

KEY ProjecSiteBound t (PEIR) ary 2kmbuffer from Projec SiteBound t ary 5kmbuffer from Projec SiteBound t ary DOCUMEN T PreliminaryEnvironm e ntal InformationRep ort App e nd ix9.6.1 DRAW INGTITLE SiteLoc ationPlan DATE Sep tem b2021 e r ORIEN TATION DRAW INGNO. REVISION FIGURE1.1.1 ForPEIR Issue DRAW NBY CHECKEDPM / BY CR AR SCALE@1:85,000 A3 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 m Rep rod uce dfrom Ordnanc eSurvey map with thepe rmissionofOrdnanc e Surveyon be halfofthe controller ofHer Majesty’s Statione Office ry ©Crown Cop Lice yright(2019). nsenumb 0100031673, e10001998, r 100048492. ©Cop yright2019Gatwick AirportLimited Noof drawingthis part. beto is rep rod uce dwithout priorpe rmissionofGatwick AirportLimited . O:\11055 Gatwick O:\11055 Ge - ne sis\Tec h\Drawings\11055-0540-01.mxd KEY ProjecSiteBound t (PEIR) ary Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment 15kmbuffer from Projec Site t Bound ary 5kmbuffer from Projec SiteBound t ary SiteofSpe c ialScientific Interest Spe c ialProtec tionArea Spe c ialAreaof Conservation LocNature alReserve Edolph's Copse Anc ientWood land CountryPark Hedgecourt Glover's Wood Source : NEngland atural DOCUMEN T PreliminaryEnvironm e ntal InformationRep ort App e nd ix9.6.1 FOREST WAY Worthway DRAW INGTITLE Statutory Designated Statutory Sites DATE Sep tem b2021 e r Ashdown Forest ORIEN TATION DRAW INGNO. REVISION FIGURE3.2.1 ForPEIR Willoughby Issue Fields DRAW NBY CHECKEDPM / BY CR LM SCALE@1:130,000 A3 Grattons Park House Copse 0 1,250 2,500 5,000 Waterlea Meadow m Tilgate Forest Rep rod uce dfrom Ordnanc eSurvey map with thepe rmissionofOrdnanc e Buchan Hill Ponds Surveyon be halfofthe controller ofHer Majesty’s Statione Office ry ©Crown Cop Lice yright(2019). nsenumb 0100031673, e10001998, r 100048492. Buchan Broadfield Tilgate Park ©Cop yright2019Gatwick AirportLimited Noof drawingthis part. beto is Target Hill Park rep rod uce dwithout priorpe rmissionofGatwick AirportLimited . Park ContainsOS© dataCrown Cop yrightand database right2020 O:\11055 Gatwick O:\11055 Ge - ne sis\Tec h\Drawings\11055-0139-018.mxd KEY ProjecSiteBound t (PEIR) ary 2kmbuffer from Projec SiteBound t ary 5kmbuffer from Projec SiteBound t ary SussexLoc Wildlife al Site A264Cop thorneDesignated Road Verge SurreyWildlife SN Trust CI SurreyWildlife pSN Trust CI Brook Wood Wheatfield March Langshott Wood Withy Gill Bridgeham Wood Charlwood, Stanhill Bridges Fields Court Meadow Edolphs Copse The Roughs Collins Wood Bellhatch Wood Bridges Wood Rede Hall Pond Copper Coin Paddocks Copper Coin Pond Acorn Mill Cidermill Wood and The Birches Horleyland Cophall Field Source : Wood Kiln Heath SussexBiod iversityRec ordCentre SurreyWildlife Trust Murgins Wood Effingham Land Field DOCUMEN T Leg of Mutton Wood, PreliminaryEnvironm e ntal The Jordans & Jordans Wood Stonelands Wood Dukes Wood InformationRep ort Rowley Wood Copthorne App e nd ix9.6.1 Wood near Meadows A264 Copthorne Lower Willoughby DRAW INGTITLE Prestwood Fields Lobbs Wood & Farm Grattons Pond Copthorne NDesignated on-statutory Sites Common Furnace Pond Orltons Copse DATE Sep tem b2021 e r Ifield Brook Ewhurst Wood Wood and ORIEN TATION DRAW INGNO. REVISION Meadows Worth Way FIGURE3.2.2 ForPEIR Issue Ifield Pond and DRAW NBY CHECKEDPM / BY surroundings Hyde Hill The Hawth CR/BG NB Oaken Wood, Woldhurstlea Stony Plats SCALE@1:55,000 A3 Wood Worth Meadows & High Lines