, I REPUBLIC OF NAURU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE \' PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY " ------' ---~~~~~~---'------------ No.6 22ndJanuary, 1997 Nauru ----,----------------,'-"--- G.N.No.2511997 COURTS ACT 1971 SECTION 9((4) APPOINTMENT OF REsmENT MAGISTRATE PURSUANT TO the powers mthat behalfvested mme under Section 9, sub-section (4) ofthe Courts Act 1972, I, REUBEN KUN. President of the Republic of Nauru, DO HEREBY appoint MR. B. L. SACHDEVA to be Residsot Magistrate of the Republic of Nauru with immediate effect. DATED this Seventeenth day of the Month of January, NmeteeJI Hundred and Nmety Seven. REUBENKUN PRESIDENT REPUBLIC OF NAURU G.NNo.26/1997 COURTS ACT 1972 SECTION 6 (1) , APPOINTMENT OF REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT J, ANTHONY DETSIMEA AUDOA. Minister for Justice of the Republic of Nauru, in exercise of the power!l vested mme UDder sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Courts Act 1972, and having CQOSuhed Hi. Honour the ChiefJustice, DO HEREBY APPOINT MR, B.L. SACHDEVA to be Registrar of the Supreme Court. DATED this 14th day of January, 1997. , ' ANTHONY DETSIMEA AVDOA,MP MINISTER FOR JUSTICE No.6 22nd 'J anua ry, 1997 Nauru, ----------........._------------- .. ------.. _-------_.--------"._-------------_.---------_.---------, ---------------- Q,N,No.27/1997 REPtlBLlC OF NAURU RECONSTITUTION OF THE INTERIM COMMIITEE ON REHt\BIUTATION IT IS NOTIFIED for general information that at its meaillg held on 23rd.December, 1996 the Cabinet approved the recommendation that Cabinet revoke all previous appointments to the Intetim Committee on Rehabilitation and reconstitute the samo of the following:- a) His Excellency the Presidellt Chairman b) Han. Minister for Island Development & Industry., Member c) HOII Minister for Internal Affairs Member ~ " d) Han. Min.i~ter for Finance Member e) Secretary for lshllld Development & Industry Se~rctary Dated this 14t11 Day of January, NineteeJl HWldred and Ninety Seven. () CRESWICK AGOGENANG· ACTING (:JUEF SECRETARY C'-:-:--::-:--::c::-c-::-:-=----'------~--- GN,No18/1997 REPlJDLlC 01' NAURU RECONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD OF D1RECfORS OF N,\I)RU AIR CORPORATION IT IS NOTIFIED j[JI genNal inl"0,on3tioll that at its meaing held on 23rd December, .1996 the Cabinet approved the rcCOm1l1Cn,LlIioll thal Cab",,,, revoke the appointment ofpresent Board and replace them by the following a" ",nmlkd· a), Mr. Alf I!~jmacra Chairman b) Hon Kinza Clodumar Vice-Chairman , c) HOD, Nimrod Batelallga Director Q"," d) Ms, Winnie Tsitsi Director e) Dr. Ludwig Keke Director Cabinet further approves the recommendation that the above appointments be effective from 27th November, 1996 for the remaining tennsofthe Board, i.e. up to 21st November, 1998 Dated this 14th 03)1 of the. Month of January, Nineteen Hundred alld Ninety Seven, CRESWICK AGOGENANG ACTINg CHiEF SECRETARY .. ' " -3- . No.6 22ndJanuary, 1997 I NauJU G.N.No.2S/I997 REPUBLIC OF NAVRV j TERMINATION Of mE PRESENT CHAIRMAN OF THE NAURU SurEBANNVAllON AND APPOINTMENT or PERSON IN HIS PLACE IT IS NOTIFIED for gmem.l infunnatiOIl that Cabinet bas, at ils meeting held 011 23rd December, 1996 approwsthe .recommendation that C~binet revoke all previous appointments and reconst:itul:i! the Board ofDirecwrs of Nauru Supmmnuation Board c:ansisting of the fuUowing:- a) Hon. Lagumct G.N. Harris, M.P. Cbainnan b) Mr. Frederick