September 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1675 Shortly after Richard’s adoption, the CALLING FOR TAIWANESE REP- Mr. Speaker, Taiwan’s exclusion from the Goodales adopted two brothers, Jonathan and RESENTATION AT THE UNITED United Nations is unjust. We must speak up Christopher, who were 11 and 9 at the age of NATIONS for Taiwan, our friend and ally, this year and their adoption and are now 24 and 23. They every other until this injustice is corrected. then adopted another group of siblings, HON. PETER DEUTSCH f OF FLORIDA James, Tracy, Jerome, and Lorri. Now also INTRODUCTION OF THE 527 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grown, these children were 7, 5, 4 and 2 when REFORM ACT they joined the Goodale family. Wednesday, September 22, 2004 The Goodales, who are white, are blessed Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, the Republic HON. CHRISTOPHER SHAYS of China (Taiwan) has once again tried to re- with a diverse, multiracial family. Richard is Af- OF CONNECTICUT turn to the United Nations this fall. In recent rican-American, Jonathan and Christopher are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES white, and the remaining four are biracial. De- years, Taiwan has repeatedly expressed its strong desire to participate in the United Na- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 spite their commitment and perseverance, the tions and other international organizations. I Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to Goodales have had to battle skepticism from am pleased that the United States has caseworkers who initially believed these di- join with Congressman MARTY MEEHAN and pledged to support Taiwan’s bid to become an Senators JOHN MCCAIN and RUSS FEINGOLD to verse placements to be inappropriate. Eventu- observer in the World Health Organization and introduce the 527 Reform Act, which will close ally, the Goodales even moved into an all- to obtain OAS (Organization of American an election law loophole created by the Fed- black neighborhood to demonstrate their re- States) observership for Taiwan. Many of us in eral Election Commission’s (FEC) failure to spect for their children’s racial heritage. this body have long supported that. In fact, in enforce the 1974 Federal Election Campaign The Goodales are a truly remarkable family, our Taiwan Policy Review of September 1994, Act (FECA). and I am privileged to have been witness to we declared the intent to build stronger and This failure on the part of the Commission more active support for Taiwan’s participation the strength of this family’s love. is a long-standing tradition underscored by in appropriate international organizations. The federal judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly’s Sep- United Nations is such an appropriate organi- f tember 18 decision in Shays v. FEC, which zation. struck down 15 poorly-drafted rules promul- The United States has supported Taiwan’s IN RECOGNITION OF THE HEROISM gated by the FEC that undermined, rather membership in the Asian Development Bank than enforced, the Bipartisan Campaign Re- OF BETTY ONG and the World Trade Organization and its ad- form Act. mission to the Asian-Pacific Economic Co- Our legislation will require 527 groups to operation Group; Supporting Taiwan’s bid to register as political committees with the FEC— HON. NANCY PELOSI return to the United Nations is the next logical as they should have been doing all along. It step for the United States. In doing so, we will OF CALIFORNIA also establishes new, effective allocation rules demonstrate to the world that the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to ensure groups primarily focused on impact- States supports democracy and freedom in ing federal races are regulated accordingly. Taiwan. We will prove, yet again, that the Wednesday, September 22, 2004 For too long, the FEC has looked the other United States is on the side of free and demo- way as 527 groups have channeled soft Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cratic people. money into federal elections, clearly violating pay tribute to Betty Ong, a native daughter of It is indeed grossly unfair to see Taiwan and its 23 million people excluded from the activi- the letter and the spirit of the campaign fi- San Francisco’s Chinatown and a hero for our nance law. Nation on September 11, 2001. ties of the United Nations year after year. When SARS hit Taiwan in the spring of 2003, The 527 Reform Act does the job the FEC On that tragic day, Betty Ong was a flight Taiwan, without United Nations membership, has failed to do—it brings 527 groups under attendant on American Airlines Flight 11 from was denied the World Health Organization’s the same set of rules as every other political Boston bound for Los Angeles. Flight 11 left expertise and assistance for weeks. Taiwan’s