mm. M I • 1111: OH i! IIii ill 111 t,.yM 111 / / il11l1 2&£ZLL\LLL l, iii,: ill Ogden City and Wekr County. will ^J8 8g^ rTHr E HEADQUARTItft Q ill —FOR— WTO &-fiM&?&e'lt£.. ••;.'• iii ip) i i Of the latest Improved Mid Msst Eeliabie Makes ; the United Jatt:,, are ii )i i Mil, SIDNEY 3TEYENS' WAGON DEPOT, Fifth St., Ogden City, and Main St., North Ogden, Where can be seen the Largest nnd Best Selected Sto -k suited to the climate to be found in Utah, Ldaho, Or Montana. Consisting of Guar, Scott & Go's Engines, Saw Mills, Threshing Machines; Pitts Carey Hors Powers; The Peering Mowers and Reapers; The Hoosier-Hoe Pressure Seed Prills, Broadcast Seedo-s, Im­ proved Pump Hay Rakes; Wb'eox Improved Iron Frame Harrow, with steel ieeik. Steel, Gang, Sulky, and Walking Plows; the Premium Buggies, Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Carts, and Sulkies. -H-THE CELEBRATED w-~ WEBER FARM WAGONS. STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE AND HOWE STANDARD SCALES: A! ; ' i'i All of which are made ol the BEST Steel, Iron, and Timber, and by the best workmen in the Un ited States. In addition to the above I keep a fine, selected stock ol Lumber, : Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, and everything in the Building Material Line. 1 All of which is sold at the lowest prices and on the most liberal v •• I terms. hmm I will always pay the highest price in cash for Grain and Produce; in car lots or less. —-v. .. 'Z: i ^ilMiiisiMlili && I X" -a? FOURTH STREET, - - OGDEN, UTAH, Agents for the Celebrated -HfC S T U D E B A K E R 3J6-«- Farm and Spring WflGefflS WD BUGGIE& D. I Ostae's Mowers an! Reapers, COAXES' HAY RAKES, QUAKER CITY LAWN MOWERS, •A-aa-d. all ICincLs cf rsAX/ries xasr - ZFLOTTDR,, a- IR, _A_ i isr, FEED, AND Grass and Garden Seeds. We have a Large Stock of SPRING WORK on hand, which we will sell at a Discount for Cash. CALL DID SEE US. OUR PRICES ACE UNEQUALEO. !£- 3i K 3»» Directory of Oyden City and Weber County. 4> ESTABLISHED ie7S.J|(- -"? BURTON, HKMICK 1. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LA BELLE AND WHITEWATER FREIGHTS FARM WAGONS, Milburn Spring Wagons and Buggies, Canton Clipper Hand and Sidky:Ptows and Cultivators;* SJiob&ls, Plows, Harrows, Fountain City drain Drill*, Lansing Broadcast Seeders and, Spring Tooth Hirroivs combined, Richmond and Quaker City Moivsrs, Royce Reapers, Deeriny Binders, Reindeer and Crescent Hay Rakes, Feed Cutters and Corn Shelters, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Garden Rakes, Hay Forks, Wheelbarrows, &c, UICHOLS, SHEPAED <Sc CO'S World - Famed Vibrating Threshers. &5AGON ©IMBEI^ FINISHED AND I^OUGH, -AI.SO THE— l$bir*t*h JWItj |>mtkfm$i j!W$$* BESIDES THE ABOVE WE KEEP DRY GOODS AND GROCERY DEPARTMENTS With a Full Stock of the Best. pST COME AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS ~?M. ~^7"o can. Give "2"o"u. lET-a.!! Sa-tisfaction. *€- y, K $. Directory of Oyden City and Weber County. FILED J. KIESEL & CO., COR. OF FOURTH £ND YDUNG STS., OGDEN, UTAH. Offden, XJtali. Fine Residences and, Building Sites, Improved and Unimproved Farms, FOR SALE. J PEOPEETIES FOE SALE ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. AGENCY FOR ALL THE-— (rood Conveyances Free of Charge. in FIRST CLASS COMPANIES. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. WHOLESALE GROCEP>S 2. BALLANTYNE § (90. Cor. 4tli & loung- Sts., Ogdcn. -AND- WAHLEN & BARRY. iquoi 2v£ eicliants. Produce a-sacl General Commission Merchants. FINEST BEANDS OF OIGAES A SPECIALTY. GROCEEIES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, Caps, Boots and Shoes. rD^ESS -A.^TX5 :E\A.£TC-£- GOOTS -A. SPECIALTT. WE ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED YOUNG ST., BET. 4TH & 3RD, HALF-BLOCK NORTH P. O., OGDEN, U. T. Established 18 6 3. ROBERT WILSON, Kronthal Natural Mineral Water. ALL WORK IN PROMPT ATTENTIONtPfiID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY. Sign-Writing, (Paper*Hanging, Gilding, Fresco, Calcimining, and other House (Decoration Respectfully, (Done JVeatly and (Promptly. Fl^ED. $. I^IESEL § <sO. SCENES FOR. DRAMATIC COMPANIES' PAINTED ON SHORT NOTICE. y* nuun ?€ X 'X K- 6 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. FRANK A. GALE, THOMAS W. JONES, Keeps constantly on hand a full and carefully selected stock of METALLIC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, - Rosewood and Walnut Coffins and Caskets, AND A FULL LINE OF ©abe-H^ m f&. One of the Finest Hearses in the City always ready | for i]se at low rates. Orders by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. | Satisfaction guaranteed. ESTABLISHED 1870. 1VEJLI3ST STEIEZET, OG-ZDZEZEST. ZE3I. EL 0-IBS02ST; PROPRIETOR OP Complete M of Seasonable Ms OGDEN PLANING MILLS, -?, .A.XJTKT.A/X'S OlfcT :E3:.^:isriD- Dealer in , SHINGLES AND MOULDINGS. ZDEJLX.EE, I2ST 1 DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, mmI 1 AND MENS FINE FURNISHING GOODS. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. [ » 3P. O. Box 31. OG-DE1J, TJTJLH. 3* M 5€- mmmammmmummmmmi HKHnHMM 76" 8 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. a K "3? Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 9 JOHN H. BISHOP. PAUL F. SCH^EFER. BISHOP & SCELEFER, MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES, HARNESS, and BRIDLES, ZDIspensIrLg: Ch.emists •9 Seibbfertj. cJCci rbtvatc, Seatfict, ^Pftip^, Stc. And dealers in Pure and Reliable OG-IDIElSr, TTT^.13:. DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Cheyenne STOCK SADDLES a Specialty. Choice Perfumeries, Toilet and Fancy Articles. Hole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Branches at BUTTE, Montana, SHOKIIOXE and HAJLEY, Idaho. LsBLBBI^AfUBD I^OYALt FAPJNA (^OliOGNE. MARK LINDSEY'S ICE CREAM PARLORS. The Finest in Town! A specialty of Physicians' Prescriptions, and Family Receipts carefully prepared by experienced hands. We are the first EXCLUSIVE DRUG HOUSE, in Ogden, being devoid ALL THE TROPICAL FRUITS m THEIR SEASON. of a bar or dealings in liquors whatever. Orders by mail promptly attended to. We solicit your patronage. SUMMER DRINKS IN FINEST STYLE. Respectfully, Pleasant Family Accommodations. Ice Cream sent to all parts of BISHOP cSc SCH^FER. I the City and Country. iFxarTS: sar^rErET?,.. -BEXOTV -rroxrisra-- MI MHU •nam raBin R&H i Main Slreet, between Sixlh and Scvantli. BRSSS MD IRON FOUNDRY, OFFICE OX FOURTH STREET, OVER GEO. II. TRIBE'S STORE. Machine and Boiler Shops. t Residence: Second St., bet. Main and Young. G-E1TERAL BLACESMITHI1TG. Iron Fencing a Specialty. FAIR PRICE FOR GOOD TREATMENT. EMMETT & FARLEY, All Work, in any Department of my B iness, promptly attended to. us- Main.Street, between 2nd & 3rd, «»GI>Etf, UTAH. WAGONS MADE AXD REPAIRED. SA TISFA CTIOW G UA11ANTBED. CKEIbTIEI^^Ij BXj-^CZKSiL^ITHiaiTGr- \ JSAY Orders by H\Tail or Telegraph Horse-slioeing a Specialty. Parties needing anything WIIJL ^EGEIYE PROMPT ATTENTION. in our line will find it to their interest to give us a call. *e- i All work warranted. -X £ ^ as X |tfj^. .