W. Pitcher Member c;) Dr. Godfrey waidabu Member ., Dated this 14th Day ofthe Month of December, Nineteen Hundred and'Niriecy Seven. CHESWICK AGOGENANG ACTING CHIEF SECRETARY G.N.No.30/1997 PVBLJC SERVICE Act 196)-1979 NOTICE or PROMOTION The provisional promotion ofthe fuUowing officers with effect from Istluly, 1996 is himlbynotified:- DEPARTMENT OF FlSHERlES AND MARINE RESOURCES NAME PROMOTED nOM PKQMOTEDTO t): Mr. Amon Jimwereiy Slltlior Project Officer (1.0.1.) Executiw Director I" $15,670 - $17,290 p.ll. $22.015 p.a. (fixed) ;';"4" , . ~ ·r (AP6I7) (HI) Mr. Piller Jacob Smior Pft!iec;t 0fI:ke'r (Fisheries) Senior Fisheries Officer $14,806 - $15,346 p.a. (Oc:eanic;) (AP/S) 15,670-$17,290 p.D. (AP6n) I Mr Allan Debao Prqject Officer (I.DJ) Senior Fisheries Officer (Oc:eanic;) $11,077'::''$1(509 Pia. (Tec:lmical Services) ,:.i'(AP/4) -- $15,670 - $17.290 p.a. (AP6I7) Mr Terrence Ammm Clerical OfIi<:ili" (1.0.1.) Fisheries OfIicer (Oc:eanic) $11,107 -$1l,849 p.D. $14,077 - $14,509 p.D. (C2I3) (AP4) -4- NO.6 ------,------22nd January, 1997 NaUlU G.NNo, 30/1997 (cont'd) Mr Charleston Deiye Clerical Officer (I.OJ.) Fisheries Officer (Coastal) $11,107 - $11,849 p.a. $14,077 - $14,509 p.a. (C2/3) (AP4) Any officer ofthe Public Service may appeal to the above prarootitlls WIder Section 25 of the Public Service Act 1961-1979. Appeals should be based til tile or other grounds set out in secticn 25 (2) ofthe Act, and sbould be lodged in writing staling the ground(s) of appeal to the Public Service Commissioner within sevm (7) da~ after the data ofthis Gazdte. OATEOthis 14th dayoflanuary. 1997. CRESWICK AGOGENANG ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER G.N.No.31/1997 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1961-1979 SECTION 20 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT The foUowing appointment with eftect from 18th Nowmber, 1996 is hereby notified:- DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND MARINE RESOURCE NAME POSmON SALARY Mr. James E. Temaki Fisheries Extensicm officer $11,525 - $12,254 p.a. (C3/4) Mr. David Uera Fisheries E:xteruiitll Officer $11,525 - $12,254 p.a. Q (C3/4) Mr. Jobo Temaki Fisheries Extension Officer $\1,525 - $12,254 p.a. (C3/4) Mr. Ricky Star Fisheries Extensitll Officer $1l,525 - $12,254 p.a. (C3/4) Miss Christina Giouba Steno - Secretary $\1,107 - $11,849 p.a. (C2!3) Miss Maria Adam Careta1rer- Cleaner $10,634 - $10,850 p.a. (MI) OATEDthis 14th day of January, 1997. CRESWICK AGOGENANG ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER " ,I ~------~:""-'=-.-... =--"--.. -.-----,--, --,--_._----_.. _- f No.6 22nd Janlllll"Y, I997} Nauru G"N.No-;;I~-7 ----.,.-, -t-t1-'B-L-lt-":::;::~:;-::J---"--'------ NOTlCt: OF PROMOTION " The- provisiooal promoi,iOll of the following office with effila from 13th January, 1997, is heJeby notified:·' DEPARTMENT OF JUDICIARY I 1 NAME FROM' TO Mr.O.S, Saksma Resident Magistrate Se<:relary fur Justice A$2Q,/i4} , $20,643 (fixed) special (HI) (HI) Any officer ofthe Public Service may appeal to the above promoti()l1 \lI1der section 25 of the Public Service Act 1961-1979" Appeals should be based oil ()I1e or other grounili; set oul in seai()l1 25 (2) oftlle Act, and sbould be lodged in writing SIeling Ihe gl'O\ll1ds (5) of appealto'appeal to the Public Service Commissioner wilhin seVOll (7) days after the date of this gardte. 