Kilnwood 0 500 1,000 2,000 m Copse Tilgate Park Rep rod uce dfrom Ordnanc eSurvey map with thepe rmissionofOrdnanc e Surveyon be halfofthe controller ofHer Majesty’s Statione Office ry ©Crown Cop Lice yright(2019). nsenumb 0100031673, e10001998, r Buchan 100048492. Country ©Cop yright2019Gatwick AirportLimited Noof drawingthis part. beto is Park rep rod uce dwithout priorpe rmissionofGatwick AirportLimited . O:\11055 Gatwick O:\11055 Ge - ne sis\Tec h\Drawings\11055-0200-14.mxd KEY ProjecSiteBounda t (PEIR) ry Lan dtheEastofRailwa yLine (LERL) N orth WestNorth Zone (NW Z) WBodies a ter PoveyCross RiverMole woodlan dstrip Cha rlwoodPark Pondsan1 d2 M aBrook n 's PondM Tributary Culvert Pond2 inflow (Horleylan d fishpond) PondM Horleylan d W ood RiverMole an d M a n 's Pond3 LowerPicketts FloodplainGrasslan ds Brockley Brook LagoonY W ood ditch gladepond Biodiversitybounda ry RiverMole Pond 4 Scruban dWet DOCU M ENT Grasslan dMosaic GoatMea dow PreliminaEnvironm ry en tal Hedgerow5 Scrapes Informa tionReport Appen dix9.6.1 GrassSlope Hedgerow4 RollsFarm pond DRAW INGTITLE Pond AreaReferen s c edwithin the 5 GatwickAnn ualBiodiversity Review Pond 7 DATE Septem b2021 er W illows ORIENTATION DRAW INGNO. REVISION a n d FIGU RE3.3.1 PEIRFor GatwickStrea m m a rsh Issue DRAW NBY CHECKEDPM / BY Rushsca pe Dry Pond BG AD SCALE@1:20,000 A3 0 250 500 1,000 m Reproducedfrom Ordn a n c eSurvey ma with p thepermission Ordnof a n c e Surveyonbeha lftheofcontroller HerofMa jesty’sStationery Office ©Crown CopyrightLicen (2019). senumb 0100031673, er10001998, 100048492. ©Copyright 2019Gatwick Limited. Airport drawingthisof Nopart be to is reproducedwithoutpermission prior Gatwickof Limited. Airport O:\11055Gatwick Gen - esis\Tec h\Drawings\11055-0197-011.mxd BarnOwl BO BlackRedstart BX Black-headedGull BH Bullfinch BF CommonGull CM Cuckoo CK Curlew CU K EY Dunnock D Firecrest FC ProjectSite Boundary (PEIR) GreyWagtail GL Hawfinch HF 2kmbuffer from Project Site Boundary HerringGull HG 5kmbuffer from Project Site Boundary Hobby HY HouseMartin HM Birdrecords <50m accuracy HouseSparrow HS K estrel K Birdrecords >50m accuracy K ingfisher KF LesserBlack-backed Gull LB LesserRedpoll LR LesserSpotted Woodpecker LS Linnet LI LittleGrebe LG Mallard MA MarshTit MT TMA Q2641 : MistleThrush M MuteSwan MS Nightingale N RedKite KT HY Redstart RT TBF,CM,D,HM,HS Q24R : ,K, K ,KF,SD LG,M,MA,MS ,S,SG,SI,ST ,TO ReedBunting RB KF S kylark S BO S ongThrush ST KF TKF Q2742 : T Q24QBF,D,GL,HG,HM, : HS,K, K F,MA,RB,SD,SG,ST ,WW S tarling SG S D,TO S tockDove SD KF S KF TK,KF,MA,SD,ST Q2841 : S wift SI CK HF KF T awnyOwl TO TO TCM,D,HS Q24V : ,MA,S,SG,ST ,TO T urtleDove TD BO,KT ,WK KF MA K KF RT RT SD W illowWarbler WW MT TO GL,MA,SD W oodcock WK T Q24KBF,CM,D,HM,HS : ,K, KF K HF Y ellowhammer Y LI,MA,RB,S,SD,SG,ST ,WW ,Y K KF BX KF CK CK SD SD MT,SD TBF,D,GL,HY,MA,WW Q2940 : K S TKT Q2740 : BO BO,KF,RT KF LG,SD KT MT SD S ource: S BO,KT SD S ussexBiodiversity Record Centre S GL KT TKF Q2540 : KF KT S S TO K ,S MA S DOCUMENT TO PreliminaryEnvironmental BO K ,KF,MA,S,SD GL,MA SD K TSI Q3139 : InformationReport TBF,CM,D,HG,HM,HS Q23U : ,K, CM,GL SD LB,LI,M,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TO,WW ,Y MA KF HY,MA,TO Appendix9.6.1 TBF,CM,D,GL,HM,HS,K,LI, Q23J: TBF,D,HM,HS,K,M, Q33E : LS,M,MA,S,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TO,WW ,Y KF TO MA,MS ,SG,ST ,TO,WW ,Y SI SI KT DRAW