^l.:.^,UI.,j.-u!l^a,J8..,i....U—..Ui-jI:J.;I..L .l.UUU.I.-. I i. ,-JIUi.i.il.J— ilM«A>JlU I ...» ...I tku. ..MfciOluJ. I.. •. I ... ..-..fc.-4j( 10 "3? J Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. Directory of Ogden City and Weber County, 11 rrv "NT !!E ""ST 53COTTSE H H H RY (Between U. rP. and U. C. (Depots, Ogden. Qnb SRatihouU. FIRST-GLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOB TRAVELERS IID TDUF1ISTS. EXCELLENT B.A.:R,! M-A-IIEr 8T.BEET, OGTZDZEZST, TT. T. Well stocked wiih the best of LIQUORS, WINES, BEERS, AND CIGARS. RICJPTER ^McCARTY, - Proprietors. B UIL DI N G! This Establishment is fitted out with the VERY LATEST ! On and after March 1st I will give bids on all kinds of building that IMPROVEMENTS AND APPARATUS. will discount anything in the past; or I will furnish build­ ing materials at prices that defy competition. NONE RUT THE BEST of malt and hops are used in PLAITS A.3STID SPECIFICATIONS ; its manufacture. Given with the greatest amount 6T(strength combined with the most economical use of material. 5,000 of the latest designs, by the best Architects in America, to choose from. Bills of Lumber *• 2< cut to order. ^FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY, i IDAHO LUMBER COMPANY, Dealers in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc., Etc. KEOS A]¥l> CASKS »EMVEREI> FlfcEE D. P. JONES, Manager. "Witlxiaa. tlie Cit;sr Limits. D.D.JONES, ARCHITECT .A. 3ST ID BTJILEER. Wholesale Ageni'for THE GLOBE VENTJLATOli, CL1M& MORSE'S' ELEVA'lOH, PRESCOTT DOOR JJANGERS. IRON COR­ OUR BOTTLED BEER BEATS ALL! NICES, IRON SHINGLES, CEMENT, ETC BE. CSDBB8TBOM, Orders from, Points along the Railroads Merchant Tailor, attended to promptly. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Foreign and Domestic Worsteds and Fancy Cassimeres, ^. O. Bex 25. RICHTER & MCCARTY. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. aPSJPOa. St., "bet. TTovtaa-g" aaa-S. arrasa-lcllaa. Stc, ©g-eleas., TTtaJo.. & fc«U S* 76 -*. 14 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 15 ITEW JDJE^TJOr STORE, —OPENED BY— JESSE J. DRITEll, H. M. BOND & CO. Main St., north of Z. CM. I., - OGDEN, UTAH. Ho beeps a full line of Wholesale DD^TJO-S and. SF-A-TEafl-l1 awdlEaDICXiTZES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Brushes, Perfumery, and other goods too numerous to mention; also H D H CI3AES AND TOBACCOS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. GROCER w W. VAN DYKE & CO., AND FRUITS. FORWARDING -AND- audi CQinrnissiQn MMmmUmmt ?• Commission, •WHOLESALE S£^>.1JEHS I2ST ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. FOURTH STREET, OLD THEATER BUILDING, OGDEN. Ogden, XT tali, THE PIONEER CANDY MANUFACTURER, PRICES ON APPLICATION. F? H. EEEDER, FlfUa. Street, - _ _ Ogrclen., TTt^lx, PROMPT AND PARTICULAR MANUFACTUBE8 AND IMPORTS ONLY THE PUREST AND FINEST CANDIES OF ALL SORTS.
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