1 . DATED this 17th day of January, 1997. CRESWICK AGOGENANG ACTING tH,EF ~ECRETAIU' Q,N.N!), 33/1997 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1961·1979 . SECTION 10 NQI1CE Of TRANSFER The following transfer with effilct front I81h NOVl:rober, 1996 is horeby notified fur gliIlet'al inmmllltion: -, , NAME TRANSFERRED FROM ! TRANSFERRED TO I Foreman (Works Dept) t Fisheries Officer $12,349· $12,862 P,II, I (Technical Services) (T5/6) , Department of Fisheries \. Y & Marines services. : 514,077· $14,509 P.II, : (AN) , DATED,this IstdayofJanuary, 1997. CHESWICK AGQGENANG ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE -6- No.6 22nd January, 1997 Nauru ..........,--------- --- ... _--_ .. _--_._-_ . ,----_._----_. G.N.No.34/1997 SUPREME COURT SESSIONS HIS HONOUR SIR GA YEN DONNE, CHIEF JUSTICE OF NAURU, SHALL PRESIDE OYER THE NEXT SUPREME COURT SESSION STARTING 6TH FEBRUARY 1997. PERSONS WISHING TO AVAIL THEMSEL YES OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO BRING ANY MAtTERS OR CAUSES BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT OR THEIR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, ARE ADVISED TO SEE THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT IMMEDIATELY TO ENSURE mAT MAtTERS OR CAUSES ALJtEADY COMMENCED ARE INCLUDED IN mE COURT LIST, OR IF PROCEEDINGS ARE INTENDED, THAT THE REGISTRAR HAS ALL THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS 14 DAYS BEFORE THE SESSION COMMENCES. G.N. SAKSENA REGISTRAR, SUPREME COURT G.N.No. 3511997 . ENGAGEMENT TO MARRY NAME OF PARTIES DELVIN EPHRAIM of Boe District and SIOLITA TAUPO ofDenig District. BWIB"'1 JAMES SCOtTY of Meneng District and BERYL ANASTASIA REWERU ofYaren District .• REIIIC N'QUOIN ADEANG of Uaboe District and JULIE AMRAM ofBce District. GABRIEL CORDELL AKUA of Anibare District and NYRlE TOM ofEwa District. PATRICK RAT AB"-1Y of Nibok District and PRISCILLA AKUA of Anibare District. DATE OF ENGAGEMENT: 14th January, 1997. 15th January, 1997. 16th January, 1997. 161h January, 1997. 16th January, 1997. ANTHONY D. AUDOA MINISTER IN CHARGE , },. : -7- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------, G.N.No. 36 /1996 ""' "ORDINANCE 1957-1967 '. :~ l<~ .&"" " "~-. Blrt~8. De~;h;l;'~~~ M~rtiag;e; r~~istered the week ended ~Ptfy,: Janua"y •.1997 " > BIRTHS ,. , : .1. NAURUAN: fl'" . f. :-.; ~ . DATE OF REG'D NAME BIRTH. SEX TRIBE DISTRICT MOTHER'S NAME . 1419/95 M Eamwit Ijuw' Juliana Doguape '(~~:al,'f.. I~"'lifr~~ ... "'(;;:"",J,":, MatI-ina Taumea " Santina' Agnes 07/06/96 F Iruwa Yaren Serados I'larry Yuki Eiyliza Yam-Elizabeth Ruth Keris Hannah Mary- Gold Majuka Michiko . IIey-na Ekarir~~g 6_"..... ~.. Ekabuka Alakuni "Mia pnH 12108196 F Emea Aiwo Jimna Amram '.tDl1'8ustina Aloe-Vera Baby~Naomi Daniella , " Ekifps Eaoen Emerua '~ , , £Iocin FranciII y Fidell?o ;~~1,~;~t\'~a~hiona Fan teem Gretel '<;", .' Jayriska Jerina Kyer .' .. ~T~t:...;. "II' v:j;L~;-:""'';; "Il~~l:·;?'·~·~·"!Wd.~~~'1t!~ .'•. ,' , . !'.:,e yib'vl~ ramIT1'hlS~,Wli;"" ~I-Mara MaXI My-Glr1'~:4~:': \.y-Own NikitaQuinriie";t' " Riddle Shy-Rina Sanchess Samantha So-Sweet Sweetly '''''''' Sophia-Lorane Tisha 'Tansi Ugi'nda Vernissa Yoshiko :;:,.. Eganiss Ebouab 15/08/96 F I;leiboe Baitsi Laurina Dongobir ". -1.,,-, . - Terissa Prisha Fayleen 19/08196 F Iruwa Bait~i Sepe Raidinen ." Dango-Jojem, Rinishka ,,,.;",J ,'''''J~ .il Rufina Tika' Jush-SI'larIJl)a 241q8196 F Eamwitmwit Yar~n Jenna' .Dee Deduna Valiant·' Gaius 'Taipa~ Dinai Aran Ama-Zulu , , \'~ ".
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