah or Myombo 87 5.5.2. Grasslands (savannahs or steppes) 89 5.5.3. Marshes (Upemba and Mweru depressions) 90 5.5.4. Forest (riparian and ravine slopes, Marunga) 90 6. Geology 91 3 6.1. Basement complex (Precambrium) 91 6.1.1. Katanga (exclusive West Katanga) 93 6.1.2. Eastern Congo (Kivu, Maniema) 96 6.1.3. NE Congo (Higher Congo, E of Yangambi) 98 6.1.4. NW Congo 100 6.1.5. Western Congo (Lower Congo and Bandundu) 102 6.1.6. Kasai-Lomami region (including West Katanga) 110 6.2. Continental cover formations 112 6.2.1. Cover formations of the Paleozoicum 113 6.2.2. Cover formations of the Mesozoicum 115 6.2.3. Tertiary cover formations 118 6.2.4. Plio-Pleistocene cover formations 121 6.2.5. Quaternary formations 122 6.2.6. Deposits of the coastal belt 123 6.2.7. Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic rocks 129 7. Soils 130 7.1. Broad soil regions 131 7.1.1. Congo Basin (Rain forest soils) 131 7.1.2. Northern Congo plateaux 132 7.1.3. South-eastern Congo plateaux (Kasai-Katanga) 132 7.1.4. Western Congo plateaux (Southern Bandundu) 132 7.1.5. Lower Congo highlands 133 7.1.6. Coastal belt 133 7.1.7. Eastern highlands 133 7.1.8. Rift Valley floor 133 7.2. Ironstone crusts 134 7.3. The Ferralsols of the Congo 134 7.4. Legend of the revised soil map of the DRC 135 7.5. Soil correlation and classification 136 7.6. Notes on the soil map of Congo (Sys, 1960) 140 7.6.1. Soils on raw materials (Regosols) 140 7.6.2. Recent tropical soils (Fluvisols, Leptosols) 140 7.6.3. Tropical black soils (Vertisols) 141 7.6.4. Tropical brown soils (Cambisols, Andosols) 142 7.6.5. Hygro- and Hygro-xeroferrisols 143 (Ferralic and Dystric Cambisols, Acrisols) 7.6.6. Humiferous Hygro- and Hygro-xeroferrisols 144 (Humic Acrisols and Nitisols) 7.6.7. Hygro- and Hygro-xeroferralsols 145 (Orthic and Xanthic Ferralsols) 7.6.8. Humiferous Ferralsols (Humic Ferralsols) 146 7.6.9. Hygro- and Hygro-xero-arenoferrals 147 (Ferralic Arenosols) 7.6.10. Kaolisols with a sombric horizon (Humic Ferralsols)149 7.6.11. Xero-Ferrisols (Lixisols, Nitosols) 149 7.6.12. Hydro-Kaolisols 150 Part II Data base for the DRC 155 4 1. Introduction 155 1.1. SOTER terrain unit characterization 156 1.2. Main terrain regions 156 1.3. List of the terrain units of the DRC 157 2. Description of the terrain units of the DRC 159 3. Bibliography 200 TEXT APPENDICES 1. Soil profile descriptions 1 2. Soil map legend 92 MAP APPENDICES 1. Base map ("Map Link, 1/3,300;000", reduced to a scale of 1/5,000,000). 2. Terrain unit map of the DRC (to a scale of 1/5,000,000) 3. Soil map of the DRC; FAO classification (1990) (to a scale of 1/5,000,000) 4. Location map of soil profiles (to a scale of 1/5,000,000) List of figures 5 1. Mean annual rainfall in the DRC 2. Length of the dry season (months) in the DRC 3. The Central Congo Basin 4. Hypsometry of the DRC 5. Transects through the Congo Basin 6. Profiles of the Congo river and its main affluents 7. Transect through southern Katanga 8. Vegetation map of the RDC 9. Location of Ferralsols on the non-dissected pediplain levels of the DRC List of tables 1. Agriculture production of the DRC in 1989 2. Texture of the B horizon of Ferralsols in the Congo according to different geological parent materials 3 Characteristics of the Rift Valley sections 4. Groups of the Precambrian basement complex, according to location, from younger to older 5. Continental cover formations of the D.R. Congo 6. Texture of the B horizon of Ferralsols in the Congo according to different geological parent materials 7. Soil phases (FAO). 8. Tentative soil correlation INEAC system, French ORSTOM system, FAO (1990) 9. Soil mapping units of the D.R. Congo (FAO classification, 1990) ABBREVIATIONS and CONVERSIONS 6 a.s.l. altitude in metres above sea level AWC available water holding capacity CEC cation exchange capacity EC electrical conductivity Ex. Ac. Exchangeable acidity FAO Food and Agriculture Organization INEAC National Institute for Agronomic Studies in the Congo SOTER World SOils and TERrain Digital Data Base WCG Western Congo Group (rocks) SUMMARY 7 The "development of a soil, terrain unit map, and database for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)" presents a revised soil map and a terrain unit map (to a scale of 1/5,000,000). The report (volume I) contains descriptions of terrain units, according to the principles of the SOTER manual; soil mapping units are classified in the FAO soil classification (1990). Major constraint is that this study has been based only on existing literature and reports, with incomplete soil analyses. In view of the size of the DRC, the information on soils and terrain units, available at present, is still very limited. When using the database, it should not be forgotten. Volume II includes adaptations and translations of typical, geo- referenced, soil profile descriptions. The report provides FAO with valuable basic data on the Congo's natural resources, fundamental data needed for multi-layered GIS- supported information systems and essential for land use planning decisions. RECOMMENDATIONS 8 1. Recommendations for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) There is no up-to-date soil map of the DRC. Sufficient and appropriate information on soils and soil properties is lacking and makes it difficult to assess the land use potentials for specific areas. The fragile nature of soils and vegetation increases the risks of environmental degradation, due to population pressure and/or mismanagement of natural resources, such as overgrazing, deforestation for fuelwood production and land clearing. Land resources inventarisation, as initiated by this project, is urgently needed. It should be based on systematic collection of all physical data, which influence land use.
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