672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 8, . By Mr. STEELE: Petition of J.E. Larimer and 21 other inter­ confirm an agreement with the Muscogee or Creek tribe of Indians, nal-revenue gaugers, storekeepers, etc., of the Sixth Congres­ and for other purposes; asks conferences with the Senate on the sional district of Indiana, asking for an increase of pay-to the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. SHERJIAN , Mr. CURTIS, and Mr. LITTLE managers at the re­ By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky (by request): Papers to accom­ spective conferences on the part of the House. pany Honse bill granting a pension to Columbus B. Allen-to the ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SNODGRASS: Papers to accompany House bill grant­ The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had ing a pension ~o Dock Brackin-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ signed the enrolled bill (H. R. 163) for the relief of Henry O. sions. Morse; and it was thereupon signed by the President pro tempore. Also, paper to accompany House bill granting a pension to PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Hardy Shadwick, jr.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. PLATT of New York presented petitions of the Womans Also, paper to accompany House bill granting an increase of Christian Temperance Union of NewYorkC'ity, tbe congregations pension to Hezekiah E. Burchard-to the Committee on Invalid of the 1\Ietbodist Episcopal and First Baptist churches of. Wells­ Pensions. ville, and of J. S. E. Erskine~ of Thompson Ridge, all in the 8tate By Mr. SPRAGUE: Resolutions of the Boston Paper Trade As­ of New York, praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit sociation, favoring reciprocal trade between United States and the sale of intoxicating liquors in Army canteens; which were Canada-to the Committee on Ways and Means. ordered to lie on the table. By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: Petition of Minneapolis Cham­ He also presented petitions of the keepers and crews of the life­ ber of Commerce against the passage of House bill No. 1439, saving stations at Quogue and Tiana, in the State of New York, -amending the act to regulate commerce-to the Committee on praying for the enactment of legislation to promote the efficiency Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of the Life-Saving Service and to encourage the saving oflife from By Mr. THOMAS of Iowa: Petition of citizens of Sheldon, shipwreck; which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. Iowa, in favor of the passage of a service pension bill-to the He also presented petitions of Laundry Workers' Union, No. Committee on Invalid Pensions. 8682, of Berlin; of Federal Labor Union, No. 8271, of Amsterdam; By Mr. WEEKS~ Petitions of George W. Plough life-saving of the Woodworkers' Union of Troy; of Brush Makers' Protective crews of Thunder Bay Island~ favoring bill to promote efficiency and Benevolent Association, No. 7394, of New York City; of of Life-Saving Service-to the Committee on Merchant Marine Boiler Makers and Iron Shipbuilders Helpers and Heaters' Union, ~dF~bm~i . No. 8001, of Buffalo, and of Steel Cabinet Workers' Union, No. By Mr. JAMES R. WILLIAMS: Paper to accompany House 7294, of Jamestown, all in the State of :N' ew York praying for the bill for the relief of Sarah A. Tanquary-to the Committee on enactment of legislation to regulate the hours of daily work of Invalid Pensions. laborers and mechanics, and also to protect free labor from prison Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Thomas competition; which were referred to the Committee on Education Sheridan-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and Labor. Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of l\lillia He also presented petitions of Local Grange, No. 827. Patrons Williams-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Husbandry, of Arena: of sundry citizens of Delaware County; By Mr. ZIEGLER: Petition of citizens of the Nine~enth Con­ of C.H. Whitcomb, of West Somerset; of Local Grange, No. 693, gressional diEtrict of Pennsylvania, favoring anti-polygamy Patrons of Husbandry, of Greig; of William G. Head, of Cherry amendment to the Constitution-to the Committee on the Judi­ Valley; of sundry citizens of North Franklin, Elmira, and Chau­ ciary. tauqua County; of H. E. Anderson, of Frewsburg; James McCar· thy, of Woodhull; W. E. Ward, of Albany; E. D. Green, of Ches­ ter; J. D. F. Woolston, of Cortland; of Local Grange, No. 235, SEN.ATE. Patrons of Husbandry, of Sheridan; of Local Grange. No. 311, Patrons of Husbandry, of Greece, and of Local Grange, No. 896, TUESDAY, Januar~y 8, 1901. Patrons of Husbandry, of Rhinebeck, all in the State of New York, praying for the enactment of the so-called Grout bill, to Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. regulate the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine: which were The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. ELECTORAL VOTES OF KENTUCKY .AND MINNESOTA. He also presented a petition of Cottage Grange.No. 829,Patrons The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate two com­ of Husbandry, of West Perrysburg, N. Y., praying for the enact­ munications from the Secretary of State, transmitting certified ment of legisla.tion to regulate the branding of cheese; which was copies of the final ascertainment of the electors for President referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. and Vice-President appointed in the States of Kentucky and He also presented the petition of Frederick D. Power, secretary Minnesota; which, with the accompanying papers, were ordered of the Congressional Temperance Society and also of the Reform to lie on the table. Bureau, praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the STATUS OF TEN1'"ESSEE ENROLLED MILITIA. sale of intoxicating liquors to native races in Africa; which was The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response Mr. HARRIS presented a petition of sundry citizens of Kansas, to a resolution of December 18, 1900, a report from the Chief of praying for the repeal of the revenue·taxongraiu products; which the Record and Pension Office relative to the claims of the officers was referred to the Committee on Finance. and enlisted men of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Kansas, pray­ and Seventh regiments of the Enrolled Militia which constituted ing for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxi· a part of the garrison of Memphis and of the western district of eating liquors in all the insular possessions of the United States; Tennessee, etc.; which, on motion of TURLEY, was, with the which was referred to the Committee on the Philippines. Mr. He also presented sundry petit10ns of citizens of Chautauqua. accompanying papers, ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. and of Cowley and Chautauqua counties, all in the State of Kan"' THE PNEUMATIC-TUBE SERVICE. sas. pr&ying for the enactment of the so-called Grout bill, to reg-. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ ulate the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine; which wert munication from the Postmaster-General, transmitting, pursuant referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. to law, the results of the investigation into the pneumatic-tube He also presented a memorial of the Live Stock Exchange of. service for the transmission of mail; which, with the accompany­ South St. Joseph, Mo., remonstrating against the enactment of ing papers, was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and the so-called Grout bill, to regulate the manufacture and sall! Post-Roads, and ordered to be printed. of oleomargarine; which was referred to the Committee on Agrl· FRANCHISES IN PORTO RICO. culture and Forestry. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ He also presented a petition of the Michigan State Millers' .As· munication from the secretary of Porto Rico, transmitting copies sociation, praying for the adoption of certain amendments to the of franchises granted by the executive council of Porto Rico to interstate-commerce law; which was referred to the Committoo · the Port America Company and to Ramon Valdes; which, with on Interstate Commerce. He also presented a petition of the Great Atlantic and Pacific the accompanying papers, was refened to the Committee on the Tea Company and sundry other wholesale and retail grocers of Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be printed. the United States, praying for the repeal of the duty on tro: MESS.A.GE FROM THE HOUSE. which was referred to the Committee on Finance. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Mr. KENNEY presented a. petition of sundry citizens of D!Ia­ BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had disa­ ware, praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Const:l.tu­ gi·eed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 11820) to tion providing for the election of United States Senators by a ratifv and confirm an agreement with the Cherokee tribe of Indians, direct vote of the people; for an appropriation pro•iding for the und for other purposes, and the bill (H. R. 11281) to ratify and extension of _free rural mail delivery; for the establishment of 1901. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 673 postal savings banks, etc.; which was referred tcrthe Committee sion to Esther Ann Grills, reported it with an amendment, and on the Judiciary.
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