INGTITLE N SD KF RT MA SI KF KF BirdRecords TBF,D,HM,HS,K,LI, Q23P : TKT Q2738 : LS,S,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TO,Y TCM Q2638 : GL TCM,D,FC,KF,MA,SI,ST Q2938 : ,WW KF K F,MA TK,KF,M,SG,ST Q2538 : T Q23ZBF,D,HG,HS : ,KF,LB, FC M,MA,MS ,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TO DATE TCM,K,KT Q2437 : ,S,SD K F,MA TKT Q2937 : ,SI S eptember2021 MA TBF,CK Q23N : ,D,GL,HM,HS , TBF,CM,CU,D,HM,HS Q33D : ,HY, ORIENTATION DRAW INGNO. REVISION MA,MS ,RB,S,SG,SI,ST ,TO,Y K ,LI,M,MA,SD,SG,ST ,WW ,Y FIGURE3.3.2 ForPEIR Issue DRAW NBY CHECKPM / EDBY CR/BG LM TGL,K,KF,KT Q2537 : ,MA,MS ,SD TKT Q2637 : ,MT,SI T Q23YBF,CM,D,GL,HG,HS : , S CALE@1:55,000 A3 HY,KF,M,MA,SG,SI,ST ,WW T Q23TCM,D,GL,HG,HS : , 0 500 1,000 2,000 LR,M,MA,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TO TBF,BH,CM,D,GL,HS, Q2837 : m HY,KF,KT ,MA,SD,SG,SI,ST ,TD TCM,GL,M,ST Q2737 : Reproducedfrom Ordnance Survey map with the permission Ordnanceof S urveyonbehalf theof controller Herof Majesty’s Stationery Office ©Crown Copyright License (2019). number 0100031673,10001998, 100048492. ©Copyright 2019Gatwick Airport Limited. Nopart thisof drawing isbeto reproducedwithout prior permission Gatwickof Airport Limited. O:\11055Gatwick Genesis\Tech\Drawings\11055-0202-008.mxd - Alca thoeBat A Bechstein'sBat BS Brandt'sBat B BrownLong-ea redBat BB Chiroptera C K EY CommonPipistrelle CP Daubenton'sBat D ProjectSite Bounda (PEIR) ry LesserNoctule LN 10kmbuffer fromProject Site CP,S,SP Bounda ry CP,L,SP Long-ea redba t L CP,SP MyotisBat M 5kmbuffer fromProject Site Bounda ry CP,SP Nathusius'sPipistrelle NA 2kmbuffer fromProject Site Bounda ry CP,NO,SP Natterer'sBat N BatRecords <50m accuracy NoctuleBat NO NO BatRecords >50m accuracy CP,NO,SP S erotine S C BB,CP, CP,NO,SP CP S opranoPipstrelle S P M,NO,S,W C,SP NA SP UnidentifiedPipstrelle UP SP C W esternBarba stelle W B C CP CP,SP CP BB,CP,D,W CP,SP CP,NO W hiskeredBat W C C CP BS CP C,CP,L, W hiskered/Brandt's W /B C CP,NO M,NO, CP, CP S P,UP NO CP,NO CP BB,CP,M,NO,S CP UP CP CP,M,NO,SP CP,NO,SP BB CP,M,NO,SP CP CP CP CP NO CP,UP C CP BB,M,SP CP CP C CP B,CP,L,SP,UP CP C C,CP,M,NO,SP,UP C SP CP C CP,NO C CP CP CP CP,M,SP,UP C C CP C C CP,UP C CP,SP TCP,L,SP Q2641 : CP,NO,SP BB C CP SPCP, CP,NO BB BB,CP,SP BB,CP CP,L,SP N BB,CP,LN,M,NO,S,SP C CP B,CP,NO,SP NO BS,C,SP BB CP CP CP CP,SP C CP BB,C BB L CP,NO CP NA UP BB,CP,SP CP S ource: C, BS C CP CP CP SP CP,NO CP BB CP CP,L,NA S ussexBiodiversity Record Centre BS, CP,SP,UP CP C CP TCP Q2138 : L D,N CP,L,M,NO,SP BB CP C CP L BB,CP,L,M,SP BB,BS, C SP CP CP,NO CP,SP DOCUMENT CP,D,M,N, C, C C, L CP CP SP CP BB,CP,NO CP CP CP TBB Q3938 : S P,UP,W SP SP CP,M PreliminaEnvironmental ry CP BS SP CP CP BB,CP,SP SP CP BB SP C CP, CP UP CP,L Informa tionReport W SP CP, CP,N CP CP CP,L UP S NO BB NO W /B BB Appendix9.6.1 L CP W /B CP C CP,NO CP,NO,SP BB CP CP BB CP,NO BB,NO BB CP CP S BB,CP,NO,SP,UP CP C BB BB DR AW INGTITLE BB CP,NO,S CP UP BB,CP C TCP,SP Q3337 : BB, LBB, BB CP UP CP,L, T Q2637 : BB,D,N,NA CP,NO SP CP NO,SP C CP, NOCP, CP CP TCP Q3937 : L, UP L, BB,CP,M, UP CP C BatRecords NO,SP,UP CP,M,NO CP CP CP L CP BS BB UP L L UP BB,CP,L,NO,SP CP CP L BB,CP,NO,SP BB,CP,D, TL,UP Q3736 : M,NO,SP CP CP,M,UP CP DATE CP,L,NA,NO,S CP CP CP, S eptember2021 CP UP L CP CP S CP,L, S P,W/B D CP,L CP CP,UP BB,C,SP,UP OR IENTATION DR AW INGNO.

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