committee. Boston’s Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. with Mo- doctors had difficulty obtaining information In doing so, it ensures all groups acting pri- hammed Atta and four other terrorists on about SARS, and as a result, Taiwanese marily to influence federal elections play by board. From the time the terrorists took over SARS patients suffered and waited. the rules Congress and the Supreme Court in- tended, rather then allowing some to exist in the plane until she lost contact, Betty re- Taiwan’s immense population is also worth a parallel world of election law anarchy. mained calm and professional. For 23 min- noting. Its 23 million people constitute a popu- The bottom line is, groups that are in the utes, she relayed vital information to her col- lation that’s larger than those of two-thirds of UN member states. Small states such as An- business of influencing federal elections leagues on the ground. The information Betty dorra (population 54,000) and San Marino should be regulated by federal election law, provided in that horrifying situation later al- (population 23,000) have UN membership and, by overriding the FEC’s long-standing lowed the FBI to discern the identity of the ter- while Taiwan is denied? misinterpretation of the 1974 Federal Election rorists onboard Flight 11. Furthermore, Taiwan’s exclusion from the Campaign Act, that is exactly what this legisla- In January of this year, the 9/11 Commis- UN clearly violates the UN principle of uni- tion will accomplish. sion heard a tape of Betty’s urgent message. versality. The UN’s mission is to ‘‘reaffirm faith f in fundamental human rights, in the dignity In its report, the Commission confirmed that WELCOME HOME 1175TH Betty was indeed the first person to report the and worth of the human person, in the equal hijacking. 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas rights of men and women, and of nations large and small.’’ What of the rights of the 23 million Kean declared, ‘‘Betty Ong is a true American HON. LINCOLN DAVIS people on Taiwan? Don’t we believe that the OF TENNESSEE hero.’’ Taiwanese populace counts? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On September 21, 2001, a memorial service Taiwan is a democracy. It endorses the Wednesday, September 22, 2004 for Betty was held in San Francisco’s China- UN’s ideals of peace, human rights, and de- town where Betty was born and maintained velopment. It has been a responsible global Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I am strong family and community ties. At that time citizen, contributing to aid projects like relief happy to welcome back the 1175th Transpor- Mayor Willie Brown proclaimed September 21 supplies for Afghan refugees, AIDS prevention tation Company of the Tennessee National to be ‘‘Betty Ong Day.’’ This year, the China- in Africa, and the dispatch of a rescue team Guard. The soldiers, who deployed to Fort town Community Development Center is again following earthquakes to El Salvador in 2001. Knox, Kentucky in February 2003, had been in honoring her. If Taiwan were allowed to return to the Kuwait and Iraq since April 2003. When they United Nations, reconciliation and rapproche- returned home in mid-May 2004 they were It is with pride and sadness that I join in ment between Taiwan and the People’s Re- surrounded by loved ones who hadn’t seen paying tribute to Betty’s courage and her her- public of China would help to stabilize the en- them in over a year. oism. I hope it is a comfort to her family that tire Asia-Pacific region for generations to The transportation company was involved in so many people remember and honor her he- come, while making the United Nations a various aspects of transportation, convoy op- roic acts. much more representative body. erations and supply missions. Within the first VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:38 Sep 23, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22SE8.009 E22PT1 E1676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2004 96 hours of arriving in Kuwait they pulled their RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISH- tion of the Market’s fifty years as a community first mission—not an easy feat. Often, they MENTS OF WOMEN ATHLETES AT landmark. drove Humvees mounted with .50 caliber ma- THE 2004 SUMMER OLYMPICS When Holiday Market opened in 1954, it chine guns, escorting vital equipment through- was a small store up the street from its out Iraq. The unit logged some 2.3 million HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER present location and in some respects it was miles in the 13 months they were overseas. OF NEW YORK like many other small grocers so common in I am very proud of the safety and perform- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES those days. It sold the basics and had a meat ance record of the 1175th.
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